
Comments by DougS (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regretting the truth
    Chandler: I've definitely thought about the trouble that can be caused by a pissed-off, vindictive dancer, however the scenario that Bones mentioned had nothing to do with a dancer retaliating or anything like that. Things could be going along TOO good in this case, and due to guilt she 'fesses up to her SO, then all hell breaks loose. I think THAT situation is more likely to do me in, than a dancer scorned getting revenge, because I've never given my girls reason to be pissed at me - yet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Recent TUSCL Performance Issues
    BTW, since this posting, performance has improved slightly, but is still not purring along like I'm accustomed to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why was specific club discussion retooled?
    I personally like the retooling, but if I remember right the old club discussion area used to be more like the recent reviews area, in that you could see discussion on all clubs, not just the club you had selected. Perhaps the thinking is that it's more cumbersome to see chat about other clubs because you have to check them individually? Like I said, I think that change is for the better, but it doesn't appear anyone is using it - I've posted a few topics on specific clubs, and there's been absolutely no activity on it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Kicked Out of a Strip Club
    Bones: I'm not sure about what you meant by "something else drops", but if I am correct in my assumption, I call that PANTS-PANTS-PANTS! Say it like it is dad! LOL :-) Sorry, I couldn't resist.. HarryDave: I haven't been following the discussion board real closely lately - was on vac a week or so ago, and jury duty, but I don't recall seeing your screen name until lately, though I see you've been a longtime member. Not to be nosy, but did you just recently discover the discussion board, or have you been reincarnated from another screen name? (writing style seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    What Types of Clubs Do You Prefer?
    I would not add Jack Shack or modeling studio to the list either - I've been once, and don't really care to go back. HOWEVER, since they are reviewed on TUSCL, I thought it made sense that there be a category for them mentioned. I have to agree to several posters above... BBF IS one of the best clubs around, and I definitely would place BBF above almost every other club that I've been to (save Baby Dolls). Fondl: I was just a bit surprised that you mentioned BBF, as I don't recall you saying anything about that club in the past, and didn't see it among the list of clubs that you've reviewed... and I thought you were located far from BBF.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Do Club Owners Monitor (and learn) from TUSCL?
    I highly doubt that many club owners / managers check this site out, although I'd be the first to highly recommend to them that they did. I've met a few of the owners from clubs that I frequent, and to be honest, they are all from the "old boys" generation. Like was mentioned, they really don't care whether we have a good experience at their club or not, as long as we are bringing in money - which we do. In a club (strip or not), alcohol sales is where the money is at, when talking about clubs that I visit. (of course if they serve alcohol) Also, I think there is very little chance that these owners have access to a computer - at least one with internet access. They, as a group, certainly don't strike me as being computer savvy enough to hit the web. Lastly, I DO know there ARE some owners/managers that DO check out the web, however I believe the majority of that group is using the STRIPCLUBLIST.COM site. Why? They can get on and look for free - no need to post reviews to keep their account active, plus they can post comments without anyone seeing the "screen name" of the poster. Of course, as we all know, that OTHER web site is loaded with false comments and is worthless for the most part.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    Chandler: Yeah, that's right to an extent, I suppose. I guess my thinking is, if she is pretty and knows how to move seductively and act sexy, I am going to be so turned on that almost anything lacking in the talent and/or creativeness can be offset. But, as you pointed out, there's no substitute for actually getting her in the sack... I'm working on it, believe me!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regretting the truth
    Bones: Geesh, definitely a scary situation. That brings up another issue. I feel comfortable with my ATF, in that I know she isn't going to do anything crazy and get me in trouble... it's been almost a year, so track records prove that I'm pretty safe with her. However, suppose I finally convince her to take the next steps (been working on that for some time), and she gives in. Knowing the type of person that she is, I can certainly see her feeling guilty and coming clean (err...no pun intended), which could make things very ugly - potentially for me, too. I hadn't considered that as a possibility. hmmm....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meetup at BBF?
    Well crap, as my luck has been lately... I just found out that I am going to have to cancel my trip to Indy (and worse yet my OTC) at the end of this month. Dang, I wish I wasn't soo busy - it's making it too difficult to spend time with my ATF (or clubbing). It's been since June 14! OUCH!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    What Types of Clubs Do You Prefer?
