
Tits, tits, more tits

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
My tit preferences. For your edification and enjoyment. Complete with pictures. Happy holidays. :)

For me, tits are nicest when they are near to spherical. No explanation needed there.

Also, I prefer that the "connection zone" where breast-tissue connects to chest-wall just on top of the pectoral muscles must be as large as possible -- I prefer that connection zone to be the largest portion of the breast, a maximum circular slice of an otherwise ever-diminishing cone or sphere.

Also, they're best when they're PERKY. They must stand upright on their own. Dangliness is OK, but only as long as the portion down below the dangle is in itself still perky. If it's just a pancake, then dangliness is not OK.

I have not done an ideal job of finding examples of all of the above, but below are some examples anyway. I invite you to contribute more of your own.

idiotically over-enhanced

idiotically large (are these natural? yikes!)

rather attractive but still too large

too damn floppy

extremely small but very attractive to me

extremely small but very UNattractive to me

large but nevertheless attractive to me

awesome. the tits are nearly perfect (though with a bit poor top-to-bottom-at-base dimensions)

I suspect these are natural, but i don't like 'em

excellent but too small for the remainder of the girl (she should work out more!)

large and perfect, God bless mother Russia!

nice whoppers

bad whoppers (see how they "dangle" more than they "perk"?)

perky, but with bad left-to-right dimensions (too narrow)

all the disadvantages of size (dangly, creased underneath) but none of the advantages (not big, not fulsome)

unappealing left-to-right or top-to-bottom and also out-of-proportion to her hips (a.k.a., although she is skinny she STILL needs well-done implants)

the most beautiful girl on the planet


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    DougS -- to me, the two "teeny tiny teens" aren't essentially underage, as much as just not ... well ... feminine enough. I don't exactly see those two as excessively young-looking, or excessively male-looking, or really excessively anything-looking. It's not that they go too MUCH in any one direction. Rather, it's that they don't go FAR ENOUGH in a given direction, in particular the femininity direction. If that makes sense.

    And, of course, I'm not disparaging anyone else's preferences, or even pretending that I don't find them attractive. This is just, an "all other things being equal" quest for the "ideal among perfection" girl. I think if I saw 'em in a strip club I'd go Ga-Ga, sure. :)

    But there ya have it. I need a certain kind of schlemiel they don't got. That's all I can say.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    BG: I personally, find the two "too teeny tiny" teens to be very attractive - especially the first one. I don't think they appear underage at all.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago

    I'm not into this concept enough to run around at ericafantasies.com. I think the reason I get a jump-link is, that I have some kind of ad-ware spy-ware thing going on. I have experienced the jump-linking a lot lately. Gonna run a spycatcher or two. Also I need to turn off the "let Java do whatever it dang well wants all the time" button too.

    Anyway, we agree about Katja V. She's absolutely awesome to me, too, and her breasts without under-crease would be most disappointing. The crease is absolutely required, in order to give the necessary appearance of fullness and concurrent softness.

    I understand your point about the femjoy girl's nipples. They are a bit lazy-eyed, too high-up on the breast. But for me, that didn't immediately stand out as a problem, although now that you mention it, I can't take my eyes OFF them nipples, yeesh! :) So for me, she's hot enough, and I am not disappointed "instinctively" like you are.

    I also respond to "face" and "attitude" (and just, general capacity to pose intelligently), but this thread was initially about "tits, tits, more tits," so I was kind of trying to "mentally factor out" that sort of thing. I didn't actually seek pictures that would make it literally a controlled characteristic, that would be just TOO much porn surfing!

    One thing I consistently notice -- and I see this in strip clubs, as well -- is that "well put together" goes a DANGED long way, for me, to creating the desirable / undesirable look. I don't usually let any form of put-together-ness overwhelm my interest in two things -- youth, and smallness -- but otherwise a generally small and youthful girl can RUIN her chances with me by being slovenly, unfeminine, or generally stupid looking. The doltish "I don't know how to pose for a camera" smile is part of the ruination.

