
Strippers who make OTC difficult

Avatar for sflguy123

Last week I met a stripper at a dive club but she is very pretty and probably could work most clubs. We hit it off well. We talked about outside the club get together, she even asks me if i prefer incall or outcall. After the fact I thought to myself I never had a stripper use those terms, that's more of an escort thing(maybe she does that too). She texts me her number inside the club since I leave my phone in the car.

So yesterday I was supposed to see her. That morning she texts that her sister is in the hosiptal and wants to see me today instead. I've heard the sick relative thing a lot(mainly from escorts) but go with it and scheduled to see her at 1pm today. She even texted me last night(10pm) to confirm.

I text her at around 10:30am to confirm today. I don't hear back from her by 12pm so figure fuck it and off to the gym instead.

She texts me at 1:55pm that she just woke up and wanting to see me. I say at 3pm. Then she texts for directions and I reply and she replies she will be there soon. Next thing she texts that she had to run a couple of errands and wants to know what is the latest she can come over at.

At this point I bail and cancel and offer my 2 cents about her being inconsiderate etc.

Then she replies she is waiting for her ride(how she ran errands w/o a car I don't know).

I reply first a sister in the hospital, than sleeping to 2pm, than running errands, than waiting for driver, than on the way. Forget it.

But I am half nice about it while not being a totally pussy b/c she is really pretty. I don't like the driver part but know she lives with another stripper at the club and from talking to her they don't seem to have a car.

I'm venting here and others can share their experiences with being jerked around by a stripper.


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Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

When it comes to meeting strippers OTC, even just for simple things, like meeting for lunch, be prepared to get stood up, delays, and lots of excuses. Strippers are known to be poor managers of money, time, and other resources.

I had one experience similar to the one you described. A dancer was due to meet me for lunch one day. We had set a day, time, and location to meet. I texted her to confirm a couple of hours ahead of time. No response from her. I arrived at the location at the agreed time, and still no sign of her or word from her. Then two hours later, I finally got a text from her saying, "I'm on my way, honey." By that time I was home (fifty miles away). I didn't let her know that. I never saw her or spent another dollar on her again.

Be prepared for letdowns and disappointment when dealing with strippers OTC. If you do go to meet her at a designated place, always have a plan B ready if you get stood up. I did that day, and it helped a lot. I went to another strip club in the area where we were due to meet.

Avatar for Dougster

Difficult? Only if you use RickyBoy's The System.

Avatar for indyrevs

Yes, only EVERY stripper I've EVER met.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I agree that some dancers tend to be highly unreliable and frustating. That was probably why I promised myself and kept it for several years to never go out with a dancer again.

Avatar for gawker

Oh, can I sympathize! In my experience, the dancers I've met OTC are not just poor managers, they are also impulsive beyond my comprehension. If a better offer comes along, fuck the first plan. I spent years meeting my ATF OTC and for 3 1/2 years she met me where and when we agreed (give or take a 1/2 hour). She always drove herself and always let me know in advance if a problem arose. Her punctuality was one of her many attractions, but very unusual in her line of work.

Avatar for SlickSpic

In the words of Uncle Scar, "Be prepared."

Avatar for Player11

The ones on drugs can be difficult.

Avatar for shadowcat

I have been fucked over so many times trying to set up OTC action that I no longer put any effort into it. If it drops in my lap, fine, I'll do it.

Avatar for SlickSpic

I guess I've had the reverse luck of Shadow. For the most part, my OTC headaches come from strippers beingate as opposed to being stood up. I have been stood up. Twice. It sucks. One of the girls who stood me up made up for it. By sucking. Real good.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Yea, pretty normal for OTC.

Avatar for rh48hr

The Dancer I have been doing otc with has been real flaky the last couple of times we've tried to set otc up. She hasn't shown up and is very inconsistent in returning texts. I won't be setting anything up with her anymore.

Avatar for juiicebox69

U gotta tel dat skank to get her ass goin now !

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

Had set up a date at a hotel 5 miles from her apartment. IM'd her to say I've checked in, come on down. No response. Sent message over Facebook. No response. Reading her FB posts, see she had a busy day taking baby to the doctor and needed a nap when she got home. Realizing she must be asleep, I called her number. No answer. Left msg. 5 min later I got a text confirming she had been sleeping and my call woke her. Needs time to get dressed, etc. 2 hrs later got text that she's calling her regular cab.

