
Comments by DougS (page 47)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    Darkwolf: Interesting alibi to explain the loan. If it ever came to me needing to explain it, that's probably the route I would have to take. But, incidentally, the amount was actually $3k. As it turned out, I really didn't even need to get the money, as my OTC that I had planned, actually turned out to be free... BUT, had I been put into a situation where I needed to pay for services, I wanted to make sure that I was covered...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Ex dancer calls for a "session"
    Shek: I don't know why the others assume psychotic reasons for her sudden re-interest in you, but I don't see it that way. I still say, wait for her to contact you, and when she does, enjoy the bounty. Nothing like a truly motivated dancer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Bones: Yet another reason that I plan to spend the day with my ATF, OTCing... I want to keep her as far away from this reunion as I possibly can!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Thoughts on the fantasy aspect of SC'ing
    Yoda: Right on. My ATF.. I've spent a lot of time analyzing details about what's transpired between us, what's been said, what's not been said, when, where and how we interact. I perceive that she values our "relationship" as more than a dancer/customer thing. Maybe she does... maybe she doesn't, but it makes me a happier person because of it, and until she point blank tells me otherwise, that is how I will perceive what we've got. Surely dancers, or girls in general REALLY don't care only about money, right? [sarcasm lightly sprinkled into the discussion] Here, maybe this little film will shed some light on things... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYVp7dAn3_4
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Deja Vu clubs
    I've always been tempted to hit the DJV in Kazoo. They run ads in my local newspaper and it always looks and sounds very inviting. Especially since it's nude, too. But, the distance from me to Kazoo happens to be the same as to Kokomo, and in the past Kokomo always won out, mostly due to my faves that were dancing there. After reading this thread, it sounds like I've made the right decision.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Recommend a movie for its SC relevance.
    A recent move that I saw does a good job of showing what can happen when your emotions get carried away. It's Unfaithful (2002, Diane Lane, Richard Gere). Another comes to mind - Closer (2004, Julia Roberts), which is another flick about affairs and shallowness. As for getting scammed and conned, and a great look at how easily a pretty face can convince you that she is totally different than what she really is, check out Matchstick Men (2003, Nicholas Cage)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Funniest youtube video or soundtrack?
    That'd be Tom Mabe. If you liked that one, do a search for Tom Mabe... there are a lot of his gags out there. One of the best that he pulled was on hunters trespassing on his property. Tom and his buddy donned hazmat outfits and convinved the hunters that the area was contaminated by radioactive waste...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Turan8: Ok, sounds very interesting and the price is right. So, some questions immediately come to mind... 1) how do you measure out the powder to the proper dosage? 2) how do you carry the dosage around (do you also have to buy empty capsules?)? 3) Will my purchase of this drug, in the powered form put my name on the list of potential "chemists" that the cops will be watching, especially if I have purchased cold medication recently?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Uninhabited Island Fantasy
    I'm CASTing (get it, CASTaway) my vote for my ATF. I like EVERYthing about her, and I'm reasonably sure that we would be compatible for the long haul. Now, if I were going completely by looks, and throwing to the wind the chance that I might not like her personality, I'd have a very tough decision. Lately, after recently watching "The Devil Wears Prada", I've rekindled my desire for Anne Hathaway. Damn she's pretty! Also way up there, I share Chitown's attraction to Jennifer Love Hewitt (Chi, remember my email about the JLH lookalike?..she's actually even hotter than JLH).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Deja Vu clubs
    David120: What? Shaved girls LESS intriguing? I'm totally opposite... I LOVE shaved, and if not shaved, at least very neatly trimmed. I find the wild bush to be nearly disgusting. BookGuy: Hmmm... the Barely Legal club sounds like it's right up my alley, though I think the Disney themed decorations is a little on the sick side. Also seems like the REAL Disney people would object to find that usage of their licensed items.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're getting sleepy when...
    Getting sleepy in a club? No way... never happened to me. Try some Red Bull (or SoBe, Rockstar, Monster, etc.)!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Uninhabited Island Fantasy
    Another hottie comes to mind, for my list of girls that for purely physical appeal, I'd vote ONTO my island. Elisha Cuthbert. She was WAY hot in The Girl Next Door.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Extras, OTCs and Good Girls
    Ahh Chandler... Another conundrum, and don't think this question hasn't crossed my mind. If a good girl / "clean dancer" is only acting that way to make her more appealing to me, perhaps if I pushed the envelope, would it open easily, or maybe she is not acting and is truly not a "dirty dancer". This question was bouncing in my mind a lot more when I was with my prev ATF (that'd be the dancer that we both know - the one that I re-located in Indy several months ago). Especially as things got steamier. Perhaps your ITC experiences with her were different from mine (I'd like to hear about them, if you want to email me), but I am fairly sure she was clean and rule bound. I believe that as we got to know each other better, and she felt more comfortable with me, she became more relaxed. Not that it was always about it, but she also got into a money crunch, which I feel influenced a few things. As for my ATF, I would be totally shocked if it were all an act. I'm confident that she's not an "extras" type girl.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Recommend a movie for its SC relevance.
