
Comments by Dudester (page 61)

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    15 years ago
    Doctor Convicted for Soliciting Prostitution (updated with results of trial)
    Anyone know if a misdemeanor can be cause of action for removal of license to practice? Nope. There was even a case a few years ago where a doctor molested a young relative. His relative got it pled down to a misdemeanor. The main punishment is that he can never ever see a patient all alone. Medical boards that control licensing vary from state to state in the threshold to withold licensing. In Texas, the doctor has to be beyond eggregious to draw any kind of discipline. A few yers ago, a doctor was found to have 26 valid major complaints against him, but he was still licensed.
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    15 years ago
    Rhode Island
    "It's All Fun And Games Until Your Cheerleader Stripper Pole Photos Show Up On F
    Before Facebook and Myspace, "cool parents" got away with stupid shit like this all the time. Now that it's out there for public consumption, said dumbshit won't get just a scolding from a local judge. Sorry, I hate dumb shits like this who get to see shit I never saw.
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    15 years ago
    Kristen Stewart: Stripper Movie "a Good Story" for Young Twilight Fans
    "In the film, Stewart also dances briefly in a strip club" Translation: No boobs, no bush. I won't bother with this flick. Another stripper doesn't strip in the strip club movie. Sigh. (we need emoticons) BTW really looking forward to the Runaways flick also.
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    15 years ago
    Best selling porn DVD's
    Speaking of Deep Throat (and Linda Lovelace), after some back and forth, Hollyweird will finally film her biopic. Anna Faris was going to play her, but she backed out. I hope Mackenzie Rosman plays her.
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    15 years ago
    Asking for an ass-whooping
    Not in a SC, but in a pub. Took a date after a concert. We were dancing and drinking, minding our own business. Suddenly, some gorilla comes to our table and announces he's going to have his way with my date. I stood up to let him know that he'd crossed a boundary. He actually ignored my presence and he was totally focused on my date. He also continued on about how he was going to rip her clothes off, rape her, etc. Still, physically, I was in position to intervene should he move. Suddenly, a bouncer appeared beside him, announcing "he's leaving". "I am?" the gorilla asked. The bouncer wrapped him up and showed him the door. About ten minutes later, we were dancing when suddenly tear gas flooded through the vents. Everyone ran outside choking and gasping. While I caught my breath, I caught a commotion to my right. Two Police cars had appeared, lights blazing, in the parking lot. The cops then pounced on the same gorilla that had been in the club. I saw the bouncer talking to the cops. The bouncer gave me a knowing look and made a hand motion indicating the gorilla had gassed the club. My date and I left soon after-it had been too momentous a night.
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    15 years ago
    Clubs near my hometown are pathetic.
    I also wondered how is it that the girls at the black stripclubs can give contact at the stage, while the girls at the white stripclubs act as if they will get in trouble if they do it out in the open. 1) Black clubs are just more permissive. 2) Everyday in this country, women come up missing. The only ones you hear about are the young pretty white ones. The media know they can sell that. Sell a missing case about a 40ish overweight black woman with a wart on her face? It won't sell, the interest fades once the station goes to commercial. 3) Lately there's been a slew of Hollyweird movies about women abducted or sold into slavery. Ever notice how they're all played by young pretty white actresses. No one gives a shit about open sex acts at a black club by black strippers. White club on the other hand and the fuzz are all over that.
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    15 years ago
    Mississippi State football recruits visit strip club during recruiting trip
    No offense steve, this isn't news. A SC visit is part of the football recruit package. I'm told by a couple of strippers that some coaches even hire strippers-not for dancing, but to screw the guys to make their visit memorable. One stripper even told me that one party she went to, the "strippers" were mostly aged 14-16. Ever heard of the "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"? The reason that establishment was closed was because of a bet between a pair of state legislators. They created a slush fund to reward the victors of the Texas/Texas A & M game. That slush fund paid for the team to enjoy the girls. Someone told Marvin Zindler and he went after the bordello. Had state funds stayed out of it, it might still be open today.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Mob Strip Clubs
    The whole industry is a giant gray area. Back in the mid 90's, I befriended a club manager because wanted to get in the SC business. I kissed up to him big time. He finally told me I wouldn't be able to get in and he gave me a look to reinforce that "don't ask why" attitude. In previous conversations he told me got in because of connections, but he was vague when I pressed the word "connections".
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    15 years ago
    It's about time
    He should talk to Ron Jeremy-that dude will fuck anything, and I mean anything.
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    15 years ago
    "You got me all wet"
    I wear black or navy blue pants, so no biggee. I usually do get them wet. Last time I was at Dolls I was getting a lapper from a solid ten. She was leaning back and I nibbled on her ear. She made a sound, part giggle, part moan. Turns out her ears are her turn on spot. We ended up having a good time, but it was the first time in a good while I got no vagoo at Dolls. I usually get vagoo after getting them hot and bothered.
