
Comments by DougS (page 41)

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    18 years ago
    Great line from a s.c. manager
    It was kind of jokingly asked above, but let me officially put it out there. I've always wondered if the owners, DJs, bartenders and bouncers, were able to sample the goods. I assume that working closely with the girls and becoming friends with them, probably opens some windows of opportunity. From discussions I've had with "my girls", I've heard of a particular club's owner making girls perform acts on him as a way to get back in his good graces for constantly being late, or breaking a club's rules. I believe it's true. Just curious if anyone else had heard, seen or has knowledge of club staff getting priviledges with the girls.
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    18 years ago
    Great line from a s.c. manager
    Chandler: It just adds to my desire to open my own club. A few buddies and I have always talked about opening a club, because we've all been to plenty of clubs and know how a club SHOULD be. We also worked together for a restaurant "holding company" (a franchisor and franchisee of at one time 2,000+ restaurants), so we know a bit about food cost (bev), running a business similar to a club. The only downside, and biggest reason we've never done so is there's no one in hell our wives would allow it. (a slight tactical problem)
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    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    Just to help those following along at home... here's the URL to the Deal or No Deal website. You will find if you scroll down, a section titled "Models". You can "mouse hover" over each model's picture for a larger view. Again, my votes are for Megan and Lindsay S.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    BTW, Lindsay is #4 and Megan is #6. I guess the girls DO keep the same numbers from show to show.
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    18 years ago
    Great line from a s.c. manager
    For obvious reasons, we never got past the "talk" stage of opening a club, and thus we were never too serious. Besides the wives not approving of that sort of business venture, the next big hurdle was trying to find a location. The SB area is not very receptive to SCs. To be honest, when thinking/talking about opening the club, surprisingly all of the pleasant aspects of club ownership came to mind, however dealing with the sort of people that would want to help me "protect" the club never occurred to me.
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    18 years ago
    Large breasted strippers
    Sorry Maybeenuf4U, but I am only too glad that those hubba-hubba girls are not that common. I'm not a breastman, but I DO like breasts even though I find the really BIG ones to be a turn OFF. Maybe when you enter a club, they should have a small interview process in which your likes and dislikes are obtained. Girls matching your desired "profile" could then be ushered to your general area both helping the girls make more money and improve your club experience. Or maybe to make it even easier, the club could have small signs representing the different characteristics and traits of girls, such as body type, hair color, etc. Then, when you enter a club, you choose the signs associated with the traits you are looking for in a dancer, and display them at your table. The girls can then spot the sign display that most closely matches their characteristics and pay that customer a visit. [just kidding, of course]
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The Club to OTC Transition
    Fondl, and Enquiz: Very good points! I AM enjoying the ride... very much, in fact. I believe the best choice is what was suggested. Sit back, enjoy, and if she has any feelings she will make them known. There IS a fairly large BUT, to that, however. We all know how women are. They give us obscure signs that they think are blatant, and expect us to gather from their signs, how they are feeling. I can see that happening here. For what it's worth, though... as I mentioned earlier, I really don't know where I expect - or hope - this to go... it might make things more difficult to know that she had feelings, 'cause I'm not "available" to do anything about it, other than to feel flattered that she felt that way. I don't even know why I want to know... maybe just to justify how I feel.
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    18 years ago
    Trojanreg: I like the wine idea... and it's especially good that you can get it for much cheaper than it normally sells for, which means less investment for you, but the giftee thinks you spent more than you did... nice. Fondl: The shopping idea is good, too. And I'm sure fun, and no doubt a feast for your eyes! I assume when you say "clothes" you are referring to dancing outfits? In past posts, I've explained that I'm fairly jealous when it comes to my girls, so if you are talking dancing outfits, personally I'd tend to shy away from that. I don't want to dish out money for something that other guys are going to get enjoyment out of... you know? But, I HAVE done that, too, and with the current fav, no less. (funny how a hot girl can EASILY get me to do things that I should be dead-set against!) I have only given gifts to those girls with whom I have done OTCs, but I can see the benefits of gifting to others in the club such as the owner/mgr, wait staff... I think the DJ, would be good, too, since they control the girls stage appearances so keeping in good with the DJ is a good idea. I've only given gifts for birthday's and Christmas - if you don't include posting bail for a prev ATF. I'm also not including the small "trinket" things I've given the girls over the years like lighters for the ones that never seem to have something to light their cigs with.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Real Person or the Sex Object?
