
Comments by DougS (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How and why does stuff get deleted?
    Founder: again, let me say that I'm really looking forward to the new TUSCL. It's already a great site, and am anticipating how much better it might be. Any chance that the new site will actually make use of a "form" to fill out, when posting a review, so that the reviews are more "standardized", and also reinforce to the user what should be included in a good review?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many email addresses do you have?
    Just a bit of a suggestion from at IT person to those choosing passwords... the key is to use "strong passwords" consisting of letters (both upper and lower case), numbers and special characters. I typically use a word that means something to me, then convert certain letters to numbers and usually throw in a few caps... For example... my last password change for an obscure email account of mine made use of my ATFs name.... r4CH43! (let a password hacker attempt to crack THAT one)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Boxer Rookie
    EvilCyn: The more posts from you, the better.. You've certainly been a breath of fresh air around here. Thanks, and hope you continue to put up with us PLs and/or perverted guys.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Terms Used in Recent Review...
    Just like in prostitution, it's only illlegal if there was an exchange of money, so perhaps using a code to represent money, it makes it more difficult to show that money passed hands. (note: also being facetious, here) Other than the COT, at least I think we've cracked the money code ... As has been pointed out, the codes serve no purpose in any attempt to protect the girl or the club, so it's kind of an exercise in futility. However, I can see using BBBJCIM as a short cut so that you don't have to type out bare back, etc. So, at least that abbreviation has some merit. As for the money, it's actually just as easy to type $250, as it is to type $$.5... Either way, I'm interested in looking up that girl at Baby Dolls... She might be as much fun as my last encounter there...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Iowa
    Shadowcunt reviews Brad's Brass Flamingo
    Hmmm...an interesting turn of events... I went back to re-read the infamous post, and to copy/paste it into an email for IGU. Well, guess what wasn't there any longer. Someone removed that review. It's gone (or I'm blind).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Boxer Rookie
    Chandler: No, that's where the problems started... no instuctions, not even the one with the universal illustrations... For instance, it would've been helpful for a drawing of a guy starting to sit with 'the boys" dangling precariously underneath, with a big red circle and diagonal line across it... maybe even the word CAUTION emblazoned at the top....
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common web site internal 500 error server messages?
    Founder: Sounds great! Can't wait! As an IT professional, I'm curious... what language are you using for the re-write? VB .Net. perhaps?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    It has to do with the one of the principles of flight, called the Bernoulli Effect. The problem was the amount of sauce on the wings. It disturbed the flow of air over the wings, and thus greatly decreased the amount of lift.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many email addresses do you have?
    I have no idea how many edresses I have. I know that there are basically three that I actually use, though... My account at work, which I protect and use for work related emails only. My hotmail account, which is used for 95% of all my non-work-related emails, and is also the address I use when asked for an email address on registration forms, etc. My Yahoo! account, which is used for all of my fantasy sports emails (I'm the commissioner for a bunch of fantasy sports leagues), and also is the email address that I receive communications from a TUSCLer that cannot email my hotmail account for some weird reason. In addition to those, I've got several dummy hotmail addresses that I used when I used to get on "chat board". I've also got some email addresses that specifically for the domain name... kind of a status thing - for instance, I thought it was cool that I had an email address of [my name]@[my last name].com...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common web site internal 500 error server messages?
    Founder: I'm looking forward to seeing what changes we can expect in April! Any chance you can share with us some insider knowledge on what we can expect?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Iowa
    Shadowcunt reviews Brad's Brass Flamingo
    arrgh... in prev post, "hear" = "here" ... I try not to make those types of typos, but I somehow let that one slip... My appologies to those that take notice of that sort of thing...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Iowa
    Shadowcunt reviews Brad's Brass Flamingo
    I didn't think it sounded like RL or any other lowlife that we typically place on the ignore list here. In fact, MY first impression was that the review was done tongue-in-cheek, and possibly by one of the more respected TUSCLers found on this discussion board. My theory is that it was Shadowcat... you know... Shadowcat... Shadowcunt... awfully close together. Also, mention was made of daughter selling perfume... I know someone on the board hear gets perfume from their daughter and passes it out to dancers... was it Shadowcat? Bones? Fondl? Sorry, but I can't remember... Also, the reviewer registered their screen name the same day that the review was posted...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    TUSCL's Idea of a Good Review
    When reading a review that describes a dancer, I like to see serveral things. A good description of her looks (including body type, height, hair color/type/length), dancing style and personality. Something that is usually missing is the dancers name, which is very helpful to include. It's always frustrating when someone reviews a dancer and details everything about her, all of which sounds like I'd be interested in her, only to find no name. How can you look this dancer up when you visit the club without a name? Also, when when reviewing a dancer's performance, if the review includes activity that is illegal of nature - or otherwise against the club rules, it's best to leave her name out of the review.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How Much Does A Stripper Make?
