
Butt Slapping

Monday, February 6, 2012 8:52 AM
Do dancers really get off on slapping and having their butts slapped? I have had several girls ask me to slap their butts and I do not understand or do they do it because they think it is a male turnon?


  • dtek
    12 years ago
    Both. And neither. There's no answer that applies to dancers (or women) in general. Some women enjoy having their asses smacked. Some don't but are willing to allow it because they think you will enjoy it. Some do it because "everyone else does it."
  • uscue13
    12 years ago
    One dancer I see always makes me slap it. I have no real interest in doing it. Other dancers like to stand in front, shake their ass and smack it a few times. I guess they think it turns me on, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Just a time-waster in my opinion
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I was in the vip one time having a good time braking rules in shit and the dancer next to us smacks her ass so hard it makes the bouncer come in and fuck up all the fun ! So no! I don't like it !
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    " I guess they think it turns me on, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Just a time-waster in my opinion" Did you tell these Dancers it is NOT a turn on & that it does absolutely nothing for you?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I have to agree that it does noting for me. either watching it or doing it. I have half heartedly given a few light slaps when I was asked to do so.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    If they'll let me use my belt, I'll give them a smack or two, otherwise I don't bother.
  • fla_funmeister
    12 years ago
    I tell them that I am typically the spankee not the spanker. Always makes for interesting conversations!
  • uscue13
    12 years ago
    "Did you tell these Dancers it is NOT a turn on & that it does absolutely nothing for you?" Only lasts a few seconds at a time, nothing worth getting into a discussion about. It seems to be mostly girls that don't have many moves so they follow their "routine" - position 1 for 15 seconds, position 2 for 15 seconds, position 3 for 15 seconds, stand and ass smack, repeat rinse recycle.
  • igloo9999
    12 years ago
    it seems to have taken over around here too. just about every dancer will smack her own ass atleast once during each song. my partner & i will get into it (including using a paddle) but having a dancer do herself does nothing for me.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    it all depends on the dancer
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Some seem to encourage it, but for me, does nothing. I will pop them a little, but nothing close to intense.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I hate the butt-slapping trend. I always cringe and implore the girl to please don't mistreat that precious thing. Kinda weird, because in a world where men are often considered to be the more aggressive/violent sex, I'm trying to keep a girl from getting violent - on herself no less. So yes, it does nothing for me and I've told the girls that. They usually act like I don't mean it and want to spank them. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I used to say it's not a turn on and for the most part that is still true. I would be nervous about smacking a girl on her rear even if she wanted me to just because a bouncer if watching may view things differently. Some dancers really do not like it and you could get thrown out. I remember one hot young dancer wanted me to smack her ass. She wasn't satisfied until I smacked it pretty good. Then she wanted me to repeat for her other cheek. I may have enjoyed that a little bit but I think that is encouraging the wrong behavior in customers to encourage customers to smack the crap out of a dancer even if it is on her rear. This was during a lap dance that she wanted it. I figure it must be some kind of weird turn on for her. I didn't spend any time questioning it because a somewhat hard to light smack is a lot quicker. I did check to make sure a bouncer wasn't watching before smacking her rear.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I only met one dancer that wanted me to routinely smack her on her rear. Most dancers I meet are not into it fortunately.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    It doesn't do anything to turn me on so I figure it must turn her on somehow. I didn't stop to think she might be requesting it because she foolishly thinks a lot of guys like it.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    No I do not like my butt smacked. It bugs me. When I had been dancing about six months I was standing up by the bar and a younger guy who I'd danced with before came up behind me and just sacked the shit out of my ass, seriously painful. I took my glass and smashed him across the side of his face as hard as I could. It broke the glass.The manager had to come and haul me away. He was kicked out, I was told to go cool off and nothing came of it.
  • bobvz
    12 years ago
    LOL Juicebox...same thing happened to me...takes only one to mess it up for everyone!
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    No and yes. If I'm dancing, I do it as a way to call the attention (since most of the girls "clack" the stage with their heels...and my buttcheeks sound really loud when I smack them). It does turn me on ONLY when my man is the one spanking me when I'm riding him in reverse (since I kinda have an Electra complex).
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    I think butt slapping is like a hickey; it's gets attention.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Never really understood it. If a dancer wants me to do it to her, I try to decline. I usually think that she is just doing it because she is expected to. @Stiletto, I thought you liked somebody caressing your butt? Whole different deal?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    No ! No! No ! And hell to the Na ! Bob it realy sucked ass ! Lol !
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