
I Miss The Little Goof Ball <sigh>

Really a hot little girl with a lot of skill, but under it all she was a goof ball. :) One time she kept calling me up giving a progress report as to proximity and time to my home. I'm 5 minutes away and I'll be right there. And, similar messages. Something like 8 hours later she's on my doorstep. Her phone is ringing every minute or so. I said how did you even get time to call me? She says oh, I did it in between conversations. :)

I was going to meet her at Angels and the rain was incredible. You couldn't see and the streets were flooding. And, she is calling me saying she's on her way. I say no, it is horrible out there. She says yes, I know but I need to make some money. I kept telling her I was worried about her safety and it was rough driving. I even had trouble getting to the club in one piece and I'm an excellent driver.

Unfortunately, that was the last I ever heard from her. :( I did try calling a few times---she'd almost always answered my call immediately or at least returned the call within the hour. NOTHING. And, then her phone gets disconnected. :(

She is also the dancer who says to me really you are too old for me. How about I fix you up with a lady your age? And, it will be cheaper and you'll have a lot more in common. :) I said will she be as hot as you. The little dancer looks at me and says trust me looks are not important. It is how much two people have in common that's important. She says I have a lot of experience in this area. She was like 18 or 19. :)


  • DougS
    17 years ago
    JaBlake: what? you're going to leave us in suspence? What happened to her? Was she ok?
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi DougS,

    I never was able to find out. :( I did check around, but that will make the other dancers nervous or jealous or they just may not know. Angels wasn't her cup of tea anyway and she spent precious little time there. At Coco's there are just too many girls and too many interests.

    Anything could of happened. She might have been arrested. A minor fender bender might have sent her fleeing to Atlanta to be with her rap employers. I was going to go with her to buy some rap videos that she appeared in. She said the rappers throw money away, but the negative for her is that she didn't have the fat ass that they crave. It was like where's you booty bitch. I want da big mommies. Exactly the type I would pay to stay dressed or better yet LEAVE. She said the guys that really showed strong interest in her were white, but that she wanted more a rapper or gangster type of any color and closer to her age or at least within a couple decades. :)

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Apparently she didn't realize looks may not be important to sexual arousal in females but looks are important to males. Males are visually stimulated unlike females. I think most females only use looks to get an idea of how well someone might provide for them and I read they aren't typically turned on just by looks alone like guys are. I could be wrong but that's what I read and it seems to be true from what I observed so far. I have noticed females do seem to get turned on visually looking at a certain part of the male anatomy but overall I still think not.
  • Professor906090
    17 years ago
    Jablake, hope nothing happened to the girl.
    When my fist AFT quit dancing, her dancer friend told me that the girl got in a boating accident that left a 5 inch long and 1.5 inch deep cut on her leg just under a buttchick. It took 26 stiches to close it up. The wound will leave the scar... You know what, I don't want to believe the story, and more times than I care to do so, I still hope I run into her either on a street or at the club. If you care about the girl, keep positive thought in your mind (have you read "The Secret"? - this sh*t works!) and you will see her again, I am sure!
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Some or a lot? of women seem attracted by height, but I don't think generally that they consider that to be looks. It may be a question of security. My ex-girlfried preferred small guys; she was tiny.

    Usually, the dancers I don't care for are easier to find either due to looks or personality.

    Perhaps with all the rain she said to hell with Florida and went off to star in some million dollar rap videos. :) I read the condensed, condensed version of "The Secret." I detested it! Not saying it doesn't work, but so many times I see people denying reality because the reality sucks. This one positive thinking person with perpetual smile told me and surprised me by telling me they did see what I was talking about but it didn't do any good to acknowledge it and it was much better to think happy thoughts. I thought well at least you're saving money on drugs and lowering your risks of arrest.

    Also, I shouldn't be so anti-spirituality in that I have first hand experiences. But, I am. Normally it is putting on rose colored glasses as well as being a fraudulent and stupid, imo.

    If I see her in a year or so, then I can tell her she's old now too. :) She was going to show me some of her rap moves and I said NO PLEASE NO RAP MOVES TODAY, I'm old and need to take these things a little slower. I definitely want to see all your rap moves, but it is too much too soon! And, yes I actually was looking forward to seeing her rap moves, but I prefer baby steps to WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM in most areas of life.

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