
Boxer Rookie

Thursday, March 29, 2007 6:14 AM
I've read many of you fellow TUSCLers talk about wearing boxers when clubbing. Until about two weeks ago, I was strictly a "whitey tighty" sort of guy, even though none of them were actually white. Usually, I will wear my black, red or black/gray striped undies when visiting the clubs or OTCing. I finally took the plunge and bought a few pair of boxers and have been trying them out. First impression... they are looser and seem to give "the twins and their tall brother" more room to roam, which is a good thing. I am experiencing more negatives, than positives, though. First and worst, I have a tendancy to sit on more than just my butt when I sit down, which can be quite painful. Second, they (the boxers) tend to bunch up after sitting down for a while, which means when standing there needs to be some adjustments made, otherwise chafing will follow. As of yet, I haven't tried them out with my ATF, or ITC, so maybe there are some positives?


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I always go commando...
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I didn't realize wearing different underwear required training. Did your boxers come with a user's manual?
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Chandler: No, that's where the problems started... no instuctions, not even the one with the universal illustrations... For instance, it would've been helpful for a drawing of a guy starting to sit with 'the boys" dangling precariously underneath, with a big red circle and diagonal line across it... maybe even the word CAUTION emblazoned at the top....
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    As for a dancer, more reaction room can make giving a dance easier, or more difficult depending on if someone knows how to arrange it...I have asked someone to straiten it up for me if need too...... Your dance will be more enjoyable if you take a second to make sure its easy for us to get to...... Some guys either boxer or comado, let it go down the side of the thiegh, I can't do a whole lot for you if I can't get to it..
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I like to wear silky (either real-silk; or silk-lycra mix; or some synthetic that is similarly breathable and smooth) boxer-shaped undies; plus keep the hair down there trimmed enough that no strand can catch in any skin-crease and get pulled; plus a carefully applied loose-fitting condom. I recommend it!
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    evilcyn: Don't take this personally or stop posting here. The guys love it and so do I. Your level of lap dancing is below what I expect from my favorites. If Mr happy is not pointing north and that is what they want, they simply rearrange things to suit themselves. I do get dances from girls that are at your comfort zone. Why? Because I like them personally and the dances are still erotic. One of those is chandlers favorite at my favorite club. But I have a dozen or so favorites that will take it a step or two higher. It's better if Mr Happy is pointing left or right and with some of them, outside the shorts. Yeah. I know. I'm a dirty old man. Wait a minute. I am not old. Only 65.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    Why would I take it personally.. I give full contact but clean dances, and I am so OK with that, and ok with anyone who doesn't like it.. If you guys put up with all the bull shit of these posters who spend thier time on here insulting people you can handle a a few posts from me now and then...
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    EvilCyn: The more posts from you, the better.. You've certainly been a breath of fresh air around here. Thanks, and hope you continue to put up with us PLs and/or perverted guys.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    I don't ever like the terms PL's or perv's.. You guys are what gives me a job.. Yes I will continue to post when I see something I wish to jump in on... You guys help me as well to be a better dancer...
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    What exactly are "full contact but clean dances" anyway? I think every girl thinks she's personally the "right" level of cleanness, and (by implication) disparages anyone who does more than she does.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    To non-contact dancers, any contact is dirty. To non-strippers, stripping is dancing dirty. To many non-dancers, dancing itself is dirty.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    I give a one way full contact dance.. Hands on my hips and thighs are ok ... I don't allow any saliva put anywhere on me. No playing with my tits or pussy in anyway. I do enjoy giving a very senual full contact dance but I have my boundries that I am comfortable with. I have never worked anywhere but contact clubs, and couldn't imagine how boring it would be to give an air dance..
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I would call that limited contact, not full contact. It still could be a very enjoyable dance.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    WE do full grind, frontal so to me that is full contact.. All clubs are different, so I do realize to some its not full contact, and or enough of what they are looking for, and thats ok.. I liked the way you put it, and it is maybe a better term for me to use on here....
