A College Student's Review of a Strip Club

avatar for jackslash
I came across this review of a strip club by a college student:


I found the review rather amusing, especially the reviewer's complaints about the dancers:

"Most of them were getting on in years (mid-twenties), and their ages were clearly showing."


last comment
avatar for hard10
13 years ago
Great article. My favorite line:

"After getting kicked out because the place decided that they wouldn’t take campus card for drinks, I’d had absolutely enough."

He got kicked out, then decided he was pissed.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
"The bouncer is kind of handsy, and that was the strongest feeling I got throughout the night."

omg, Dude's got issues, not the least of which is thinking the bouncer's handsome....and then to have strong feelings that way...ew
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
and, wtf is the dude posting on studlife.com when he should be on douchelife.com
avatar for crazyjoe
13 years ago
What a dumbass! He needs to be cut off from daddys money and sent to work camp untill he knows what the real world is
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Most of them were getting on in years (mid-twenties), and their ages were clearly showing."

Does he only get dances from teenagers? LOL
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
He is a douche with a capital BAG.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
"Absolutely no girls came over to dance with me, no matter how hard I tried. I made it rain ones, fives, tens, then twenties, and all they would do is come over, pick up the bills, and walk off without offering to give me a dance."

What a dumbass. Who rains $20's in a club? 20's are supposed to be put in the girls g-string. This guy clearly has no clue.

His comment about the girls being to old in their 20's made me laugh. The best sex I ever had in my life was from a beautiful Latina 34 years old, so grow up college twirp and be a real stripclub man like the guys on this site.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
My favorite line:

"I don’t know if it was because it was an East St. Louis joint, but a few of the girls had gunshot scars"

Lol. I've never even seen that in Detroit!
avatar for CaligirlAngie62
13 years ago
ITA! WHAT A DOUCHE! over 20 something is "getting on in years" Obviously, the girls didn't want to dance for this loser, even if he did "make it rain", What a loser! I am a female, and I had a dancer dance for me, in a VIP room, who HAD to be 40 something, and was the hottest thing in the place, albeit, the other girls were hot too. I just could not resist clicking the link and reading it, thanks for the laughs!

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Absolutely no girls came over to dance with me, no matter how hard I tried. I made it rain ones, fives, tens, then twenties"

I'd like his Bank account! Raining $20 bills. What an idiot.

I'll get up & Dance if someone would rain $20s on me! ROTFLMAO
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Anybody try to find this club on TUSCL or other internet sources. I did and couldn't find it.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
The tuition at Washington University is $42,500 per year. The meal plan is $5000 and a dorm us $9000.

I often visit a club near Michigan State University where the kids barely have enough to tip a dollar on stage and this douche is raining twenties.

Apparently that's the difference between public university students and spooked rich kids. His dad is dropping more than a quarter million on his kids education and the brat is slumming in the ESL ghetto clubs.

avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
spooked = spoiled

I hate auto correct
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
He has to slum somewhere. LOL
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
He mentions that the club does not accept Bear Bucks. Maybe this is a new club that reopened the old Bear's Den that was in St. Louis and now listed as close on TUSCL?

avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
Did I miss it or did no one point out that the asshat's *nom de plume* is I. C. Wiener?
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
The Bears are the name of the Washington University athletic teams.

So I'm guessing Bear Bucks are discount coupons the students can use at participating area businesses.

I did wonder why the dancers ignored him after he tipped so much. Made me wonder if they thought he was a cop. Clean cut white guy walks in and tries too hard to get a dance. Maybe they got suspicious.

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
One of my best friends went to this school....and no, he's not this particular douche, lol....can't wait to shit on him about being part of this fraternity....
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
The references to "Bear Bucks" and "campus card" likely refer to a college debit card of some sort. My son's school has one students can use to make purchases on campus (bookstore, laundry, food court, etc.), but is also widely accepted in the local community. Parents can add cash online. I'm kinda glad to hear you can't buy drinks at the strip club with it!
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I suspect it's a joke and he never even went inside the place, if it even exists.
avatar for sagevincent
13 years ago
It should be one of the April fool's day pranks. A strip club with breakfast buffets? That sounds fishy.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
I think it *is* an April Fool prank. It has a posted date of 4/2, but that could be for one of two reasons. He entered it on the first, but it was held for moderation or something until the next day, or he's one of those idiots who think that because the sun hasn't come up yet, it's still the same day.

The part about the gun is pretty blatant. Very few places, even the ones that don't violate your right to bear arms, permit guns in bars, and Illinois is widely regarded as one of the most egregious violators of the 2nd Amendment.
avatar for Otto22
13 years ago
I believe much of this "review" is fantasy. Breakfast at a SC? Seriously? If you're going in the morning, don't eat the buffet. Stage-tipping Andrew Jacksons? Doubt it. If a 25 yr. old looks aged to him he must be too young to go clubbing in the first place.
All in all I suspect much if not most of this "review" is made up with an attempt to be clever. He fails, IMO.
avatar for uscue13
13 years ago
Guys, sorry to tell you but it was an April Fools article in a student newspaper. StudLife.com is the website for Student Life newspaper for Wash. U. (SL). It was posted 4/2 because student newspapers don't come out on Sunday's (which was April 1). The author is "I.C. Weiner" and the tagline for author is "Female Connoisseur" instead of "Feature Editor or Sports Writer", etc.

I think most people knew it was a joke, but couldn't tell from some of the posts if they knew it was a joke.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Ok. I'm an idiot. I fell for his joke.

But he's still s douche, lol.
Isn't he mocking us SC regulars?

Someday he will be old too and will be a SC regular.

He deserves an "A" in creative writing though.
avatar for mroo
13 years ago
I would have thought that even if the reader somehow managed to ignore that it was April 1st, they may have noticed that the author was I.C. Wiener.

I guess there will always be a fraction of the population on the left hand of the bell curve that thinks wraslin' is real and strippers actually care about anything except your wallet.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I guess I now know why I couldn't find the club listed anywhere. LOl.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Fucking old ass 20 somethings
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
I.C. Weiner is really just his pen name....

Douche's Real Name is BBFS....Bear Bucks Fucking Shithead
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
Bullet wound scars?? Dead give away that the aricle was poorly written BS. If it was supposed to be funny I fell flat. It read more like a do gooder back handed slap at clubbing. Just like a previous psychobabble post. But in fairness it did have it's moment of being ludicris
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