
How do you get a crack whore off of your ass?

Atlanta suburb
In my last post about "more erotice adventures of shadowcat", I made a big point about this stripper. I am going to make another trip to my favorite club in a week and I am afraid of running into her again. Not so much in the club but at my hotel. She is just too slezzy for me. A real dirt bag. I don't want to screw her or get a BJ from her again. The thought repulses me. I think that once a person has sunk so low as to be living at a hotel with weekly or montly rates, they are gone. I am resonably sure that she will still be there and that if she sees me or my truck, she will pester the hell out of me for money.

So how do I avoid her? Change hotels? Yes, I could but I like this place. It is within walking distance to the club, each room has a frig, micro wave oven and a two burner stove. I am on a first name basis with the manager and he has comped me the room. It's only $55 night and many times I can get a discount for being a repeat customer. I have been staying here for 6 years and don't want to give it up over some bitch. I also don't want to create a scene by telling her to fuck off. I don't know what a crack whore is capable of. Physical violence or damage to my truck?

Do I just pay her $100 for a blow job and hope that she is satisfied and goes away? OR do I treat her like some strippers treat us? Promise everything but deliver nothing? Will she get tired of that and leave me alone?

I just want to get back to my favorite club with my favorite dancers. I know that I got myself into this. Little head doing the thinking. I want to find out why, J---- offered to help me change a flat tire, what the manager did to make M---- tearied, if V----- wants to get serious again?

I got a week. Advice appreciated.


  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Definitely don't pay her any more or promise anything. That'll only encourage her, but you already knew that. I would just tell her very firmly that what happened was a one-time deal, and you've decided to keep it all in the club from now on. But don't talk to her like she's a crack whore or beneath you in any way. Talking down to her won't put it in her place. It will just egg her on. Besides, she was good enough for you before, so who are you kidding?

    If that doesn't work and she keeps bothering you, you might have to change hotels for now. Sure, you don't want to, but that may be the price you have to pay for your adventure. And a pretty small price it would be.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Meant to write "won't put *her* in her place", of course.
    17 years ago
    I'd go to a different hotel for my next visit or two. By then she'll probably have moved on to something or someone else. I'd try real hard not to run into her again, there's nothing you can say or do that won't piss her off, and that can only add to the problems. I'd even consider going to another club in another city for awhile. Your situation sounds explosive. Be very careful.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    chandler: can you relationize with a person who is out of it on drugs? I cannot use the "one time only deal" because it was not the first with her. The 1st time was 12+ months ago. I met her in the club and she asked me if I ever did dances OTC. We did a 2 for 1, so that I could check out the goods. 45 minutes later we were in my hotel room doing a full service for $150. She said that she needed the money to get her car back from being fixed. She was not that skunky then. I enjoyed it. Things change.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, excuse me for not remembering your history with this girl. That's different. In any event, if you run into her again, about all you can say is that you aren't interested in OTC anymore. Don't try to explain why, no matter how much she the bugs you to. Above all, don't insult her - it might make you feel better, but it will backfire. However, if she just gets more persistent or resorts to threats, you may need to evacuate.

    Or if the situation is as dangerous as FONDL thinks - I don't know enough to say - you'd be wise to do as he says and avoid her at all costs ahead of time. I just don't know how much she's a real threat or how much is your fear of what she could turn into.
  • DougS
    17 years ago

    From what you've said, and what I've experienced (not with her, but with other dancers of similar ilk), I'd say she will be very persistant and most likely not easily disuaded.

    Taking up residence in another hotel for this visit MIGHT do the trick, but I'm guessing you'll still be in the same boat the next time you visit, so you are only prolonging your agony.

    I believe the best approach would to use the same hotel and hope you don't bump into her. If you do, I'd tell her that you don't have the time to spend with her... you're just too busy. Don't answer the door if she knocks... don't answer the phone...

    If you think she might be the type to do something destructive to your vehicle, you might consider renting a car for this trip.