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Cyn: Maybe the confusion is over "full contact" versus "full touch". I don't think most of us here make a distinction, so we consider "full contact" to include touching the naughty bits. However, I just looked at the glossary, and its definition of "full contact" is right in line with yours, including "one-way limited full contact". That sounds contradictory to me, but it looks like I should be taking it up with the glossary. Wouldn't be the first time.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Just a non-sequitur return to the topic. Doug, you are buying your boxers too small. You still think they are briefs and should fit closely. Think of them as a lining for your pants. If your pants fit so close that your boxers bind either wear bigger pants, or don't wear boxers. Ask evilcyn, women don't wear granny panties under spandex, the same theory applies to boxers.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Just a non-sequitur return to the topic. Doug, you are buying your boxers too small. You still think they are briefs and should fit closely. Think of them as a lining for your pants. If your pants fit so close that your boxers bind either wear bigger pants, or don't wear boxers. Ask evilcyn, women don't wear granny panties under spandex, the same theory applies to boxers.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    A common rookie mistake?
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Hah, did I miss something? Erm, OK, sorry. I guess I wasn't reading carefully. There are plenty of girls out there who are up-sellers and do so on the basis of misleading their customers; I guess Evilcyn isn't one of them, then, if she's not being misleading. Wuddever. Love the new TUSCL!
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Next to synthetic fibers the most common mistake a boxer rookie makes is trying to wear boxers that look like the NBA uniforms circa 1984. For those of you not familiar... [view link]
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    AN: Maybe you should be the man to write 'Boxers: The Missing Manual'.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    "Hands on my hips and thighs are ok ... I don't allow any saliva put anywhere on me. No playing with my tits or pussy in anyway. I do enjoy giving a very sensual full contact dance." Evilcyn: this is a contradiction. If you are telling the customer this is a "full contact" dance and then you are limiting contact, you are probably good at marketing, but you're bad at customer-service. Most men who are experienced with what that kind of language means in a strip club -- and ANYONE who has read up at TUSCL -- will feel mislead. If you want to give that level, OK, fine, but don't lie about it by calling it 'full" or by using some technicality ("to me that is full") which allows you to speak one language while knowing full well the person listening to you is understanding another.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    "Hands on my hips and thighs are ok ... I don't allow any saliva put anywhere on me. No playing with my tits or pussy in anyway. I do enjoy giving a very sensual full contact dance." Evilcyn: this is a contradiction. If you are telling the customer this is a "full contact" dance and then you are limiting contact, you are probably good at marketing, but you're bad at customer-service. Most men who are experienced with what that kind of language means in a strip club -- and ANYONE who has read up at TUSCL -- will feel mislead. If you want to give that level, OK, fine, but don't lie about it by calling it 'full" or by using some technicality ("to me that is full") which allows you to speak one language while knowing full well the person listening to you is understanding another.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    evilcyn should perhaps change her name to sweetcyn. Although I enjoy her posts, there is no way I would drive 5 miles out of my way for a lap dance with her. Like most strippers that post on here, she will not last long. It's like a new toy to them. when the reality of what men want catches up with them, they drop like flies. I have known one stripper that has posted on here. "HellaElla". (pictures available). Her main reason for posting on here was to tell everyone what an asshole shadowcat was for trying to date her OTC. Do strippers that do not want to see you OTC send you emails of themselves partially nude? Anyway strippers come and go on here. Don't make any more of it than you would meeting them at a club.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Book Guy: You're confusing contact with touching. I made the same mistake. Read up a few posts.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    IGU: You can say the exact same thing about customers who post here. Many come and go, but only a few stay for long. Why do you keep singling out one poster for leaving who has never hinted at it?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    IGU will probably change his tune if evilcyn is still posting on here for another 2 or 3 years. I think she's already been here longer than most dancers. However we didn't have the ignore button back then. That ignore button is real nice.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Talking about seeing dancers OTC, it often seems like some people want to hook up with someone who isn't really that interested. I occasionally have dancers who want to hook up with me but they aren't really my type. Now when they are, I like that. I remember a dancer once told me to wear boxers. I'm just not used to the idea of not having any support down there. Boxers seem too flimsy for me unless one day I don't care anymore.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    DougS, Chandler did point that out to me, and yes I even said, that it was a better term for me to use on here... I'll be the first to admit a mistake and take the correction..I would not mislead anyone to think that they would get more then I would offer, in then end it doesn't benefit me at all..