    A few more come to mind... The Last Seduction - another flick where a woman cons men. Another, this one is for Chitown, a felllow luster of Jennifer Love Hewitt - Heartbreakers, where a mother-daughter team conspire to swindle men by use of their charms.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Simpler Times
    Fondl: I'm actually saying that beauty is MORE important now, than what it was before there was mass media showing us how much beauty was really available. And really I'm not saying that guys didn't pursue the girls they thought were the prettiest. What I was trying to say is that back then, pre-media blitz, guys didn't know what was available, so Joe Hick, living in Podunk, USA, thought that Henrietta Homemaker was THE most beautiful girl in the world, but that's only because his would was so much smaller then. Now, Joe Hick sees Sally Sexpot on TV and she becomes his ideal girl, and Henrietta no longer turns his head. She no longer turns him on, because now he wants Sally and anyone less pretty will not do. So, getting back to Simpler Times, if we were living 100 years ago, we'd be dating our Henrietta's and would be blissfully happy, because we'd think there were none prettier. Even if Sally Sexpot lived three villages over, he didn't know about her, and hadn't seen how beautiful she is.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Deja Vu clubs
    Lowpaw: Yowza... now THAT is a fond memory that I have, and I wasn't even there! I'd pay all three of you, just to watch! (sorry... but that sounds very nice)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    What kind of porn do you prefer?
    Seems like my taste in porn has evolved somewhat. I used to be all about girl-on-girl stuff, which I still enjoy, but I've found that I'm now more into "facials", similar to Book Guy. However, with my hair fetish, if the stream makes it into her hair, that's perfect. Like Kobe Bryant said, "it's my thing". Of course, the girls in the video need to be my type - young lookng (18-25), pretty face, long shiny silky hair... Magazines, or pics just aren't entertaining enough... it has to be videos. Again, the internet is the source, but I once in a while will pop for a month membership to a "collection" site, preferably one that has a lot of free "bonus sites".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Recommend a movie for its SC relevance.
    Pop: Funny you should mention Body Double. I caught about 15 min of it this morning, while getting ready for work. Looks like there was some interesting flesh shown. Melanie Griffith never did it for me... probably the short hair thing, but she DID have a killer body (unless she had a body double, wouldn't that be ironic?). Oh, and as for Sigourney Weaver in Heartbreakers? I didn't notice... too busy lusting after Jennifer Love Hewitt!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're getting sleepy when...
    Chandler: Again, Red Bull! Several months back, I was with a girl until 3:40am (I think it ITC, though). I had to be at work yet that morning, so I headed up from Indy and battled the Zzzzz's all the way. I scared myself senseless (not hard to do! [wink]) several times when nodding off and almost running off the road, but I still couldn't stay awake. Pure misery. After that, I discovered the merits of energy drinks, and have not had that problem since. Now, everytime I'm driving any long distance, I've got a can keeping me alert. And, I have them in the club, too... that way I have something to drink and am not getting blitzed, and usually the girl I'm with will share it with me, which is nice. Give it a shot!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    What kind of porn do you prefer?
    Yoda/Fondl: It depends on my mood, but once in a while the abusive stuff is a turn-on for me. Maybe it's because it's out of my character to treat a girl like that. But, maybe some light play-like slapping of the face, and forcing oral, especially when the girl seems to be digging it can get me going.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Have you noticed...
    Note to self: don't waste my time reading the "have you noticed..." thread... Let's all drop this and talk about hot girls...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Deja Vu clubs
    Lowpaw: Let me know... next time I will spring for the camcorder! [wink] Again... YOWZA!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Recommend a movie for its SC relevance.
    Okay... 'fessing up, I did a search on Netflix and came up with some possibles to add... How about a few documentaries about strippers and strip clubs? The Strip Game or Stripped. In the previews, both of these look very intriguing. I'd put them in my Netflix queue, but I don't think I could explain it to the wife or family... None of these appear to offer any help understanding the SC world, and are probably far-fetched and maybe even a little soft-porn-ish... but here's some obscure ones ... Stripteaser (not to be confused with Striptease with Demi Moore). Also, check out Stripteaser 2. Maybe even Strip for Action. If anyone checks these out... I'm all ears to hear how good (or bad) they are...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    What kind of porn do you prefer?
    Chi: Speaking of the Bangbus series, which I do have quite a few of... If you haven't seen the one with Reagan, let me know and I will get you a copy... THAT is the hottest of the Bangbus videos that I've seen. Reagan (not the long dead pres) is pretty much the ideal as far as the type of girls I like (and I think she has what you like, as well).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dangers of OTC
    BookGuy: Though definitely a potential hidden danger, I've never experienced the dreaded upsell during OTCing. The ONLY time that has ever happened to me was with an escort (in Atlanta, if I remember correctly). Out of the half-dozen-ish escort experiences I've had, only one has tried the upsell approach. Very annoying! Another issue with escorts is the time limit. Supposedly, you pay x amount for an hour, right? In MY mind, that means you are paying x amount for 60 min of play, including as many times as you want (or can) do the deed. NOT! It's pretty much x amount for the time it takes for her to make you blow your nut, and in most cases they really work at getting to that destination as quickly as possible. What fun is that? (well, pretty damned fun, but not what I'm looking for)