
Here we go AGAIN!

avatar for Alucard

Since Dougster has been complaining about my "Short" postings, here is one that should be to his liking/disliking.

Another school shooting, in Colorado again. Almost on the Newtown anniversary. WHY am I NOT surprised?

Repeal the 2nd Amendment and confiscate and destroy all civilian possessed guns and guns from retailers that sell them without proper precautions, PARTICULARLY gun shows. Outlaw the National Rifle Association.

As long as persons can walk around with guns & assault rifles Kids & people will continue to be SHOT!!!


last comment
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 yrs ago

This is a Strip club forum, NOT a place for Political diatribes.

I can't wait until we get a Moderator so he can Ban your ass all the way into the stratosphere.

avatar for deogol
11 yrs ago

And you will be calling for the ban on knives (like in the UK www.independencedeclaration.org or simply google knife ban in England) once they ban guns (like that will happen.)

But you won't do what is really needed - a mental health system that works. A school system that works on bullying (and not suspending pop tart holding students.)

The liberals all praised the ACLU when they forced mental hospitals to close. Now, there isn't anywhere for people who are having problems to go.

The primary target sounds like he got away. Two wounded. Shooter dead. Sounds like as close to a success to me.

avatar for deogol
11 yrs ago

Hard4Dancers: "This is a Strip club forum, NOT a place for Political diatribes."

Oops! Sorry Hard4Dancers! :)

avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 yrs ago

deogol, you're fine. You don't lord your world views over the Forum unlike certain holier-than-thou members.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

@alutard: give facts and logic to support your position. That is if your puny little pea brain is capable of it (I doubt it)!

avatar for crazyjoe
11 yrs ago

^^^that may be impossible...alturds head is still collapsed after picking a 9 pound bugger

avatar for crazyjoe
11 yrs ago

This is another example of why teachers should carry guns to protect students

avatar for londonguy
11 yrs ago

@ deogol. The ban on knives in the UK is a joke. Despite talks of a major crackdown and severe custodial sentences, they are never enforced. Law and order in the U.K is one big fucking joke.

avatar for motorhead
11 yrs ago

2 school shootings in Colorado

A theater shooting Colorafo

Seems to me, Colorado, NOT GUNS, might be the problem

avatar for deogol
11 yrs ago

Liberal Colorado might be the problem!

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

2 people got injured and that made national news? Give me a break. We had a murder suicide where I live at with 6 dead and I didn't hear anything on the national news. I think Certain states are the problem. Obviously two people getting injured is bigger news. (sarcasm for the humor impaired)

avatar for crazyjoe
11 yrs ago

Look out Texas...Don't mess with Colorado

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

white people are crazy man. Won't hear a black guy shooting up a school because his mama left him or some other dumb shit. lol

avatar for jabthehut
11 yrs ago

You're correct estie. The black guy will just pop a couple of his neighbors.

avatar for motorhead
11 yrs ago

"Won't hear a black guy shooting up a school"

Damn straight. And most serial killers are white guys too. Black guys only kill when it's important -- liked getting disrespected at strip clubs

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

This is NOT a new subject. It's all been posted BEFORE! Why CLUTTER up the board with this stuff when you can simply go BACK and read the OTHER threads on the subject?

avatar for mikeya02
11 yrs ago

GMD is right Alucard. Next time use the SEARCH function to look up topics. It WORKS fine. Maybe you DON"T know HOW?..Hmmmmmm?

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

Lol! Great parody of alutard and his latest hypocrisy. Complains about others post about things that have been discussed before then posts his stupid repeal the 2nd amendment shit over and over. Needless to say alutard's brain is so dumb the point won't get through to him.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

Yes, Alucard, Dougster does post the same dreck over and over again, just like you. What he does not do is to hypocritically lambast others in a high-handed, holier than thou manner for doing so. And when he does criticize others for that behaviour, he's generally not actually addressing the behaviour itself, but rather the hypocrisy he sees.

See the difference?

avatar for zipman68
11 yrs ago

Ima blow skibum's lil mind...

Who said the following?

"I don’t know why an individual should have a right to a revolver in his house […] the kids usually kill themselves with it and so forth. Why can’t we go after handguns, period?"

And who said, on the record, that "Guns are an abomination"?

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

So, based on your PM Alucard, you do not see the difference between what you do and what Dougster does.

Why am I completely unsurprised by this fact?

avatar for deogol
11 yrs ago

Zipman, Nixon said such things. Goes to show you what gun grabbers tend to be.

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

Great, I wasn't the only one who got a 'justified" PM from Alucard. Stop worrying about others Alucard, because it doesn't helpp your situation. You just prove people right...as usual. You're a whiny bitch looking for sympahty. I'd respond nicer, but your such a bitch, that you block everyone from pming you back. SO don't bitch when people put your PMs out in public on blast. They're only responding the only way possible because you're such an idiotic dick.

@GMD In defense of Alucard, nearly everyone rehashes old topics in new threads. Not just Alucard. Everybody get's one alucard.

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

@motorhead/jabthehut EXACTLY. Nothing's more important than having respect at strip club. Fuck little kids at school. They don't know what they talking about anyway.

avatar for tumblingdice
11 yrs ago

Jeffrey Howard! I do believe Esty called you a bitch.

avatar for sofaking87
11 yrs ago

I say regulate gun ownership, the mentally ill and violent should have guns in the first place. Also as cool as an assault rifle maybe, hunting rifles like shot guns, should be sold, and owned.

avatar for jabthehut
11 yrs ago

So sofaking are you suggesting that the mentally ill and violent should be given Obamaguns (like Obamaphones.) Just kidding on your typo.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

@Estafador: Of course topics are rehashed. But Alucard bitches about that fact and then rehashes his favorite subject. An off topic one at that.

Get it now?

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

Criminals would love it if everyone else didn't have any guns.

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