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    IGU, If I haven't figured out what guys want I shouldn't be allowed to drive, or cross the street alone ect..LOL I like reading discussions on here, reading reviews, and anything on here sure isn't gonna make me run away like a school girl...
    17 years ago
    I've had both good and bad LDs that were full contact in the literal sense and good and bad ones that weren't full contact. How much I like the girl is like is much more important than how much contact she allows. And I've been wearing boxers for all my adult life. I can't image an adult male wearing briefs for anything other than an athletic activity. Briefs are for kids.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Chandler. I'm not "confusing" it. Evilcyn is using language that is deliberately misleading and confusing. If I were to meet a woman in a strip club who said "I give full-contact lap-dances" who then insisted that my hands not contact her breasts, I would feel mislead, as would 80% of most men who patronize strip clubs and 99% of the men who have read up about it on TUSCL. The problem isn't what the words "really" mean (contact or touching); the problem is that the men being talked to will understand one thing from them (whether "really right" or "really wrong") and Evilcyn knows that the thing they understand is DIFFERENT from the thing she means. In other words, it is deliberately misleading. If the guys mostly have it "wrong" and Evilcyn knows this, then her continuing use o f the term, regardless of the guys' mistakes, is misleading. I'd simply refuse to pay someone like her. "You'll get a full-contact lap-dance" which leads to "no contact here" is a lie. And therefore no money. She's the problem.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    BookGuy, did you not see me admit, that "limited contact " is a better term for me to use on here..... I don't want to be misleading, and think I have made it clear, I will take responsibility for any misunderstanding I caused.. I have shown I am willing to learn from a mistake.. I do not mislead customers in my club.. So Don't say that I would try to mislead anyone just to sell a dance, if someone asks me what they will get in a dance they will get an honest answer.. I know most on this site look for more then I offer in a lapdance, I still posted honestly what I allow regardless of what anyone thought, and or if it caused anyone not to seek out coming to see me... So once again, I have made it clear, I am not misleading anyone !!!
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Book Guy: Believe it or not, there are places where a distinction is made between contact and touching. Welcome to Ohio!
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Boxers simply do not provide much support. If you've had a lot of unwanted attention all your life whenever you wore loose underwear in public, then you might hesitate to wear loose underwear. However if you visit a strip club just to let the girls play, then boxers may be fine. I do remember one year several girls kept grabbing my dick without asking and I was getting tired of it. I remember I told one of those girls NO one day and her idea of arguing with me was to put her hand down my pants and start stroking me until I stopped saying no. Boxers or briefs, it didn't matter to those girls.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    An example of unwanted attention: I remember my underwear got a bit loose one day in college so nothing stayed in place as I walked. I walked past a soccer field heading back towards my dorm, suddenly one girl shouted "NICE DICK!" across the field. Then the whole soccer team was staring across the field towards me. I don't care for that much attention. Maybe a few guys do.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Depends on whether the team in question was the women's or the men's soccer team ... :P ...
