
Stripper image

Thursday, May 24, 2007 9:15 AM
Her's a brief conversation that my ATF and I have had more than once. We're someplace together and see a girl with huge fake boobs, tight skimpy provacative outfit, too much make-up, kinda hard looking etc. etc. and I'll jokingly say something like, "I bet I know what she does for a living (meaning stripper.)" To which my ATF will respond, "Why do you think that?" (We both like to argue about stuff like this.) And I'll say, "Well look at her." And she'll say, "Most strippers don't look like that." And I know she's right, most strippers who I've known don't look at all like that. And yet when I see a girl who does look like that, I'll immediately think, "stripper." So why does this false image persist? And is it just me or is anyone else like that?


  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: Awhile back, I saw a girl in a gas station. She was oriental. I knew the tits were fake and I saw part of the large tatoo on her back. The sign went up immediately. Is a stripper or was a stripper. Yes, I agree that not all strippers look like. Actually very few. Some are down right fuglies when you see them in the parking lot in broad daylight. I think that it is a prospective. Why would an attractive girl do that to her body, if she wasn't trying to attract attention. And who do we all know that want to attract attention?
  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    more and more strippers I see here in Ohio look like the girl you described FONDL. I think its characteristic of those from a lower socio-economic class. In talking to many over the years, that's where most seem to come from. The few that I've come across that aren't "lower class" are the ones without the tats, with up to date hair styles, better teeth and smiles, etc, although they are not without issues of their own.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL: It isn't necessarily a false image. Your disagreement with your ATF was based on a logical error. You weren't saying that most strippers look like that. You were saying that most women who look like that are strippers. Different statements. Actually, only a small percentage of women who look like that are probably strippers, but it's still a much higher proportion than that of other looks, such as petite girl-next-door types, which far outnumber the stereotypical stripper look even more in society at large than in strip clubs. So, if there's any type for whom your bet stands a chance, it's the one you saw.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I agree that it's difficult for me, too, to see a skimpily-dressed, rather petite younger woman, especially if she is provocatively displaying fake tits, and NOT think "Gotta be a stripper." I don't know if that's reality or not. I have given myself the command that I should approach and try to meet every girl for whom I have that automatic response (though, not the ones with big ugly fake tits; I don't like fake tits). In that manner, I'm hoping, I'll be able to cross some social gulfs. I bet I won't do it, and anyway approaching someone in civilian life on the presumption that she looks good enough to be -- and probably IS -- a stripper, is a doomed proposition. I don't mean to run up to one or another girl on the subway and howl, "What club do YOU strip at!?"
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, That girl with the fake tits and big tattoo was Asian. "Oriental" refers to an object like a table, vase or a rug; not a human being. Asians are extremely offended by this common mistake. I know that it was not your intention to offend anyone. I just bring it up as personal experience that I'd like to share with the board.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    apesht45: according to most on line dictionaries you are politically correct and it can offend Asians but according to one source if it is used to describe something exotic then it should be nonoffending. Is a stripper exotic? I spent 2 years in Japan and I have a pretty good understanding and respect for their cluture. But try this one one in Japanese "Dame Chousen". Nothing personal. Just a boring night.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    In my experience, strippers that I've known outside work, ALL looked quite "normal". I DO know that when I would go out with my ATF, she always got the "looks", but not because how she dressed. She is just a beautiful Asian woman!
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    When my wife used to dance, most of the time out of the club she would be in sweats, or jeans. Her reasoning was that if she dressed in a provocative way at work, she would rather be comfortable out of work. In fact most of her friends ''dressed down'' when out of work
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    ... "when my wife used to dance" ... *drools ... ... mmm dancers ... *drools ... OK ahem umm sorry. :P
    17 years ago
    Apeshit and shadowcat, accoring to my son, people are Asian, rugs are oriental. But he lives in the People's republic or Massachusetts, home of political correctness.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    In all of my OTCing experience, I've never had a stripper show up looking like a stripper. In fact, it almost seems like they go out of their way to look un-stripper-ish (I just made that up, in case you are wondering [grin]). My prev-ATF would always wear baggy sweatshirts and loose fitting jeans, but she still looked hot (mostly because she had the most beautiful long hair). There was one time, however, that she went out in public looking every bit like a hooker. We were OTCing at my hotel, and decided to go to the pool and hot tub area. She, of course, didn't have a suit with her, so she wore one of her stripper outfits - small, black tube-top-like type and black thong, plus her 6" heels. I put a towel around her shoulders on the way to the pool; I didn't want everyone getting a free peek of her. When we got to the pool area, we discovered that there were no ashtrays (this was prior to Marriott's going smoke-free). So, I think partly to "get my goat", 'cause she knew I was a little uptight with the way she looked, she decided to walk out to the front desk and ask for an ashtray, wearing just the heels and stripper outfit. Upon her return, she laughingly told me that the desk clerk couldn't even talk when he saw her, and his hand was badly shaking when he handed her the ashtray. I'm SURE he thought she was a hooker - I know that I would've.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    If you prefer girl-next-door types (as I do), that skews your perception of what strippers look like off-work. So, if you see any girl looking dressed-down in a baggy sweatshirt, do you think she must be a stripper? Of course not. I still maintain that the provocative type that FONDL saw is a better bet to be a stripper.
    17 years ago
    The first time I met my ATF for an actual OTC "date" I was shocked. She came in looking like a typical college girl. I almost didn't recognize her. I couldn't believe she was the same person. After that I started calling her by 2 different names, depending on whether we were in the club or outside, and I almost thought of her as two separate people. OTC she not only looked different, she acted differently.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I know exactly what you are saying. I don't meet my ATF outside the club, but lately she looks for me when she arrives at the club and comes to my table and gives me a big hug. Not one bit of make-up or lip stick, hair in a pony-tail, baggy T-shirt and shorts......she certainly does not look at all like the stripper I thought I knew. Though certainly not unattractive, she was rather "plain" looking. I am somewhat surprised she presented herself to me in that way.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FONDL, I used different names as well. She had a club name, and the one she used OTC. I had another for her, but didn't use it when we were with others OTC.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I have a club name too.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I've seen dancers wear all kinds of outfits outside of the club. I think one dancer and her friend I went to the beach with were wearing daisy dukes. Another dancer I knew seemed to like wearing something that looked more like a nightgown. She was typically alone with me when she wore that. Other dancers dressed just like everyone else.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Um, is there supposed to be something unusual about strippers who go by their stage name in the club and their real name outside? Other than a couple of girls I can think of who used their real names ITC with some customers, that's how they all prefer it.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, my ATF never had a stage name, she danced under her real name because she was local and figured half the guys knew who she was anyway. I had my own pet name for her that I always called her in the club. So yes that probably was pretty unusual.
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