
2013, A Look Back

New York City
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 8:57 PM
This was my most active year to date and I enjoyed the nostalgia of re-reading through my reviews. Here are my numbers. Feel free to post your own. 31 Total Club Visits at 20 Different Clubs over 9 months (Mar-Nov) in 7 States. California had the most Clubs:8 and the most visited Club: Deja Vu North Hollywood, 4 visits (don't get the impression that means a ringing endorsement, decidedly mixed results there). Further Extrapolation: A $300 per night avg dance spend = $9300 for the year Drinks spend avg $60 per night = $1860 (That would have been much higher had I not embraced the no alcohol nude clubs this year where the drink spend was much less). Total Estimated Spend = $11,160 (F'n PL!) Avg 2 dancers per visit = 62 different dancers (though that is probably high because I tend to find and stay with favorites and return to them on following visits). Avg # of laps is a bit harder to estimate what with VIPs, so avg 15 LDs a night = 465 What are your year end numbers? Do you even want to know?


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I know that I hit a club at least every week. So I'm guessing at 60 for the year. An average of $300 per visit equals $18,000. That includes an average of $5 for a coke on each visit. Free admission on 99% of the visits.
  • davejones1978
    11 years ago
    8 did not go to clubs for about an 8 month stretch. That leaves about 4 months of active clubing. I would estimate about $4000- $5000 spent on clubs in 2013.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Year end numbers are unimportant to me.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    ROFLMFAO ^ ^ ^ For you to say that any numbers are uniportant to you is ludicrous How high is your "list?"
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Ban year end numbers and moderate those posters into the dark place! Year end numbers should be illegal!!!
  • indyrevs
    11 years ago
    I'm usually in the 10-15k range as well. Varies a bit.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I spent exactly one shit-load of money on strippers in 2013. I went to my regular clubs once or twice a week. After I split with my ATF, I went a month or so without OTC, but then my current CF took the position, so to speak. Overall, a good year.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    This year was kind of a slow one for me as well. After the SB left, I slowed way down for a while. I'm still not spending at the same rate I was last year, but but one of my New Year's resolutions is to stop pining after what can no longer be, and get over it. There's a couple of girls I expect to suck it out of me on a more regular basis this year.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I say well done Jackcash!
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    Like the sign at Bogarts says: Supporting Single Mothers One Dollar at the Time
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    I slowed down dramatically in 2012 when the ATF thing ended. 2013 was even worse as I had no work travel to help me. Only 9 total visits in 2013 (4 of which happen during the same weekend). Only 3 resulted in dropping any serious $ on private time.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    I'm going to call 2013 "The Year of Insanity". I've got you all beat by a mile. If I do the same thing in 2014, I'll end up homeless, living under and overpass before year's end. Hard to stop though.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    So so year for me. My vacations with Toronto sweetie were far more $$$ than the total of my SC spending through the year. One fun visit to a Toronto club. One weird visit to a Toronto club. Most noteworthy for me, in a bad way, was my first case of unsatisfied blue balls in a Vancouver club. My cash couldn't buy relief ITC, OTC.......just nuthin' that evening.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I don’t track/record my visits or spending; but perhaps I should & may start doing it in 2014. But I was pretty good about writing reviews for most of my visits. My PL #s per my reviews: Visits => 85 (this probably accounts for ~85% of my visits since I wrote reviews for most but not all) Clubs => 32 (all in So. FL) Spending – hard to say – since I mostly go to $5/dance black dives; I’d say a guesstimate would be $200/visit times 85 visits = ~$17k. But I’m not a PL – I’m a hobbyist :)
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    If I actually calculated it out I'm sure that I would have an aneurism. I dare not do it.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Shadowcat has me beat. I hope I get the Shadowcat senior rate when I'm 65. I might spend extra then too.
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