
Comments by jabthehut (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    ***There is NO Deity/God / We're ALL made of Star Dust From Supernovas & Element
    Then who created the stars?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How Can TUSCL be Improved ?
    Does the Tard not realize that Alucard is an......... alias! LOL
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Joke of the day
    Great joke Clubber : )
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York City
    2013, A Look Back
    ROFLMFAO ^ ^ ^ For you to say that any numbers are uniportant to you is ludicrous How high is your "list?"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancing At The Blue Iguana
    Agree SC. I wouldn't even have her for a lapper. Jennifer Tilly on the other hand would be definite VIP quality.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How Can TUSCL be Improved ?
    Slick, how many people on here have family members reading their reviews on TUSCL? Seriously though, how would a Review of the Month be determined? Only a small percentage of members are going to read a particular clubs reviews. What would be the criteria? What would it accomplish? People who write well composed reviews with pertinent information will continue to do so and people who write reviews that are full of BS will continue to do so.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Looks like Duck Dynasty folks won
    nicki, saying "words have consequences" is new age BS.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
    106. 7,700 = #OBSCPOOTP
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    off topic. Nova show on glacial ice melting
    IronFox, you asked why do people without science degrees question the ones with the degrees who tout AGW. My question for you is why do liberals (mostly) listen to a mental midget who was graduated from college with a C average, flunking the ONE science course he took, and then flunked out of law school about global warming. I am of course referring to Algore. You should listen more to me, by your logic, than him because I was graduated from college with a major in science.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Brown Bunny, 9 Songs, Ken Park, Intimacy have shown BBBJ scenes. Oops, I forgot that Bubba aka Bill Clinton determined that BJ's are not sex acts (but we know differently.) 9 Songs did have a FS scene also. Alutard, you need to get out more. It isn't cool to make an all encompassing statement. Rockstar was probably right saying there are no mainstream stars performing real sex acts in R rated movies, but your statement took it to far by including ALL mainstream films. It takes but one item to prove you wrong. Also, X-rated movies are easily changed to R movies by making a cut in which actual sex scenes aren't shown.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The Duck Dynasty Fiasco
    From what I understand about TV shows, a production company produces the shows and sells them to Network or individual stations. Gurney Productions is Duck Dynasty's production company and they have the contract for a certain number of episodes with A&E. They have already finished all the episodes for the season beginning in January. I don't know how they will put Phil on hiatus when there is no filming going on now. They may delete scenes in which he appears but I think the repercussions of that would be bad for the network. Also, there is one sponsor (Skyjacker) of the show that has said they are standing with Phil and Duck Commander's biggest sponsor Under Armour will remain a sponsor. Thing about sponsors is that most of them aren't targeting groups that would boycott the program because of Phil's views on homosexuality. There is also a Facebook page titled "Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty” that was "Liked" over one million time in the first 24 hours and now has 1.5 million. A&E will be the big loser here.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Intelligence Test
    There is a difference between knowledgeable and smart. I am smart enough to recognize that hibachi knows where Moldova is but that doesn't mean she is smart. Alutard knows a lot of stuff about Star Trek and Wars but we know he isn't very smart 'cause he keeps posting stuff that begs attacking and has become the TUSCL Punching bag.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I think we have blossoming bromance. I can see it now. Alucard and Yoda going 69.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
    Why would someone who is calling for moderation post all the BS in this thread that he admits would be deleted if we had a moderator. Bat shit crazy as hell!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Here we go AGAIN!
    So sofaking are you suggesting that the mentally ill and violent should be given Obamaguns (like Obamaphones.) Just kidding on your typo.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The Duck Dynasty Fiasco
    Sclvr,..anymore than they would give a shit about anything a bigot like you would have to say. The so called "inbred hillbilly" holds a Masters degree and as was stated before was backed up by Terry Bradshaw at Louisiana Tech University. He is also a multi-millionaire "inbred hillbilly." Bet you aren't a multi-millionaire with a Masters degree.
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    11 years ago
    Harvard Bombs!!!
    Everything seems to be flying right over The Troll's head nowadays.
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    11 years ago
    Nobel Peace Prize
    News Flash! Plants magically transform CO2 to O2 although not directly. Isn't it amazing how God made things to to work out like that. Pretty funny how no one used the term global warming in this discussion. It is now climate change. Greenhouse gasses supposedly hold in heat and thus we were told by Algore that the globe would warm up and as a result we would have more major hurricanes, warming, etc. That however didn't align in with the recent paucity of hurricanes, major or not, or the much colder weather (check with the folks in northern climes of the country as to the cold weather) so it is now called climate change. All a bunch of hooey.
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    11 years ago
    DATY in VIP
    I see Dracula is on the rag. Don't anyone dare contradict him for the next few days. He's liable to bite your head (off?)
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Things I Wonder About
    Who would have guessed that would have flown right over Al the Tard's head. Amazing!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strippers who make OTC difficult
    C'mon guys. Some of you are being awfully foregiving. All strippers lie. If you remember that you'll never be dissappointed. If they say they'll be there don't expect them to be there.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Preferred terminology
    Pussy is what you marry for, a cunt is what you marry.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Here we go AGAIN!
    You're correct estie. The black guy will just pop a couple of his neighbors.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Stadiums the new source of trouble?
    I guess crazyjoe has jumped on one of doogi howser's bandwagons, the ban Alretard: "I say ban all retards."