    Of course the first attraction is as a Sex Object... I spot a dancer that I want to play with, and get her attention (or wait for her to approach). Once that initial introduction is over, I revert to the Real Person mode. I relate to her as a Real Person not to get increased mileage, but because I enjoy getting to know her, and in my opinion the dances are more enjoyable when I feel that we have established a rapport. Of course having established a rapport with a dancer usually has the added benefit of getting increased mileage. Having had in-depth conversations with many dancers, in regards to how I treat them and how most other guys treat them, I've been told many times over that they appreciate being treated with respect. They are constantly having to deal with the "grabby" guys, and the guys that treat them like "whores". They find it "refreshing" when a guy doesn't go straight for the "goods" as soon as a dance starts. My usual "routine" during the first dance session with a new dancer, is to sit back with my hands at my sides, even if the club is known to be a "high contact" club. I let her do her thing, without touching her. During the second song, I may stroke her back... play with her hair... and usually start talking with her and finding out about her. Depending on her reactions and positions, I may stroke her face, thighs, stomach... By this time, a lot of dancers will be placing my hands where they want them, which usually is her breasts... Sometimes I might ask to touch her breasts. In the case of my ATF, the first dance session lasted about 45 min, and I never touched her breasts, even though I THINK she was giving me signs that she wanted me to touch them by the way she was placing her body. The next night, continuing where we left off, it was probably another 20 min or so before I lightly touched her breast, and with her reactions demonstrating that she was liking it, I of course obliged by continuing. Later during a "cooling off break", she said, "Do you realize how long you waited before you touched my breasts? I did, and it didn't go unnoticed... I liked that." That single gesture set the tone for our relationship. I believe it's one of the reasons for where our relationship is currently. A previous ATF once stated that when guys are "grabby" it automatically puts the dancer in "defense mode", and makes them concentrate on where his hands are and where they are heading, instead of concentrating on providing a pleasurable dance. She further said that she has many dance moves and positions that she would never do with a "grabby" guy, simply because she can't trust him not to touch her where she doesn't want touched.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club visit requests? Does anyone ever do them?
    If I'm going to go to a club, I'm going to go to the club where my ATF is dancing. On the other hand, if I'm out of town on business, where I've never been before, I will check TUSCL, and head to the higher rated clubs until I find one that I like. If I've been there before, I will already have found a club that I like and will just go to that club. Name a city, I will tell you where I go [grin]. So, I wouldn't be one to go out and research the less frequently rated clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Friends First?
    Ok, after Bookguy said that the "quote" that I had attributed to him was not by him afterall, it began to bug the poo out of me, so I went back and waded through all of the recent topics and finally found the quote. It was Mickkeyc that said, "You never know with a dancer where the bullshit ends and reality begins. (Say isn't that what most posts here are about?) " Now, back to the topic: The definition of being a "friend" that I was using, is someone that can be trusted. I believe that you DO have to be "friends first", in order to gain the dancers confidence to meet OTC. She has to know that you can be trusted not to force her to do things she doesn't want to do. She has to feel that she can be comfortable alone with you, and not worry that you could be planning to do her harm. What kind of girl would agree to an OTC with someone that she knew nothing about? Well, the exception to the rule was a VERY hot dancer (totally my type in appearance) that I'd just met, and had a session of about 10 dances with. Before we were done with the third song, she was already asking me to "take the snake out to play". I did not feel comfortable with that in the environment we were in, so I asked if she would come back to the hotel when she got off. She said, "I'll do better than that... let's leave NOW!" and after she told the DJ she was leaving (she had to tip out), she followed me back to the hotel. Becoming "friends" has led me to OTC arrangements with several girls that would normally not do that. That is the type of girl that I prefer and feel more comfortable with. I know it's shocked a few guys that have known these girls when they found out that these girls actually have met me OTC, because it seemed so out of character. Without the absolute trust, the OTCs would never have happened. Of course you can never be absolutely certain, but I'm pretty sure that I was the first guy that my prev ATF met alone, OTC. As for my current ATF, I'm 95% sure that I'm the first, and most likely the only guy to OTC with her.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP Rooms
