
Comments by txtittyfan (page 58)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Are you planning on spending more money, the same, or less in strip clubs in the
    The frequency of my visits will not decline. What I spend depends upon who I meet.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    You just arrived at your favorite club, then one dancer comes up to you and says
    I think it means it is time to wake up from the dream.
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    15 years ago
    Do you think a BJ is sex?
    Many young women think that giving a BJ is not cheating as for some reason they place a higher value on the sanctity of their vagina over their mouth. How, You are not the flawed one.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers wearing Glasses?
    I have not seen many w/glasses, but the ones I have seen were pretty hot in them. They had the good sense to have nice frames and an outfit to fit with the image.
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    15 years ago
    best lapdance ever
    I have been fortunate to have had many many great dances. They have come from regulars and in addition to the attributes you listed there was great eye contact. What made them the best was that as they stroked and aroused me they would have that twinkle in their eye and made it a very playful tease. They enjoyed what they were doing and gave the appearance either real or faked that they enjoyed my arousal.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Extras or a really good LD....which do you prefer
    I prefer the good lapdance. Az clubs were good for eye candy and good friction dances. Most Tx dancers give crappy dances but offer extras. It would be nice to get a good lapdance and extras. it just doesn't happen that oftten in my area.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    SC Technology
    judyjudy, Use your imagination, it could create the environment you want to have your LD in. Indoors, outdoors etc. The alcohol involved would probably increase the sensory enhancement. Dougster, Your response indicates you still have a narrow minded outlook and can not grasp concepts beyond the basic. What a way to spend a life. Hear that noise? The $ is crashing and the short bus is waiting for you.
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    15 years ago
    2nd Chances?
    I have given second chances if I have liked the girls looks/personality. I would say it has probably been a 50/50 success rate. Sometimes the girl needs to get to know you, she may be new etc. Wasting a dance on a good personality is not that bad and can be a good warm up.
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    15 years ago
    Fabric Abrasions on My Member
    A few years back I had a hiking buddy that swore by cutting the feet out of his wife's pantyhose and wearing them under his socks to prevent blisters. Maybe you could design a nylon member sock and mass market it to hobbyists. If nothing else, it would be a good reason to get dances in the name of research. Other posts have looked for solutions/alternatives to blowing loads into their shorts. It is a shame Billy Mays just passed on, it could have provided for a great infomercial.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Economics
    gk, To me, the customer experience does not need to include extras. Most of the highly rated clubs herein are corporate owned. Note the success of the various national/regional chains. They appeal more to the mass market than they do to the hobbyist.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Extras .........and the time it takes
    For me it has always been set price for a specified number of songs.
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    15 years ago
    The SC Soundtrack
    A few years back in Az I had a favorite that gave great dances to Pink Floyd's Dirty Woman". At least I think that was the name of the song.
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    15 years ago
    Looking in the Eyes
    It sounds like the "eyes" have it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Economics
    Dougster, you are such a predictable idiot. My comment this morning was a sarcastic response to your claim I said the dollar would crash. That is a comment I never made, but I am used to your arguing imaginary comments others make in your quest to show you are 10x smarter than everyone else. At the time of my post, the dollar was at 79.55, which is well below your quote. But as usual, you chose to use selective facts for your arguments. When you got your quote, I am sure you saw the low was at 79.46 this morning. I don't care what the dollar does, the fun is in exposing you for being the purveyor of bullshit that you are. You even again made the comment that I believe the market goes up due to happy thoughts. What I said, and continue to say is that I am a happy person because I am a winner, and that you are an angry person fabricating arguments because you are a loser. You exhibit the traits of a loser. You lose again. and the short bus is waiting for you at your house.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Economics
    To add another comment, as I mentioned earlier management tends to manage to their comfort level. A fairly busy SC is very profitable. The owner may not care about incurring added costs, headaches. LE etc to make more money because he is happy where he is. Dance prices are at what they think the market will bear in their respective community. Lower prices may bring in more customers, but they may not be the type of customers management wants. Price differentiation is a means of discriminating your clientele. My logic is only lost on people that are narrow minded. Dougster, you better duck, the $ is crashing this morning.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Economics
    My point was that although lower dance prices benefit the customer, management in most cases doesn't care about benefiting the customer. There are too many unknowns about this club to make specific comments, thus my response was in general terms. Maybe this is a club that is only busy on weekends, and they have a Wednesday special to increase traffic that day. Most clubs see a dramatic dropoff in business on Mon and Tues with a general pickup Thurs thru Sat. Mauybe the club prices at $30 to create an aura of being high end. In Az you have quality dances at $10 and the girls stay pretty busy but Az is a unique market. Dougster, hear that noise? It is the dollar crashing this morning. You lose again.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Economics
