
Comments by DougS (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    TUSCL North Meeting Redux
    The meeting never materialized. I was already going to be in Indy for an OTC rendezvous with my ATF, and MY plan was to meet up with whomever could at either BBF or HH. Several said they might be able to make it, but when it came down to it, it just didn't fit any anone's schedule. I would've been disappointed, but heck, after nine hours with Miss ATF, I was on cloud nine. Besides, after having dined on filet mignon (being with my ATF), even the best candy shop (strip club) isn't that tempting.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Asian Massage Parlors
    Fondl: Around here, it was the patrons, too... complete with newpaper articles that detailed the names and ages of the patrons... a few articles even included PHOTOs of the "perverts"...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever had Porn Internet Serendipity with a particular girl?
    Casualguy: Houston? Geesh, I wouldn't go near that! First of all, she's not that good looking, and she's older than I prefer, but worst of all, she did that "Houston 500" video... where she got banged by 500 guys... damn, if you ever wanted to experience STDs, SHE is the one to lookup. Now, if ever one of my fave porn stars was featuring anywhere near by, I'd have to pay a visit. Kerri Sable, Jenna Haze, Krystal Steele, Crystal Ray, Taylor Rain....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Asian Massage Parlors
    I've never been to a MP, but it seems like you have a much better chance of getting arrested at an MP, than you do at an SC. There for a while, MPs in the area where I live were being raided about once every month, and the staff as well as the patrons were finding there ass in jail... Call me paranoid...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    Founder: I really like the way we can now see the old topics on the discussion board. That is truly helpful and a big improvement. Not to whine, but typically, when I am reading the discussion board, I look at the date/time stamps of when the topic was last updated to determine what I have read and what I still need to read. With the date/time stamps showing three hours off, it makes it harder to determine my starting point, and I find myself doing a lot of needless re-opening/re-reading of posts that I've already visited. I think it would really help if the three hour time difference could be gotten rid of. I assume this is because the database resides on the west coast and that is the current time over there. If there's no easy fix, I can probably resort to mental calculation whenever I view the date/time... I think this is still on your list, but I think at least one other TUSCLer said they didn't want this changed, but if the whole reviews could be seen instead of using the "more..." link, it would make the browsing of Recent Reviews a whole lot more efficient. Thanks... sorry to be nitpicky. Overall, there are still a LOT of positives with the new version... a definite improvement!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I loved you so fucking much...
    BookGuy: You are way too hard on yourself, and probably have a very unrealistic view of how others perceive you. Afterall, you are one of the top posters on this board, based on which posters have something that I would want to read. You are articulate and have a good sense of humor... Seriously, as Fondl said, if you are not yourself, it can (and probably will) come back to haunt you. When you think about it, if you are acting more extroverted, for example, are you really acting? You are just choosing not to just "sit on your thumbs", right? It's still you. If you have the attitude that you can't be liked if you are being yourself, you are probably putting up a wall around you and are making yourself appear standoff-ish. I'm also a quiet guy, and am not of the casanova-type ilk. But, I have dated some pretty girls in my life - and have been married to one for almost 22 years. In my highschool years, I didn't date that much for a few reasons - the biggest reason is that I felt like I wasn't good enough to go after the really hot girls that I drooled after, and those that showed me that I had a chance with them were usually those that I wasn't interested in. But there were a few (some pretty hot) that I DID get the courage to ask out (only because I was pretty sure the answer would be yes), and my success rate was pretty high. In retrospect, I sort'a built a wall around me, like you are doing. In later years, I've heard from several sources that a LOT of girls thought I was cute, and would've gone out with me, had I asked... also a lot of people (not just girls) thought I was stuck up and full of myself, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Moral of the story, most likely, your low self-opinion of yourself is probably not shared by others, and if you came out of your shell a little, you would probably be much more successful than you could ever dream.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    BookGuy: The Hip Hugger has a late fee that could certainly add up to big money. There, the girls are fined $1 per minute that they are late. Far from being a club for high rollers, but still one of my fave clubs, and usually in the top 40 nationally.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat...