    I think TheHappyLapper touched upon something that is probably the key in how much money a dancer will make. The level of "dirtyness" that a dancer will partake in, is probably proportionate to how much money she will make. My ATF, as well as a lot of other dancers that I've talked to, complain about the dirty dancers. Once a dancer makes it known that she will not do extras, a lot of guys will go to the girls that WILL do extras. My ATF was just mentioning the other day how poorly she had done lately, while a few dancers that do extras have been extremely busy. It seems like because of that, it is only a matter of time before the clean dancers will start doing the extras, just to make enough money to survive. For the customers, this isn't a bad thing. But I still hope that my ATF will stand her ground and not compromise her morals. I'm pretty sure that she will always remain a clean dancer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    Fondl: "Working their way through college"... yeah, I think we've ALL heard that one. I believe that story less than 5% of the time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Medical issue or mental issue?
    So she fainted just before you were going to have sex? She was out for about five minutes... I'd say it was most likely a medical condition. The real question is, how was the five minute sex sessions? (snicker)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many strippers were still virgins at 18? Were you?
    Answering the last question first... I did a lot of "messing around" with girls beginning when I was 15, but didn't do the whole deed until I was 22. I highly doubt many strippers were still virgins when they turned 18, but of course some are. The only one I've had that discussion with (my ATF) lost her virginity at 14 and had her first child at 15.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much does a male stripper make?
    IGU: I've seen some of those party videos... Most of the women in the crowd were very attractive... in fact all that were taking an "active role" in the proceedings were very doable... MY question is, how much are the guys paying so that they can dance for the women?!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To shave or not to shave? Customers....
    EvilCyn: That's surprising to me... I know when I'm pleasuring a woman orally - which I REALLY enjoy going - I do NOT want to lick and get pubic hairs in my mouth. Going down on an untamed bush is not appealing to me, but as the amount of trimming/shaving increases - so does my appetite for the delectable treat.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To shave or not to shave? Customers....
    I started shaving less than a year ago. Got to thinking that I hated when girls didn't shave, and decided that it was only fair that I do, too. I don't enjoy the task, and usually only do it every third day - unless I have a visit planned (ITC or OTC) and then I perform an especially close and careful shave. As I mentioned, it IS a somewhat pain of a task, but I definitely like the feel and also believe it's somewhat healthier and more hygenic. Another unexpected plus is that without all that hair down there, BJs are more enjoyable and am especially enjoying having my balls licked.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Best way to turn down a dancer?
    The way I look at it... dancers don't hesitate to decline on OTC offerings, why should we not reciprocate? Like was mentioned... be honest and tell her that you aren't interested in seeing her outside of the club (or inside for that matter). You don't need to mention the other dancer that you ARE interested in seeing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common web site internal 500 error server messages?
    I don't know what the cause of the problems are, but I get the error here VERY frequently. Some of the errors appear to be query / SQL errors, which might indicate that Founder is in the process of working on enhancements. Whatever the cause, it can be VERY annoying. I am also on a highspeed connection, but that appears lost on this site, where it's common to have to sit and wait for a page to display.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat/Igiveup banned again
    Bones wasn't banned, but his posting were removed
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What are tip walks?
    I loathe the tip walk. In one of the two clubs that I frewquent the most, no matter how much a dancer gets in tips during her stage show, she will still hit almost every guy in the club asking for a tip. It's especially annoying if they ask someone that has just tipped them on stage. If I didn't tip her while on stage, I sure as hell don't want to tip her when she comes asking for one. The "are you tipping?" phrase is MORE annoying than the "wanna dance?" phrase. BOTH need to be done away with.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat/Igiveup banned again
    Yeah, his presence will be missed ... again... I must've not been privy to the whole story and why he was so pissed, because it seemed like it wasn't something to get THAT irate about. It's a shame that whatever was eating him couldn't just be overlooked so that he could get back to enjoying the posts again. When I logged on this morning, it looked like the discussion board was reduced again, and it appeared that topics and posts were missing. Then I saw this topic, which makes me think there was another house cleaning of this board, post banning. Crap, I HATE when the posts and topics disappear! That'd be like three times in the last month or so... twice for Shadowcat/IGU and once for Bones.... Arrrrggghhh!