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    As I previously stated, I always go commando. It backfired on me a few months back. I tipping a stripper on a satelite stage. She was on the floor and got hold of my shorts and accidently pulled them right down to my ankles. She screamed in shock and got the attention of about 30 dancers and customers. All got a good look at Mr. Happy for about 5 seconds. She was more embarrassed than me. I saw her a few minutes later talking to the club manager. He had a big grin on his face. She did not come around seeking a dance from me. I don't remember her name or even what she looked like. Although I do remember that see was good looking. I'm still going to go commando on my next visit, next week.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I find commando painful. I need something to soften the ... erm ... blow.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Among all the factors that play a part in my fun at a strip club, underwear just doesn't rate a mention. I usually wear boxers simply because they do make it easier to adjust my dick when it gets hard at the start of a dance. Except for that one moment, it wouldn't make a bit of difference what I was wearing. Incredible as it may seem, on times when I've worn briefs, strippers were somehow able to give me good lapdances in spite of my choice of underwear.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    It was the girls soccer team. They actually stopped practicing after the one girl on the soccer team shouted out.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Best LD I ever had I was wearing a pair of lined warm-up pants with no underwear, not by design, it was just what I was wearing when I decided to go. I'm convinced what I was wearing made a big difference in the experience.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I have a set of warm-ups by Fila that are made of (now rather out-dated) "parachute" material. They have a thin cotton liner in parts, including in the boxers zone. I sometimes refer to them (mentally, to myself) as my "lap dance pants." If the club is casual and wearing warm-ups is appropriate, they are my ideal experience ... :) ...
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    OK.... I'm here to give the facts about evilcyn! In February 2007, I visited her club, Bugsy's Speakeasy, for a prearranged meet with her. She knew my first name and face, as I sent her a photo of me prior to arriving. I arrived at the club in "commando" style. I spent roughly 4 hours with evilcyn and enjoyed every minute. She is correct in her statements that she gives one-way full contact dances and prefers gentlemen not touch her breasts or kitty. As much as I wanted to massage her upper torso, I refrained from it out of respect of her wishes. Evilcyn's dances are extremely hot and very satisfying to the point you only need to grab on to her hips and thighs! I guarantee if she fails to make Mr Happy FULLY erect and standing at attention, you are either GAY, had a sexual transplant as a former woman, or NEED Viagra! I am definately going back to spend a few more hours with evilcyn in the future.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    HappyLapper, thanks baby, and hope to see you soon. As for parachute pants, yes, they make giving a dance easier for us thats for sure..Any type of warm up, sweat type pants.. Unless a guy doesn't know how to sit, I have had a few that can't seem to sit upright enough, and then I am afraid of coming down wrong, and bending it, something I would never want to do ....
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    In my neck of the woods there is no contact, one way contact and full contact. Full contact is loosely defined as both parties being allowed to touch. In the past a dancer's boobs and kitty where off limits in full contact clubs but that has changed as competition among both clubs and dancers has increased and the average customer's disposable income has decreased. I go to all three types of clubs and I can have a good time in all three. Based on what I've read from Evilcyn over the years I would drive out of my way to meet her and yes, buy some dances, in a heartbeat.
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    Thanks Yoda, your area is no contact?? We have some clubs around here that are no contact.. I wouldn't know what do with myself in a no contact club, twirl around for 3 mins....
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Still sounds to me like misleading advertising, to say "full contact" when the guy's hands aren't allowed to contact certain parts fully.
  • ummyeah
    17 years ago
    Good grief dude, she's already agreed that "full contact" isn't the best way to describe her dances. I normally enjoy reading your posts, Book Guy, so no disrespect intended, but damn, give it a rest.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    >Thanks Yoda, your area is no contact??< All my "areas" are full contact. The clubs around here are another matter... *rimshot*
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    LOL@Chandler, yes would say areas, are full contact, and clubs are another story, thanks for the laugh...
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    Book Guy, thanks, I want you to know, I really strive not to be one of those that dish out stripper shit, and or lie to get what they want.. I pride myself in being a honest stripper..
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I hope you also pride yourself on being a HOT stripper. :)
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    LOL@ Book Guy, yes, I do, work out eat right, expect on Sundays, I eat what ever I want, and keep drinking at work to only certain days, and or with certain regulars who come in to spend quite a bit of time...Hair and nails, and all that stripper stuff that must be done....
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