How many email addresses do you have?
Atlanta suburb
This board has really slowed down. I'm bored. I have 2 with Mostly because I have my DSL with them. 1 with Lycos and 1 with budweiser for TUSCL. 1 on my companys net and my primary on Hotmail for friends and family...
Sad thing is I can only check my yahoo emails on my cell phone and none of the others.
In addition to those, I've got several dummy hotmail addresses that I used when I used to get on "chat board". I've also got some email addresses that specifically for the domain name... kind of a status thing - for instance, I thought it was cool that I had an email address of [my name]@[my last name].com...
Each of these shows up at various websites, with or without an email address attached.
I guess it adds up to, approximately, fifty ID-plus-PW identities across the internet. They're often kind of standardized -- the ID is the same but the PW is different, for example; or vice versa -- and anyway, Keepass keeps it all straight.
As long as my hard drive doesn't crash. :P
Thanks for the Keepass tip!
Kind of sad, no? Like maybe I need something to do with my time ... :P
For example... my last password change for an obscure email account of mine made use of my ATFs name.... r4CH43! (let a password hacker attempt to crack THAT one)
In fact, Keepass will generate a password for you in any of a number of pseudo-random ways (including using your mouse-pointer as it travels over a grainy image). And it has an indicator that turns from red to yellow to green as your password's "strength" increases.
For a while, I was using something similar to ...
... which is the first sentences of, respectively, "A Tale of Two Cities" and "The Hobbit", plus initial publication years. Sort of. Then I got sick of typing it.
And the thing is, different websites require different things. One website that I'm using has a minimum of 9 characters for a password or user-name while another has a maximum of 8. Some allow the space-character in a user name (such as at TUSCL, where I am "book SPACE guy") and some prevent it. Etc.