
Comments by DougS (page 42)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Old school
    Another slightly different perspective... I also do not find clubs as much fun as I used to. I don't feel the mileage is any less ('cept for clubs like in SB, where the ordinances have clamped down on the fun). I don't feel the girls are any less attractive, or less talented. Actually, I don't feel anything has really changed. What I think has taken place is a mental change. It's kind of like doing drugs. You start with the light stuff and pretty soon that just doesn't give you the thrill any more, so then you find something a little stronger and that's great for a while, until that no longer does the trick, so you search out the next drug of choice... When I first started clubbing, it was exciting just to walk in the door of a club and see hot girls. Pretty soon, that got old, and I got braver and started rail tipping. At some point, that no longer tickled my fancy, so I began getting dances.... then extras... At some point, even that didn't seem enough, so I sampled escorts, which quickly left me wanting more. The next progression was OTCing. So, I don't think the clubs are going downhill, so much as we are setting our expectations higher. This being driven by the ever growing need for newer and hotter experiences just please us.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    please excuse this quick, off-topic ramble... The word "therapist" has been used several times in this thread... everytime I see that word, it reminds me of a hilarious Benny Hill skit. He's painting a sign on the outside of an office... looking at a paper that has a doctor's name on it, then painting the name on the sign. After the name, there's a comma, then a title. On the paper it says ", Therapist", however he puts too big of a space between two of the letters and it comes out as ", The rapist".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fondl: I know how you felt coaching that girl... I would never act on those urges - guys almost always get caught doing that; it's in the news every day. Plus, I wouldn't risk the embarassment to me and my family. (of course, if I knew I wasn't going to be caught... [wink]) Back when I was that age, girls sure didn't look like they do now. They all look and act older than what they are...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I should add here, especially in light of my off-track comment earlier, that when I said I might be tempted to give in to the urges if I knew I wouldn't be caught... even if that were the case, the chances that one of those girls would actually have an interest in me is awfully slim, and since she would have to be a willing participant... well, I have a better chance of Bill Gates giving me all of his money, just 'cause I'm a nice guy...
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    18 years ago
    Fondl: Never heard of girls basketball rules like that. What's girls basketball with out being able to watch them bounce .. err dribble down the court? My son is on the HS swim team, and it's quite entertaining when I pick him up... there's always a girls basketball practice or game going on, cheerleaders, students, plus the girls swim team in their suits, etc. It's difficult to keep an eye on all the sights without looking like the biggest perv around (hopefully I'm discreet enough that it's not TOO obvious). Can you say "eye strain"?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Politicians... they've got to go. THEY, and THEIR loved ones should be the ones being sent over to Iraq. If that were the case, you can bet this conflict would be ended in short order. The local politicians have really messed up what used to be some really fun clubs around here, and obviously it is happening in other cities around the county. Even though they claim that clubs promote crime, etc., I think the strip clubs provide a service to both the patrons and the staff. WE the patrons, get the pleasure, the staff is able to make a living when many have no other options. To me, just like prostitution, it's a victimless "crime". As far as I'm concerned, with the threat that at some point in time there won't be any decent clubs left, I'm cultivating the OTC relationships as much as possible.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets play crack the airport codes...
    This one might need some translation.... but all valid airport codes; BBE JAX AND SUX MEI THN EYE FUK HER HOT PUS WIT ROC HAR DIK FOR MSY CMX
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunk or what?
    IGU: You are SO correct... Paris sucks. I know so, 'cause I've seen the video. Boy, does she suck!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Has anyone ever left there wallet at the club?
    IGU: FAA license? Are you a licensed pilot, too? I got my license in '81... 12/18/81 to be exact. No, I've never left anything in a club, but am EXTREMELY careful not to. I'm in a habit of continually doing "pat checks" for my important things to make sure that I still have them... I pat my side to assure my cell phone is there, my right rear to make sure my wallet is there, and my front right pocket to prove my keys are still there. When ever I get a dance, before I sit down, I first take my phone off, remove the contents from my pocket, and place everything on the table - well within my sight so I can keep my eye on it. When OTC-ing, I do the same thing as soon as we enter the room. So, make this your mantra after a session with your dancer; Stand, Wallet (pay and pocket), Phone, Keys, (and depending on the dancer) Kiss Goodbye
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Another point that I meant to add, but forgot about until now. It is extremely frustrating to me that the local government is so overly concerned with strip clubs and the supposed crimes that they attract. Especially in light of the high crime rate, and lack of arrest and conviction in serious crimes. The local government and PD should be concentrating on these crimes and their solution, not on clamping down on strip clubs. Case in point. I work in an office that is located in one of the worst areas in the city. The office is actually "hidden" in a non-descript building (an old train station) for security reasons, and security is very tight once inside. Anyhow, this building is just a few blocks from the remaining strip clubs, but is also just a few blocks from the homeless shelter, too. Tuesday, two bodies were discovered (obviously murdered) a few hundred yards from the entrance to our office. The police have no leads, no clue as to who did this. The murder rate in the city has sky rocketed over the last few years, and most remain unsolved. This, even after the clubs have been closed down. It SURE is a good thing that the strip clubs have been shut closed. I feel MUCH safer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets play crack the airport codes...