    Another angle that just came to mind. You stated that you know the hotel manager very well. Does he have any idea how "well" you know her? You could have him be on the watch out for trouble with her and/or the vehicle, unless metioniong the situation to him is not acceptable - depends on how well he knows you and what you are up to, etc.

    You could always mention to the mgr what she is doing (hooking)... maybe he will kick her ass out of the place and you won't have to worry about running into her again. [wink]

    Good luck!
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat: Seriously, you don't have any problem telling us to go fuck ourselves when we piss you off so why should it be a problem with this woman? It's your money, just tell her no. You shouldn't have to give up your favorite hotel, club or dancers just because of one psycho-stripper. Just cut her loose!
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I like Yoda's attitude, except that "shouldn't have to" may not be the standard to apply in the case of a desperate woman who knows enough about you to cause problems.

    Also, I think getting the hotel mgmt. involved could make a bigger mess of things.
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Like Yoda no means no and nothing else need be said. Don't think with the little head and you do not have to explain yourself to her. Have fun.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Tell her you had some big bills to pay and can't afford her right now. If she persists you could tell her she could do what she wants if she doesn't mind doing it for free. I bet that will get rid of her. If you're no longer a money source, she'll eventually ignore you, maybe. She can't be the smartest cookie on the block if she's routinely using drugs. Now if she wants to routinely give you a blowjob for free, you have another problem. If you really don't want a free blowjob and it seems like she is going to do it anyway, you could suddenly pretend you have a severe migraine. For some reason, I never thought you would be afraid of free blowjobs.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If that doesn't work, just give her FONDL's address and say he is waiting right down the road. Just joking. :)
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Actually I wouldn't be surprised if you could use the same techniques you probably already use in a strip club to get rid of dancers. Just imagine her saying "wanna dance?", then tell her maybe later or not right now, or you're almost broke and just visiting a sick friend. Might work if she isn't dancing and doesn't see you walking off to the club. Ask her if she can loan you some money. That might get rid of her for good.
    17 years ago
    What everyone says makes sense logically. The trouble is that if this girl is really screwed up on drugs, logic doesn't apply, you're not dealing with a logical person. If I were in Shadowcat's situation I'd stay out of town for awhile, let her self-destruct with someone else. Besides, think how much fun the homecoming will be when he finally returns. Shadowcat, it's time to take a break from your favorite haunt.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    The irrational approach would be to stay away before knowing whether she was even there, and if so, whether she posed a threat. Because she's irrational doesn't mean Shadowcat should be.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, there's nothing irrational about taking actions to lower your risk. We all have different risk profiles - I'd go to fairly great lengths to avoid any further contact with this out-of-control drug addict. You probably wouldn't because it sounds like you have a higher tolerance for risk than I do. But our approaches are equally rational.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL: Fair enough. I take exception when anyone says you can't use logic to deal with a crazy person. That's like saying you can't use your senses to deal with inanimate objects. Besides, we both know Shadowcat isn't going to give up his monthly visit, so isn't he best advised to take precautions within his possible plans?
  • snowtime
    17 years ago
    I too would advise changing hotes, at least for now. Seems like the easiest way to avoid any confrontation/problem. Since I now frequent Platinum Plus based on Shadowcat's and other reviews I will offer an alternative hotel that I use. The last several trips I have been staying at the Best Western on Bush River Road. It is a very nice place with safe parking . You can get a $59 room coupon in the travel magazines at the SC. welcome center. The motel is close to the interstate (btw.I20 and I26), just exit on Bush River and turn right off I20 when coming from Atl. Motel is 1/4 mile on right. Keep going 1/2 mile on Bush River and you will come to I26 and also Heartbreakers. I have never been to Heartbreakers but plan to do so based on some positive reviews.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    A response is coming within a couple of days I just want to get as much input as I can. Initial response? Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    The way I see it, we probably deal with a stripper who is using drugs and we don't even know it. She's probably one of the people you tell no thanks or maybe later to get her to move along. I doubt all strippers in some clubs are drug free. That means we're dealing with crazy people all the time if drug use equals crazy person. I have to deal either with crazy people or very mentally slow people almost every time I drive down the road. I've seen someone stop on a green light, someone else stop for a red light and then turn left on red after traffic went by, I'm thinking wtf?, then you have a number of other crazy drivers, slow drivers. Some things that irritate me is driving super slow in the left hand passing lane and not turning right on red when no traffic is coming and your turn signal is on. Maybe we should use the words mentally challenged instead of crazy which is very possible if someone is on drugs. She would be like a number of drivers on the road. Actually it sounded like she was driving around based on what I read.
  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    Screw changing hotels! Just cut off the money and the bitch will go away. Simple.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Good advice from all of you. I just made my hotel reservation at my favorite hotel. I am not about to let her scare me off. I've been in a lot scarier situations. Like I told Chelsea Clinton, "There are only 3 things that scare me. Osama, Obama, and Yo Mama." I am going to take precautions. First I will check with the manager to see if she is still living there. If not, crisis over. If she is still there, I will tell him not to let her know that I am back. Just in case she wiggles information out of one of the desks clerks, I will not answer the phone or door. And I will park my truck at the hotel next door. I will carry my cell phone when walking to and from my truck. If I should run into her by accident, I will tell her that I am really not interested in any further contact with her. The past was a mistake. And if that doesn't work, I'll just so NO NO NO and don't foreget I know where your drug dealer lives. Maybe I could find it again? I am not worried about running into her at the club. The parking lot has survailence cameras and a doorman who watches everthing after 6;00 P.M. (escorts the dancers to/from their cars) Club owner and managers fear drug busts more than prostitution busts. So they will side with me. What, Me worry? shadowcat will live to write another review and then some. Come on down June 13th-15th.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    When I checked into my hotel, the manager was not there. So I did not get to ask him if she was still staying there. This turned out to be a non event. I did not see or hear from her. This crack head is not to be confused with the one mentioned in the dark side of strippers.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I'd love to follow in shadowcat's footsteps, especially at his age, with the strippers and crack whores. Pathetic is preaching hate about strippers and their customers. At least you provide a nice contrast to shadowcat. :)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    jablake: That must have been ment for one of the people on my ignore list or else I am baffeled.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi shadowcat,