    Nevertheless, these two examples seem a bit too ... umm ... teenie tiny teen; not enough WOMAN:

    You ask: "Do you freak out over any small or flat girl who hasn't developed wide, child-bearing hips? I mean, I can understand that you don't care for their tits (I think they're great), but I don't get the unattractively masculine knock at all. Links of examples you do like might help."

    No, each of your links seems masculine, a bit, to me. It's not about the hips, it's about the WAIST. Subtle difference. I think that "swelling belly" thing (think Empire-waisted gowns) turns me very much off, no matter how little of it there actually is. Reminds me of hairy beer-bellies. I'm too much of a child of the 1980s not to want ab-cer-sized bellies.

    You: "BTW, I had trouble finding models with larger tits that I liked. The bigger tits are the more that can go wrong IMO."

    Agreed. Monstrous gazungas just remind me of beer bellies, too.

    By the way, Wikipedia's entry on BREASTS (wahoo!) has some interesting terminology about upper slope, connection-zone (they use a different term), etc.

  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Book Guy: Try browsing www.ericasfantasies.com and the free tour for basically the same pics as on the top 2 links you couldn't access. (Strange browser problem you're having.) They're quite different shots of the gorgeous-but-creased girl called Katya V. on Met-Art. Very silly poses and text, but I find her a lot more appealing there than in the drab white background shots you've seen. She's so much more expressive I wasn't sure it was the same girl at first. BTW, her tits would look horrible without creases.

    The femjoy.com girl's nipples are a telltale 2 inches or so north of where they should be, a common outcome when implants stretch the skin disproportionately. Sometimes, they point unnaturally outwards. The defect bothers me so much I can't bear to look at them. It's like trying to look a crosseyed person in the eye. It may possibly occur naturally, I don't know. Other than that, I think she has a nice body.

    I think her teeth are fine. I don't mind imperfect teeth. What's wrong is that the same half-smile she wears in practically all the shots looks guarded and forced. Her whole body looks uncomfortable. All in all, it's a poor job of getting her to relax for the camera, a problem which ruins most erotica for me.

    I realized in responding to your pics and in searching for shots I like how much I respond to faces and attitudes first and foremost, even when I'm just trying to evaluate tits. I'm especially drawn to girls with full, pouty lips, which tend to recede with age. Of the 3 models you thought had boy-cooties, the girl in the water was kind of overdoing her pout (and her areolas were too tiny), and I'll grant that the blonde on the blue bedspread looked disturbingly barely legal in some shots, and tinier than I would probably go for. I guess younger girls' tend to have an element of androgeny. However, I can't see how she's anything by feminine in, say, this shot:


    ...or the brown-haired girl (my fave) in this:


    Do you freak out over any small or flat girl who hasn't developed wide, child-bearing hips? I mean, I can understand that you don't care for their tits (I think they're great), but I don't get the unattractively masculine knock at all. Links of examples you do like might help. BTW, I had trouble finding models with larger tits that I liked. The bigger tits are the more that can go wrong IMO.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Come to think of it, after further review, I realize what I dislike about the small-breasted girls in my last post (the ones I say have some kind of boy-cootie disease). I dislike their looks because their WAISTS are masculine. They have that 1:1 ass-to-waist ratio that a lot of Latinas have, and I don't like it. It seems like one of those pesky Public School kids out to complain about "that's not cricket" and then dress up like Little Lord Fauntleroy and whine that he'll take his ball and bat and go home.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    There are definitely some creases that I LIKE in the newly presented line-ups. Maybe what I (instinctively) object to is not so much crease-ification, as deflate-ificiation.

    Not available (it jump-links to various other sites)

    This girl is gorgeous! But creased!

    These girls are quite unattractive -- yes, UNattractive -- to me. Very non-feminine. I think it's the lack of left-to-right dimension in the breasts. Small is fine, but narrow is not, for me. They look like they have some kind ofboy-cootie disease that makes them seem male.

    Also not available because of jump-linking:

    Nice, absolutely feminine and fetching to me, despite what you say about "boob jobs go wrong" (though her teeth need a job too!); I don't think these are fake?:

    Hilarious, but rather ungainly in size. I'd like to see her naked, just to get an idea whether they're fakies or perky (as much as could be) or what. But they're not my ideal at all:

    Gee this is fun!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    You should be able to Google it under "twin towers" as well. Personally, I'm glad they're covered.
  • happylap
    18 years ago
    Someone sent this to me yesterday. I don't find tits this large very attractive but it's amazing to see tits that size on a woman that slender!

