How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?

avatar for casualguy
How much does it cost you to have a great night going out to strip clubs?

I spent a lot more than normal the other night but had a lot of fun doing it. I almost hate to think of how much money I could spend if money was no object.


last comment
avatar for DandyDan
18 years ago
At my favorite club, its a minimum of $200, though I will spend a bit more than that most of the time. The one thats closest to me is probably about $200 on average. At a couple of the other clubs I visit, I usually spend $100 to have a good time, but if they have some good dancers, it can be a bit more.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Of course it all depends on the club... and somewhat on the girls at that club. On average, I can spend about between $200 - $300 over 6 or so hours, and have an excellent time.

avatar for ozymandias
18 years ago
Most I've ever spent in a club was $3000 - had a blast, as you might expect ;)

If I'm just dropping in a club to hang out I usually take $100 with me, and I always have good fun with regular girls.

If I'm planning on maybe VIP or scouting for new girls, maybe I spend $200-400.

avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
I've had a good time and spent no more that $40-$50. Also, have spent hundreds and had a bad time. Depends on my expectation of the visit.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Ozymandias: Yowza! Three grand in one night? The most I have ever spent in a club was around $1300. Still a lot, but not even in the same neighborhood as $3,000. For $3,000, did you receive a lot of extras... heck, for that amount of money, I hope you listened to Frank Sinatra all night long, with several girls at a time...
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
Ozy: $3000!!! I don't want to buy her. Just rent her.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
$3000 is a lot more than I was expecting. Of course I'm not spending any time in the champagne rooms or other more expensive places some clubs have set up. I heard about someone going to Platinum Plus and he took over $4000 cash with him. It was his first visit. I heard he didn't want a dancer rubbing her tits or anything on him though teasing him. He offered her all the money if she would shack up at a nearby hotel. Apparently he didn't see any difference between the dancer working in a club and her doing prostitution. I heard the dancer was pissed off at him and just told him "he's got the wrong girl." So he went to a club with over $4000 first visit and had a rotten time.

I can go with $200 or $300 and have a great time. For me that includes lap and table dances from multiple dancers, cover charge at a few clubs and some drinks and tips.
avatar for ozymandias
18 years ago
Well, that night an acquaintance who owed me money - and who I never actually expected to pay me back - had handed me $5000 cash.

Later, I'd met a friend of mine at an expensive bar where we were trying a number of scotch whiskeys - we had a book on scotch whiskeys and were having fun educating myself.

After that, I hit a strip club - full of whiskey and with $5000 cash in my pocket. 'Nuff said!

It was a lot of fun though.

That said, I'll say plenty of fun can be had with $200-300 dollars:

Figure $10-20 parking and cover
Maybe $50 or so drinks (mostly for dancers)
Maybe $20 or so prospecting on stage
4-6 dances on the floor getting to know a dancer
$150 or so to take her to VIP

So about $300 in 60-90 minutes maybe.

Avoid going to VIP and you can stay under $200 and still have good fun chatting and getting dances.

Extras are always going to cost simply because you pretty much need to take it to VIP.

avatar for chandler
18 years ago
I'm a little startled by the consensus that you can't have a good time without spending at least $200. I hardly ever spend as much as that in a club, and I don't think I would enjoy it more if I spent more. In my first couple of years of clubbing, I often spent way more than $200, but I learned that the amount of money I spend beyond a certain point isn't what determines how much fun I have.

There are some clubs and situations where I can have a great time just buying a drink or two and tipping at the stage, spending no more than $30-40 total. If I'm buying dances, I need to spend more like at least $50-80 to have a good time. At some clubs, double that.
avatar for ozymandias
18 years ago
Well a lot depends on your definition of "good time".

I mean, if I go into a club with a few friends, sit at the bar talking and having a few drinks, joking with the bartender and dancers, tipping a few on the stage from time to time, I can probably have a great time for twenty bucks.

I think the $200 "consensus" presumes that "good time" means some kind of sexual interaction, ie. "extras". As a rule, dancers expend above average compensation for such activity - hence the bigger bill.

But certainly if you regard the strip club as more of a "hang-out" than a semi-public brothel, you can have plenty of fun for far less than $200!

avatar for chandler
18 years ago
O: I didn't get the impression anyone else but you was talking about extras. That's not what makes a good time for me, but if it were, I wouldn't necessarily expect to pay more for them. I do enjoy getting dances that break some of the rules, and I've found that that's more a matter of picking the right girl and developing some rapport rather than paying her a lot of extra money. That's one of the things I meant I learned after my earliest years of clubbing.