    It's definitely not cheap, and from my buddy's experience (just one visit), this is one of those instances where the VIP room doesn't afford you any additional mileage - unless you splurge for the Champagne room. Here's how my buddy described the layout; regular lap dance .... $20.00 for one song (1st level) given in love seats spread out around the wall NOTE: lunch is included if you get a dance VIP dance ............... $100.00 for 3 songs (2nd level) $20.00 VIP admission given in love seats behind glass walls, same love seats as lap dance, pretty much in the open same mileage VIP dance ............... $250.00 for 30 minutes (3rd level) $20.00 VIP admission given in love seats behind glass walls, same love seats as lap dance, more out in the open than $100 VIP (didn't partake) Champagne Room .. $500.00 for 60 minutes $250.00 champagne very plush, working fireplace, stocked mini-bar, 2 love seats, a table, chair, light dimmer, music w/audio controls, stained glass doors separate it from VIP areas. Mileage sky rockets at this level, at least according to my buddy's visit, but it's dependant upon the girl, as this dancer of choice apparently bent the rules and got naked (against the rules... supposed to have TWO g- strings on at all times), in between the hostess visits (about 10 min intervals), and in a kneeling postion (against the rules) and finished him off, between her bare breasts.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Real Person or the Sex Object?
    Chandler: Well... that brings us back to the beginning... is it just Stripper BS, or what? She said she liked the fact that I wasn't grabby like most of the guys, she said it was a nice change, and that she was lucky that she "found" me. Yeah, I s'pose it could just be Stripper BS and that she was more happy that I was spending money on her. Who knows? [sitting back and enjoying the ride as long as it lasts and stopping the analyzation, while grabbing another beer]
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    They're gone. They're all gone.
    Yep, it's easy for me to get attached, too. It's not a bad thing if you prepare yourself like what was mentioned, and realize it IS going to end sooner or later. This past year also saw my prev ATF "disappear", even though I also thought we were very close... As sygsyg can attest, and Chandler confirmed, it's usually futile trying to track down a dancer that is MIA. I spent some time trying to track down the MIA prev ATF that I lost track of and believe it or not, I successfully found her! After visiting her, even though she acted very happy that we were reunited, it was a disappointment as I surprisingly had lost the "fire" that I had for her, to the point that I couldn't wait to get out of there. It wasn't all bad, though.. as during that same business trip, I found my new ATF... probably part of the reason that the old ATF didn't seem as hot any more. The point is, dancers enter and leave your life all the time. Even if you find one that you really like and think you can't do without, she will eventually exit and will be replaced by a newer model. To me, that's part of the excitement of clubbing. (now, if I can just remain that philosophical when I lose my current ATF... [grin])
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    18 years ago
    VIP Rooms
    Sorry.... after reading the responses to my posting about the prices at treasures, and seeing that things didn't seem to match up with what I posted, I went back to my buddy and discovered the error... It was Treasures in Las Vegas, not Houston, that he provided details for. Sorry for the confusion... but hey, if you want details for Treasures in LV, I've got them!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever give outfit suggestions to a dancer?
    Chili Palmer: Yes, definitely a good time to be able to choose the outfit for your OTC session. But, you let her change in the bathroom? What's with that? (sorry, just givin' you a hard time, but watching her get in and out of the outfits is pretty entertaining) It was one of our regular things during my OTC encounters with my prev ATF. She always brought a large supply of outfits - and even brought outfits she borrowed from fellow dancers. She'd spread the outfits out on one of the beds, and I'd choose the order in which she'd model them while I took pictures. I always saved my favorite outfit for the last, and after the pictures were taken with her modeling it, I'd have the pleasure of assisting her out of it. As a sidebar, one of the outfits that my prev ATF borrowed was from a particularly hot dancer at the club, and knowing who's outfit it was added to the fun. Later, in order to set a proper mood in the room for our play (before I made candles part of my OTC kit), my girl took that borrowed outfit and placed it over the lamp shade so that it cast a nice dark red glow over the room. We got pretty drunk and when she packed up her things, she forgot the red teddy outfit on the lamp. It was about two months before I was able to meet with her again, and her friend had pestered her numerous times to get her outfit back. Her friend would've had a fit if she knew her outfit had been wadded up in some guys desk drawer at work all that time.
