
New Strip Club Cities Links

I recently noticed that there is a new area on the TUSCL home page titled "Strip Club Cities". It appears to have popular strip club cities ranked. Each city has a link, which takes you to a page that lists all of the clubs in/near the city, along with a map, with pushpins associated with each club.

Are these cities really ranked somehow? Obviously, they aren't listed alphabeticially. Can someone explain how these cities are ranked?


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Minneapolis? You have got to be kidding. You would be better off driving to Alex or going over to Betty Crockers place and watch the geese shit on everything. Having said that, If you ever run into a club manager named Eric and a dancer named Kitten (his wife and father of their 2 kids)let me know. I still have a lot of cousins living there and that would give me a good excuse to look up Kitten. She was HOT. One of a very short list that I would travel to see again. They both worked at Christies Caberet in Memphis. He got fired and got another job at my favorite club as a manager. She joined him a while later. They kept their marriage secrete from management. (club rules). The had one kid then. Of course I didn't know any of this at the time. All I know is that Kitten was giving me some very hot dances. I was also into a deep relationship with my first and only true ATF. One night my ATF was tied up in the Champagne Room. She knew that I was waiting for her but couldn't get out of it. She came out once and tried to give me $40 to get some dances while I waited for her. I refused the money. Said that I would wait for her. Next thing I know, this guy in a suit comes over to my table with Kitten. Introduces himself as Eric, the manager and tells me that my ATF has bought me dances with Kitten and to take her back there and enjoy it. I did.

    Mt ATF quit the business and I never heard from her again. Eric got fired again and took a job in Minneapolis as a strip club manager. Kitten stayed at the club for awhile. It was about this time that my 2nd ATF came into being. Kitten finally quit and went to Minneapolis. (pregnant). I later found out. My new ATF knew my first ATF, Eric, and Kitten. She knew all of the details. Why he got fired. etc. Before Kitten moved to MSP, Eric called my ATF at home and wanted to know if she was doing extras? She asked "Why do you want to know?" because she is my wife. My ATF told him "Not that she knew of". Eric, whereever you are, if you consider HJ's as extras then your wife was one of the best. Does this sound like a soap opera? I could go on but I gotta get up at 4:15. Goodnight.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Apparently, not enough people in the quest for hot stripper action click on Minneapolis.
  • Cool. Now, where's the link to Minneapolis Strip Clubs?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    It's a mystery how Chicago could be ranked #1 in anything relating to strip clubs, unless it's by number of ripoff joints.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Only thing I could think of was that IS was included with the Chicago clubs and skewed the ranking somehow. Otherwise, surely Dallas or Tampa would be #1... (or Inday [wink])
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    that's Indy, not Inday...
  • founder
    17 years ago
    they are only ranked by how many times they are clicked on. don't really pay the order any mind.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Since the 'Top Strip Club Cities' are shown directly under the 'Top Ten Strip Clubs', I think it's natural for readers to assume that the numbered list indicates a similar rating, absent any explanation. Anybody who knows how the cities stack up in reviews knows that can't be.
  • True, chandler. Is there any way to rank them by popularity -- you know, culling together the ratings for each city/metropolitan area's clubs and coming up with an average or something?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Someyoungguy: I question whether that would be an improvement. TUSCL ratings can be helpful for comparing clubs within a city, but not so much across different metropolitan areas. And who's interested in going to an average club anyway? If there's a change Founder should consider, I think it should be to title the list 'Most Viewed Strip Club Cities', or else take off the numbers and list them alphabetically.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I must concur. City to city, rankings vary widely. A San Francisco 7 is a Dubuque 10; a New York City 10 is a New Jersey 4.
  • I'd still like to believe that we can have an overall, objective standard to rate every club in the U.S., but I can see how that might now work. If it can be changed, I like your idea of just listing them alphabetically, chandler.
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    Since the list is rated according to number of hits, maybe it should be titled "Top Strip Club Monger Cities" or "Cities with Horniest Guys". (Just my lame attempt at a joke.)

    Chicago must get the most hits because guys are desperate to find something better than what they've experienced. It ain't out there.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I see where Founder has gone with an alphabetical listing, no numbers. Another step in the march to greatness!
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