
Comments by DougS (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Do You Say To A "Lady" ??
    I agree with several postings above, Chandler being the first to voice it. If there is even a tiny doubt, there is NO way that I am interested. Like in the Seinfeld episode... manly hands... If she has hands that look the least bit manly, I'm heading the oppposite way. I actually recently met a very hot woman that was near perfect - except she had man hands; I did not pursue.
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    17 years ago
    Asian girls
    BTW, below is a link to pics of some very hot Asian girls... I believe most, if not all are of mixed ethnicity. If you had to pick just ONE of them to be stranded on a desert island with, which one would it be?! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.iclique.com/Model%2520Index%2520-%2520Jade%2520Hsu2b.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.iclique.com/Models.html&h=175&w=130&sz=22&hl=en&start=14&um=1&tbnid=cBz1MMhRA3hNBM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=74&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djade%2Bhsu%2Bmyspace%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26rls%3DRNWE,RNWE:2005-43,RNWE:en My pick is Amanda, although interestingly, she is probably the least Asian looking girl in the list, so my second choice is Cynthia Diaz (which sounds very Hispanic, so I better make another choice). Third pick is Kaila Yu. To be honest, I wouldn't mind ANY of them, though...
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    17 years ago
    Asian girls
    Shadowcat: Yeah... Betty Nguyen is most definitely a hottie. By looking at an Asian girl (as long as she doesn't have mixed ethnicity), I believe I can fairly accurately name the heritage. They each have a few traits that are pretty common amongst their own ethnic heritage. If you know their real "last" names, that's usually the clincher.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    October 26th, 2007 1:00 P.M. What, Where , Why?
    Shadowcat: Wait... how can you DATY, but can't bring yourself to suck on a dancer's fingers after she played with herself? Bones: Hmm... I wonder who that one dancer at Brad's is, to which you referred. [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just found this board!
    Vincents9: Welcome aboard. It is ALWAYS great to hear the woman's perspective. Don't mind Chandler... he can be surly at times. Don't hesitate to jump in on any topic that you might find of interest. Also, if you have questions that you'd like to ask us, we are always more than happy to give you our thoughts. Like someone else asked early, it would be helpful if you could tell us a bit about yourself (where you dance, how long, ball park age). \ _)ougS (a YOUNG mid-40s guy from the midwest, always lookin' to spend more time with beautiful women - especially w/my ATF)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another OTC Question
    Chipitin: Very good points and observations! There are HUGE risks involved in meeting up OTC - for BOTH parties, but the majority of the potential downside resides with the girl. There is always the chance that one of the parties involved could be a cop, though not very likely. To me, my biggest fear is a setup. It would be VERY possible that when you meet up with a girl outside the club, she could have her boyfriend waiting somewhere, with plans to rob you, and/or do you great bodily harm. She could always have a weapon in her purse and rob you herself, or could take our her hostilities on you. You just never know. For the girl, the chances of getting robbed, raped, abducted, beatup, etc. are far greater. Personally, I am surprised that any girl would take such a risk. In my experiences, Chipitin's observation about most girls taking a year to get to know the guy before meeting up OTC is far from reality, though. She obviously has to trust the guy before doing so, but usually, I can prove to the girls that I can be trusted in a short period of time. Two of my OTC "partners" agreed to leave the club with me the same night I met them. Admittedly, it took me longer to convice my other three OTC partners that I was trustworthy. I visited my first OTC girl about three times in the club, before she agreed to dinner (we never did more than going out to eat a few times). My second OTC girl and I spent about six marathon nights together in the club (and hours on the phone). I'd brought the topic up several times, but she didn't go for it, until I was on my way to visit her for the 7th-ish time and she called and told me that she'd meet me OTC instead (dinner, hotel, etc) My ATF and I spent five marathon nights in the club (and countless hours on the phone), before she also agreed to meet OTC and called me while on my way to see her at the club. So, the five girls that I have OTCed with spent an average of about four visits in the club before they gave me their stamp of approval and trusted me with them outside of the club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Asian girls
    Of course! Anyone reading the theads here knows that I love long, silky/shiny hair, and most asian girls sport that look. With that said, in all of my years, I've only had ONE asian girl dance for me. I guess there just aren't that many asian girls dancing in the midwest. There ARE a few asian girls at BBF in Indy, but I've always been otherwise occupied.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    stripper names?
    BTW, >>I<< use my real name on this board, but I HAVE been entertaining some thoughts of going to a "board" name. If Founder could move all of my posts and reviews over to a new nickname, I'd probably do it in a heartbeat. It wasn't the brightest move to use my real name here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What I'm Not Pretty Enough For You?
    I've never been asked the topic question most likely because I usually don't flat-out turn down girls when they ask me for a dance. My usual response is "not right now, but thanks anyway". I know most girls realize that's pretty much telling them that you aren't interested, but in a slightly nicer way. A girl that is constantly getting turned down is going to be feeling down on herself, and I don't want to add to that. Sometimes, a girl will ask me for a dance and I may be luke warm to the idea. Maybe she's almost what I'm looking for, but not quite (I AM pretty damned picky in what I like and don't like), so I may add "check back with me later, though, okay?" to my canned response. That way, if I don't see anyone that matches my ideals, she may be a good second choice. Another approach that I haven't used, but might try sometime, was hinted at earlier. By being a bit more honest, and saying something like "I'm sorry, but I have a really specific look that I am looking for, here's $10 ... if you see a girl that has [list of characteristics that you like], please send her my way". I don't think that would be insulting to her, and she might just find the perfect girl for you. Anyone try a line like that before? Nine times out of 10, I don't have to worry about these questions. Usually, I'm either there to see a dancer with whom I'd pre-arranged a "meeting", or I'm not in the club at all. It's MUCH simpler that way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    stripper names?