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Welcome back (if you are back)... funny, I had a suspicion that Igiveup had a familiar way of writing... I even tried to check the email address the other day, just to see if it was the same email address...
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    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Tits, tits, more tits
    Not being a breastman, I nearly didn't read this thread, but having done so, I'm happy for it. Thanks for the links to the pics. I know y'all said that you like bit tits, and I definitely don't like big tits... I prefer the smaller tits that look just right on the thin type of frame that I lean towards. I thought I was going to be seeing the humongo hooters, so I wasn't all too excited about checking out the links, but ever the one to make the sacrifice to look at pics of naked women and bare tits, etc., I gave it a quick look-see. Pleasantly surprised, I was. (sorry I'm sounding like Yoda ... it's late) I definitely liked Sabrina the best. I would NOT label her with the Big Tits sign... they were pretty close to ideal, in fact. Now, if she would just let that hair down... (oops, my hair fetish is showing)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Hot and Sweaty
    Bones: Most definitely! There is NO way in hell that I'm going to get a dance from a dancer that arrives at my table already sweaty, especially if she's just been dancing with another guy. (uhh... in hell, she would be sweaty all the time, so I guess that was a poor choice of words) I prefer a sweat-less girl, although like has been pointed out, if I contributed to her sweaty condition, it's more attactive. When I run my hands down her back, I want them to move smoothly, not hindered by a warm sweaty back.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Tits, tits, more tits
    BG: I personally, find the two "too teeny tiny" teens to be very attractive - especially the first one. I don't think they appear underage at all.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Go when you're in a crappy mood?
    To me, the thought of going to a club is more than enough to get me in a good mood, so there is no way that I could be visit a club in a bad mood; it's easy for me to get "up" for a visit (pun intended).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Availability of certain dancers at Nashville clubs
    Stagliano: You will probably have better luck going to www.stripclublist.com, and posting a comment in that particular club's area. I've heard a lot of dancers read and post on that website. I've also had good luck with that site in heping me to locate a long-lost ATF (prev). Give it a shot, and good luck!
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    18 years ago
    Hooters BestDamn Dream Girls - a diversion
    Casualguy: I took another look at the girl you picked - I know, I'm just a glutton for punishment, but I was willing to make a sacrifice. Your pick is Toni Romano (image 39), who looks VERY tasty in image 41 (http://msn.foxsports.com/other/pgStory?contentId=6276268&pageNumber=41), but I didn't think she looked that great in image 39. That was probably why I didn't vote for her. I picked Linsey Toole because she was the only one that I thought looked hot in ALL of her images. I'm going to have to make a decision on whether I'll watch it tonight or watch the new episode of Real World: Denver. I'm kind'a torn because the Real World castmember Colie (Nicole) reminds me a lot of a certain ATF of mine (Chitown, do you agree?). I guess that's what PIP is for... I'll watch both!
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who would you wish for?
    Bones: I feel for 'ya... and appreciate what you've gone through, and respect (and maybe envy) that you feel so deeply for you wife. I, especially after reading Bones' wish, feel guilty that my wished for fireplace partner would be my ATF (and not my wife). It's been three weeks since last time I was with her, and I am definitely missing her.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Safety at strip clubs
    Varmint: Three shot in the club? Geesh, I would really hate to be shot in MY "club". Sorry to make light of the story, just couldn't resist what first popped into my mind when reading that account. IGU: I would definitely drive past one of those clubs, too.. With MY "whaling" tendancies, I would most definitely be likely to stir up some unwanted trouble. Heck, even in other clubs, I DO worry that I'm going to piss off some guy that's waiting for the dancer that I've been with for HOURS. Currently, the only club that I'm going to go to - IF I even go to a club anymore, is very safe, though. There's security in the well lit parking lots, so I don't worry. But, come to think of it, there's nothing to stop some doofus from following me to an area that's not so safe in order to take out their frustrations on me. Hmmm...