
What is the best smelling stripper in a strip club?

Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:59 PM
Ok, we already have a topic about bad smelling hygiene. What's the best smelling stripper or smell in a strip club? I enjoy it when a dancer wears a perfume that smells like vanilla cake and a couple of others that remind me of food. I haven't smelled those smells in a while and don't know what perfume it was. I did enjoy being in the company of the dancer when she smelled like that though.


  • Darkwolf
    18 years ago
    I like the soft undertones of Angel and Pink by Victoria's Secret on a woman. As for myself, I have never had so many compliments as I do when I wear Acqua Di Gio by Armani. I even had a dancer who was dancing for a guy behind me lean over my shoulder and whisper that she adored my scent while she was still dancing for the guy behind me. It is a favorite of mine and I have always worn it.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Check out [view link] ... found this website, as I was composing my last post, when trying to find out the maker of a cologne. You can look up specific cologne's, then read comments that people have posted about the scent. Of course, look in particular to the comments posted by girls, for an indication of how well girls will like a particular cologne. You can also search for women's perfumes in order to find a perfume to buy your favorite girl(s) and/or girlfriend/wife. BTW, after reading some comments about "Chrome", my previous cologne, I'm considering going back to that one. Shadowcat: There's some favorable comments about "Curve" on that site, too.
  • ralphyboy
    18 years ago
    I like vanilla as much as the next guy, but think it's more appropriate in banana bread or almond cookies. Met a lot of dancers I wanted to eat on the spot, but it wasn't because they smelled like they worked in a bakery. The sisters too prefer those heavy (cheap) fruity scents-remember when patchouli was all the rage? The fruity ones are usually cheap, heavy, thick-always a bad sign when you can smell them coming. I'm a man of subtlety and prefer a light floral note (if anything) more in the range of 'do I smell it or not.' I like being hooked and drawn in by a teaser, not sledgehammered by half a bottle of some shit from Walmart.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat: I might give you some competition in that area. I get a LOT of compliments on my cologne, too. (though it's probably a combination of the cologne, soap, deodorant and fresh clothes) "Curve" was my cologne of choice a few years ago... then I started using "Chrome" by Azzaro. I received it as a gift and came with deodorant and body lotion. Using the same scent for cologne, deodorant and lotion really made the aroma "stay with me", and became "my scent". I've since switched to another scent, courtesy of another gift, and have had a lot of positive feedback. In fact, that's usually the FIRST thing a dancer says when she sits on my lap. My current ATF particularly enjoys it. It's almost comical how much she likes it. She has a little routine that she performs every time, when we settle in together. After the initial "hi"s , small talk, hugs and kisses, she climbs onto my lap, unbuttons my shirt (all buttons), and sweetly folds it open, pressing the folds and smoothing them with her fingers while we are talking and getting caught up. Then she burys her face in my chest (t-shirt) and breathes deeply, commenting on how good I smell, along with a lot of "mmmmmmm" sounds of appreciation. It cracks me up every time because it seems like she derives so much pleasure from such a goofy thing. It also seems like she does it subconsciously - like she does it without even thinking about what she's doing.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I'm another vanilla lover. Must have something to do with memories of milk and cookies as a child.
  • ssewarrior
    18 years ago
    I'm with you casualguy, I love the smell of vanilla. Probably because I used to date a dancer about 10 years ago that wore some vanilla lotion and body spray and it drove me nuts so I still love it. I often find myself loving certain strippers perfumes, noticing that my clothes smell of it when I get home and take off my shirt and wonder what the perfume is cuz it smells so good. I gotta start asking I guess! The one that I do now I love is Victoria Secret's Heavenly. It lives up to it's name.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    I like it when they smell like they just had sex with another hottie in the back (especially when combined with fuck-hair and a sheen of perspiration). Eau de Cunnilingus, IIRC. (re: HELL ZONE Well told, BG. *lol*) DG
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I think I read about some study somewhere that suggested cinammon turns on guys more than anything else. I'm not really sure myself about all the food scents turning me on but they do start making me feel a little bit hungry after a while. Compared to the smoke smell, I prefer either a freshly showered scent or something nice. Food smells remind me of nice smells. I remember having several scents of different females on my clothes on a few occasions. It sometimes strikes me a bit amusing when I have that many different scents on me and a dancer will say I smell good.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I smelled a perfume in a department store cosmetics zone (you know, the HELL ZONE where the FAT OLD LADIES spray unsuspecting victims) that reminded me of a lot of strippers. I had an instant flashback to strip-clubbing. The olfactory sense is very limbic. :) In fact, I asked the lady who was wafting that shit about, what it was and was even specific about the fact that I recognized it from a lot of strippers. She suggested they probably weren't wearing the exact same scent, but simply extract of vanilla. Evidently there are studies that say vanilla turns men on.