    This also comes up in a google search of "tallest building in canada".
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Re your Jessie link, Book Guy: Take away the creases and you're still left with a lot that's wrong. That boa doesn't cover enough.

    Just to make up for that one, I'll offer a few links in defense of creases. All the same girl:

    And these make the case for youth, full lips and the absence of creases:

    Finally, here's just one of the things that can happen when boob jobs go wrong:
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Ah, angelfire.com and Happylap's link [ http://www.angelfire.com/dc2/pcdvd03_bu/… ] are active again. I agree with Chandler, that there's some kind of "excess sphericality" going on there. If they actually are pliably soft fun pillows, then I'm happy with 'em; but they LOOK rather hard and unforgiving. Perhaps what makes her attractive is, her otherwise athletic and generally female stuff in the hip-to-waist region that's goin' on. That's a very firm and straight abdomen; the tits are just clamped on to it a bit too tight, is all.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Here's a version of "crease" that makes tits unattractive to me. I generally find a petite girl to be fetching, and I like small breasts. But what has happened to this girl, I think, is that the rosebuds have drooped after breast-feeding her child(ren), and to me they're just ... eh ... ugh ... I can't really express it, except to say, YUCK. They seem masculine, kind of like a pair of hairless scrotums attached to her chest. Or like those flaps around the ankles of morbidly obese people who have gotten stomach stapling.

  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Maybe I was remembering incorrectly. I dunno. My story still stands, whatever the size -- all the chicks could trade bras.

    From http://www.sizes.com/people/brassieres.h… :

    "According to the market research firm NPD, the most popular bra size in the United States went from 34B to 36B in 1991, and from 36B to 36C in 2000."

    I see an obesity thread brewing ...

    Oh, and by the way, right now angelfire.com isn't working.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Happylap: Sorry, I don't care for the tits in your link. They exhibit what Book Guy calls excess sphericality, like something between a grapefruit and an orange.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Not being a breastman, I nearly didn't read this thread, but having done so, I'm happy for it.

    Thanks for the links to the pics.

    I know y'all said that you like bit tits, and I definitely don't like big tits... I prefer the smaller tits that look just right on the thin type of frame that I lean towards. I thought I was going to be seeing the humongo hooters, so I wasn't all too excited about checking out the links, but ever the one to make the sacrifice to look at pics of naked women and bare tits, etc., I gave it a quick look-see.

    Pleasantly surprised, I was. (sorry I'm sounding like Yoda ... it's late) I definitely liked Sabrina the best. I would NOT label her with the Big Tits sign... they were pretty close to ideal, in fact.

    Now, if she would just let that hair down... (oops, my hair fetish is showing)
  • happylap
    18 years ago
    I don't really want to add to the discussion here, just want to offer another image. What do you guys think of these?

    Happy New Year,
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    BG: you had better change your resourses. Any female with a 32 " breast size couldn not have a "C" cup without being abnormal. More shit for the fire. A favorite dancer with 36 "C"'s has told me that her tits were getting bigger. After a thouough examination I have to agree. She says it is because she stopped taking birth control pills. I said your pregnant. No I am not, she replied. This chick is 30+ and I have known her for over 4 years. I even have her husbands cell phone number. I can't believe that she is lying to me but has anyone else ever heard of tits getting bigger after stopping taking birth control pills unless they were pregnant???
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    Birth control pills fuck with a woman's hormones, so who knows what changes can occur when they stop taking them? I'll have to ask some of my girlfriends if boob changes are normal under those conditions (thank god I never had to bother with birth control shit myself).

    As for a 32C being the most common bra size....no way.I'd say the most common sizes (somewhat relative to age) are 34B for the typical 30 year old & younger, and a 36C for older gals. Those are the two bra sizes that they sell out the most in department stores.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Chandler: I heard (somewhere ... probably on that oh-so-reliable medium the internet!) that 32-C is the most common bra out there by a long shot. And girls in college confirmed this a long long time ago for me, joking about the fact that they could all trade brassieres among one another and, as long as they adjusted the shoulder straps a bit or used a wider or narrower closure size, they'd all fit.