    Damn, sounds like I need to check this place out... Who needs MBOT?!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Interesting Contact
    Clubber: Sounds like that club has a great marketing plan! Makes ME want to visit that club...(where is it?)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How has "clubbing" changed your life, if at all?
    Fondl: Nice story. It appears you have a great relationship with your ATF. I sure don't see how you can keep it from being a "love interest" type of relationship, though, especially as you noted, there's lust involved. Not that you can't have lust without love, but how can you possibly spend so much time with someone that you obviously care deeply about, AND have lustful thoughts about (I'm assuming) and NOT feel more than a modified "brother/sister" sort of feeling? I fell for my ATF after spending about 20 hours with her. Now, months later, after spending many hours and OTCs together, I'm so far into her, that if she gave me the word, I'd move to her city and start over with her. (as crazy as that sounds)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More questions for EvilCyn...
    EvilCyn: When you "bust one" giving a dance, do you tell the guy that you came? (or is it obvious?) Do you let him have that dance free, since you obviously got something out of it, too? Was/is it the guy you are dancing with that "got you going", the mood you were in, or just the particular dance friction - or combination of all of the above? Do you like it when a guy "busts a nut" when you are giving him a dance, or are you disgusted (thinking "what a perv that can't control himself!")? Do you take it as a compliment for a job well done, or do you purposely try not to get him to that point of no return? Do you expect an extra-large tip if he leaves, sporting a wet spot? (note: I, personally, try to avoid letting that happen to me, but it has happened on a small number of times. I know that some girls really dislike it, and have heard (from the girls themselves) that they will make it a point to embarrass the shit out of the guy, to teach him a lesson. How do you respond to a guy that is trying to press your limits (or has passed them). For instance, how do you handle a guy (err, no pun intended) that has just squeezed your breast? A slap? A verbal reprimand? A swatting of his offending hand? A stoppage of dance and report to the bouncer? Do you ever engage in DFK with a customer? Does a "hot guy" get more leeway on where and how he touches you, and does he get a better dance from you? How about other dancers that you know? Thanks again for your very insightful answers!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    If you posted a discussion topic and it didnt show up...
    Founder: One of those orphan posts may be mine, although I'm guessing that it just got sent to the proverbial "bit bucket". The new topic that I attempted to post was something to the effect "How as clubbing changed your life?"... if that is one of those rogue posts that you have, you can add DougS as the poster and put it up on the discussion board, if you like. (or send me the text and I will re-submit)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More questions for EvilCyn...
    FONDL: If I remember correctly, EvilCyn has been dancing for 5-ish years. EvilCyn: Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers or Dancers?
    Arbeeguy: The club that got me hooked on clubbing because of the "outrageous" contact that I received during a night of fun is a bikini club. Even though the bikini (both bottoms AND tops) stayed on, there wasn't anything off-limits!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Destination strippers?
    I wouldn't drive more than 15 or 20 minutes out of my way to see a dancer that I'd never met before. Even with a sparkling description of her and/or her dancing styles. With the glowing reviews we've read about EvilCyn, and reading her posts, I would definitely visit her, if in the Cleveland area. (even knowing that her dances aren't "two way" touching) However, for a known commodity - for a fave, for instance, I would drive HOURS to visit. I drive three hours each way to see my ATF, and every second of that drive is worth it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    TUSCL's Idea of a Good Review
    Beating the dead horse, a dancer should never be "outted" for performing a [ahem] thorough dance for you. On the other side of the coin, I want to see names of the girls that gave a good dance. Even though there is a high turnover in clubs, I might try to look up a certain dancer, based upon a review that I read. Not that I'm going to concentrate solely on looking for that girl, but it will definitely grab my attention if I by chance run into her. I also like to "compare notes" with other posters, to see how our experiences with dancer X compares. On many occassions, I've emailed someone that mentioned a particular girl to get more details - details which shouldn't be mentioned on TUSCL for reasons being discussed here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Finally, here comes Free high speed (From Google)
    BookGuy... damn, you've got FAR too much time on your hands, dude. But clever post... thanks!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Little things: Do they enhance the expirence?
