
I think I need a new hobby!

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Driving past a local business yesterday afternoon, I noticed a small sign that read: "Best Hand Washes in Town". Before realizing it was a car wash, for an instant I THOUGHT it said....well you know what I thought it said.

Does that indicate I am spending too much time on TUSCL and in strip clubs? Geez, maybe I need a hobby. Golf anyone?


  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    david120..... clubbing is a hobby, ain't it? LOL Anyway, I have similar experiences like that also, which ends up reminding me I ain't been to a strip club lately. That feeling sticks with me till I hit a club, then I'm back to normal...... if normal is normal.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I just got hooked on the concept of the "traditional wet shave" and collecting vintage (1950s-ish) safety razors. It's all OVER the internet ...
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I don't really have that problem with strip club related things. Perhaps I spend more time watching sci-fi movies and tv shows. I start wondering why I'm getting weird static electricity shocks in places I've never gotten shocked before. I didn't think you could build up static electricity by simply walking across a tile floor either. I was wrong. I read about an astronomical event going to take place with Venus the moon and possibly 12 stars one night. Then the next day I'm wondering, where in the world did I read that weird stuff? Maybe it was just a dream.

    Then lately one night I start wondering if that was a shadow moving out of the corner of my eye in my house. That wasn't as startling as when I woke up from dozing off on the sofa and for a fraction of a second, could have sworn I saw a woman standing next to me in some old style dress. I've even considered learning more about EVP recording to see if I have a ghost living with me. Doesn't scare me but just makes me curious. If I see things start moving by themselves, I may consider finding out more. If not I guess whatever female ghosts I have are just going to have to live with me. lol. I've daydreamed about a lot of weirder stuff as well. Here's one weird idea I haven't seen in a movie. How about a girlfriend who is also a ghost and partially materialized in our dimension so everyone can see her? This is what happens when I get bored. I think up stories. I was in church and was thinking if a phantom female ghost appeared and wanted to stand beside me, I bet everyone else would clear away for her as she floated over towards me.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    ...and then the priest started talking about spirits. What a coincidence.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    David120: I think you, just like most of us around here, have a dirty mind. It always makes me laugh at myself when I see an sign advertising "Warehouse"... funny how my mind transposes a letter here and adds a letter there... Of course, for a split second, I'm slowing down, just in case it says what I THINK it says...
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I guess I have a dirty mind at times as well. Sometimes it's hard not to notice when you go look up the word "strippers" to try to find an order you made for a wire stripper. Then there are a few other words that make you think whoever thought of these words had a dirty mind.
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