
Comments by Professor906090 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    zuluZ, sorry, I have misread your post, tought you were looking to get into the biz. Please diregard the two above. OK I am under the influence a bit :) As far as your personal relationship with your husband, trust your instincts. Personally, I have a beautiful wife that has a stripper body and she knows that I visit the clubs but she trusts me that I do not seek sex on the side, and she actually likes me a bit more after I come home. All that energy is hers to take. Once when she was 7 months pregnant with our boy, I came home from the Colesium and... I guess it works different for different couples and it all comes to the issue of trust. If you would manage to have him talk, you might find what it was he was looking for there. A variety maybe...Again, you know him better than any of us. If you worry wether or not your husband cheated on you, the name of the club does not matter, he could have arranged OTC sessions.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    zuluZ, I have thought of another club that you, based on your self-description, should outcompete other dancers and, therefore, get away with less millage... Let me know.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    zuluzZ, if you looking for air dances place, you might want to check out Jon-Jons (see my review of the club). I also know a few good hearted dancers that might help you to start. Let me know if you like me to send their info (club name, their stage name, etc)I am sure you will find a spot that is right for you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I Miss The Little Goof Ball <sigh>
    Jablake, hope nothing happened to the girl. When my fist AFT quit dancing, her dancer friend told me that the girl got in a boating accident that left a 5 inch long and 1.5 inch deep cut on her leg just under a buttchick. It took 26 stiches to close it up. The wound will leave the scar... You know what, I don't want to believe the story, and more times than I care to do so, I still hope I run into her either on a street or at the club. If you care about the girl, keep positive thought in your mind (have you read "The Secret"? - this sh*t works!) and you will see her again, I am sure!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    Melina, just wanted to say welcome to TUSCL and thank you for your post. Any dancer that joins in a discussion adds an insider prospective which helps to keep any discussion fun and balanced. BTW do you like chocolate (Godiva) covered strawberries?..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    Way to go, Jablake! Keep it real.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    I have bought flowers, perfume, bras, jewerly, brought gum too. Hey, dancers are women first and foremost. I know its SHOCKING! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    Doug, I agree with you about using a ficticious or real kid as a sympathy factor.Have you every been confronted by a gypsy that held a child and asked for money. Sometimes, the kid is "borrowed" from another gypsy. This trick has been used for centuries.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blackmail, can it happen?
    Sorry, let me restate: "...amd later on WAS blackmailed"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    ATF is a dancer that for one reason or the other you do the most business with. On the other hand, a dancer knows that she has reached her ATF status with you when your contribution to her earnings is the highest among other customers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What annoys ME the most!!!
    Many times I lem them talk and pretend that I am really interested in their stripper rap. I also enjoy let them catch me being fake, that's when I say "sorry, hun, I used to be a dancer in previous life, sometimes it catches up with me" lol. Like to keep it real.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "She's going country..."
    Chandler, this question was ment to educate me as well as the others on the variety of possibilities the girls have after they end their dancing career. You prospective could have been very beneficial and would have helped to appreciate the dancers even more. I believe, having dealt with as many people as dancers have, the occupation teaches them a lot about psychology and other soft skills that could be easily transferred into other fields like high-end sales jobs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    I'd like to thank MIDancer, Evilcyn and Chandler for their responses. Hope others, if there other dancers registered with TUSCL, will join in. I also wanted to get your feedback on the topics that you have seen me addressed. Are they really boring for you, as insiders, or am I doing ok so far?..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    David9999, brings a great point. Easy access may be a great deterant! We can use it to balance out emotionally, though, if we are into a dancer, we, sometimes, become blind of the fact that we are not the first nor the last. Customers are as much of the commodity as the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Jablake, do you know what is that you want now?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Jablake, now you are telling the story that I knew was behind the situation described in your initial post!.. YES, for as long as you pay her, you do not stand a chance. She says the truth. Too bad you did not listen, assuming you wanted OTC relationship. You have two options now: either leave her along and move on. The best way would be stop coming to this club, though that may be very difficult, but a real man will find the way. Second option is to give in into emotion, become a PL and take her humiliation just so you can still see her, dances or not. My advise, if I may, is to do not overinvest emotionally, it is not worth it. If you think you are in love with her, use the feeling for something creative and it may be wise to get less involved in her life for a time being. Things do have the way to go around, if they are ment to be...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good luck, Jablake, hope the friendly one will become you AFT soon. Keep us posted.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Sounds like the friendly one may be engage in a some sort of relationship that she holds dear. When that happens, I have noticed, dancers would limit their communication to the minimum, may reduce their millage too. I do not know if they would go so far as to stop selling dances, but who cares, right?! :) Great story, Jabalake, thanks!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is really in control?
    David9999, you bring excellent points that can be summarized as reduction in emotional investment in one particular dancer. Even when you talk about money, to a dancer, it will seem that you like some other dancer more and, therefore, spend your money on that person. Also agreening that most dancers are drama junkies, all of your actions filtered through this simple "he likes me, he likes me not" thought process, you would have some degree of control over the dancer's mood. You will be able to make her angry or happy. A "make-up" lap session may even be of higher millage. However, I believe, that's where the limit of your control stops. I dancer that has a bit more experience in "emotional dance" department, will include "off the script behavior" in her new script, and will simply ignore your points 1 through 6. And you know what? Seening that your methods do not bother her, you will probably be back. And she will greet you with her usual beautiful smile, no questions asked, no quilt trips, and before you know it, you are thinking "what a cool cat she is!" As soon as the thought crosses your mind and you are thinking about buying dances: "check-mate, budddy!" :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Sounds like there is more to this story, otherwise, the two dancers would not go into the conspiracy not to sell you dances. They could have offered a double-up to you, or dance with you separately. Assuming you looked you usual self, there must have been a simple enough explanation to this enigma. Care to come clean? :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    Thank you, MIDancer, you answered my question perfectly! Do you think your fellow dancers average about the same as far as lap dances go, or you are more successful than most of the dancers you know?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Share and Share Alike
    Go right ahead, Bones! The more business I bring to her, the more of the discount I get, haha!!!!!! She can handle all types since she had been dancing for 14 years now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you hire your ATF to work for you?
    Someone, please explain to me, a new guy, what is the "pink board"? Is that the same as "pink site"? I have seen that reference too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Academy awards nominations for the best lines by a stripper and the winner IS?
    1) I like your perfumre, it smells nice, what is it? 2) I like your black undershirt, it is sexy. 3) You are very tan, do you tan naked? All of it was real, true, thus worked for me. Lies, as sweet as they may be, are not something "I can take with me". I always ask my AFT to never lie to me no matter what, or she will risk loosing my interest in her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples
    Bones: actually the book I read that metioned nipples was some pocket size funny sex book written by a woman, but it does not matter since the explanation is funny and may not be scientifically 100% correct.