    I prefer to know a dancer's real name. In my experience, a dancer that uses her real name on stage is USALLY a dancer that isn't full of Stripper Shit. I also dislike those stripper names that are so obviously not a real name; names like Poison, Juicy, Horny. (actually, I never heard any girl use Horny as a stage name, but THAT I might actually like... I mean, if a girl comes up to me and says "Hi, I'm Horny!", I'm pretty sure she will get my full attention). I don't want to call a girl some name that's going to make me feel silly saying, you know? I think it also ruins the fantasy, as well. Makes it seem too fake, even though we know it IS fake, it just seems to rub our noses in it, when her name is "Delightful" or some other obvious stage name. Incidentally, my prev-ATF has used two stage names that I know of, plus her real name, which is a pain when I speak of her to fellow clubbers... I never know what to call her, so I'm usualy stuck in that mode of listing all three names... On the other hand, my ATF uses her real name on stage... I like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another OTC Question
    MagicRat: I'd be inclined not to bring up the money. I'd let HER bring it up. If she expects to be compensated, you can be SURE she that she will mention it before anything happens. If you are compelled to bring it up, your "we never did discuss the details" line sounds like a winner. I have no problem giving a girl money for OTCing. If it's a business transation, she will be earning the money. If it's more of a "friendly relationship", then I feel like I should be giving her money that she'd other wise be making in the club. If it's a girl that I have "feelings for", then I'd probably be giving her money to "help her out".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    suckling tits
    EvilCyn: Exactly why I don't like sharing my girls with others when I'm at the club. I'd rather "whale" and hog my pic the whole night, just so I don't have to think about others parts being anywhere near her. Also, it's an excellent reason for OTCing, since you are pretty sure no one has been near her (at least when you OTC during the day).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A New Term?
    A LONG time ago - geesh back in highschool - there was a "B" "horny teen"-type movie playing at the local drive-in that a group of us went to see. In one of the early scenes, there was a hot girl going down on a guy while he was driving, and they had an accident. The scary part - and this is the part that I think about everytime my mind wanders to this sex act - in the accident, the impact caused the girl to bite it off! Believe me, I was quite the careful driver while "enganged".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Chandler: What can I say? I just can't get enough of a good thing.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Chandler: That's just you! I never bore of being in that frame of mind! Heck, last Thurs., between OTCing with my ATF, and visiting BBF (see review, and also recent email), I spent 13 hours being entertained; not a bad day!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Chandler: I didn't say I needed any additional stimulus "to get ready" before hitting a strip club. I said it was a fun way to start the evening. I'd much prefer going to Hooters to see scantily clad, flirtatous waitresses on my way to a SC visit, rather than the local steakhouse where I will most likely get an unattractive female - or worse yet, a waiter walking lightly in his loafers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One thing that Hooters is great for - especially if you are in a group of guys, is warming up before hitting the strip clubs. It's fun to take in the eye candy at Hooter, all the while knowing that in an hour or so, you will be doing MUCH more than just looking at equally hot girls. BTW, I just got back from lunch ... went to Hooters.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One thing that Hooters is great for - especially if you are in a group of guys, is warming up before hitting the strip clubs. It's fun to take in the eye candy at Hooter, all the while knowing that in an hour or so, you will be doing MUCH more than just looking at equally hot girls. BTW, I just got back from lunch ... went to Hooters.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Absolutely! I've been a regular since the grand opening .. I think three years ago. The week of the grand opening, they had 9 of the 12 girls from the calendar - YOWZA! I like the food, though it's not spetacular. We go for the ambiance. Incidentally, I recently received a free Hooters t-shirt (birthday club) and gave it to my ATF yesterday. She liked it, though she claims that she can't fill it out.
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    17 years ago
    TV Sitcom Fantasy MILF
    I whole heartedly support the vote for Jamie Pressly!!!
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    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    BookGuy: I don't really consider taking the relationship from 1 to A, "taking it to the next level." I s'pose if it involves taking the business OTC, it could be considered the next level, but not what I was talking about at all. I was referring to the 1 to B upgrade. And yes, it is highly unlikely. CasualGuy: That's the rub in all of this. Absolutely, if you are in the process of going from 1 to B (using BookGuy's terminology), you have to keep the communication channels open and you have to clarify your concerns. But the exasperating aspect of it is, even if you clarify that yes, she likes you for you and not for your money, how can you take her at face value when she could easily be deceiving you. In my case, I've had that talk, and have received those words, and I trust her completely (well, for the most part), but still... deep down... in the back of my mind... there are those doubts...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Non strip club related
    CasualGuy: I would certainly start with the dancer first. You at least already have a rapport established with her. BUT (and it's a ginormous but), you will have to deal with the same thing with which I am currently dealing. When you attempt to take a customer/dancer relationship to the next level, with intentions of making it a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, it comes with a pricetag. (yes, sometimes literally) You will be asking yourself the questions that have appeared in these discussion board threads countless times. "How can I be sure that it's not Stripper Shit?" "Is she pretending that this is more than a business deal to her, in order to get more business?" "Can I trust her?" Yes, the list of questions is endless. Questions that you'd never be asking yourself if you'd met this girl at the mall, for instance. Many posters here will say that it can't be done. "A dancer is never going to date you" She will never consider you to be anything more than a customer. That's probably the case 99% of the time. You can always hope that this dancer will be in that 1% category. You wouldn't be thinking about doing so, if you thought she was in the 99% category.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    CasualGuy: Yes, silicone implants have gained approval again. I believe it was fairly recently.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hip Hugger
    dang... you're hitting HH one week too late... I could be there tomorrow night...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hip Hugger
    dang... you're hitting HH one week too late... I could be there tomorrow night...