2 for 1 Lapdances

avatar for Miked92
There seems to be a trend in strip clubs - at least some of them anyway, of offering specials every so often, say at the top of the hour.&nbsp; One I encountered recently seemed to be very effective; 2 for 1 lapdances.&nbsp; Unlike what you'd expect, of only offering this on slower weeknights, this club offered the 2 for 1 special even on prime Friday and Saturday nights.&nbsp; The only difference was that the &quot;special&quot; cost a little more on those nights.&nbsp; But still a good deal.<br />
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I like the specials and promotions because although some might call them gimmicks, they serve as a good way to get to know the dancers.&nbsp; When you only buy 1 dance, you've got to be alert that they don't shortchange you by starting midway through the song, and since the DJs almost always cut the songs short, you inevitably feel like you were just getting warmed up when the chick stops.<br />
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But the 2 for 1 special gives you a bit of breathing room, and you don't feel like you've committed (and spent) too much up front if the girl turns out not to give the kind of dance you like.&nbsp; Not even in terms of mileage, or freedom with hands, just in terms of how hard or soft, how fast or slow she grinds.<br />
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So anyway, this seems to be a smart business strategy, that hopefully will increase in popularity in the club circuit.&nbsp; Give us a little longer for a test drive, and we might just stick around and spend even more on the girl after that!<br type="_moz" />


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avatar for RocStarsky
15 years ago
I like this special a lot. It gives more time for the customer. Its a more bang-for-your-buck type session. I asked an employee at the club if they do 3 for 1 lap dances and they do, but only for certain days. I think this is a really good promotion for both parties because dancers and the club can bring in more money for customers taking advantage of the offer and it gives more time with the dancer to see what they are about. Personally, I think its a great strategy. <br type="_moz" />
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
At the Columbia Platinum Plus, 2 fer 1's are offered around once an hour. Usually when the DJ notices the girls are not getting a lot of dances. The songs are not cut short but are shorter than the regular songs. But you can get a 2 fer anytime. In the last eight years all of my dances have been 2 fers. The regulars are all aware that this can be done and we avoid the announced 2 for 1's. The lap dance rooms fill up and privacy goes down. When privacy goes down, mileage also goes down. 2 for $25-30 is very common. I refuse to pay more.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
The only time the dance booths get filled up in Columbus is during 2fer1 times. 2fer1s are typically $30-40. &nbsp;What really sucks is that if you want to extend past that, it is $25-30/song = rip off.<br />
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The clubs in Cleveland, several of them have $10 dances and it seems like the dance room always has at least one person in it. &nbsp;I would much rather go to a club that just has $10-15 dances rather than some fancy club that has $30 dances and occasionally 2fer1s. &nbsp;Doing just 2 lap dances is usually never enough to get me off, I need to go 6-10. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
Also in Akron several black clubs do $5 dances, but i have not bothered to visit these yet. &nbsp;
avatar for troop
15 years ago
samsung.. i haven't been in any of the 5 dollar dance akron clubs, all i know about them is what i've read about them. there may be black dancers and customers but most of what i've read doesn't indicate that they are black clubs to me. and regarding columbus, how can a 2 for 1 cost 30-40 but singles are 25-30? seems to me that if you're getting 2 for 1s they should be 25-30 also. if not, they're not really 2 for 1s. <br />
2 for 1s are rare in the northern ohio clubs i've visited unless you're able to negotiate them yourself. cleveland hustler's dances are normally 20 each and they have a bogus &quot;deal of the century&quot; promo where you can get 2 for 30 but i've noticed that the 2 songs are cut short so it's really no deal. <br />
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
&nbsp;troop, I agree the &quot;2fer1&quot; deals in columbus are rip offs. &nbsp;Kahoots, Dollhouse, and Vanity are the only clubs here with real 2fer1s where the price of a 2fer1 is the same as a single dance. &nbsp;Several clubs add on an extra $ and call it a 2fer1. &nbsp;For example, at Club X, a couch dance is $25, but a 2fer1 is $30. &nbsp;A VIP dance is $35, but a 2fer1 is $40.&nbsp;<br />
I went out to Living Room in Dayton tonight, $20 for one dance, but dancer agreed to $10/song for each additional dance. Did 4 dances for $50. &nbsp;Not a bad price, not sure if it was normal for the club or the dancer was setting her own price.&nbsp;
avatar for bumrubber
15 years ago
Lots of 2 for 1 and 3 for 2 around here, but you have to ask yourself how long the songs are.&nbsp; Also the quality of the girls, the club itself and its clientele, which can be pretty ghetto.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
2 for 1 = determining of dancer VIP potential (not necessarily meaning extras)<br />
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In other words as I have learned from the masters: cheap&nbsp;dances should be used to evaluate the quality of a dancer before spending extra money in the VIP room
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
&nbsp;Vanity in Columbus often does buy 2 get 1 free specials. &nbsp;So like getting 3 for $50 deal.
avatar for BeachBoner
14 years ago
I LOVE the 2 for one, especially when it's 2 girls at the same time.&nbsp; Last &quot;double&quot; was with one dancer I knew for 10 years, and 1 new girl.&nbsp; My old friend told me she just ate her friend in the dressing room...<i>that</i> got me going!&nbsp; I was a little buzzed and we were at a table at the back of the bar - they were dancing with one leg each between mine - no one could see anything. I unzipped, took it out, played in their panties down the front. Next thing you know, with no encouragment from me, one at at time they bent down and I got a real wet quick-suck from each mouth - didn't shoot there, but did with them later on.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for nomadic1
14 years ago
A club in Austin, XTC,&nbsp; did dollar dances for like 5 songs in a row, during that time every dancer just dances quick for like 30 seconds and moves on.&nbsp; It is pretty dang fun!!&nbsp; After 5 songs you have met like 6 - 9 girls.<br />
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