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    15 years ago
    Nasty, ugly dancers- What was your worst experience?
    1997-Had a thirtyish dancer climb into my lap. Even though her crotch was below mine, I could smell something that smelled like a dumpster, with spoiled milk and other foul liquids, rotting in the summer sun, unattended after a week. I paid her twenty to go away. Late 2008-I was making a round of clubs on 290 in Houston. Saw a dancer who was at least 65, if she was a day. Wrinkles everywhere. I'm glad I didn't see her strip. I couldn't get out of that club fast enough. Saw my 70ish grandma nude once, by accident. I nearly ran screaming into the night, trying to gouge my eyes out with forks the whole way.
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    15 years ago
    Republican family values stripper wins Massachusetts Senate race
    samsung asked: "While the Democrats still hold an 18-seat majority in the Senate, they have been conceding all ability to pass any legislation whatsoever, including health care reform. Why is it that when Bush was president, Republicans only needed 49 seats to pass everything Bush wanted but when Democrats have 59 seats, they can pass nothing? Just asking." Why? 60 seats is enough to overcome a filibuster, 59 isn't. However, to filibuster, a Senator (or group of Senators) know that they risk their political reputation if they filibuster on something stupid. If Bush wanted a tax cut, woe to the idiot who stands in his way. Unless your present circle of friends includes only Kennedy's, you should know that nearly three quarters of the public doesn't want a fed takeover of health care. The public backs a GOP filibuster of the health care takeover, if attempted. The health care bill is stalled, and might soon be dead. Cap and Trade is DOA. A groundswell of support is building for a third party. In Texas, there are 32 Congressional seats. The Teabaggers are running 11 candidates, against both dems and GOP. Right now, it appears that at least five of the teabaggers will win, and that's just Texas. For the first time in 18 years, a legit third party is running and woe to those who scoff at them or take them lightly.
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    15 years ago
    Sisterhood of the Traveling Strippers
    The Super Bowl, and other large sporting events, draws strippers from all around. With that said, I had a great night with an asian stripper at St. James the night before the Super Bowl.
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    15 years ago
    Man tells cops he paid for sex, but didn't get it
    Wouldn't it be sweet though, if we lived in a world where we could call the cops on ROB's? You go to the champagne room and she pulls a scam. You call the fuzz and she goes to jail. Oh to dream.
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    15 years ago
    Rhode Island
    An Irvine cop ejaculates on a (stripper) motorist but escapes criminal liability
    I have absolutely no problem with a guy going to a SC and doing whatever he has to to get his jollies. Creepo cops, though, are on my list of pet peeves.
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    15 years ago
    My ATF Turned On Me!!!
    Like samsung said-cheap education. Also, it's time to move on. With that said, I ignored Houston Dolls for years becuse I thought it might've been a dump and rip off place. The first time I entered, I found easy extras and overall, it's a much friendlier place than most joints I've been to. Ignore that place a while. If you go back in a couple of years you'll find turnover has given you fresh faces and new company.
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    15 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Please send $10 to Haiti.
    When it comes to supporting a charity for Haiti, it's important that the charity already be on the groud in Haiti, that's why I chose UMCOR. It's a Methodist charity, and as a matter of fact, the man who runs UMCOR for the church was in Haiti during the earthquake. He was pulled out of the rubble ten hours after the quake. Really want to help? Go to your local Methodist church and give to UMCOR.
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    15 years ago
    Fly the drunken, horny, grabby skies!
    Just a quick flight. Good service. Flight Attendants in those Hooters costumes. Good food. Late take off and arrival though.
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    15 years ago
    Fly the drunken, horny, grabby skies!
    I miss HOOTERS Air
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    15 years ago
    saturday night dead ?
    OTC Gal said Friday nights were "Jilltime", although she actually made more money on Saturdays.
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    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are marked to die, we are enough to do our country loss; and if to live, the fewer men, the greater share of honor.
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    15 years ago
    Babes in Paradise Mystery
    I'm thinking high dollar (very high dollar) escorts from either west coast or east coast (or Las Vegas). The guy, a relative, or very trusted friend. Like you, they were on holiday.
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    15 years ago
    LFL: Lingerie Football League
    Believe it or not, this is a TV commercial, and an absolutely incredible piece of film making. Wish there was more of this. For those with a heart, break out the tissues before watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um9KsrH377A
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    15 years ago
    Doctor charged after urging patient to go into prostitution
    She wore a wire, but formal charges have yet to be brought. Samsung is on to something here. As a doctor, he acted unethically, but she's not red riding hood either. Still, because of his position, he needs to be accompanied with patients so that he doesn't push someone across the line who isn't an ex-con with unpure motives.