
Comments by DougS (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    More Pics of Hot Girls...
    When I first posted the above, the Week 2 girls were shown in the gallery... now, it's Week 3, and to be honest, they aren't nearly as hot. For Week 3, I only see three that I thought were hot... of those, Nikki (Beverly Hills, CA) is my pick, but she appears to have way too much junk in the trunk, for me... (I can't find a way to get to Week 2's gallery... believe me, they were MUCH better!!)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Contact with former dancer who provided OTC
    Shekitout: I agree with the previous... kissing, especially of the DFK kind, is not a bad alternative, though if you had more in the past, it might be tough stopping with the kiss. I guess it depends on how much you enjoy being with her. In my current ATF situation, we do the OTC thing, but so far it consists mostly of going out for dinner, then the hotel for a lot of kissing and cuddling, but that's where it stops. I'm definitely not complaining, because I enjoy every second that I spend with her. To be honest, there is NO one that I'd rather spend time with, than her. Sure, if things progress further, my enjoyment factor will also increase, but it's not a requirement.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    She was double thonghed. Unfair?
    Double-thonged seems to be the norm in the clubs that I frequent. Usually the bottom one is smaller and tighter. From what the girls have told me over the years, it's not required by the clubs (at least the clubs that I go to), but is a personal preferance of the particular girls - most of them, in fact. I've also been given several reasons for them... They prevent too much contact - both ways. If a guy should get his had down there, he can't feel as much through the two layers, and if he gets his hand inside, there's a chance he won't get inside the bottom layer - just the top layer. Also, having another layer keeps certain parts from suffering from too much friction... Then you have flood control... if/when the girls get wet, they usually don't soak through two pair of undies... (though I've experienced it happening). And, it limits moisture going on the other direction, too. Of course you also have the visual protection... the positions that they bend themselves into, sometimes leads to the proverbial gap that allows for an easy peek... having a secondary layer cuts down on that potential. Plus, some thongs are semi-see through... and also camel toeing... both of which a second layer aids in hiding. Interesting sidenote - well, interesting to me.. My prev ATF used to remove the outter layer. She used to swear that I was the only guy that she danced for while wearing just one g-string. I never caught her wearing less than two for anyone besides me, so she might've been telling the truth. Either way, WE enjoyed the lack of the second layer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    why do some clubs decriminate
    DennySpade: Surprising, I think you just listed one of the clubs that I thought was notoriusly racist. The club located in the midwest city that has several Os in the name.... How was your experience there? I assume, from your message it was favorable, and hopefully so. I would be surprised to hear that was the case, however, from what I've heard and seen.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Contact with former dancer who provided OTC
    If I were to guess, I'd say she wants to hookup, but either way, I'd go for it... at least the lunch... and see what develops..
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do guys pay by the way for the month...year or a lifteime membership?
    Based upon what Casualguy is reporting, it looks like at least one more of my suggestions to Founder has been implemented... definitely a move in the right direction...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Lettin It FLY in the VIP.
    Sorry, a bit off-topic, but after hearing about this, I wanted to share... This is more like "Lettin it fly, Mile High".... http://wcco.com//topstories/local_story_064172908.html
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    why do some clubs decriminate
    Reporter: I agree, there IS a lot of discrimination in clubs. In the clubs that I frequent, I can count on three fingers how many black girls I see (and all three are on one club). Another club that I go to, I've heard the girls are asked not to dance for black guys when they come in, though I have seen a handfull of them in the club over the last 15 years or so, and a few of them have gotten dances. Don't take offense, but I also suspect you are not a reporter, at least not a reporter in the printed media. However, you must be attractive, so maybe you are an "on the spot" TV reporter. In either case, if you are truly a female, I think I can speak for everyone here that we HIGHLY appreciate the female persective in this discussion area. Please continue to post!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    FONDL: Given the opportunity, I sure as hell would be tempted to do so... and most likely would. (fortunately that opportunity will probably never present itself)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Coffee At A Strip Club?!
    I thought the interesting part of the newspaper column was that it seemed fairly obvious that the husband was doing more than just visiting a club... if he's got a stripper calling him, there's a good chance he's also OTCing with her. The advice response mentioned that there was obviously a level of "emotional intimacy"... yep, we all know about that, don't we?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do guys pay by the way for the month...year or a lifteime membership?
    Has the 6-week review interval policy been changed? I saw in the recent reviews that Vitrea reviewed Honeys in Seattle twice on the same day (3/5/07). What's up with that?! Now that I am a lifetime member, do I have any addiitonal privileges, like maybe no limit on reviews for a specific club, for instance?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Peculiar dance restrictions?