  • nothumbs
    18 years ago
    I remember going to a club and a girl spraying some kind of perfume on. I asked her what it was and she told me. A few days later, a girl in my office smelled like it, she told me what it was and it was the same perfume! I almost blurted out, "Hey, I know a stripper who wears that!" but I caught myself. Didn't think that'd be appropriate. ;0
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I like perfume on a woman, I just like it to be very subtle. That goes double for strippers who will be intimately close. I don't like cheap body sprays or for recognizable food scents to be dominant - vanilla, coconut, fruits, etc. - although a hint of citrus is nice.
    18 years ago
    I'd rather smell like smoke than perfume any day, it's much easier to explain. Thankfully my state hasn't gotten PC enough yet to eliminate smoking in bars and I hope they never do. (I don't smoke by the way and never did.)
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Casual Guy: I'm pretty sure that the vanilla scent that you are talking about is not a perfume, but rather a lotion. Most dancers that I know tend to "freshen up" between customers by going into the dressing room and applying lotion. I'm another one that does not want a girl that smells like she just walked through the cosmetic dept at the local Macy's. I have enough explaining to do as to why my clothes smell like smoke when I get home, when I don't smoke. I certainly do not need any hint of perfume on my clothes. My wife has a very keen sense of smell and it makes me paranoid that she will detect the womanly smells, sometimes. At least the smoky smell is nasty enough that she doesn't spend much time sniffing my clothes. Or maybe the smoky smell is strong enough to block perfumes out, but I don't think so, 'cause I can normally pick up my dancer's scent when I sniff my shirts and pants. I'm also kind'a picky when it comes to perfumes... So, my preference is for NO perfumes... just the fresh smell of a recently showered girl... yep, that does it for me. Incidentally, that's a very nice perk to having an ATF. I pre-arrange my visits with my ATF, and she meets me as she arrives at the club (of course with a nice hug and kiss) before she changes, and then comes straight to me once she's changed. The beauty of it is, I'm the first (and only guy) that's held her and touched her, so I know everything is clean and fresh, and the fresh scent further emphasises that. I like that a lot.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Frankly, as long as they don't smell like shit, or overly sweaty, I really don't care. My #2 favorite used to rub baby powder all over, which was unique.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Cotton candy. Most musks make me melt. *10 times fast* DG
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Hint about the problem smell of stripper perfume -- "accidentally" on purpose spill gasoline on yourself at the pump on your way home after the strip club. Then, LET your SO / roommates smell the gasoline, explain you really poured it all over your nice pants / shirt / etc., and insist on washing out the clothes and showering yourself immediately to get rid of the stink.
  • nj_pete
    18 years ago
    I agree with casual guy, the vanilla smell always reminds me of strip clubs. One benefit to the smoking ban in NY and NJ (and I expect other states as well) as that when walking into some clubs you smell prefrume as opposed to smoke. Downside to a stripper wearing body oils or perfumes is trying to get that smell aired out before going home to a SO. I've had to turn down dancers for laps because they had on too much perfume, but not when I'm out of town on a busines trip!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    There are some cheap body sprays and oils that have a vanilla scent.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    My favorite was some years ago at the old Teasers in Key West. They had a shower in the dancers "dressing room". My ATF, when I came in, would shower and didn't seem to put on any scent. Just the freshness of a newly showered woman was nice. THEN, I got to get her all sweaty in the backroom!
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Anyone know what perfume smells like vanilla cake?
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    ^ “Fantasy” by Britney Spears
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    W.T.F. Fuck you Echopizza for commenting on a 2006 thread. Wtf is wrong with ya bro
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    The only thing wrong is that casualguy had to wait 12 years for an answer.
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