    Fondl: Brad's? Are you referring to Brad's Brass Flamingo?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tracking Down Vanished Strippers
    Interesting development... My very first ATF, whom I met at HH and spent a LOT of time with, and was also my very first OTC friend (only dinner on several occasions), might be surfacing in the place that I would LEAST have expected. It's been maybe four or five years ago when we were an "item". We "broke up" (actually it was I that got ticked off at something I probably shouldn't have), and I haven't seen her since. Back in 2004, when I attempted to look her up using my "patented search method described elsewhere), I got a bite from a fellow dancer, saying that she was dancing at such and such club. A few posts were exchanged between that fellow dancer and I, with her going back to my ex-ATF. Supposedly, she knew who was posting (me) and was going to contact me, but never did. Now keep in mind, this was one drop-dead, gorgeous girl - a body beyond description, AND a really nice, "wholesome" girl. She had a 2 year old at the time, and a BF that was supposedly out of the picture, however he still picked dropped her off and picked her up at work? Any how, the club that she had "surfaced at" in '04 was Fantasy Girl in Kokomo. Recent discussion about another club in Kokomo that seems to have quite the rep for extras galore aroused some curiosity, so I went to see what was posted about this club called Diva's. Amazingly, when I started reading, I found that prior to being called Diva's, it was called Fantasy Girl. Hmmmm... Well, this afternoon, I took a look at STRIPCLUBLIST.COM in order to see what had been posted about Diva's, and shockingly, there was a recent post from someone, who obviously thought that my ex-ATF was still dancing there. It almost has to be the same girl. Being that she is dancing at this place, I have to assume that she's much less "wholesome" than she was when I knew her. I can only hope that she's still a fraction as hot as she was. If so, I need to look her up!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    What Types of Clubs Do You Prefer?
    How about the Jack Shack, or modeling studio, where you go and basically get a live show while being encouraged to perform "self service"...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Regretting the truth
    I tend to be too honest sometimes. I have given out a lot of personal info to a few of my favs and ATFs. I've never really been too concerned about that, mainly because if they wanted to make trouble, I have just as much - if not more - of THEIR info that could be used against them. The exchange of that data has led to closer bonds between us, and on several occasions it has led to relationships. (of course, one never knows how real those relationships are, but they certainly seem real, which I guess is all that matters)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    As I was doing my morning surfing, on one of my fav sites (thedailycolumn.com) they rank the 50 hottest female recording artists. While browsing the list, complete with pics and some vids, one vid of Alicia Keys triggered a thought in my mind which I thought I should add to my earlier incoherent rambling. I had previously mentioned that typically dancers know how to look hot. One of those techniques is facial expression. Though I've not had the pleasure to experience my ATF in bed (from the looks of it, I never will), but she has honed her skills of looking sexy to an exceptional level. A lot of her sexiness comes from her facial expressions. She can lift an eyebrow in such a way that causes blood to flow to a certain area of my body. A slightly opened smile, partially exposing her teeth, followed by a slight biting of her lower lip turns me on to no end. A flip of her hair, combined with her arching back can literally cause lumber to form so hard that it's downright painful. She is one sexy girl. How could she NOT be the ultimate in bed?!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Kicked Out of a Strip Club
    I DO have a friend that was kicked out of a club - and I mean physically lifted up and thrown out the door. He was at a club and was getting a LD when the dancer pushed her g-string to the side. He took that as an open invitation and proceeded to bury his face, tongue first into her muff. As one might imagine, this didn't go over very well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Kicked Out of a Strip Club
    I've never been kicked out of a club, and doubt that I ever will. I guess there's always the possibility that some hottie will want to get too carried away and we could be caught doing something very fun (and illicit). I know when it comes to those situations, even though I may half-heartedly be saying "no, I can't do that here", with my heart working double time to inflate a certain part of my anatomy, that part of my anatomy may play a HUGE role in talking me into doing something that I know I shouldn't be doing. Two instances come to mind (one very recent) where I was able to postpone that activity until we were able to hookup OTC later that night. A MUCH better time was had, than what would've been experienced ITC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers and Childhood Abuse
    Fondl: Excellent point. I'm sure there is some truth to that, but I think if you separate the two, it's more about the sexual abuse. I kind'a think they might get the attitude that "i've already had that done to me, I might as well make money while doing it".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Rank the 5 senses for enjoying a lapdance.