    Casualguy: PUS is the IATA (airport code) for Kimhae International Airport in Pusan, Korea
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    IGU: Interesting about the friend of yours that works in the Civil War era train station. The train station that my office is tucked in isn't nearly that old, I think it was built around 1912, or there abouts... I don't really remember. Like I said, the security is very tight and entrance into our actual office and datacenter requires three verifications of who you are... first you have to scan an ID card, then you place a finger into the reader and it scans your finger print (also verifies that a pulse exists so that someone can't cut a digit off and place it in the reader), then a personal code has to be entered - if we purposely enter the code in reverse, the PD is automaticall called and units dispatched. In light of recent events, that's good to know. UPDATE: In a previous post, I mentioned that two bodies were discovered within a few hundred yards of the entrance to my office Tues morning... well, Friday there were two more discovered about a half block further away.. .four dead bodies, all murdered, with three days of each other... Sure glad the clubs aren't around here to cause problems, though... [sarcasm]
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Update on Ignore list...
    Coincidentally, the "fake review" topic sh!t was beginning to gnaw on me, and when I checked the recent discussion board postings and found yet more of those added, I decided it was time to add FunSeeker to my Ignore List. I've now got three on my list, including previously ignored ClifBar and RomanticLover. It tried to give them the benefit of doubt, but enough was enough. I'm always apprehensive to add someone to the list, 'cause I keep thinking they might post something of SOME value some day. As I ramble on, I s'pose there are those that are close to adding me to their list because they are tired of my voluminous postings, and sometimes off-topic ramblings. Well, if 'ya got to, 'ya got to, right?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets play crack the airport codes...
    Here is the solution; And BTW, I DID have to cheat to come up with some of these... there's no way that I would know some of these off the top of my head, not having flown in those areas... BBE - Babe (Big Bell -Australia) JAX - jacks (Jacksonville International) AND -and (Anderson County Airport) SUX -sucks (Sioux Gateway Airport, Sioux City) MEI - me (Key Field, Meridian) THN - then (private airport, Trollhattan, Sweden) EYE - I (Eagle Creek Airpark, Indy) FUK - Fu(k (Fukuoka - Japan) HER - her (Iraklio - Nikos Kazantzakis, Heraklion, Greece) HOT - hot (Memorial Field, Hotsprings) PUS - pussy (Kimhae International Airport, Pusan, Korea) WIT - with (Wittenoom, Australia) ROC - rock (Greater Rochester International Airport, Rochester) HAR - hard (Harrisburg Skyport) DIK - dick (Dickinson Municipal Airport) FOR - for (Pinto Martins, Fortaleza, Brazil) MSY - messy ( New Orleans International Airport) CMX - climax (Houghton County Memorial Airport)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Lapdance from Hell!!!
    A lot of us on this board have commented that we don't like that acrobatic sh... err crap. I don't see anything at all sexy about it. Although, SOMEtimes the flip move that puts the dancers legs up in the air, and their pussy at your face, a la Lacey (BBF, in Indy) DOES have some advantages [wink]. I hate it when I'm getting a dance and the dancer all of a sudden makes that warning ("hold still", "don't move", etc), or starts moving in preparation for a strange maneuver that you can sense is coming... you never know where to hold on, or when to duck... Just give me the slow sensuous moves with her on my lap straddling me while facing me, plenty of eye contact and some DFK... a little moaning from both of us... and I'm a very happy guy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I'll tell 'ya what, if I'm in a club and a I see a girl that I think is hot and I want to get a dance from, even if she appears to be too young, I'm not going to ask her for her ID before I let her climb on board. I don't think I could get into trouble (ie a statutory charge) if caught with such a girl. If she's dancing there, I think it's an implied ok, that she's legal to give me a dance. It's up to the club she's working at to verify her age. If she's not of age, it's the club that take the fall for that, not me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Clubber: You are obviously lucky if you haven't been called by a dancer at an inopportune time. I've had my share of calls that have come at some pretty bad times. So far, I've been lucky that they haven't gotten me into trouble, but that I guess is where I'VE been lucky. All of the girls that call me now, or might call, are sensible enough to my "situation" and have not put me into a precarious spot for the last year or so. BUT, here's another warning... Be VERY careful about leaving certain voicemails on your phone. Up until last year, I had been very stupidly "collecting" voicemails from my girls, mostly from my prev ATF. Why? Well, I thought it was nice to play them back once in a while, to hear their voice and to reminisce about fun times with them... Well, I had around a dozen of these voicemails on my phone - all of which were terribly damning, when out of the blue my wife asked if she could listen to my voicemails... My heart pretty much ceased to function for about two minutes there, while I tried to somehow get out of the situation. At first, I said "no" that it was just private work-related stuff and I was offended that she seemed not to trust me... (oh did THAT go over well, and of course it only served to further picque her curiousity). Finally, I said she could listen and as I "tried" to call my voicemail, I pretended that there was something wrong with it and that my password was strangely no longer working... pretty lame, I know, but it was all that my paniced brain could think of at the time. To add some credibility, I then called a few of my co-workers to see if