
Spending $300 at strip club, and no story to tell the wife

avatar for samsung1

MANATEE COUNTY — He was three sheets to the wind and $300 lighter in the pocket after a beer-soaked night at a strip club.

And then, the out-of-town visitor realized that his wife may have some questions about where his paycheck went — so authorities say the 27-year-old Winter Park man flagged down a police officer and said he was robbed at gunpoint.

Authorities are skeptical of the robbery story told to an officer early this morning on Tamiami Trail, saying the reputed victim waited 90 minutes to flag down an officer and changed his story several times.

The man told officers that he could not admit to his wife that he spent more than half his paycheck on pitchers of beer and strippers at the Peek-A-Boo Lounge in Manatee County. But he was adamant on getting a robbery report to show her he was robbed of the money.

According to the Manatee Sheriff's Office, the man cashed his paycheck Wednesday and spent $300 of it at the strip bar.

He went back to his motel, the Quality Inn, drank some more and flagged down an officer about 6:30 a.m.

The man told them that he has a wife and that the two share a common bank account to pay bills and buy groceries. “And that's why he needed this robbery report,” Manatee Sheriff's Sgt. Will Kelley wrote in his report.

The alleged robber has not been found.

June 24, 2010



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avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

And THERE it is!!! Strip clubs finally associated with robbery!

avatar for Jpac73
14 yrs ago

He should just take his "Ass chewing" like a man.

avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

Can you say oops ?

Back in the mid 90's, when I worked at a hotel and Rick's was the premier place in town, two guys asked where they could have a good time at a nice place. I gave them directions to Rick's.

Two hours laters, they came back, angry as hell at me. They had spent 1,500.00 each, and didn't know how they were going to explain it to thewives.

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

LOL I have heard of taxi cabs getting kickbacks but maybe Rick's should start giving kickbacks to hotels as well

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

LOL Dudester!

avatar for rickdugan
14 yrs ago

LOL. Gotta keep a separate bank account where some of each one of your checks is deposited - it is hard to have side hobbies when you need to explain every expense to your wife. I did this for years before I had my own business - now of course I just take it straight out of the business account ;)

avatar for lopaw
14 yrs ago

^^^Agreed - a separate bank account is almost a necessity if you're married. A secret "xmas" club account can save many headaches in trying to explain where all the grocery money went to last week.

And at a minimum it can help you avoid looking like a drunken idiot in front of out-of-town LE.

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago

The separate account wouldn't work very well, unless it has always been there. I can see the conversation, "Honey, did you get demoted?" "Me?" "Of course not." Then how come you bring home $100 less every week now?"

avatar for bigdude012
14 yrs ago

What a loser. If I was the officer I would've arrested the guy for drunk in public just for the sake of being an asshole.

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