    Nevertheless, for me, SIZE (whether of cup or of strap) isn't the issue. It's appearance and sensation; namely, they have to look and feel the right amount of big, pliable, small, firm, soft, hard, spongy, viscous, fluid, solid, dangly, upright, perky, symmetrical, snow-capped, smooth-topped, rubbery, leathery, latexy, velveteen, and (of course) feminine.

    There's just something so ... umm, so ... so ... what IS the word ... MASCULINE? ... about unappealing flaps of mamm-flesh. I know that many girls "can't help" what their tits look like -- narrow, or freakishly long, or very very small but also very protruding, or something else unappealing to me. But, eh, whatever. I don't care. If they "can't help" being unattractive to me, they're still unattractive to me.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    'whoppers' is subjective.

    i prefer burger king's.

  • chandler
    18 years ago
    What's wrong with calling large tits whoppers? It didn't seem wildly out of line to me for either of the examples Book Guy linked to. With either girl, if a friend nudged me and said to check out those whoppers, I wouldn't jump all over him for it. Maybe within the community of extreme tit devotees, the term "whoppers" is reserved for something more mutant. They can't expect everybody to conform to their nomenclature.

    I'm also a little baffled by people who expect everyone to be conversant in women's bra sizes. Sorry, I don't buy a lot of bras, and I don't make it a routine to ask women their cup sizes. I thought C-cup was pretty large. Is it in fact only something to sneer at? "Ha, C-cups! I laugh at your insufficiency!"
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I understand, Mr. Chili, that C-cups wouldn't be "whoppers." I was simply ignoring you and responding to Chandler instead. But you may feel free to have a happy New Year's Eve anyway.
  • Chili Palmer
    18 years ago
    Actually, your likes and dislikes are probably A LOT more mainstream than my particular boob fetish. My point wasn't that you are wrong about your likes or dislikes (that would be remarkably presumptuous on my part), but with the nomenclature within your post that made it lack credibility (a c-cup set of breasts could never accurately be described as whoppers). That's all.

  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Oh yeah, forgot all about Juliet [ http://www.domai.com/pics/big/oct2005/ju… ]. She's almost too skinny or too young for me -- there's something unformed and malnourished about her. The tits reinforce that idea. I like the girl in the silly workout better (although I agree, the silly workout is silly silly) [ http://teenslutbattle.com/teensluts/Meli… ].
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Yeah, my crease aversion is out of the mainstream, I do admit. I think I'm hankering subconsciously for "firmness" and I just find anything that dangles to be too post-menopausal. It's an extreme reaction, yeah, but it's what's up in my head anyway.

    That having been said, if her tits are on the "genuinely large" size (like, C or above), such as the pixie-plus-mammary we mentioned above (as in http://www.domai.com/pics/big/sep2006/ka… etc.) then I don't mind the "crease" at all. It is just when she's SMALL AND CREASED, that the crease seems somehow indicative of floppiness rather than desirability. I'd be the first to admit that Katja in the link is incredibly floppy and rather creased too; but because they're somehow "soft over the crease" rather than "creased well beyond what they should be" (I dunno, I'm thinking on my feet here) I seem to like rather than dislike them.

    I don't usually go for whoppers at all. The remainder of Katja's pixie-ish features are, I think, what make her humongous mamms seem girlish and desirable to me, rather than just some more flaps of dangling adipose tissue. I dunno, can't 'splain it. I like her looks A LOT, but am not usually a tit man.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    More than a mouthfull is a waste.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Book Guy: Excess sphericality topside?? It's hard to say from a single side view. Juliet's tits look fine to me. As well as perfectly in harmony with the rest of her body in tone and proportion. Her luscious, young body - she can't be older than 20. Her youth and her arched back might make her tits look unnaturally swelled to you. To my eye, they look like they were put there by God.

    I thought you had to be commenting on a different picture when you replied to Pete that maybe the view was turned. For that matter, if you have more pictures of her, please do share. Err, on second thought, maybe I'd better not risk my illusion.

