Here we go AGAIN!
Since Dougster has been complaining about my "Short" postings, here is one that should be to his liking/disliking.
Another school shooting, in Colorado again. Almost on the Newtown anniversary. WHY am I NOT surprised?
Repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate and destroy all civilian possessed guns and guns from retailers that sell them without proper precautions, PARTICULARLY gun shows. Outlaw the National Rifle Association.
As long as persons can walk around with guns & assault rifles Kids & people will continue to be SHOT!!!
Another school shooting, in Colorado again. Almost on the Newtown anniversary. WHY am I NOT surprised?
Repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate and destroy all civilian possessed guns and guns from retailers that sell them without proper precautions, PARTICULARLY gun shows. Outlaw the National Rifle Association.
As long as persons can walk around with guns & assault rifles Kids & people will continue to be SHOT!!!
I can't wait until we get a Moderator so he can Ban your ass all the way into the stratosphere.
But you won't do what is really needed - a mental health system that works. A school system that works on bullying (and not suspending pop tart holding students.)
The liberals all praised the ACLU when they forced mental hospitals to close. Now, there isn't anywhere for people who are having problems to go.
The primary target sounds like he got away. Two wounded. Shooter dead. Sounds like as close to a success to me.
Oops! Sorry Hard4Dancers! :)
A theater shooting Colorafo
Seems to me, Colorado, NOT GUNS, might be the problem
Damn straight. And most serial killers are white guys too. Black guys only kill when it's important -- liked getting disrespected at strip clubs
See the difference?
Who said the following?
"I don’t know why an individual should have a right to a revolver in his house […] the kids usually kill themselves with it and so forth. Why can’t we go after handguns, period?"
And who said, on the record, that "Guns are an abomination"?
Why am I completely unsurprised by this fact?
@GMD In defense of Alucard, nearly everyone rehashes old topics in new threads. Not just Alucard. Everybody get's one alucard.
Get it now?