avatar for uscue13

Comments by uscue13

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6 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
TJ ?
If a girl asks for payment up front, it's most likely going to be a bad service and you should leave immediately before anyone gets naked. That said, there have been 1 or 2 "pay first" girls that have been just fine with me. But that's typically a sign it won't be good.
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7 years ago
avatar for bham
Hotels in TJ specifically for Chicago Club
I haven't ever done TLN before first having a regular session at the club. If I enjoy her after the regular session, I get her phone number (everyone in TJ uses the app called WhatsApp to communicate) and set something up when she's not working. You can also just try to jump straight to meeting a girl and attempting to get her number for TLN but it won't come immediately. You'll have to buy her multiple drinks before she's comfortable enough to give you her number (drinks are $8 for girl drinks). Curious why you're into Chicago vs any other club? And yes The tourist clubs (Chicago, adelitas, HK) operate with both girls dancing on stage but most of the girls just sitting and/or approaching guys for drinks
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7 years ago
avatar for timothyjames55
Just here for a good time.
San Diego Pros
Some people can't go to TJ for legal reasons ... not saying that's OP's reason but if he says he can't do tJ this trip, why respond with "just go to TJ"?
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7 years ago
avatar for uscue13
Snooty Foxx in Colorado Springs
Yep I was home last month and stopped by Platinum West for the first time. Saw some familiar faces behind the bar and on the stage, including Miranda. Problem is I don't live in CS and spend all my time now going to Tijuana for my habit
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7 years ago
avatar for bham
Hotels in TJ specifically for Chicago Club
Unforutnately I've never stayed at the attached Chicago hotel but it operates the same as the others in the zona. If you want TLN, you're gonna want to build enough of a rapport with her to get her phone number and have her stop by after she finishes work ... much cheaper that way. Some girls speak english, some don't. If you don't know Spanish, just make sure you have the translate app on your phone. I'd also invest in learning a few words ... try downloading the Duolingo app for your phone and mess around with it to learn a few useful words or phrases. I can tell you from experience that gringos that know spanish (or at least attempt to speak a few words to them) get slightly better service.
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7 years ago
avatar for uscue13
Snooty Foxx in Colorado Springs
That was my main curiosity as well ... i don't know what the mileage in Colorado Springs is. Being from the south where full contact and more dances are the norm, I'm not interested in watching and not touching
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7 years ago
avatar for bham
Hotels in TJ specifically for Chicago Club
Do you only plan on partying at Chicago?
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7 years ago
avatar for uscue13
Snooty Foxx in Colorado Springs
Yep I got the Vegas impression too. Messaging one of the girls from there, she told me they do indeed do table and private dances so definitely a strip club. But my feeling is it's trying to be some high-priced, probably no-touch type of place
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for steve229
So now you know why she never called...
I was expecting condom. I hate the "Can you do me a favor" question. I never respond with sure but with a "what is it". Don't commit to something before you know what it is. Then you've already lost your bargaining power (aka chance to lie) to get out of it.
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13 years ago
avatar for BadBitchesOnly
Where does your City rate in the 'smut-census'?
Not surprising. Either cities with a lot of people to get their numbers up, or cities where there's nothing else to do but look at porn. And for the most-part, middle america has very few listings which also makes sense
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13 years ago
avatar for mal_hodgson
How do you get a number?
If you want it that badly, give her your number and tell her to let you know the next time she's in the club. Just asking out the blue like that isn't going to work most times. Because like someone else said, why do you need HER number? If it's just to know when she's working, her having yours is good enough. If it's for another reason, be upfront about your motives
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13 years ago
avatar for Slin
Priya Rai
Most likely it's true. A lot of porn stars escort and I've never heard of a single one going unwrapped so don't get your hopes up. Charity Bangs escorts in South Carolina a lot. Most porn stars charge over 1K an hour and the popular ones I'm sure are near 2K. Someone like Priya Rai, expect near the 2K range. If you want and can blow that on one lady for one hour, go for it! But to answer, yes she's really an escort and has lots of reviews from it
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13 years ago
avatar for standupguy81
Backpage question?
I know plenty of people that go the BP route, and the only way to do it is to do your research. TER is a necessity, and use google to check numbers and names. If a number pops up all over the country or under lots of different names, I'd say stay clear. There are also boards dedicated to that just like TUSCL is dedicated to strip clubs.
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13 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Question for you guys that do OTC.
