
The bad girls. Lindsay, Brittany or Paris. Your choice?

Atlanta suburb
I would love to spend 30 days in the same cell as Paris. I just finished watching the Paris Hilton tape again. Lousy quality filming but no doubt that it is her. The dude must have been on drugs. I couldn't have kept it up more than 3 minutes with her. Just day dreaming on a quiet Sunday.


  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    Sorry, Shadow, I pick none of the above. Not one of them has as much class as someone like Jennifer Love Hewitt, Salma Hayek, or Liz Hurley has in her little finger.

    If my only alternative to those three was j***ing off, I suppose I'd pick Brittany, only because I think the other two would be incredibly prissy, whereas I think that Brittany could get "down and dirty" under the right circumstance. (Re: Paris--I could live with a sufficiently hot girl making cell phone calls while getting scr***ed, but _making_ calls under those circumstances is just too much to stand.) But all three of these are wastes of carbon, as far as I am concerned.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If I had to choose that would be difficult. Brittany seems more down to earth so I might pick her followed by Lindsay. Personality plays a big part in how well you like someone and it's very hard to know someone's personality from a music video you saw a couple of times.

    I did see a stripper with nice legs dressed up in an outfit that reminded me of Paris Hilton. I guess they all have something in common. Rehab or prison. Hopefully they will be able to handle things in moderation better in the future. They all look good.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    30 days in prison? Just reread that post. Shadowcat I think you are officially crazy. For some reason I imagine Paris to be some prissy and pampered girl who wants everything done for her. I can't stand to be around those types of people for too long.
  • JC2003
    17 years ago
    Paris is a billionaire heiress -- her last name is Hilton as in the hotels -- so it really shouldn't surprise anyone that she's a prissy, pampered girl who wants everything done for her.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I'd become a monk.
  • Can I have all three?
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    How about none of the above? Celebrities suck.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    Go to prison to get laid? I've had better looking women than Paris, Lindsey or Britney and all I had to do was pay them. No prison, no drama and they are always smarter than the three airheads in question...
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    I have to agree with most of you, prissy, and pampered, and they usually don't know how to get their hands dirty so to speak... Those type of girls how no sense of how to please someone, because most likely they have never cared to try...
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I don't exactly understand the fascination which "our society" in general places on these sorts of celebrities. I do "get" the concept, when someone becomes important in the national consciousness for some sort of reason or other that makes sense to me. Timothy McVeigh did newsworthy things, for exapmle; Kerry and Bush and Dole and Clinton all have major impact on our lives, so we bother to pay attention to them when they make decisions and announcements; even Tom Cruise can be thought of as someone who will be bringing us future entertainment and has done a good job in his past roles, and so if you like that sort of entertainment then you can keep up with it by following his exploits. But what does Paris Hilton actually DO?

    It's like trying to tell the difference between Zsa Zsa and Eva Gabor. Since one was ... well, a beauty queen ... and the other was ... well, I guess, a beauty queen ... then ... WHO CARES?

    Some people seem to be able to turn themselves into the news. You see it now and again with losers on that "Survivor Voted off the Island" game. "Now, Juliette, the third-place finalist on 'Survivor Upper Volta' will take us through her daily shaving routine." WTF?
    17 years ago
    Of the three I'd choose Brittany, I think she's the best looking, with Lindsay a close second. I don't find Paris to be the least bit attractive, way too skinny for my taste, at best she's average looking. But bad girls? Nah, just really screewed up, I woldn't care to spend much time with any of them.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    Lindsey #1
    Britney # 2
    I wouldn't go Paris with Kyle1111's dick.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Based upon how they look at the moment, I'd have to go with Paris. She IS thin, but I like thin... and she has nice hair (y'all know my weaknesses there). If you re-worded the question so that we were basing it on how they looked in their prime, I'd no doubt pick Britney (the one from about 3 years ago). She was smmmmokin' back then - now, sadly, post-hair shaving (of the bad kind, and extra weight... no thanks! Lindsay never did anything for me... at all.

    Shadowcat: I enjoyed watching the flick A Night In Paris (or whatever the name was). But, I have to say, she didn't appear to be terribly talented. From the looks of it, I've had MUCH better blowjobs, from hotter girls than that.

    Chitown: You know I'm into Jennifer Love Hewitt, too... but here lately, I've seen her in several movies, and I don't know if you've paid attention, or noticed but she's packin' a lot of shtuff in that trunk. In fact, the last two flicks that I've seen her in, I noticed that she appeared to be intentionally covering up her lower half. Once I noticed that, it was way obvious... wearing a lot of "wraps" around her waist... placing a throw pillow on her legs when sitting on a couch... being shown behind a desk in a lot of shots... I still would no doubt jump at the chance, but she's not as hot as she was in her "Party of Five" days.

