
Comments by Dudester (page 46)

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    14 years ago
    Detectives arrest California man for the 1981 murder of a Fort Myers man
    Died fighting over a stripper. Tsk tsk.
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    14 years ago
    Exxxtacy 2010 Fuck-A-Fan Contest Deadline Hits July 3
    I still kick myself for missing the chance to bang Annabel Chong in her record setting attempt.
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    14 years ago
    Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
    For a long time, people called 20's "sawbucks". We should call them "lapbucks".
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    14 years ago
    Favorite strip club music
    One I've never heard, but want to-Queen's "Get Down, Make Love". Like jack though, for me, just play late 70's/early 80's hard rock.
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    14 years ago
    Judge orders padlock on strip club where girl danced
    Underage girls occasionally turn in clubs, most likely in cities with a lot of clubs. I believe that copies of i.d.'s are made, but I also believe that unless the fake i.d. is obvious, it's not closely looked at. My college girlfriend used her older sister's i.d. (they were virtually identical in appearance). Also, the chance of a woman/girl meeting their non related doppelganger runs higher in big cities. I've been mistaken for my local doppelganger more than once and that makes me nervous because he's a federal agent (US Marshal). Finally, because it's easy to sell hysteria as fact, some places should be careful to have a good attorney on retainer. Houston Dolls has been caught with underage dancers (16-17) more than once and the club has been a open operating bordello more than once, but yet the place has not only stayed open, but merely had a six month suspension of license everytime it gets caught.
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    14 years ago
    Is every woman a whore?
    A little over ten years ago, an older, longtime friend sat me down for a "fathe/son" talk. He said "the wife is only a higher class, cleaner, whore, and much more expensive. You're better off with a high dollar whore. You never have to pretend to like her family, and you can control the circumstances." He then articulated about how a guy needs only "a place" and women need "a nest" (translated-house). Some strippers love their work and rationalize that they're merely "a dancer", when the truth is that ALL strippers are workers in the sex industry. Whether they have sex ITC and/or OTC, or merely sell the illusion of sex, they're sex workers. Wives and girlfriends give sex in return for favors and women in the workplace often sell the illusion of access to sex in return for favors. Teen girls do the same thing for grades. Some girls will cross the line for grades, and more.
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    14 years ago
    Divadiver, I'm Jewish myself. First, this isn't a political forum. Second, please, caps off. Thanks. Third, your argument is weak, and the point is moot anyway (liberal replacing a liberal).
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    14 years ago
    Welfare recipients get $12,000 from strip club ATMs
    Right now, there are two "cultural centers" in the country, where the future of politics is going to be decided. The First one is California. Cal is billions in the red, taxes everything, the price of living is outrageous, and government spending (see above) is completely out of control. By the way, companies are fleeing Cal and the unemployment rate is above the national average. The Second one is Texas. Texas has money in the bank, no state income tax, very little regulation, unemployment way below the national average, and companies are relocating to Texas.
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    14 years ago
    Beaverton police officer admits to coercing prostitute for sex while on duty
    He's going to find all kinds of sex in prison, just not the kind of sex that he was looking for. Oh well... Looking for love in all the wrong places getting love in all the wrong places oh, my, aching, ass lookin for love.
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    14 years ago
    Rate Obama
    As results below show, I smell a one termer. The Economy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 4.77% B: 4.56% C: 5.27% D: 17.80% F: 67.60% Foreign Policy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 6.80% B: 4.19% C: 7.67% D: 21.66% F: 59.68% Health Care -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 7.14% B: 3.01% C: 2.87% D: 8.31% F: 78.67% Afghanistan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 5.67% B: 13.60% C: 25.96% D: 22.84% F: 31.93% Iraq -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 5.79% B: 10.08% C: 24.39% D: 23.77% F: 35.96% Threat of Terrorism -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 6.63% B: 4.92% C: 9.74% D: 21.19% F: 57.52% Energy and the Environment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 5.66% B: 5.56% C: 12.70% D: 21.03% F: 55.04% Social Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 6.71% B: 4.69% C: 10.82% D: 18.95% F: 58.84% Bipartisanship -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 6.60% B: 3.12% C: 4.00% D: 8.08% F: 78.20% Obama's Overall Job as President -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: 6.28% B: 4.03% C: 3.69% D: 22.25% F: 63.76%
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    14 years ago
    Bad idea
    Yep, you're the only one. Bad idea. Leave it at home.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Who's our worst enemy?
    A recent reviewer, in a couple of review, noted that some Houston clubs have metal detectors. Like the OP in this thread noted, "Why hand SC critics 'ammunition?'"
