
Comments by txtittyfan (page 57)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer come-on's
    While none come to mind at the moment, I have had a few that were creative and brought a smile to my face. It too was enough to earn some private time. Some girls just know how to market their skills better than others.
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    15 years ago
    Is U.S. President Barack Obama checking out the foreign assets?
    Prime example of something edited to distort reality and feed sensationalism. I saw the clip on the news, along with a followup of more footage. It clearly shows Obama was pausing and waiting to assist a women walking off the stage. The Frenchman however, was clearly checking out the assets.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A website we can all enjoy
    Another website that may be of interest is, rateyourrack.com and its affiliates.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Acutally, I meant putting a beer in lake Michigan.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Book Guy, It does not appear that you got your head fully out of your ass before writing your comments. The are hundreds of accredited scientist/climatologists that dispute the global warming hysteria. You make the point that one hot day as evidence is laughable since you comment that we have known for 50 years about the man made catastrophe. The earth has been in existence for approx 4.5 billion years. Anything we measure currently and try to extrapolate over global trending is ridiculous. Our existence/impact on the earths climate has about as much credence as saying if I put a beet in Lake Michigan, anyone drinking the water will get drunk. The earth has experienced 4 ice ages in its history. We are currently in an ice age(they last millions of years). Scientists believe we are in the glacial retreat phase. Ice core samples/analysis have shown that the earth is at its coolest in over 600 million years. The core analysis also shows we have less CO2 in the atmosphere now than we did over 1 million years ago. However, studies have also shown there is no historical correlation between CO2 levels and temperature. As How said earlier, it wasn't that long ago that the hysteria mongers were worried about global cooling. The strippers did not take off all of their clothes because they were cold.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Park Forest man ripped off by woman he met at strip club
    Probably not the "extras" he was hoping for.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anybody else having a really slow connection to this site in the last 2 days?
    It's happened to me primarily between 8-10 a.m. the past few days.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    How, I am fully aware of the cyclical patterns of weather. It was a rhetorical question. Our existence on earth is a mere speck in time. Trying to extrapolate weather info from the relatively short time we have accurately measured it seems to ignore the radical weather changes experienced in the past million or so years. I agree, the global warming hysteria is just that, unfounded hysteria.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    Hasn't the earth been warming ever since the ice age?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sould the following be classified as a review?
    Most of the published reviews do not follow the guidelines for reviews outlined by Founder. And besides, they are guidelines, not requirements. This board is frequented by dancers and customers, and it appears to me we have been recently been receiving more dancer feedback. To me, a review of a club and its practices by a dancer can be just as informative as a review by a customer and his/her experience. This was a review of club practice by a dancer. There have been several reviews similar to the one in question that were never questioned. It is still my belief that Scat questions this one as it disparages his favorite club. Inconsistent application of guidelines is more censorship than editing due to its selective enforcement.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    King Henry the 8th in Southgate, Mi (metro detroit) DIRTIEST STRIP CLUB IN THE U
    Everyone needs a little sleaze in their life on occasion, this sounds like the kind of place to find it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I have always been surprised by the reported quality of clubs in the Detroit area. All you hear is that the area is deteriorating. At least one industry appears to still be doing well.
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    15 years ago
    michael jackson music in the strip club
    None. In all of my clubbing, I do not ever recall hearing a MJ song.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist
    Much more reliable to get a dancer to go OTC.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Center of attention vs. low profile?
    I prefer to maintain a low profile and enjoy the dancers of choice for the day.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    SC Technology
    Clubber, Virtual reality does exist. Most training simulators are considered virtual reality. DisneyWorld has a virtual reality attraction. You do not have to create a person, you can create the environment.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Las Vegas - Deja Vu Club BUST - 13 Arrested
    They all probably looked nice in the dark with their makeup. Slothrop, the customers being solicited for the bust were probably LE.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sould the following be classified as a review?
    Scat, I went back and read the review by Gridget that you mention. It is less descriptive of the club than the one you question. But since she is your friend I guess it is OK.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sould the following be classified as a review?
    T_Bro, As Clubber indicated, the review did at first past muster. It did not come into question until Shadowcat raised the issue as it appeared to disparage his favorite club. While you may disagree with the format/content of the review, I am sure there are many African American TUSCLER's that would find it informative.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sould the following be classified as a review?
    Are we at the point now where we are questioning every review that does not fit our pre-established idea of what a review should be? Let people write what they want, as a reader you have the the ability to agree or disagree, or maybe even gain a new perspective on the club. After all, this is entertainment. For those of you that feel these reviews s/b discussions, big deal, what does it matter. It appears people are using the review to vent about a club. I have no problem with that. Most reviews posted are more of a personal experience in the club than an actual review of the club. Are we going to start questioning discussions next? Should we eliminate all of the lame questions?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pussy juice
    She may have a bladder problem. Is pussy juice next to pomegranate juice in the grocery store?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Married guys--Why do you go to strip clubs?
    To paraphrase Willie Sutton, "that's where the half naked women are".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Married ???????????
    I believe it is called "making conversation". Everyone has different wants/needs/expectations when visiting a SC. We all have different fantasies. Trying to interpret what others mean by the simple question " are you married"? brings your biases into play. After all, you are older and wearing a ring. Conversation happens in the SC.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stay where the strippers stay!
    I am confused, is this thread the expert opinion of dancer behavior, or just another chance to tout your SC experiences? Dancers I have known that travel to various locations stay with fellow dancers/friends in the area and a wide variety of hotels depending upon their income and class. One dancer, I knew recently made bi monthly visits to Treasures from Scottsdale, Az and stayed at the nearby Hyatt Regency. A lot of quality dancers will stay where they feel safe and secure.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    EXTRAS - Your definition.
    Lapdances are lapdances, anything else is an extra. If you pay extra, you must have received extra. Like arbeeguy says, extras vary by local convention.