    While it may seem logical to lower dance prices to increase dances for the benefit of the dancer and the customer, that may not benefit the club. Most of the clubs I have been familiar with charge a fee to the dancer to dance. I am aware some clubs take a cut of the dancers dance but I think they are the minority. Since club management wants to maximize their revenue, they do not benefit from lower dance prices but do benefit from fees from more dancers. While drink revenue may increase on Wednesday due to higher traffic, higher traffic also results in higher costs to the club, and they may not want to incur those costs on other days. I am sure we have all been in clubs and thought, "if they only did..."they would make more money, and we all have been in these clubs and realize management places their needs above the customers. A corporate owned club has more incentive to maximize the customer experience, while a privately owned club reaches its comfort level and doesn't care about the customer experience.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Looking in the Eyes
    My apologies for getting side tracked on this one. Dougster is such an obnoxious boor, it is difficult to refrain from replying to his bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White thigh highs work best for me as long as they are not tattered.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    dancers who want to meet outside of the club
    It happens in some areas more than others. Consider yourself fortunate for the opportunity, and be careful you are not being set up. I had a business associate robbed on a OTC with a dancer he met on a trip. To this day he insists he was set up.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Looking in the Eyes
    Dougster, You are really becoming a boor. To use your previous analysis of trades, If you took my position on the open 6/10 you would of had a profit for 3 days. Your dollar trade would have bought the dollar at 80.255 which was the opening price for the day. So as I said before, your position is still a loser. And yes day trading is my full time job, I trade as an investment corp with a Federal ID, and I do well. You again selectively ignored the fact that you are taking credit for a bond trade that you did not recommend. Your score of 2 is really a big fat ZERO. You ridicule a 1% profit over 3 days, that exceeds 50% annualized. You are still just an angry jerk. Your position is still a loser. Now lets revisit 6/9. Our discussion at the time included discussions where my position was that there is a growing reluctance for the foreign purchase of US $, the 6/10 auction went bad and my position was good. You even acknowledged in your post on 6/10 that I was correct. You lose one point, you attack and bring up another without acknowledging you have been wrong. But then you can't be wrong, you're 10x smarter than everyone else. I am a happy person because I am a winner, and my trades are net winners. You exhibit the traits of a loser. Winners are happy people because they win, losers are angry because they always lose, and you are an angry person who constantly attacks everyone who disagrees with you. Maybe if you were to win one in a while your disposition would improve. You just keep believing that you are smarter than everyone else and that the markets always do what you think they should, because us winners need losers like you for the other side of our trades. And keep hoping that dollar will get stronger, one day you may learn that you do not trade the market you want, you trade the market you have, and that past relationships change. One of the things that has made me a successful trader is that I know everyday what the market will do before it opens, and I trade it accordingly. Discussing anything with you is a waste of time. You are narrow minded and a boor. So you just go ahead and have another angry day, after all, that is what losers do.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Looking in the Eyes
    Dougster, Talk about pulling shit out of your ass. No where in the previous thread did you suggest buying Treasuries/TMF, how nice of you to take credit in hindsight. Your only comment was to buy dollars and that did not work. My covering my position does not make you right. I am a short term trader within what I perceive as a long term trend, I make 5-10 trades per week. I am a trader and your are a disgruntled jerk angry at the world. I find it comical that everyone with an opinion different from yours is an idiot, and you think your knowledge is 10x greater than mine. You are a legend in your own mind. Maybe your anger comes from no one else thinking you are as smart as you think you are. Your comment that the dollar was falling lately due to hyperinflation worries. Wake up idiot, the doller has been weak for years, the hyperinflation worry is just media hype. Regarding the dollar and treasuries, only a fool would assume as you do that they will move in tandem in the future as they did in the past. Financial interrelationships change constantly. I have probably forgotten more market knowledge than you have known. Keep being an angry poster, I find it humorous. Maybe you just need to visit a SC. By your reviews you have only gone 3 times in a little under a year.
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    15 years ago
    Looking in the Eyes
    Sorry Dougster, I do not trade on closing prices. I bought the TBT short bond ETF 6/9 at 56.43, and sold it 3 days later at 56.98 for a profit. Had I sold a day earlier the high was 59.65, which is an even greater profit. Your .04 on the DXY does not even cover commissions. The long term trend for bonds is down. The only way the dollar will strengthen is with higher interest rates/lower bond prices. But the greater money will be made on shorting bonds. You need to learn to keep better score. I keep score with my dollar investments and am winning and have been for 20+ years. And by the way, I do look at the charts and they tell me that the dollar is going down and bonds are peaking again. I am not right in all my trades but I am damn sure I am right more than you. I have a pleasant disposition and you always appear angry. In my expereience the angry people are the LOSERS in trading.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Looking in the Eyes
    Poor Dougster, in his haste to call everyone idiot as he sees himself as some all important know it all, he often chooses to overlook facts and pick only thoses that suit his narrowmindeness. My call to short treasuries was a profitable 3 day trade. In the long term, shorting treasuries will continue to be profitable. My call was in response to your comment to buy the dollar. The dollar is weaker now than when you made your call. I guess this makes you an idiot too,
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Credit card use for Champagne Rooms.
    Shadowcat, My guess for an answer to your question is that the DJ announces the terms of credit card and license as a sales pitch. Believing that the CC user will be more willing to pay the price. If his pitch was $300 or whatever the price, people would probably not be as receptive. The license is just for verifying the ID of the CC user.