Normally, if I don't spend much, it's because I didn't find anybody I wanted a dance from, therefore I didn't have much fun. At a few clubs, however, the dances aren't the main attraction for me, but stage tipping and hanging out with strippers buying them drinks can include the kind of sexual interaction I like. I'm not into hanging out with the guys at strip clubs. Regular bars maybe, but not where there are scantily clad girls who want to sit on my lap and get friendly.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I'll give an example.
club 1, $15 cover, $21 in stage tips, no drinks here, total 36 dollars
food stop, $6
club 2, $5 cover, 3 drinks- $15, 3 table dances -$30, stage tips $20
total at club 2 is 70 dollars
club 3, $8 cover, only drinks are water due to blue laws, bottled water $4, stage tips $30, lap dances with 4 different dancers at 2 for $30 with only getting two dances from each dancer - $120 total club 3 is $162,
total for the night without even trying hard - $274

avatar for ozymandias
18 years ago
See, nowadays I try to avoid actually getting to know dancers or "developing rapport" - last thing I care about is a conversation with a stripper.

That said, I know folks who get along with them, so for them that "rapport" is the "fun". Tip: find out the after-hours hang-out the dancers head to (an all-night club, Waffle House, whatever) and head there. There was a time I did the "breakfast" thing with the strippers, and it's usually good fun, especially if some other folks are there for a good mix. We used to have a dozen people at the table of some all night diner - mostly strippers, a few boyfriends, maybe a DJ, and of course a couple of night lizards of dubious occupation (ie. "dealers")and it was a crazy, fun scene.

Weird, I remember one group I used to hang out with (3 strippers, some rich guy, a boyfriend of the youngest stripper) and now they're all dead - the girl and her boyfriend murdered, one dancer ODing on heroin, the other dancer dying of cervical cancer, and the rich guy slammed his Acura NSX into a telephone pole - all within a two year period. Not sure if that makes me lucky or just old.

Anyway the after hours scene is a blast, and frankly is pretty easy on the wallet - most dancers suddenly get "Dutch" at the breakfast scene and pay their own way.

Wow, memories.

Obviously this is easiest if you're single and either independently wealthy, retired or (like me back then) a graduate student lol.

avatar for Stripper_Guy
18 years ago
Where I come from you can have a great time for $300. That includes drinks, dancer + extras, tips and charges for the house. Of course, I am not talking about your top flight club...just a neighborhood place with a lot of mileage for little dollars.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
That's basically my point, Ozy. If you want to have sexual interaction without having any rapport with the girl, you're going to pay a premium. In addition to paying more, they'll be less attuned to what turns you on, and you'll probably waste money on some girls who turn out to be no fun. At least I did back when I was a big spender. And I'm not talking about long, earnest conversations going over our whole life stories *yawn*, just some sexual flirtation, a lot of it non-verbal. I like it more for the results than for the savings. And, yes, the rapport itself is part of the fun, part of the game.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Ozy: BTW, how come you buy 4-6 dances getting to know a dancer before taking her to the VIP, if, as you say, you avoid actually getting to know dancers?
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
I try to limit myself to $200 now a days.

However, if I ever get my hands on that HOT BITCH dancer at Brad's that DougS told me about..... I'll could easily double or triple that figure!
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Bones: She's gone, from what I've been hearing. I've been trying to track her down, but she appears to have disappeared into thin air. She was my #2 girl after just one visit.... dang!
avatar for minnow
18 years ago
Going to SC just to hang out and not get any lapdances would be like going to a good steak restaurant and getting a grilled cheese sandwich. Doug & Bones- So many good dancers are 1 nite or 1 wk. wonders.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
If I can't have a great time for under $200 I don't go there, it's not my kinda place. $200 is the most I ever take with me to a club, and I usually only spend about half that.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
I don't limit myself to $200 or any other amount. I just wind up spending no more than that - and managing to have a good time - even though I usually have hundreds more on me.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Minnow: At a club where the lapdances aren't the main attraction, I'd say it would be more like going to a BAD steak restaurant and ordering something else that you like.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
DougS - Christ almighty! I didn't want to hear that!!! Now I don't know if it's worth travelling 4 hours to Indy to go to Brad's! If I do, my next visit is going to be an early afternoon, where the VIP lounge is less crowded.

I bet "our sweetheart" ate some tasty 'you know what' and had some guy fall in love with her mouth and promised to marry her! :-)
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
The few times a dancer has tried real hard to get a lap dance from me and seems a bit frisky with me, I might just throw caution to the wind and spend the extra money. As long as it's not too late in the evening and I still have money. Most dancers don't try to argue, fuss, etc. etc. for several minutes trying to get a dance from me. They just go on to someone else. If a bunch of dancers suddenly get frisky with me though, I'll know I'm in trouble. I'm halfway wondering if one dancer at one club knows who I am. Talking about spending money though, if it means spending another 30 or $40 dollars to know if a dancer was going to give a great lap dance versus saving the money, it just doesn't seem worth holding onto the money at the moment. Of course I'm saying this today when I feel a bit lucky. I just got a check from State Farm giving me some mooley back that I wasn't expecting. :)
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I seem to be on a little winning streak. I hope it transfers over into stocks since I'm back in all the way now.
avatar for ShotDisc
18 years ago
I can have a great time for under $100. It all depends on the club, the girls, and the situation. You just need to be smart. Limit your dances to one or two girls. Don't throw good money after bad. Don't keep spending just because you think it has to get better. Sometimes it just isn't a good day. I have had full service ITC for $60. You don't need to spend tons of cash to have a great time.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
Yeah, and if they are already pregnant, you don't have to worry about knocking them
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Bones: I'm still trying to track her down, but she appears to have flown the coop. I'll let you know if I find out anything.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
A typical club visit for me costs about $110 -