45 min later still not picked up. Eventually called backup cabbie. Fully 3 hours past our arranged time my beauty shows up and texts me to come pay the cab driver. I'm happy to because she's so darn awesome. OTC with her was wonderful, as it was our previous OTC when the taxi made her only 2 hours late. I can't afford to give her a car, but sure wish I could.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

Looking at all the messages in this thread, I'm starting to think we're all seeing the same girl.

Avatar for jackslash

Don't be hating the flakey strippers. Without strippers there would be no OTC at all.

Avatar for rockstar666

Even my ATF is a flake about being on time. She's used the 'sick relative' excuse too. Strippers are undependable and you just have to accept that as part of the price.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

@ Rockstar: That's the same as saying, "When you buy a dog, you get the fleas that come with it."

Avatar for toysales

Started off with ITC action but I couldn't finish so we arranged OTC when she got off 1 hour later. No call no text nothing. Good thing I only paid for the dances. Bad thing was I had done OTC at her place several times and it was good. Never again.

Avatar for skibum609

I would never even set up OTC but I would like to provide props to my 420 guy who has never been late once in 25 years.

Avatar for Subraman

lol! Somehow this thread makes me feel better

Avatar for BAST

I am an obsessively on time type person. I have had to learn extreme patience with my ATF. Always late, which amazes me since she does not really work much or do anything. At least I'm not the only one.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Flaky strippers are like rain in south Florida – it happens a lot & one just needs to work around it.

When setting up OTC; one needs to accept there will be a high probability of a no, or very late, show-up.

It’s part of the equation and being well aware of it means one will not be overly disappointed when it doesn’t work out – go w/ it and if it works out; great – and if it doesn’t; then realize it’s an unfortunate part of the game & just go about ur business & try another time.

As some have commented on this subject on other threads; it’s often beneficial to have more than one OTC girl; if OTC is really ur thing and it’s not necessarily girl specific.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Many of these girls unfortunately do often have complicated and/or unstable lives:

  • many are single moms with kids to look after

  • many may have an S.O. that they need to work around

  • many of them seem to have transportation issues making it harder “to keep appointments”

  • they often have odd schedules & b/w their odd schedules and other obligations (e.g. family/kids; etc.); it makes it harder for them to be reliable

All in all; the reality is that the custie is not the #1 priority for the dancer since they often have a lot of other stuff going on – it’s just the way it is.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Well thought out observations PC. These ring true.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Papi_Chulo: Spot on. If one isn't prepared to be a secondary (at best) part of a stripper's life, then one is probably in the wrong game.

Avatar for jestrite50

I have had all kinds of experiences when it comes to OTC. I had one dancer that I set a day and time with that was quite opposite of some. She called me almost every half hour all day long asking when I would be there. I told her over and over that I was working and I would be there at the agreed time. Guess she didn't have a watch.

Another told me we would meet at the club on Thursday and when I went to the club she wasn't there a no show. I called her the next morning and asked what happened to her. She said well you said Thursday. Today is Thursday. I said no...Today is Friday!

Guess she didn't have a calendar.

On the other hand I have one OTC that's never been late and really appreciates the extra attention. I have another that keeps blaming me for her forgetting cause I should know she's ADD and needs me to keep reminding her Geesh !

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Escorts say they have a huge problem with no-shows, or time-wasters as they call them. Maybe P4P dancers have the same problem, so part of the reason they flake is that they think you're probably flaky yourself anyway.

Avatar for jabthehut

C'mon guys. Some of you are being awfully foregiving. All strippers lie. If you remember that you'll never be dissappointed. If they say they'll be there don't expect them to be there.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

The key thing to remember is that even if the girl is at the top of your priority list, you are just one item on her to-do list and she'll get to you when it's convenient. Not an insult, just relative priorities.

Avatar for SlickSpic

Very wise words, 3Legs.

Avatar for shadowcat

I got shut out again yesterday. This time due to a hang over. Wait till she sobers up and realizes she has lost a customer.

Avatar for Estafador

It's OTC so it's obviously involving money. Thus you should be one of her top priorities. If she was serious, she'd find a way to fit you in her schedule, unless it was absolutely no way to do so that day. If it happens more than once, then she's obviously not serious about money making and she doesn't have her own priorities straight thus she doesn't need to be bothered doing that. If you can't hold a 9-5, then OTC is definetely not your gig.

Avatar for tumblingdice

My ATF's Grandmother has died four times in the last two years.

Avatar for sflguy123

That's funny but with same sex marriage it is now possible to have four grandmothers.

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Shadow-That sucks. I saw a one of the chicks who've stood me up before at the club last night. She had the audacity to ask me why I didn't get dances from her anymore or pay her any attention. I replied with a pleasant "hello", then got up and sat with my CF at that club.

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