    David120: What? I've never heard that the dancers aren't supposed to rub themselves on the outside of their panties - I can understand inside. But what's with that? Seems like she ought to be able to touch herself anywhere she dang well pleases. Chandler: I don't recall any HH dancer with her stage show mostly consisting of rubbing her own crotch... did she pretend to really enjoy it? fake Os? Who was it (you can email that, if you'd rather). Chitown: Yes, I remember your hair thing, too... and yes, definitely the long, fine (silky) hair is ideal, and I would definitely be disappointed to find it was a wig, too. Must've been a pretty good one, at that. Speaking of disappointment, I'm still reeling from "you-know-who's" recent haircut. Why do they do that?! Especially when they know how much we like it LONG. Speaking of Miss ATF... she likes the neck licking and nibbling... both giving and receiving, but she is the only one that I've even had REQUEST that I lick her neck..... (of course I gladly oblige)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Peculiar dance restrictions?
    IGU: I'm glad that you cleared that up... I thought you were referring to "something else". If THAT looked ugly, I think I'd be passing on any more dances from her! [wink]
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Peculiar dance restrictions?
    Fortunately, I've run into girls that like to have their hair played with - I've even had a few (ATF, included) hand me a brush so that I can brush their hair, though even to a big hair lover like, brushing a girls hair gets old quick... a bit too much like work. Also, a few girls have said they like their faces caressed, too... Once again, the ATF voted positively on that, saying that my hands were so nice and soft that she enjoyed my touch (I didn't think they were, and was almost a little insulted like she was saying I was some sort of a mamby-pamby).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pick one hottie
    My favorite is easily Kateryna. Pretty face, nice long hair, nice body, neatly groomed... she is the type that I'd most definitely want to hookup with at a club. Picking the runners up, is more difficult. However, I think my top five order would be something like this; 1. Kateryna 2. Ekattrina 3. Ellen 4. Carrie 5. Ania 6. Nastya (ok, I said 5, but the more I looked at her, I had to include her... besides, with a name like Nastya, I'm interested...) Others of note that would "do" in alphabetical order are Aleka (weird smile, hair too kinky), Alena (maybe hotter if she were dry), Aloyna (very cute, but the haircut is too boyish), Elen (too young/innocent lookng), Ganna (face is too round), Lilu (hell of a body, but I have to see the face), Maria (a bit too chunky), Oxana (hair too kinky, a bit too pale), Sascha (a bit too chunky, seems to be a bit too bottom heavy), Victorelle (face is a bit chunky), Yulika (hair is a bit too thick) Most of the rest would be put into the "nuh uh, no way" category...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    lap "rag" or large handkerchief
    The ol' lap rag does serve a purpose in the nude clubs. It helps reduce the chances that your fluids will touch her bare body parts, should you happen to "nut". Also, with her bare body parts, it's not a bad idea to prevent HER juices from getting all over your trousers. I've left a few nude clubs with a wet spot, and I KNOW it wasn't from the inside of MY pants...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite lie to your SO when you are going out to a strip club.
    Crafting an alibi when I have 6 hours of drive time (3 hrs each way), not including time to spend in the club (or hotel, preferably)... is rather difficult.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Peculiar dance restrictions?
    I'm a face caresser, too.. I've never been told that I couldn't do that. Caressing her face and neck, for some reason turns me on. Even better, I like to caress her cheek with the palm of my hand and then trace her lips with my thumb... and if she takes the hint and licks - or better yet suck - my thumb, that's a definite BOING... Being a "hair man", I also like to run my fingers through her hair and stroke her hair, etc. On two occassions I've had the girl tell me not to touch her hair. That's a big downturn in the flow of sexual energy. One of the two said that the reason was that she had hair extensions... sounds semi-believable. the other girl gave NO explanation. In both cases, we were done at the end of the song. I've been in too many clubs where you couldn't touch ANYthing... actually ask you to sit on your hands. I don't like that. I've also had a few clubs that her back was the only place I could touch... that's too hard... my hands just naturally glide down her back to her ass... and thighs, and... well, I can't limit myself to her back.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do guys pay by the way for the month...year or a lifteime membership?
    A couple of things to point out... I don't remember specifically what form of TUSCL I was using back in the early '90s... but I DO remember accessing some form of it back then, but it was pre-internet and was probably a dial-in "message board"... or maybe I'm just totally confused. I was going to respond back to Chandler with a "check my user review list" which shows the "member since mm/dd/yyyy" to prove that I wasn't just picking the '91 date out of my nose, but it actually shows 6/5/2001. Also, when I previously stated that I had resorted to a "dummy review", I didn't mean that I portrayed my review as if I'd actually recently visited the club - nor would I ever post that sort of falsehood. My "dummy review" was just a quick mention of the best parts about the club, and a statement about how few times I've left the club disappointed, etc.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When you make an OTC date for lunch or dinner?