    Your aversion to creases is strange. I might not like a lot of tits that crease underneath, but only because they're so big. The crease is necessary, unless tits are fake and rock hard in which case I would like them a lot less. Even most of the smaller examples among your links would show a crease in poses where their shoulders and arms are relaxed. It's like saying you like long suspension bridges with the caveat that you hate all those cables.

    BTW, who said anything about being taken seriously by boob fanatics? We're just chatting about the kinds of tits we like or dislike.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    i can overlook alot of tit imperfection for a pretty face and seductive attitude.

    soft. no veins.
    not out-of-proportionally large.
    areolically, i like oversized better than undersized.

    i'm usually content with pouty, sensitive nipples begging to be sucked (theirs not mine).

  • Chili Palmer
    18 years ago
    Sorry, but anyone who refers to a girl's C-cups as "whoppers" just can't be taken seriously in a discussion about boobs.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago

    Regarding this picture -- NJPete's Juliet (hey, how did he get to claim her as his own! Whaling! I call illegal Whaling!)


    I stand by my initial impressions about excess sphericality, although I'd have to say she's definitely still in the 9.9 out of 10 range. I would need to consider the subject more closely at hand ... ahem ... to confirm my hypotheses.

    It's just, they look fake because of the upper territory. The breast above the nipple seems overly spherical, as though there is an implant hidden under there.

    Nevertheless, she DOES fulfill the majority of my primary criteria -- sphericality of lower portion, mild to slight droop of upper portion, perkiness, firmness, APPEARANCE of firmness, little or no crease underneath, wide dimensions left-to-right and top-to-bottom in the connection zone, maximal degree of connection-zone :: to :: breast-tissue ratio.

    This is, after all, a highly technical science. :)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Book Guy: Are you sure you're looking at Pete's Juliet? Your comments seem at odds with anything I'm seeing (even allowing for our clash of opinions on most things tit-wise).
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    NJ Pete: I enjoy your offering, too, although I thought her breasts were fake-looking. That perfectly spherical thing (the underside is rounded out, but so is the topside) is usually a dead giveaway. Maybe she's lying on her side and the picture is then turned upside-down? Maybe she's so young her upside convexity will concave? I kinda like a little (juuuust a little) topside concavity.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Chandler: of the girls whose tits I approved of, who nevertheless had creases, I would hope that you'd understand I was essentially approving of them ONLY WITHIN THE CAVEAT that their creases were a detriment. In other words, all other things being equal, a creased-underneath-tit is worse than a not-creased-underneath, but given that at some points I was simply comparing a variety of creased-underneaths ... :)

    This is really silly. What being a male is all about!

    As far as the workout girl (Melissa Midwest Sexy Workout) I was pointing out the tits weren't entirely "deep" enough.

    And as far as the "God Bless Mother Russia" girl, although I LIKE the pixie-plus-monster-tit combination (something kinky in that, no?) I am not generally a big-tit guy at all.

    Just some thoughts. If I could find an image of a girl who is supposedly "hot," but whose tits are widely spaced, then I'd be able to point out what I mean by the elusive concept of [left-to-right and top-to-bottom dimensions in the connection zone] and therefore we'd communicate. I'm still looking for that picture!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    *** CORRECTION ***

    I fucked up my comments on Valentina and Sascha in the middle of my reply. My comment for Sascha should have been for Valentina. I'm not sure who my comment for Valentina was intended for or what I meant to say about Sascha. I'll just say she's fuglie and her tits are gross.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Book Guy: I also meant to say I don't at all get what you mean about creases. Several of the girls whose tits you liked could easily hold a pencil under theirs. What gives?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Hey, you've really got the tits, Book Guy. Well, I asked for them. That'll teach me. Overall, you definitely like them bigger than I do. Faker than I do, too. I'm still not sure about some of your dislikes - the top-to-bottom thing?One of my things with big tits, I'm realizing, is areolas. They're often too big, too pale, and the nipples are flat and weird looking. Many of these are hard to judge because of the poses or camera angles. Even when there are multiple shots, it's not as good as seeing them in motion. (I need video!) Or in person. (Don't you know.)