    DandyDan: Yep, it's true, celebrities suck... that's why we all want celebrity girls (for their sucking talents).
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I'd probably pick Brittany a few years ago. Nowdays she's too much of a mess. Paris seems like a pillow queen based on her movie clips. Lindsay is like that train wreck stripper, no matter how hot or how high mileage you just can't imagine going there for fear of the herpes.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    With being an heir to a fortune, Paris should have hired OJ's attorney. I bet he could have gotten her off without time. On the other hand maybe Paris wanted some R & R without the paparazzi. (Lol, I seriously doubt that.) However all the other prisoners could play a game to see how many extra cameras, helicopters or other people are trying to make a presence during her special paparazzi "vacation".
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    Lindsay, Brittany or Paris?
    They'd turn a gay girl STRAIGHT!
  • evilcyn
    17 years ago
    LOL@lopaw, I have to say I think your right !!!!!!
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    News reports say Paris "survived" her first night in jail. Geeee


    what a waste of news reporting resources. Evidently the jail was surrounded by papparazzi, and they actually interviewed a few women whose jail terms happened to have a release that coincided with the day after Paris Hilton's arrival. The ex-inmates all said, "We were asleep when she arrived." Yeesh.

    So the newspapers have now, through assiduously brilliant reportage, established that when someone goes to jail, you aren't allowed to do anything and nothing interesting happens. Wowee.
  • trojangreg
    17 years ago
    Now Paris gets out for medical reasons. I never knew no talent was a medical reason. I guess has lots of money is a medical reason. It must be tough for these three. I wouldn't have any of them. I agree with Lopaw except they may make a straight guy go gay (not that there is anything wrong with that). Give me Salma Hayek beautiful & intelligent.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yeah what's up with that? I was so looking forward to a head-shaving fiasco because of lice and staph infections ...
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    So here's what I don't get, not to defend Paris, but she surrenders to serve a 20ish day term. Somehow her bitching and her lawyers convince the LA Sheriff that home confinement is the better option. I am going to assume that with such a high profile case, and with the ammount the Hilton's can spend on lawyers that EVERYTHING is scrupulously legal and doccumented. Yet a judge can summon her again, and overturn a decision made by the jailing authorities, and further overide not only the terms, but then modify the length of her sentance? ChiTown? What am I missing?
  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    Abbie, jailers do not have the right to, in effect, alter sentences, which is what was done here. They are to carry the sentences out as instructed. The judge explicitly said in his inital sentencing that she was to serve her time in jail, not in some alternative facility and not at home. If Paris indeed had a medical/psychological problem, the sheriff was to have seen that she was treated in a county facility. He had no authority to violate the judge's order. Quite frankly, I'm surprised her high priced attorneys did not anticipate this debacle--it was a big mistake to try to go around the judge.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Understood that if the judge ordered a sentance and the Sheriff didn't properly cary out the confinement, but it's not as if she broke out, she was sent home by the Sheriff. So how does that mean her original sentance of 20 days is now 40? The judge is in effect punishing her more harshly because the Sheriff made a mistake. That's the part I don't get. Also once in custody I think the county Sheriff, and not the court determines the terms of her confinement, such as parole, early release, etc, but I could be wrong.
    17 years ago
    What I don't get is why this stuff about Paris is considered newsworthy. Why does anyone care about it? Aren't there more important things going on in the world?
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yes. But we love our celebrities. :)

    Conspiracy theory: the jailers themselves were paid a hefty bribe to let her get to house-arrest, so she could get a decent night's sleep and a real shower, and probably a mdeical check-up. And the bribers knew full well the house-arrest idea would soon be overturned, but at least by then she'd gotten a chance to record another sex tape with some K-Fed type ...
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    BG, I think you're on to something. Only one man could come up with a plot so devious yet so simple that it could turn Paris Hilton into a victim, put her on the top of every newscast for days, and make her sympathetic even while she goes to prison. Yes, I blame Karl Rove.

    FONDL, I don't really care, but it's one of those things it is impossible not to know about if you turn on a TV or listen to a radio.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Yeah, how come we can't get more juicy gossip on the peccadillos of Nobel laureates and other well-adjusted, non-rich, un-photogenic people doing really important things, huh?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I think you guys may have missed something about this whole thing. I heard the sheriff say that typically the average person only serves 10 percent of their time for non violent crimes due to overcrowding in the prison. 10 percent of 23 days would have been about 2 or 3 days. That would be normal in this situation. Paris is getting abnormal treatment due to her celebrity status. A normal person would be out by now. The blame should be on others. Perhaps there aren't enough prisons or perhaps non violent offenders should be sentenced to do community service hours instead of prison time to alleviate prison crowding.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    In the situation I listed above, instead of prison time, Paris might have been sentenced to picking up garbage along the highway with a prison work crew or other community service needs. Putting non violent offenders in a cell seems like a waste when they could be put to work even if they aren't jailed (unless they fail to show up for their work).
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