    Most definitely it's those "little things" that keeps me coming back, and has placed my ATF solidly at the top. Before we took things OTC, while ITC, she never left my side - 'cept for potty breaks. She always made sure that she was taken off the stage rotation, and never even made eye contact with other guys when I was there. And yes, the way she greeted me and had me walk her to her car when we left (after closing the place) made me feel special. I got "the looks" from other guys that would see me with her and I could see there was some jealousy (or was that pity [grin]) on their face. She always made me feel special (and still does).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    Founder: I submitted a message to you via the "gripes" link, but in order to make it easier, I will mention it here; First, let me say we all appreciate your hard work on this web site, and I, being an IT person, realize that this re-write has consumed a lot of your time and effort. Overall, I like the new looks. > From the Recent Reviews page, when clicking on a reviewer's name, the page which displays all of the reviews written by that specific reviewer no longer shows the entire reviews. Instead, we see maybe the first three lines of a review, with a "more..." link which opens a new page with just that selected review in it's entirety. It would be great if we could see the whole reviews from the initial reviewer's page. > On the Discussion Board, it would be great to default the order to "last modified date/time". I realize we can click on that heading and it will sort it in that order, but it's a pain to have to do that every time. > When bringing up a specific club's page, it was nice to see a pic of the club. This feature was also very helpful when exploring new clubs, making it much easier to spot a place while driving in a strange neighborhood when you have an idea of what the place looks like.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    Founder: Sorry, another issue just reared it's head... It appears that after a certain amount of time, the login to the site "times out", logging the user off. That is okay, but I'd just spent quite a bit of time on a new Discussion Topic that I was about to post, during which time I was rudely interrupted with "business related work", of all things. When I actually went to submit the new posting, the Discussion board redisplayed without my new topic. Then I noticed that I was no longer logged in. The old version intercepted those issues and asked the user to relogin at that point, after which the new posting was added, instead of losing the typing like what just happened.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers or Dancers?
    Hookers or Escorts? (again, it seems to me that the term "escort" implies a little higher quality (both looks and personality) than "hooker"... In my warped little mind, I'd probably place "prostitute" in between "hooker" and "escort".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How and why does stuff get deleted?
    Who are these mysterious editors? How many are there? How does one become an editor? (seems like that could be an interesting chore)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers or Dancers?
    In my mind, there IS a slight distinction between the two. I believe the term "stripper" refers to dancers for whom I have less respect. I don't think I've ever used the term "stripper" when talking about any of my faves, or ATF. (gotta add EvilCyn to my list of "dancers", too) As I contemplate what I've just written, I probably should add that I will use the term "stripper" when talking with non-clubbing friends that wouldn't know that when I say "dancer" I am talking about an exotic dancer. Good topic... on the surface, it seemed like a simple question, but it is somewhat thought provoking... or maybe it's the three Coors Lights I've injested. I will have to ask my ATF what she considers herself to be "dancer" or "stripper". I'd bet 90% of the strippers would say "dancer", when posed that question.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How Explicit should a TUSCL review be about services?
    A few other things to add... Being a dirty old man (well, middle aged), I DO enjoy reading the explicit details, dripping with sexual content. I'm also not opposed to bragging of exploits (unless it involves one of my faves or ATF). I agree that discussion of with the details to the degree that "speaks to my darker side" should probably not find it's way on the pages of TUSCL. Perhaps a few of the TUSCLers should create an email distribution list, for the exchange of "ideas"...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How Explicit should a TUSCL review be about services?
    I have always been very careful not to mention the name of a dancer that has gone the extra mile with me. I know that some dancers (and mgmt) do read these pages, etc. In fact, if "certain activities" happen, I usually won't even mention it in my reviews, although the review will probably be a glowing one. I feel that if a dancer gives me more attention than what the local rules allow, she is doing me a favor (of course she is earning more money, too). In my gratitude, I'm not going to say that Jane stroked me until I came... but I'd probably say that Jane gave a very good dance. Another aspect that throttles what I say is my "stingyness". If I happen to run across a dancer that is extremely good, I might mention her in a review of the club. If go back to that club and continue to have good times with her, I'm most likely going to clam up about her and probably will never mention her name again. Sorry guys, I guess being an only child, I didn't learn how to share.