    Anyway, I've gone all out in replying. The right arrow (>) symbols denote your comment and link locations. My comments follow each:

    >idiotically over-enhanced
    Cantaloupe in a sock. How far do they drop when she stops holding them up?

    >idiotically large (are these natural? yikes!)
    Not natural - Photoshop. Or Power Goo. (Is that still around?)

    >rather attractive but still too large
    Attractive like cancer. The rest of her ain't too pretty, either.

    >too damn floppy
    I'm sure they would flop around, but I'd rather not go there in my imagination. *shudder* Maybeenuf4u would be in heaven.

    >extremely small but very attractive to me
    My ideal, although I hope her nipples are aroused, cause I wouldn't want them that prominent all the time. I even like her corny country singer hair. Y'all.

    >extremely small but very UNattractive to me
    Is that even human?

    >large but nevertheless attractive to me
    I don't know. They could be a little too spherical for me. The way her right tit spreads out over her armpit looks a bit off. Hard to say without seeing her nipples & where they point, etc. Big tits always look better when covered, if only by tiny patches.

    >awesome. the tits are nearly perfect (though with a bit poor top-to-bottom-at-base dimensions)
    Tits look fine to me. I don't get what you're criticizing. All that workout crap is a turnoff.

    >I suspect these are natural, but i don't like 'em
    Yeah, they have the same fisheye look as some fakes, but you can tell when she's on her back they're real. I think. The rest of her body has kind of gone to hell, too, but I like the slutty look in her face. I'd probably do her.

    >excellent but too small for the remainder of the girl (she should work out more!)
    Love 'em! She looks a little thick through the hips (hard to say for sure in those poses), but bigger tits wouldn't improve her. Pity she has the face of a dog.

    >large and perfect, God bless mother Russia!
    Too large for me and far from perfect. When she's not holding them in with her arms, I bet they aren't so shapely. Huge tits look wrong with that kind of pixie/waif face and hair. Don't care for that kind of huge, indistinct areola either.

    >nice whoppers
    I don't know. Her whole body looks so out of shape, I bet they don't look so good when she gets up and moves around.

    >bad whoppers (see how they "dangle" more than they "perk"?)
    Not bad, but doesn't hers look like the kind of body that's going to just fall apart for lack of tone any year now? Not that you can't enjoy it in the meantime. Nice contrast on the areolas, but they're a bit like capital Os, as though they've been stretched vertically by the weight in those hooters.

    >perky, but with bad left-to-right dimensions (too narrow)
    I guess I'm fine with narrow. Her problem is symmetry, specifically lack of it. I don't think it's just due to the camera angle. Check how much smaller her right areola is.

    >all the disadvantages of size (dangly, creased underneath) but none of the advantages (not big, not fulsome)
    Despite holding them in with her arms. Markdowns for pale areolas and flat nipples, too. Those eyes are a bit spooky, aren't they?

    >unappealing left-to-right or top-to-bottom and also out-of-proportion to her hips (a.k.a., although she is skinny she STILL needs well-done implants)
    Nothing wrong with her tits. They're widely separated, but not fisheye. What's unappealing top-to-bottom? Again, hard to tell with her arms up. Those are some pretty wide, long hips but they look okay from here. I wonder about her ass. A boob job would be an atrocity.

    >the most beautiful girl on the planet
    Way to finish. Very nice.

    Pete's Juliet is a real doll, too. Adorable mouth and eyes. She looks like she wants me more than Sabrina does. Oh, Sabrina wants me, I can tell. She just won't look at me. Stuck up bitch.
  • nj_pete
    18 years ago
    Book Guy, you have certainily put time & effort into this and it is appreciated! Whats up with some of those enhancements? Never seen anything that large and donlt think I want to. I find myself in agreement with your findings and tastes as well. But what about the following girl from the site you reference:


    If Sabrina you reference as the most beautiful girl in the world (and I do see you point) Juliet has to be the second most beautiful girl? Your comments on Juliet please!

    Also, those tubelar breasts, scarey, Can't image those in real life. Fortunitly never saw (or dated!) anything like that.

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