
Stripper Logic / Stripper Time / Stripper BS

I'm not sure why strippers seem to think and act differently than non-dancing women, but I'm telling you there's a big difference in the though processes.

Stripper Time...
They seem to operate on a different clock. Have you EVER seen a stripper on-time? If their shift starts at 7:00, you surely wouldn't expect them in the club before 7:20, and there's no way they'd be on the floor before 8:00. If you arrange for them to meet you at 9:00, most likely you won't seem them until after 10:00, of course with plenty of excuses to explain their tardiness.

If you say it's been a long time since you heard from her, she will insist it was less than a week ago...

Stripper Logic...
Girls working as strippers are there to make money, right? It must be stripper logic then, that convinces them that they can sit for hours in the dressing room not making money. Or sit and shoot bull with their friends, not circulating. Don't you think they'd be hitting the floor trying to drum up business?

How about the dancers that tell you right up front that they have a boyfriend/husband. That surely hurts their business... why would they tell you that?

You have the girls that insist on wearing glitter, even though common sense says that they will get less business if the guys are worrying about getting glitter on them. I've even had one girl (Chitown might remember this chick, and the discussion) saying that she doesn't care if guys don't get dances from her when she wears glitter, saying she "doesn't want to dance with a married guy that isn't honest to his wife about what he's doing... besides married guys have no business going to clubs in the first place". I'm still floored by those comments. I'd guess 75-80% of the guys in the club are married... maybe even a higher pct.

Stripper BS...
They tell so many stories, and make so many excuses its some times amazing. Some of the things we hear from the strippers is so far-fetched, there is no way that it is true. Don't you think they'd realize that? Do they even know reality vs. their stories? They tell so many stories, that you know they must have a hard time keeping things straight. If you listen closely and make mental notes along the way, you can catch them in their lies. (of course they will have an excuse for it, if you bring it to their attention)


    18 years ago
    Another part of the explanation is that they are independent contractors, which means they can get away with more. The girls are giving the club money, not the other way around as in an employee situation. That gives them more freedom and independence than the girl at Walmart has.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    We've discussed it, but I don't see the relevance here. It's not a matter of how hot strippers are, it's what they do with it. All young women of average or better looks have enough hotness to give themselves an advantage if they choose. Some use it to get better grades in school or advance their business careers. Strippers tend to be those who use their assets for more immediate gratification and to get away with breaking the rules.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    FONDL: well, I guess I have to agree, that strippers are roughly representative of the girls their age, rather than higher in visual appeal. And I do admit that I've seen some disappointing specimens sneaking about in their street clothes. Thing is, for the clubs I tend to go to, and for the girls I tend to pick at those clubs, the strippers are more attractive than any woman I've ever landed -- or even MET -- in real life. So, although it may be true in theory, it's not important in practice, how these girls look relative to the real world.

    (Wait. Caveat. I remember plenty of occasions when a girl who, on stage, turned out to be a real fattie, paraded about in tight jeans before or after her set, and I found her quite attractive in those street clothes. So some girls look worse when stripping.)

    Haven't we already had this discussion?
    18 years ago
    Book Guy, the only flaw I see in your logic is assuming that strippers are hotter than other girls their age. Whenever I've seen strippers arriving or leaving work in their street clothes they look pretty average to me. It's the lighting, make-up, behavior, their age and their outfits (or lack thereof) that make them appear hotter than average. Unless you're in a really upscale club where most of the girls are fairly hot.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago

    Good point. In fact, "to strip" (nakedness in public) is, in itself, an encouragement of breaking social rules. Therefore, we could say that a form of "natural selection" is going on, in which childish irresponsibility is rewarded as more fit than other behaviors. Funny how it reproduces itself ... :)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Book Guy, that's the point I made way way upthread, that they've been using their hotness to get away with shit all their lives, and stripping just gives them a more profitable outlet.

    I think you're all missing yet another explanation: Stripping itself is considered irresponsible. So is hopping from one guy's lap to the next, getting inappropriately intimate, and lying to each about how sexy he is. It's a wonder *more* strippers aren't unreliable.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I think there's more to the equation. Sure, the "younger generation" has that slacker-X'er-lazy lay-off-my-style-dude I'm-chillin' attitude thing. And sure, strippers often come from zero-income (hence, bad-at-time-management) families. But then there's another factor that I'm interested in probing: SOCIETY as a whole OVER-APPROVES of HOT WOMEN no matter HOW INAPPROPRIATE their behavior. Right? Doesn't that exacerbate the problem somewhat?
    18 years ago
    Take a group of young people from low-income backgrounds and disfunctional families who have never had decent role models, give them a lot of money and admiration, and a certain number of them are going to behave as if society's rules don't apply to them. Doesn't matter whether they're strippers, pro athletes or what. Strip clubs just happen to draw a disproportionate number of such people.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    economically indestructible? I honestly don't think the average stripper puts that much thought into it. Again, I think the sort of BS we are talking about is indicative of young people in general. I know lots of late 20 and early 30 something dancers and their club managers and house mothers all love them. Why? They show up when they are scheduled to show up.

