Christmas and Strippers

avatar for magicrat
My first visit to a club in a couple months took place this week. Two strippers mentioned working more because Christmas is coming and they need extra money for their kid(s). How do the holidays affect your clubbing? Are extras/OTC opportunities more prevalent?

One reason I started the topic is because last January I visited a club I had never been in before. That day, one of the dancers mentioned needing to make more $$ to PAY for Christmas. I got several VIP's from her with very high mileage compared to what I was used to at the time.

Sounds to me like there may be holiday possibilites to be had out there. Not that I would take advantage or anything.......


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avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I think it works both ways. Guys, especially regulars, are likely to be more generous arund the holidays. But business usually drops off in January.
avatar for Yoda
18 years ago
I definitely see dancers picking up more shifts during the holidays but I can't honestly say their mileage or boundaries are any different.

A few short years ago a dancer could count on making enough in December to take care of gift giving and also get through a slow January and February. Those days are pretty much gone now. Mot of the dancers I've known for a while now work at least one or two more shifts a week to try and equal what they where making three or four years ago.

avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
Well, instead of singles to most every dancer, I give out fives or nothing. Also, I no longer buy my ATF a nice gift.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
A club I used to go to regularly had a big model train that ran overhead around the stage, so it always seemed like Christmas. Maybe the idea was to make customers feel more generous.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
They always put up a bunch of lights along the wall where private dances are given in one of my favorite clubs. What the heck are they thinking? I know that mileage drops noticeably, due to lack of the cover of darkness.

I know some of us patrons have made a point of accidentally breaking a bulb or two, when getting a private dance during the holiday season. Ooops!
avatar for DailyGrind
18 years ago
Last Xmas I met a stripper named Holly. No shit.
Great boughs.

My favorite club has also illuminated my favorite dark, secluded corner with holiday lights.
Feels like I'm on a fucking game show.

(If) The Price Is Right,
Bones..that was one point of my post. If one has a few extra $$, why not try to take advantage of the season? Is it wrong to take advantage of a stripper that way...more service for less $?
avatar for token
18 years ago
In addition to night dancers coming in a few hours early, many dancers who have been out of the business all year make a come back tour in Nov and Dec. By late Dec they are exclusively back to their mainstream jobs.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I may actually visit strip clubs less close to the holidays unless I'm out of town and bored. However I'm usually one of the few guys with a little bit of money to spend after the holidays. January does seem to have some bigger bills for me now though.
avatar for Mickkeyc
18 years ago
6 shifts a week for my favorite. That's a lot of time at the club.
avatar for hugevladfan
18 years ago
With more and more girls making a living stripping the competition betwixt them has to be absolutely hellacious so I am not surprised girls are working more shifts. The girl I frequent the most now told me the other day how she pulled a 16 hour shift. My mind boggled at the thought.
avatar for Mickkeyc
18 years ago
A friend of mine is working a lot of extra shifts so she can take time off, so yes, I do think it effects clubbing this time of year.

My guess is that customers are pretty tapped out after Christmas also, and therefore there is less money to be made post-Christmas. Just a guess; I will have to ask her to confirm.
For some dancers, January and early February, referred to as "tax season" are good times of the year. Apparently, some people who get tax refunds use some or all of that money for one or more "perversion excursions." Being in that group of taxpayers who have to make quarterly payments, that concept means nothing to me personally, but I guess most people get their w-2 forms from the middle of January to the end of the month (legal deadline for employers to distribute w-2s), and tax refunds come out anytime thereafter, especially if you are willing to pay the usurious rates that the major tax preparing firms pay for "instant refund" (which are actually loans secured by an assignment of your evetual refund.)

In any event, some dancers have told me that "tax season" is their best time of the year. During the Fall of this year, I have had more dancers than ever bitch to me about business being down.
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