    1. sight - she has to be hot 2. touch - 2-way, a must 3. smell - she has to have a clean, fresh scent - not too perfumey 4. taste - kissing and licking... oh yeah! 5. hearing - good mix of sounds (sighs, moans, whispers)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    My ATF has never gotten used to rejection. As a result, she RARELY - if ever - asks a guy to dance. She either waits for him to ask, or she asks when she is 100% sure that the answer will be a yes. She definitely has a FEAR of rejection, which I feel is completely unfounded because she has a natural beauty, nice body, etc. She counters that argument by saying that guys turn her down because they know she isn't a "dirty" dancer. (true that) Either way, it definitely takes a girl with a lot of guts, self confidence or a lot of desperation to go around asking guys if they want a dance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    I can only base it on MY past experiences, but I have to vote HELL yes! Are they better than average non-stripper women? I'd also vote "yes" to that, too. Here's why it is true for me. I am a VERY visually oriented guy. It turns me on to see a pretty girl that really knows how to move in a way that she knows is sexually attractive. I know that most, if not all strippers practice moving in front of the mirror so they know what looks hot. A BJ is nice, but it is SO much better when a girl is giving you a BJ while trying to look hot doing it, rather than just sucking and licking. Does that make sense? Same way with sex... you can have a girl on top pounding away, or you can have a girl that is moving sensuously and doing things for the visual effect - even if she's playing it up, it's much better. Perhaps its more than the fact that strippers know how to act hot - maybe it's the fact that they tend to be less inhibited. Either way, I'd chose dancer over "regular" woman. I know there are "regular" women that will "perform" during sexual activity, too, but I've found that dancers are more in tune with the performance aspect that caters to my visual fetishes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    arrggh... sorry... was typing that last post way too quickly - it is loaded with a mess of typos... dang, I hate when I do that...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    husbands/boy friends in the club...
    In all of my clubbing years, I've never seen or heard about a club where BFs/SOs/Spouses were banned from entering. There's actually clubs with signs stating that?! I definitely think its a good idea.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    Fondl: Wow, 35... that's getting a bit too old for me! But she DOES have a killer body and nice hair... I could make an exception, for exceptional circumstances. Good luck spotting her at the gym.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    Not sure what category this would fall under... In previous threads, I believe I've detailed the club visit that started my addiction. But what was left out was what happened prior to the session with the first dancer that really got me going and ultimately emptied my wallet (and forced me to borrow money from my friend and business associate who was also the same business trip with me)... The night started out with me and Mike out specifically looking for a strip club in the Philadelphia area. This was prior to TUSCL, so after first checking the hotel's phone book and coming up empty, we hit the rental car and drove off in search of a strip club. I was driving, and our plan was to head to the shady looking, business districts, then search for neon lights. I know it will sound like exaggeration, but seriously, after driving 250+ miles, and venturing into New Jersey, we were ready to hang it up, and got back on the free way near downtown. No sooner did we get on the freeway when we spotted a HUGE bilboard advertising Cheerleaders SC. Well, off we went to find Cheerleaders and following the directions on the billboard, found it was just a few min from where we were - and where we'd probably driven within three blocks on several occasions. Once inside, we found that it was a bikini club, but by that time we didn't feel like driving right away, so we chose to have a few beers and proceded to head towards some seats. I spotted a VERY hot girl walking from the stage area, presumably headed for the dressing room. We made eye contact and I knew I wanted to touch her, and soon, so before I even made it to our seats, being the rookie that I was, I asked her for a dance, and left Mike heading to a table. She was SO hot, and I was more than ready being worked up thinking about visiting a SC for the last several hours! Cheerleaders has a VIP area that is actually reached by walking out the doors and going next door. Once there, there was a line of couples waiting to play. While standing there, another hot girl came over to us, and immediately went to my "date" and they started doing some heavy DFK and caressing each others tits. The sight of that going on right next to me was just about enough to make me lose my load right then and there, but I "toughed it out" and after the girls apologized for their PDA (why, I don't know... I pretty much liked it!), we got into the VIP area and found a couch. She told me that I told touch her anywhere that she wasn't covered her bikini, and if we were careful, I could slide my hand under her top. Cool! She proceeded to give me a very sensual dance, and combined with how horny I was, I almost lost it on the very first dance. During the second dance, she started licking my ear and blowing into it, while moaning... then she really started griding. Yep, blew my load before the end of the second dance. How frickin' embarrassing?! She kind'a giggled and gave me a kiss (on the cheek) and said "thanks, that was fun". I paid her, then tried to walk back to find Mike without anyone seeing the wet spot, and sat down when I found the table. I sat there, feeling totally embarrassed and also say there looking around thinking "great.. all these incredibly beautiful girls and I can't do anything with them 'cause I have this huge wet spot". About an 90 min later, after many beers and trying to make the best of things, I spotted Savannah. Damn, she was about the hottest girl I'd EVER seen. By that time, my wet spot wasn't THAT noticeable, and it was more damp than wet, and Savannah was so smokin' that I just had to have her. When she sat down in my lap, I cringed thinking about how that must feel on her ass, but she was a trooper and didn't seem to notice. Like I said earlier, she proceeded to give me such a good time that I spent EVERY last dollar that I had in my wallet, which left me with $0 for the remainder of the business trip, and this was the first night we were in town. DOH!