
The Return of Bones

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Hey guys and gals - I'm back with you all again after a lengthy absence from the greatest strip club website ever devised!

Brief explanation as to my absence: My personal life did a sudden 180 degree turn on me due to personal problems involving a family member, in particular, my father, my hero. My 95 year old hero had some medical problems in 2006, to which required me to move in with him, as a care giver. With blessings, he has made a complete recovery and is in tip top shape, even plays golf every Monday!

I had kept up with all my TUSCL friends via email, as you know who you are. I have greatly missed all of the TUSCL members and am back now to join in the festivities.


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Avatar for trojangreg

Welcome back glad to hear your father is doing well. Missed your road trip reviews. Are you still in the Tunica area? Caesars owes me a trip to any of the Harrahs properties.

Avatar for magicrat

Welcome back my friend..from one of your email buds. I hope that other little issue you had has worked itself out.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Thanks trojangreg. I'm currently living in Ohio with my Dad and probably will continue to do so for awhile. I do make trips (non-rev flights) back to Memphis couple times a month to check on in-laws and mow my lawn.

Thanks magicrat. I believe the 'other' issue had been worked out. No more word from 'that' other party. Send me an email when you get a chance friend.

Avatar for shadowcat

Oh shit, that old guy with the purple thong is back. I Have to wonder where he bought or stoled it from. I hope it was not off a stripper. Now don't feed us any more of that lonlely hillbilly shit. I know that what you want on here is for me to take your hand and place it on the pussy of one of my favorites in Columbia. I can do that. Just remember that I do have some private stock that is off limits. 6 months of horny emails from you. I know that you are ready for another TUSCL South meet up at Columbia PP. I would be great if we could get Pop, Shekitout , the dirk444. magicrat. trogangreg. Messaround, shotdisc. stripshopper. isotope, casualguy and anyboy that I missed I hate fri and sat nites at the club but I will be willing to give in to a friday, just for the rest of you.let me know what is in your nasty little minds.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

"that old guy with the purple thong is back". Oh, Borat is coming to TUSCL?

Avatar for casualguy

Welcome back bones, or maybe it should be glad you don't have to hide your previous identity? Glad to hear your father is doing so well. That sounds pretty amazing at 95 and still golfing.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

I had an uncle who could shoot his age until he was 85. He had a fall then, and though he was back on the course in six weeks. his scores suffered from then on out. I think he quit golfing more out of embarrassment at his 100s and 110s than because of any age-related fatigue or disability. Congrats on your pop.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Hey shadowcat, that "OTHER" old fart I sometimes hang with! Thongs have expanded to black, red, white, and pink. The ladies LUV 'em! Private stock at CAE? Hmmm.. well soon as they put their hands under my thongs, they won't remain private anymore! Might have another South Chapter meeting at your favorite hangout soon. But, at gas prices, will non-rev and count on you picking my ass up at the A/P. Might even have to share motel room, so get a door knocking code ready for when you OTC with one or two of those HOT bitches from the club!!! If we all showed up at a meet, we can plan an ORGY with the sluttiest dancer we find!!!

Hey BG! Been keeping up with your posts. I usually have to take a smoke break half-way through them. I get good use of my dictionary also! LOL

You're one of the few that regularly adds comments, so keep "it up". The comments that is. :-) Thanks for the congrats.

Thanks for the 'wb' casualguy. Yeah, Dad's doing great, a little slow, but "moves on out" when he's on the fairways! In his life time, he's had 3 hole-in-ones and a double eagle. I went golfing with him 3 weeks ago, and his score was lower than mine..... that's all I'm gonna' say about that! @#$%#@&*@ !!!

Avatar for shadowcat

Bones, when they put their hands under your thong they, won't be my private stock anymore? Is that before or after they stop laughing. Yes, I will pick your ass up at the airport and I'll even help you with your air travel but I am not sharing a room. 2 is company. 3 is a crowd. I do know the nastiest dancer for a group ORGY but it will have to be in your room. I can't stand sleeping on the wet spot/s. It might lower the price if you can all bring some cocaine.

Avatar for Techman

Glad you are back. I will be in Louisville June 7 & 8. Would be fun to hit some of the clubs with you. Saw my first stripper at 14, that is 48 years ago.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Christ Techman..... you make me feel like a 'young punk'... at 60! LOL

Thanks for the welcome. Did a couple road trips to Louisville last year. Spent good amount of $$$$$ clubbing and getting my share of EXTRAS.

Only thing I hated about KY (Kentucky - not jelly) was the clubs charging very high dancer drinks! Another way for the club to make $$$$.

Tech... June 7th & 8th is bad for me, as I will be hangin' around my sexy babe during that time. However, Louisville is only a 5 hour drive from me, so keep me informed of the next trip & I'll see if I can make that one. Be a lot of fun, no doubt.

Avatar for lopaw

Hey! Welcome back stranger! We missed you!

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

'Tanks' lopaw. Glad to be back and take part in the dirty little deeds we all enjoy here! :-) I've found some new members on board, and welcome them all to participate and have fun!

Avatar for DougS

Bones: yep, nice to see your name on the posts again. Glad to hear that your dad is doing well.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Thanks to all for the welcome back. Now, let's get down to some serious business..... um uh... like talking about DANCERS - STRIPPERS - EVILCYN ( :-0 ) CLUBS - HOOTERS - CONTACT - EVIL CYN - oh, covered that one.

Hope soon we can start messaging and chatting.

Avatar for pop

Good to have you back. Your favorite dancer from MYR just arrived back at p+ for the summer and is awaiting your next visit. I told her I would let you know.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Thanks pop. Let her know I got the message. She is good as what she does, enough said! :-)

However, what the "CAT" has been posting recently about his visits, has got my interest in getting my hands (and other things) on some of the newbies or even oldies at PP! Pinching every PENNY for the PP!!

Avatar for shadowcat

Bones: Next visit set for June 13th-15th Come on down or eat your heart out. The lady from MYR still has my attention but yes there are others ahead of her including the one that I almost had to fight pop, over. Lol...

Pop: come on down. I'll share.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

shadowcat - June 13th is bad day for me, as I will have spent that past week in Memphis and scheduled to fly back to Ohio on June 13th. Let me know on the July dates when you find out. I got the 'moola', just looking for a convenient date.

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