I came across this review of a strip club by a college student:
http://www.studlife.com/scene/…I found the review rather amusing, especially the reviewer's complaints about the dancers:
"Most of them were getting on in years (mid-twenties), and their ages were clearly showing."
last comment"After getting kicked out because the place decided that they wouldn’t take campus card for drinks, I’d had absolutely enough."
He got kicked out, then decided he was pissed.
omg, Dude's got issues, not the least of which is thinking the bouncer's handsome....and then to have strong feelings that way...ew
Does he only get dances from teenagers? LOL
What a dumbass. Who rains $20's in a club? 20's are supposed to be put in the girls g-string. This guy clearly has no clue.
His comment about the girls being to old in their 20's made me laugh. The best sex I ever had in my life was from a beautiful Latina 34 years old, so grow up college twirp and be a real stripclub man like the guys on this site.
"I don’t know if it was because it was an East St. Louis joint, but a few of the girls had gunshot scars"
Lol. I've never even seen that in Detroit!
I'd like his Bank account! Raining $20 bills. What an idiot.
I'll get up & Dance if someone would rain $20s on me! ROTFLMAO
I often visit a club near Michigan State University where the kids barely have enough to tip a dollar on stage and this douche is raining twenties.
Apparently that's the difference between public university students and spooked rich kids. His dad is dropping more than a quarter million on his kids education and the brat is slumming in the ESL ghetto clubs.
I hate auto correct
So I'm guessing Bear Bucks are discount coupons the students can use at participating area businesses.
I did wonder why the dancers ignored him after he tipped so much. Made me wonder if they thought he was a cop. Clean cut white guy walks in and tries too hard to get a dance. Maybe they got suspicious.
The part about the gun is pretty blatant. Very few places, even the ones that don't violate your right to bear arms, permit guns in bars, and Illinois is widely regarded as one of the most egregious violators of the 2nd Amendment.
All in all I suspect much if not most of this "review" is made up with an attempt to be clever. He fails, IMO.
I think most people knew it was a joke, but couldn't tell from some of the posts if they knew it was a joke.
But he's still s douche, lol.
Isn't he mocking us SC regulars?
Someday he will be old too and will be a SC regular.
He deserves an "A" in creative writing though.
I guess there will always be a fraction of the population on the left hand of the bell curve that thinks wraslin' is real and strippers actually care about anything except your wallet.
Douche's Real Name is BBFS....Bear Bucks Fucking Shithead