
Comments by Professor906090 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are we going to SC.
    Bravo, Chandler! Short and to the point. You'd get an "A" in my class.
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    17 years ago
    Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples
    I read in one book that the only reason the males have nipples is for them to be played with as a part of a foreplay. Make sense since we do not breastfeed, thank God! (LOL)Some dancers have bitten mine but did it so it felt good and slightly painful at the same time. Overall, what a wonderful mixed feeling that was! Should ask for more. Lotsoffun, if you read this, are nipples "hardwired" with the "guy downsouth"? Seems that way, haha.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word...
    Casualguy must be 27-29. I wonder if he would be the youngest member of the board.
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    17 years ago
    Dancer seeking professional help form you
    Lotsoffun, I am pleasantly surprised to have drawn the professional of your caliber into discussion. Let me ask you if during your practice you treated a girl that somehow you knew was a stripper? Was the illness / injury work related in any way? Also, dancers probably no not have medical insurance, yet engage themselves in potentially dangerous activities while under influence like boating, driving, even while working at the pole. How do they go about paying for medical services?
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    17 years ago
    Running into ATF OTC unintentionally
    Wow, Jablake, I need to move to your neighborhood :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    Sorry, it must be from cutting and pasting from MS Word. Some characters appear is question marks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which Dancer is More Valuable?
    For me, it just happened that after Dancer A left the industry, Dancer B has successfully replaced her as my new ATF, But I have known both of them for about a year. But I agree with Doug that Dancer B could be too good to be true.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Falling in love with a dancer
    I wanted to thank everyone for their responses. Yes, I am new to the site yet will try to make it interesting for everyone and not to get you involved in such heavy subjects as the matters of the heart. Let’s have fun! On to the next topic I go...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Falling in love with a dancer
    All right, here is the story. When to this club last December with friends where I met the girl. She gave me some awsome dances and we exchanged phone numbers. I am blown away by her beauty and physical shape, that I loose 20 lb and think about next time I am going to meet with her.About 1 1/2 onths later she texts me that I "should stop by", I did. At this time I am new to the whole things and take everything at a face value. She treats me nice, though milage is just above the average. By the way, she is smoking hot and 23 y.o... I month later Ioose my job for the first time in a decade. I text her and we meet at the club. Having more time on my hands I sart seeing het more and more (PL cubed, haha!)and soon I realized I am in love! This new, or long forgotten feeling gives me the wings. Personally I am married for 10 years, have a beautiful wife and two kids, and have no intention of ruining it.After two months of job search I have 5 interviews and five offers. I am on top of the world. I start taking my ATF OTC where I am trying to help her get a normal job, helping her with her resume, duscussing different topics. I told her that I fell in love with her and she told me that she loved me too. I knew she was lying, l knew the whole thing was wrong, I knew, I knew, I knew!... But I could not break myself away. One day I have finally figured that the way to get over her was to ask for s.., not FS, but a normall, mutually consentual one. To me ether answer would do. However, hoping for "no", I did it in such an un romantic was to insure the outcome. Still she almost agreed at first, but changed her mind afterwords. What a relief! I felt free again. At this point I caught up with SC culture having read some literature and talking to her fellow dancers. One in particular, who is now my new ATF, spend some time explaining how things should work. Shortly after our "breakup" the girl has left dancing for good having found a job she liked. We do not talk and her memory is fading away. Yet, for the money I have spent on her at the club and OTC, it has been the best investment for it has positively effected my professional life, my personal fitness, my self esteen,romantic things that I do to my wife, list goes on. What can I say, life happenes and I am greatful to have that crash-course in SC culture...Anyone wants to laugh?.. I do.