Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?

avatar for ssewarrior
I have 2 perspectives here which is my same philosophy with dancers...
There is the Hottest dancer that is HOT and you just might introduce to Mom someday and then...
There is the Hottest dancer that is HOT and you're just going to have hot nasty wild times with until it ends for both of you.
So... Category 1 for me would be Deal/NoDeal Model #3.
Category 2 would be Model #13
Whew... just thinking about them...


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avatar for stagliano
18 years ago
Got to be Layla (13). She's in a Bud Lite commercial also. Hot as hell!
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
thanks, happylap. She does look good blowing bubbles. :)
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
Turns out #11 has her own web site but no nude photos:
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
Thanks, cguy. That site gives me a last name to work with and I found three nude photos at http://www.angelfire.com/dc2/p…
She also has a MaximMag spread: http://www.maximonline.com/gir…
but that's not really what I'm looking for.

I may keep looking if I have the time.

avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Couldn't find free nude pics after looking for a couple of minutes for Katie. However I found a full listing along with pics of all the models here.
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
I vote for #11-Katie. Anyone know where to find photos from her Playboy spread?
avatar for DailyGrind
18 years ago
[re: I guess I could be interesting if I got some dancers to go on the show with me as a support group...]

I like it.
They would of course have to support me in their work clothes and start some shit with the models leading to a hottie mob catfight with plenty of wardrobe malfunctions.


avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Anyone got any good pic links for their favorites? I tend to like #10 and #3 I believe but I haven't checked out pics for all the girls. I watched the show this evening and the guest got up to about $411,000 but then got greedy and kept going until she was down to only $300,000 something. Lucky guest, she had only $1 in her case. I wonder what kind of screening they do for guests on the show. I'm thinking go for it attitude, somewhat loud and a bit showy. Probably have to think of a good excuse of what you're going to spend the money as well. I guess I could be interesting if I got some dancers to go on the show with me as a support group. I might have an interesting time explaining that to everyone I know after the show.
OK, I checked. Pilar is #14. Number 23 is the model for Playboy I was thinking of. And I didn't know this, but Katie, at 11, was in a Playboy college girl newsstand special and also competed in the first season of America's Next Top Model.
First of all, I think the show blows. You don't have to think while selecting numbers. Second, at this point in the life of the show, I don't really care about the girls, because frankly I want them to be naked by now. It's about time.

Nonetheless, I'll take Pilar. Because she's a Playboy Playmate. Pictorial is messy hot! (And I think another posed in the mag, too.)
avatar for DailyGrind
18 years ago
The blonde in the Vonage commercial (look, dolphins!) looks like a sweet ride, tho.

avatar for DailyGrind
18 years ago
Upon further scruntiny, they all look too old for me to even do a double-take.
Like strippers 5 years past their prime. *shrugs*

I wouldn't throw 13 out of bed, but that might just be my lion's mane hair fetish.

All these 18 year old SC hotties are spoiling me.

Q: Who is the hottest girl on "Deal Or No Deal"?
A: Depends on the price-per-service ratio. Who gives BBBJ for $60?
avatar for Yoda
18 years ago
unless they are dancing at a club near me I don't really care...
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
BTW, Lindsay is #4 and Megan is #6. I guess the girls DO keep the same numbers from show to show.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Just to help those following along at home... here's the URL to the Deal or No Deal website. You will find if you scroll down, a section titled "Models". You can "mouse hover" over each model's picture for a larger view.

Again, my votes are for Megan and Lindsay S.
avatar for ssewarrior
18 years ago
Actually it turns out that the girls do have the same number each time. I was thinking maybe the girls moved and the numbers stayed the same, but that would be easy to figure out with a little "card counting" technique. AFter I started paying attention and notice number 1 and 3 and 13 in teh same spot all the time I lost track of the numbers and focused more on their outfits, cleavage and legs, WHEW!
CG - I think you're onto an underground game where those that have the 3D glasses are voting on a whole different scale via text msg or email and scoring our own prizes! haha, hopefully a date with the girl of our choice!
DougS - I don't know their names only the numbers but I must educate myself it seems! I just know I like 1 and 3 and 13 the most.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Just got a fantastic idea for a new hit show. Deal or No Deal with special 3D X-ray decoder glasses. If you wear the glasses you get to see through the girls clothes in 3D. We just need a government grant and special funding to research and construct our most popular hit show. I could start off by doing a control study on how the girls look nude. Someone else just needs to do the technical work on the see through dresses. :) :)
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I wonder what ever happened to all the 3D technology. I remember playing a 3D video game many years ago and I could actually move my fingers through the holograms standing above a display and I didn't need to wear any 3D glasses. One of my old friends said he could build a 3D TV but had one minor problem. He said the lasers would have to be so powerful that they would slice your head off if they touched you.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Well my theory just went down the drain on the show on right now. He knocked out $750,000 then 1 million. Guess it's back to good ol luck in the picking again. I've been accused of being the luckiest person in the world by a few people several years ago when I was playing games with them. Now I just need some back it appears. I kind of miss the days when I had strangely weird luck.

I like a certian blonde girl on the show. I don't remember her name. Just like visiting the girls in a strip club I guess. I do remember the real name of one dancer though probably because she didn't tell me but let me get it from her cell phone message. She told me her real nickname which I guess is what her friends call her.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I stumbled upon one of the girl's video on youtube not too long ago. I recognized her when I saw her on the show afterwards. Lots of nice looking girls keep my attention. I keep thinking there is a correlation between how hot they look and the dollar figure they are holding but I noticed they are starting to mix that up a bit more now. Either that or I am more psychic than I realized.
avatar for DailyGrind
18 years ago
Put 'em in string bikinis and I'll decide.

avatar for DougS
18 years ago
I think most of them are hot, but I don't watch the show to know their names. Also, I don't think they are always the same model number on every show.

Now that you've picqued my curiousity, I've taken a look at the game show's web site...

My favorite model... I couldn't narrow it down to one, but my TWO favorites are Megan (not MegHan), and Lindsay S. Either one would definitely be getting MY money if they were working at a SC!
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