$10 for 2 beers (I won't finish the second one)
$20 for 2 dancer drinks
$20 for tips
$60 for 3 LDs

and if I fall in lust I might get a couple more LDs. The places I like don't charge admission during the day or for parking.

And the reason I won't spend more than $200 in a club is that for that price there are better options - eg.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
Just WAIT one minute please! introducing Tara? Let me see if I get this straight:


She then goes on to say: "I enjoy keeping my body supple and well-toned." - "While I do not offer full service, your massage will be a highly erotic experience that will include mutual touching." - "Your massage is given while both of us are nude, and is done either on a bed or a professional massage table." - "I can accommodate gentlemen, women, and couples over 30 years old." - "Tips are appreciated...." - "Cash only!." - "Outcall Only!" - Then she has a photo gallery of 7 photos of her in sexy lingerie.

I'm sorry, but I just can't believe this massage therapist is strictly on the UP and UP, solely based on her website. I bet if the TIP was BIG enough..... she'd soon change her mind on the FULL SERVICE! Nice website though. Thanks FONDL.

avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Bones: I think that disclaimer is placed on a lot of ads in order to cover themselves from prosecution. Afterall, the ads can NOT say that they are a full service provider and get away with it.
avatar for jablake
18 years ago

There are working girls who DO NOT offer full service. I suppose if you make a ridiculous offer that may change the perspective. One working girl who I knew a very long time said why can't customers who want full service go to girls that offer full service? She went on to add that she had tried full service and she'd have to be dead broke or facing prison or be offered over $2,000 per trick to do that again. In contrast she claimed to actually get enjoyment from PG and R rated fun if the customer was positive. Money was an extremely low priority to her and she was more focused on security.

Other working girls prefer full service. More $$$ and easier.

It just comes as NO surprise. The negative thing is some girls unfortunately believe they have to offer full service to be in the escort business. :( I'm probably in the tiny minority, but the full service is fairly low on my list of priorities.

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
DougS - You got a point there. Thanks. So, in other words.... it's a website for ALL THE SEX YOU EVER WANTED AND CAN HAVE - FOR THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF MONEY - to include a complimentary massage. ROFLMFAO :-)~
avatar for ozymandias
18 years ago
Generally girls who DO offer full service include language of the effect of "this is not an offer of prostitution, fees are only for time and companionship blah blah blah" on their website.

Girls who offer body rub, erotic massage etc. but have no desire to offer full service will specify "not full service" - they generally dont want the hassle of having to deal with the issue on-site. So, they're being honest, and that's cool.

The problem is girls who don't specifically mention "no FS" and advertise themselves as escorts, and then don't offer it on-site. That's just a lure and rip-off.

Of course there's always CL - there ads are usually "need a wet pussy to slide into?" or "I need to swallow some cum!" or other such subtle approaches. Streetwalkers of the information superhighway, gotta love it LOL. Me? I'll steer clear of CL though...

avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
She's been around for several years although I've never met her. But if I were going to go that route she's the first person I'd call. Her reviews are excellent and indicate that she does not give "full service" - it's erotic massage only including hand relief. But you're still getting more than you usually do in a strip club for $200, which is my point. And she's got a better body than do most strippers these days. And she makes home visits. And is only 15 minutes away ...
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Bones, if you liked that web site, try this one - she's another local girl who has been getting excellent reviews:
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Fondl: Wow... I finally took a look at Tara ( She is awful close to perfect in those pics. Even without FS, I'd definitely be interested. I LIKE!
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Doug, she's my idea of how a stripper should be built. Did you notice on her web site that she says she's an ex-gymnast? And also that she's about 35 years old? I keep hoping to see her at my gym, it's in the general area where she claims to be and she obviously works out regularly.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Fondl: Wow, 35... that's getting a bit too old for me! But she DOES have a killer body and nice hair... I could make an exception, for exceptional circumstances. Good luck spotting her at the gym.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
DougS, I used to think that dancers were too old at 35 too, but since my ATF turned 30 I've had to re-evaluate my biases. Of course I've aged too.
avatar for ShotDisc
18 years ago
Touche my friend. that was one to remember.

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