    I think we need to be careful not to lump stripper traits and the general inconsiderate behavior of the younger generation together.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I wonder ... do attractive human females really believe they're "economically indestructible"? I think if I had indulged in the license that strippers undertake when I was their age, I would have instantly felt a pang of guilt for "leaving a blank spot on my resume."
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    I think Yoda nails one truth of the Stripper time/bs. It may be over-represented among strippers mostly because they are allowed to get away with it, and hence never have to learn to be on time, tell the truth, or behave rationally. While I think such irresponsibility is rampant in the young of both sexes nowdays most of them learn quickly they can't get away with it and have to grow up. Or they become strippers.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I agree with FONDL, you guys are putting way too much thought into the ditsy behavior of young women, not just strippers by the way.
    I used to be in retail management and I can tell you that MANY young women have a problem getting to work on time. Being a stripper has nothing to do with being late, it's just easier to get away with it.
  • Varmit 363
    18 years ago
    i did one time tell a girl my name was
    S. urdickenballz , even had business cards made from home for it , she said what does the S stand for , i told her Suck , she said so i should call you MR. Suck urdickenballz , of course i said glady ..i thought you would never ask ...
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I always give my "club" name. It lends more fun to the "against the rules" experience.

    Sometimes I give a ridiculous name -- Nebuchadnezzar! Methuselah! Richard (I go by Dick) Hard O'Nalways! -- just to flirt. But then after we get through that silliness, I tell them "for real" that my name is something bland and false, like Dave or Mark or Bill or Todd or Chuck or Tom or Walt or Fred. Seems like accountants are named Walt and Fred ...
  • SuperDude
    18 years ago
    Now that's a novel idea--a customer gives a dancer his club name, not a real name.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Obviously, stage names aren't an ironclad defense. Nothing is. Anybody who wants to find out a person's ID bad enough can do it one way or another. By not broadcasting their real name, strippers can make it a tiny bit less easy, and greatly reduce the chance that a connection will be drawn haphazardly by somebody who's not even trying. Likewise for other other pieces of info, like what town they live in, what school they went to, or their latest DUI. You're right, FONDL, that their cars can unlock everything about them if used by, ahem, the wrong type.
  • RomanticLover
    18 years ago
    You could try ASKING strippers out on DATES and spending time with them OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE and then asking them these questions.
    18 years ago
    Stage names are traditional in the industry, which is why so many girls use them. Some girls are also under the mistaken impression that it helps them keep their little secret. But a lot of the girls don't care about that so they're perefectly willing to give out there real names.

    If dancers really want to protect themselves from potential stalkers the thing they should try to keep secret is their car, but few of them ever think about that. I once had a dancer challenge me that I couldn't find out anything about her (she was very secretive to the point of paranoia.) All it took was her license plate number and within a few days I knew everything about her including the fact that the "real" name she gave out to favorite customers like me wasn't her real name at all. I was so embarassed at how easy it was and how much I was able to find out with so little effort that I never told her what I knew, she would have shit a brick. Dancers who think they can keep their private lives secret are kidding themselves, anyone who wants to know bad enough can easily find out anything they want. I was really surprised how easy it was.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I'd rather fuck a "Penny" than a "Heather" because then, at least I'd know I was getting my money's worth. :)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat: Many strippers like the way stage names let them maintain separate personas within their own minds. Knowing which one to use is simple: I always call strippers by their stage names inside the club and never outside.

    While it's true that a first name alone isn't enough to ID a person, in combination with other info, it's enough for a stalker to act on, or to help an old classmate to recognize her, etc.
    18 years ago
    I think you guys are reading way to much into this stuff. Let's face it, a lot of these girls are total airheads and also suffer from the American disease which I call diarrhea of the mouth - they can't stop talking, especially about themselves. There's no logic to anything they say, nor is there any thought behind it, it's just mindless noise. Just like TV talk shows.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Doug: Maybe they take "stage name" literally, and figure once they're off the stage, they don't need to use it. Actually, I think sharing her real name is usually a ploy to make some guys feel like they're getting privileged treatment. Some girls use stage names and fake real names, although they should try to come up with something better than Summer.

    At my regular club, there were at least three strippers whose real name was Angel, along with one who used Angel as her stage name.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    How about the girls (dancers) that when you first talk to them, they tell you their stage name, then immediately in almost a whispered tone will say something like "but my REAL name is ..." What's up with that? How's THAT for stripper logic? Why not just go with the real name in the first place?!
    (yeah, I know if there's already a girl dancing at the club with that name, they cannot use it, so that could be the reason for maybe 5% of the time)

    Or how about when their real name and their stripper name sounds as if it's reveresed... for instance stage name = Elisabeth, real name = Summer?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    One interesting parallel story: I saw an A&E thing about a dude who was a hit-man for the mob, and then turned into an informant. He described (among many other experiences) how surprised he was to find out, that when you tell the truth, you don't have to be careful. You just relate what happened. So, off to trial he went, relating what happened. He had spent all his previous years practicing his complicated stories to get them right; it had never occurred to him that honesty would be simpler.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Why do strippers think and act the way the do? Because they can. They've been doing it since before they stripped. Using their sexuality to get away with irresponsible behavior. Now they've found a job that doesn't punish them for it, even rewards them for conning gullible men. Why change?
    18 years ago
    Doug, I think part of the explanation is that an awful lot of these girls are heavy drug users, aren't very bright and come from really screwed up backgrounds where they've never been taught how to act properly. So they'd be the same if they worked for Walmart. It's just that you're only exposed to the ones who strip. And as for maximizing their incomes by working harder, many of them are making more than they know what to do with so they don't much care.
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