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    14 years ago
    Foreign fans caught up in Cape Town strip club raid
    Pretty stupid on SA's government. Don't raid the club during the event. But, basedon how annoying those horns are, it'll be a century, or more, before the World Cup is there again. I could be wrong, but I don't think people travel there unless they're looking for something way, far, off the beaten path.
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    14 years ago
    Homemade Stripper Pole Accident
    1) Lucky for her, it was a very minor fall. 2) Not anchored ? DUHHHH!!
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    14 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Who's our worst enemy?
    Player is right that the thugs need to be kept out. St. James, I am told, is strict on that, and it's part of the reason that St. James has a "rascist" reputation (the other is that they don't allow morbidly obese dancers). But.... It's not just the "moral right wingers", feminists want the clubs closed too. Feminists know that the power of pussy rules and strippers are traitors to their cause.
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    14 years ago
    Too much crap on that site.
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    14 years ago
    AIDS Healthcare Continues Its Anti-Porn Crusade in Florida
    OTC Gal once asked me why I exclusively "date" strippers. 1) I'm going to get pussy ( a sure thing) 2) Believe it or not, a lot less insanity in a SC than in the general population. In the general population, if a woman is single, and past 25, there's several reasons 1) She's got a trainload of emotional baggage (Who needs that ?) 2) She's most likely nuts, just hides it well, until.... 3) She's fugly, and has a trainload of emotional baggage.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper Sues Cab Company Over Career-Ending Scar
    Must've been one hell of a scar. I'm sure a jury will ask, "What's her back up plan ? What is the shelf life of a stripper ? Why didn't she get job training of some sort ?"
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    14 years ago
    Gov. Jay Nixon signs bill that will regulate strip clubs
    A year from now, when that stupid ass guv is asking Obama for a bailout because there's a spike of unwed mothers on the dole, send the local paper a letter about how some misguided feel good morals legislation put a number of strip joints out of business and single mothers out on the street. It's okay though, because STD's have spiked, but no one is stripping.
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    14 years ago
    Internet pornography may get its own red light district as .xxx name approved
    I'm a libertarian, but it's past time for porn to be just in the .xxx realm. If they can't compete, tough cookies and hard nougies. There's too much porn out there already.
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    14 years ago
    What's your definition of a "TEN"?
    Like Clubber said, we all have our own definition of a ten. For me, my idea of a ten is Phoebe Cates circa 1980-face, skin, smile, figure. With that said, In 1998, I blew a great opportunity with a Katie Holmes lookalike at St. James. Last year, there was this incredible looker at the now closed Mansion. I was practically cumming in my pants with her barely touching me, but it was because she was the spitting image of this girl in junior high that I was weak in the knees for. I tried to get her into VIP, but no deal.
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    14 years ago
    Price war?
    Definitely not in Houston. The main challenge here is the food. The food in the clubs is actually very good, but vastly under rated because guys don't go for the food. Back in the mid 90's, when St. James had trailers in back for extras, I was going for the food, when I found out that there was more on the menu than steak and chicken. I didn't partake and stopped going because a family friend advised me that a vice operation was ongoing. The trailers were eventually moved, just months before the place was burned to the ground. My fire department responded in mutual aid and I worked the fire for six hours (St. James was rebuilt).
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    14 years ago
    Sexual Disease Risk Higher for Swingers than Prostitutes: Dutch Study
    In the US, it's estimated that as many as 60 percent of couples cheat on each other. In Europe, though, it's known that at least 80 percent of couples cheat on each other. There's a telling scene from one of my favorite flicks "Memory of a Killer" ( a true story), which was based in Belgium. Early on, husband tells wife that he might have to stay overnight in an adjacent city. Wife tells husband, "Do me a favor. Buy her a better perfume." When the husband is killed, the Police Commissioner is trying to get in the widow's pants. Later, when a mafia liason is killed, his widow immediately starts hitting on the detective.
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    14 years ago
    Spending $300 at strip club, and no story to tell the wife
    Can you say oops ? Back in the mid 90's, when I worked at a hotel and Rick's was the premier place in town, two guys asked where they could have a good time at a nice place. I gave them directions to Rick's. Two hours laters, they came back, angry as hell at me. They had spent 1,500.00 each, and didn't know how they were going to explain it to thewives.
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    14 years ago
    Speaking of cheapskates
    It was a cheap shot on her part, however, if you're known for other things, her knowing you can be a good thing. My 1st ATF worked at a place that occasionally lost it's license. I walked in and noticed that the dancers were staying uncharacteristically clothed. My ATF appeard and led me to a back room. As she stripped nude (it was a topless plac) she said, "We lost our SOB license. We're not supposed to reveal anything. Now come here and make love to me."