THEY were having problems with THEIR voicemail, and "surprisingly", they weren't. It was ugly for the rest of the evening, let me tell you... The next day, I concocted a story that my phone carrier had had a problem and there were a few others from my company that had a similar issue... The only solution was to wipeout all of our voicemails, and reset our account, which my carrier supposedly did. My wife was awfully skeptical about it and has thrown it at me several times (brought up the situation - not actually thrown the phone at me, though I wouldn't be surprised if she'd done THAT, too). Still, having her skeptical about the incident is 1 million times better than if she'd actually heard the girls voices saying things like "thanks for a fun time in your hotel's hot tub", etc. After learning my lesson, I haven't saved my voicemails since... well, 'cept for one that I have on my phone currently from my ATF... Stupid, stupid, stupid...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Celebrities in strip clubs
    I've had several dancers from HH in Kokomo and BBF in Indy tell me of quite a few celebrities in these clubs... Both of these seem to draw a fair amount of Indy and NASCAR drivers and support crew. Also, several NBA players have been mentioned - and a few were involved in a shooting outside of Club Rio in Indy a few months back. I don't remember the name (seems like it was Cheese or something off-the-wall like that), but, as the story goes he was part of the entourage of 50-Cent, and was looking for girls to be in photo shoots and videos. I've personally, never seen any celebs in the clubs, but I think it's because they get plenty of groupies, etc., to satisfy their needs and don't need to go to clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stupid Things We have Done (as Patrons of clubs)
    Reading back over the mess that I just posted (prev prev and prev, etc.), I'm thinking that it will probably generate a posting from Parody, right? Was it impressively impressive that I previously had a prev ATF and a prev prev ATF, all previous to my ATF? (I can just sense those mice poised over the Ignore link for DougS)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Has anyone ever left there wallet at the club?
    IGU: Yep, definitely have an interest in aviation, and have my pilot's license. I'm far from flying the big stuff like the B-anythings, but I have flown a Cessna 310 (wasn't the PIC) carrying Tommy Lasorda a few years ago... I'll email 'ya, when I get some time - later today, maybe...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Clubber: I have control over my phone MOST of the time, but the wife still sometimes needs to use my phone when we are in the car for instance. During that time, even though a call isn't expected, I'm a bit nervous that an incoming call could possibly come in that would cause me problems. Alabamascott: I've thought about using a pay-as-you-go phone - and it's been suggested by other TUSCLers that I do so - but I don't want the additional expense, plus it would be impossible to explain if I got caught with it. Lotsofffun: I have been using a similar trick for contact names on my cell phone. What I did, instead of using a similar guy's name, I use company names (vendors). I frequently have to talk to about a half-dozen vendors, all of which I've mentioned to my wife, so if a certain vendor name shows in my recent call list, or pops up as an imcoming call, it wouldn't raise suspicions. I also select vendors that have names that sound somewhat feminine to contain the dancer's phone number, such as Veritas (my prev ATF) and Symantec (ATF). My ATF calls me from several numbers, which are all entered in that vendor contact, but she also uses a calling card (which I bought for her to call me with), and sometimes the incoming number is really off-the-wall... even have seem the Chicago area code, and some others that I didn't recognize, even though she is calling me from the Indy area... strange
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    18 years ago
    Lapdance from Hell!!!
    Jimmyblong: Sorry, but there is NO way that I could get a dance from a girl that smelled like a guy. Most girls that I've been with will use a light scent that smells great, but isn't overpowering and thus doesn't linger on your clothes - or maybe leaves a very faint smell. Other girls will just be sporting that clean, freshly bathed smell. My ATF has me addicted to the fragrances of her body wash and especially her shampoo. A whif of her shampoo will have me sportin' wood in seconds...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Music Selection
    I personally, have no music preference. I'm also chameleon-like with my preferences. I found that with my prev ATF who was very hip/hop and R/B, suddenly I started liking that music, adding to my music collection this music so that it could be played during OTCing with her. Now, surprisingly, I'm getting into Country (Cuntry? [grin]) music... Just keep an open mind to the music... with a hottie in your lap, what does it really matter?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Treasures Houston
    I agree with Chandler. I've also heard that Houston clubs, Treasures specifically, was loaded with hot girls, but in those pics, I saw no girl that would've had me pulling out the wallet for. The way I read the article, there were just 11 girls working at the time of the raid, and 10 of those girls appeared in pics. If I was totally desparate, MAYbe #2 girl would suffice...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Loosening the shackles
    I have to chime in with a "you can't", as well. Once you start frequenting one particular dancer, and begin enjoying the benefits of "regulardom", you are pretty much stuck with her. Personally, I prefer it that way - MOST of the time. Once I find a girl that I really enjoy to be with, I would rather just be with her. On the other hand, there HAVE been those times when a new hottie appears, and I'm just dying to take her for a test spin. Once a regular, you pretty much have to go to another club to play with that "strange".