
Club visit requests? Does anyone ever do them?

I was wondering if there are ever any requests for people to visit certain clubs. I go to clubs on occassion and try to post a decent review about them. But, I have noticed that there are so many clubs that aren't reviewed with any regularity. I was wondering what people thought about possibly taking it upon ourselves to not just request that clubs be reviewed but to take one for the team and visit some of the non-frequented clubs. This way new people to the site, and to the lifestyle as it were, could have more options. I know I was very disheartened when I was trying to review some places that I would be travelling to and not seeing a review posted for months or even a year.
Let me know what you guys think about it.


  • Darkwolf
    18 years ago
    I only went to the one on my way back, and wasn't much inclined to go check out the others. Perhaps I was just expecting too much - but interaction between customers and dancers isn't too much to ask in my opinion.
    Anyway - if there are any clubs that you haven't been to that you would like to see somene elses take on it - let me know. I would be glad to check it out if I am able.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Well thanks for posting a review Darkwolf for the Augusta area. I've lived within 1 to 2 hours driving distance from there but have never visited any clubs there. I used to think, well when I don't see any more favorites or get bored with the other clubs, I may go visit clubs I have never been to. I don't feel like I'm missing too much although I wouldn't mind if one of the those Augusta clubs was closer. I thought there used to be more than 3 strip clubs in Augusta. I'm wondering if some closed down.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Depends. When I live in, or frequent, a given town where an under-reviewed club is, then I view it as my responsibility to add to the TUSCL database by providing several thorough investigations of the place. On the other hand, when I'm going to visit some town as a one-off experience, then I will use TUSCL to inform me of the best place to go and I won't risk spending my limited time at an unsure bet.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    The problem with some club hours is that the club may be open but no dancers are dancing until later in the day or the dancers may not even be there yet. That information probably would be helpful. I figure in my area most clubs are dead unless it's later in the day or they are one of the biggest clubs in the bigger cities. I remember going to one club a little bit earlier in the evening and one dancer spotted me and asked if I had been there before. I told her I was a regular. She told me she had been working there over 2 years and never seen me before. I only give ratings for the way I see a club for when I visit. It's interesting to think a familiar club can seem brand new with different dancers if you visit at unfamiliar times.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL: I know of some, too.* That's why I said "for the most part". By now, TUSCL has accumulated a remarkably comprehensive archive of reviews. But of course, it's not perfect. The point is that if, for example, they added a link to a page listing clubs for which somebody has requested reviews, I don't think it would get much attention. The Bottom 40 list can be kind of fascinating to look at for it's "train wreck" appeal. The "Ignored 40" list would just be forlorn and boring. For the most part.

    *For example, Chez Diane, the most notorious club in Quebec south of Montreal, wasn't even listed until about a month ago.
    18 years ago
    Chandler, I know of several really good clubs that have never been reviewed much because they're in pretty remote locations.
  • Darkwolf
    18 years ago
    I guess I am a bit more adventurous in that regards. I do try to go to the new clubs, or clubs that haven't been frequented much. I was kind of thinking about tossing the idea out so that even more than one person in the area may go with one of the other reviewers to rate clubs all over again...
    In the Atlanta area it is hit or miss with me and my favorite clubs. I don't go in enough to have my presence considered to be regular, but I go enough to want the same treatment - with some improvements if they do remember me.
    If anyone would like to tag team any clubs - let me know and I would certainly entertain that idea. For the best interests of the board ;)
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    If I'm going to go to a club, I'm going to go to the club where my ATF is dancing.

    On the other hand, if I'm out of town on business, where I've never been before, I will check TUSCL, and head to the higher rated clubs until I find one that I like. If I've been there before, I will already have found a club that I like and will just go to that club. Name a city, I will tell you where I go [grin].

    So, I wouldn't be one to go out and research the less frequently rated clubs.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    For the most part, if a club hasn't been reviewed much, I take it as a sign that it's not worth a visit. I think you'd have a tough time even getting the attention of people who could answer requests, let alone inducing them to go through with it. TUSCL is set up to handle input that is either club-specific (reviews, etc.) or general in scope (this discussion board), but not regional. This board is very hit or miss in responding to club-specific or regional questions. There are just a few of us here, and it's a big sexy land out there.

    In short, a need may exist, but there's a slim chance that it could be filled.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I wouldn't be surprised if many people are very busy and don't really have too much time to visit strip clubs in the first place. I pick the ones I think I will have the most fun in and enjoy the view or whatever I am looking for at that time. A number of years ago I did get talked into visiting one club. A dancer I used to know in NC called me up out of the blue and told me she was working at Platinum Plus in Columbia for a little while. I did go and visit the club when I had some time on the weekend. At one time, I also visited a number of regular clubs at one dancers request but I happened to be going there with her so I guess that doesn't count. As it is I usually find I don't have enough time to even visit the clubs I want to. For instance tomorrow I will be in Columbia again. However I won't have time to visit any clubs. hmmm, I didn't even think about the nice looking massage therapist I saw a year or two ago. Never have gotten a massage myself either. I probably could be talked into visiting her if she still works there especially if I heard she was still single and looking.

    Otherwise, I figure clubs that no one posts about are just dull places to go visit. Unless everyone in that area is computer illiterate.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    At one time or perhaps when I was new to an area, I would randomly visit clubs just to see what was there. I decided that was not the safest way to find out and may find myself in a bad situation. I was in a strip club and noticed another club just down the road and asked a bouncer or someone about that club. He told me I didn't want to go there, it was a gay bar. I didn't even know there were any in that area. Real glad I asked. Then I did a computer search and found TUSCL to help narrow down the choices if I visit a new area. It sure beats trial and error and is much safer.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Occasionally, I try to go to some unreviewed or underreviewed place just to see what the scene is like and for the most part, these are places which are:

    1. in the middle of nowhere, or
    2. not worth the time and money to visit.

    I do think there are some places which are too far out of the way that are worth it, but to get a review of the club is a challenge because for the majority of the stripclub goers, the strippers are secondary to the beer consumed.
  • lotsoffun201
    18 years ago
    GREAT IDEA.....The only trouble that I see with that is there are really too few new clubs opening as a whole to be able to do that. I have found, however, that some clubs have relatively few reviews. Many of them are skewed one way or the other, but it's up to respective members of the board to submit them.

    What I would like to see is a FAQ or INQUIRY area about specific clubs with more details about experiences. I also like reading the female posters opinions about their visits (like lopaw). It sheds a new light on the experience as a whole.
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