    Yes, just responding to the moral know-it-all ClifBar. So, ClifBar do you have any tracts to recommend that are on your must read list or are your postings on TUSCL the whole shabang?

    I've read many of shadowcat's posts and a handful of yours. He wins by more than a few light years. In your world it is wrong and pathetic for old men to pay for sexual services from young hot women. And? I'm thinking do you have a girlfriend or sister that believes in serving old men for reasonable remuneration? IOW, where's the beef?

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi ClifBar,

    Even if what you said was 100% TRUE it seems pointless unless you think it is wrong for old men to pay for young pussy.

    Let's say for a moment that an old man has no problem getting young free pussy. He engages her in witty conversation and wows her with his knowledge and experience. It is all she can so to stop from undressing in public she is so eager to bed him. If this old man chooses to pay for young pussy because his time is valuable or he doesn't want a real relationship or whatever, then would you have a problem with this old man paying for pussy? I think you would.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hello Pythagoras,

    He represents a mind frame (paying for pussy is wrong/those who pay for pussy are pathetic) that I find interesting.

    I repeatedly hear the complaint that the hookers/strippers don't really care about us----it is just our money. If the persons making the complaint cared about the hookers or strippers, then I'd find the complaint less interesting. It is like the money is supposed to buy friendship when the person offering up the money isn't even willing to extend friendship as part of the deal. It gets worse--why give the hookers/strippers money if they're not willing to be friends? I think because they are selling a product and service that I like! DUH! Similarly, when I hear complaint that it is pathetic to pay for pussy my interest is peaked. Is it some religious position--uninteresting to me. Just get a different God--problem solved. Is it because the person can't afford to pay for pussy? He has a white knight complex?

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