
Is U.S. President Barack Obama checking out the foreign assets?

It looks like U.S. President Barack Obama might be checking out the foreign assets. While the President and France's President Nicolas Sarkozy were preparing to take their places for a photo at the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy on July 9, this photo was captured of what appears to be Obama checking out the backside of a passing lady (President Sarkozy seems to be enjoying the view as well). Is it an optical illusion or do you think he was admiring Italy at it's best? Side note, she's only 17!

The video on here gives some innocence to what Obama was doing but it makes the french guy even more guilty!



  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Prime example of something edited to distort reality and feed sensationalism.
    I saw the clip on the news, along with a followup of more footage. It clearly shows Obama was pausing and waiting to assist a women walking off the stage. The Frenchman however, was clearly checking out the assets.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    txtittyfan is right, but he did a two second look at that jailbait's ass. Sarkozy, who is married to a supermodel was seriously checking her out.
  • how
    15 years ago
    It was a funny picture, but I doubt President Obama is another Clinton, in that regard. The problems with this president are his socialist ideals, not his likelihood to cheat on the First Lady...
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Who cares if he happens to check out someone's rear end? Is it funny or amusing? I don't think it's any big deal if he did or did not. It may be amusing though so thanks for the laugh. Hmmm, I live in a state where it appears the majority of people think it's ok for the governor to cheat on his wife and still remain in office. Sex definitely sells though. There could be economic crisis, wars, etc. going on and top of the news is "Did Sanford have a mistress that he was keeping secret?" Where was he and what was he doing? What does his mistress look like? Ahhh, we see what really interests the people. Who cares about serious problems?
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Now if she had been in a bikini, I'd give a 50 percent chance we could have a pic with his eyes bulging out. :)
  • CCRiderm
    15 years ago
    If he DOESN'T check out the assets....THEN I'm worried about the state of the nation. He's a MAN. We're all pigs. We know this, THEY know this.

    It's part of our innate charm. No? :)
  • CCRiderm
    15 years ago
    If he DOESN'T check out the assets....THEN I'm worried about the state of the nation. He's a MAN. We're all pigs. We know this, THEY know this.

    It's part of our innate charm. No? :)
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    oink, oink

    I never thought there was anything wrong with it. I guess some women don't like it if their guy does it.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Even the ultimate goody two-shoes president of the past several decades, Jimmy Carter, told Playboy magazine he had "impure thoughts."

    But what a waste he was as president, and what a shame he's become lately...
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    So far, the only thing about obama that I do not disagree with! In his defense, there are many young girls that definitely do not look their age, IE: younger than they look.
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