    In my experience, maybe I'm just lucky, but so far I've NEVER had ANY no shows whether it be for lunch, dinner, play, whatver. There HAVE been a lot of times when my OTC date is late - by as much as an hour, but that's mostly due to the Stripper Time that they all seem to be operating on. On the other hand, I've had to cancel OTCs on a few heartbreaking occassions, but have always contacted my OTC date at least a day in advance, so I never stood them up.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OTC. Do you ask or wait for her to ask?
    Yoda: I've never asked for OTC in the form of sex, either. Well, just once, but that was only after sex was offered ITC - and I didn't feel comfortable doing it there. When I've brought the subject of OTC up with dancers, it's always in the form of "dinner/breakfast" and/or "just spending time together". I might add that when I've brought it up, there is always definite suspicions as to what my intentions are, and I've always been honest with them. My usual answer to their suspicions is, "Dinner/breakfast... spending time... nothing more is expected, but I'm also not against anything more".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Quickest Visit?
    Maybeenuf4u: Sorry, my formula was meant as "tongue in cheek". It was a futile attempt at off-beat humor... sorry.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Personality vs Sexuality
    If I had to answer the question completely "either or", I would have to say the most important trait is sexuality. I'm there to be entertained sexually, not with a sparkling personality. In reality, her personality needs to be attractive to me, too, if I am to spend any length of time with her. She could be the hottest dancer there, but if our personalities do not mesh, I would probably get a few dances with her (probably three) just to enjoy her visually, and then I'd move on to look for the hot girl with the personality to go with it. I'd rather spend my time with an 8 that had a nice personality, than a 10 with whom I couldn't relate.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Two-Girl Dances
    I've only experienced one 2 girl dance. It was all my idea, which I think added to my excitement. I also enjoyed telling the girl I was with that I wanted HER to go bring back a particular girl that I'd picked out. It was almost a domination thing that I told her to do it, and she did... didn't ask her if she wanted to or not. It turned out to be a VERY steamy session, and I know most (if not all) the guys in the crowd were watching the show. Knowing there were probably 40 guys jealous of ME and what I was getting, was a turn on. And like JimmyB said, it was a bit of an ego stroke, too. I left that session with my shirt untucked and unbuttoned, my t-shirt in shreds (they litterally ripped my t-shirt open), red bite marks on my chest and a huge smile on my face. The money wasn't much of a consideration as $10/dance is cheap enough that when doubled is still reasonable. On the downside, it WAS a bit crowded with two girls in my lap, but way tolerable. I've seen two-girl teams circulating at BBF, and typically, they are of the less desirable sort... none that I would be interested in singly or dually. No temptation there. If a girl that was dancing for me invited a friend over to my lap for some three-way play, it depends on how hot the second girl is. If she's hot, I'm okay with it, but I would mention to both of them since it was THEIR idea, I'm not paying full price for both. If I'm not interested in the 2nd girl, like Chandler, I'd tell my girl that I wanted to spend time with her one-on-one and didn't want to share her. On a side note, I had an opportunity to have two girls for an OTC session. My prev ATF (the one who's name starts with an N, if you are reading this Chandler) had promised to give one of her dancer friends a ride to HH that night, and asked if "R" could join us since she wouldn't be going to the club if she were coming to my hotel to see me. I asked what exactly she meant by "joining" us, and she gave me two options... Option one, her friend would just watch TV or something while her and I played and spent time together - uhhh... no thanks! Option two, her friend would join in the festivities, but her friend would need to get reimbursed for what she would normally make for the night... uhhh... no thanks, I wasn't attracted to her friend anyhow.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Quickest Visit?
    Shortest Bad Visit - 10 minutes. I've tried to give my visits at least a little time before abandoning ship. I arrive in a club, sit down, order a beer. While waiting for the beer I take an inventory of the girls that I'm interested in. I also note how long it takes for my beer to be delivered. I've devised a little formula that I like to apply in making my go/stay decision. Incidentally, I devised my formula while NOT enjoying myself during a particularly bad club visit about three years ago. ([price of beer] + [beer delivery time]) < ([number of girls I'm hot for] + [avg. quality of talent level]) For example, a beer costs $4.50, it took 6 minutes to get my beer. I found 4 girls that I was interested in spending time with, and the avg "hotness" of the girls working was 7. (4.5 + 6 = 10.5) which is less than (4 + 7 = 11)... which means I am staying. If the first part is greater than the second part of the equation than I am leaving. Of course, if there are 1 or 2 girls that I can't live without playing with, I throw out my formula. Shortest Good Visit - 45 minutes. I'm rarely satisfied with a short visit, though.