Harvard has become a second tier college that is living off it's past glory. It's law school is not ever ranked in the top 5 anymore and its "school of business" grads have run more businesses into bankruptcy that all others combined with their mantra of take all the profit now who gives a fuck about 5 years from now there is always another company to gut. They are also on of the main reasons government is so fucked up. Say mantra " take all you can and run out on the bill" . Harvard teaches lawyers how to swindle stockholders, employees and taxpayers. So I say let it burn.
Alucard is currently on a rage, troll binge. It's where he finally just goes all out, and becomes as spiteful and nasty to everyone he hates...on a website as can be and trolls them randomly out of the blue. You're at a point where, if you're on his shit list, you can say hi and he'll try to make you feel like shit off of the word hi. Anything you say to him goes over his head. Did you see how sad this all sounds And to add insult to injury, the only thing different between this Alucard and the old alucard is that he attacks you first. NOTHING ELSE HAS CHANGED. Things always goes over his head.
last commentSay mantra " take all you can and run out on the bill" . Harvard teaches lawyers how to swindle stockholders, employees and taxpayers. So I say let it burn.
How are you going to drive a car then Asshole.
How are you going to drive a car then Asshole.
^^^ LOL! Was satirizing you, aspiecard. Are you start to see the point we are trying to make yet?
Dumas still can't figure out that guns are responsible for the freedoms he enjoys...lol
And to add insult to injury, the only thing different between this Alucard and the old alucard is that he attacks you first. NOTHING ELSE HAS CHANGED. Things always goes over his head.