Ohio, do you do the name your price option at Priceline or something else to get a room much cheaper? I always wondered how that works and if there is some sort of scam in there.
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13 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
A College Student's Review of a Strip Club
Guys, sorry to tell you but it was an April Fools article in a student newspaper. StudLife.com is the website for Student Life newspaper for Wash. U. (SL). It was posted 4/2 because student newspapers don't come out on Sunday's (which was April 1). The author is "I.C. Weiner" and the tagline for author is "Female Connoisseur" instead of "Feature Editor or Sports Writer", etc. I think most people knew it was a joke, but couldn't tell from some of the posts if they knew it was a joke.
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13 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?
I prefer them to approach, and typically make my interest noticed by tipping. However, I'm not a fan of getting approached as soon as I enter. I like to get a lay of the land first, even to the clubs I go to regularly. reignfire, I've experienced that plenty of times myself, and also know at least one is on purpose although i don't know why.
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13 years ago
avatar for chimark
are we more addicted to our cell phones then the girls in the strip clubs?
Joke all you guys want, but I've found the cell phone to be the perfect wingman when dealing with a clinger. I've had more than a few "phone calls" I've had to take or I tell them I just texted my ATF in the locker room and she's on her way out. Works
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13 years ago
avatar for Bishop4224
Private Dance Tipping
Tip for a LD enough times and it eventually becomes expected. Expectations vs Reality can lead to drama in the club which I don't want. That said, in line with the guys that tip Stiletto, I normally tip as a top-off. If the dances were 25, I'll just give 30. If it was two for 30 and I have two twenties, I'll just give the two twenties unless I REALLY didn't like her in which case I'll ask for the change back. If tips are requested, she gets blacklisted (unless she does something I REALLY like). Bishop, since you're new to it all, what has been your tipping parameters for the waitresses/bartenders?
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13 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Couple's friendly clubs.
"For some reason the guys making it rain often seem to tip dancers I have absolutely no interest in. I wouldn't tip them in the first place." Shark, I agree. On a related note, I have been approached by dancers and random guys before to "make it rain" for a certain dancer of their choosing. Every time I spent nothing - they gave me money to walk up to the stage and throw it on there. As far as the dancers that ask me to do it for another dancer, it seems it's just a perception move to make the girl on stage look busy. One time I saw a girl get off the main stage and give a bunch of bills to another dancer to throw back onto the satellite stage for her. As far as the customers, I assume they're either 1) the girl's pimp or S.O. trying to make her look good or 2) a random guy trying to make it look like he's a big money guy that doesn't care much (but in reality we all know he just wants the attention)
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13 years ago
avatar for Tiredtraveler
Solo PL
Butt Slapping
"Did you tell these Dancers it is NOT a turn on & that it does absolutely nothing for you?" Only lasts a few seconds at a time, nothing worth getting into a discussion about. It seems to be mostly girls that don't have many moves so they follow their "routine" - position 1 for 15 seconds, position 2 for 15 seconds, position 3 for 15 seconds, stand and ass smack, repeat rinse recycle.
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13 years ago
avatar for Tiredtraveler
Solo PL
Butt Slapping
One dancer I see always makes me slap it. I have no real interest in doing it. Other dancers like to stand in front, shake their ass and smack it a few times. I guess they think it turns me on, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Just a time-waster in my opinion
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13 years ago
avatar for bang69
North Carolina
Thinking about working security in a sc
Jim, you say you used to work there? If that's the case you would know better than anyone else if you should take the job or not.
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13 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
what name do you use up in the club ?
Shadow, agreed. Not a big deal to me
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13 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Fixed vs Negotiable Pricing
Negotiable. At least in America clubs where dancers should be able to assess their own business models (amount per dance, specials, etc) and make money in a way that suits them. You can attempt a few clients at a high price or many clients at a smaller price. And both ways will work for different people. Negotiable also lets dancers assess the club atmosphere and use it to their advantage. If it's been a completely slow day, a dancer can lower her price point and start picking up the business. Other customers see repeat business as a can't-miss dancer and start buying LD's (I know it influences me when I see someone sitting all day compared to someone constantly getting taken to the back). If it's Masters week, a dancer can make her prices higher for the big rollers and make more than they would make if it was a set price.
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13 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
what name do you use up in the club ?
If I have their number, they probably know my real first name. The rest know my club name. A few who I've become casual friends with outside the club know my full name, and I know theirs as well.