
Kicked Out of a Strip Club

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:05 AM
Has anyone here ever been kicked out of, escorted out of, or asked to leave a strip club? If so, what was the infraction that initiated it?


  • Lucifer
    17 years ago
    A couple times.Once I was caught fucking one of the girls in the lap dance booth.They knew she was my g/f which is why I was only kicked out and the other I was insanely drunk and got in a fight
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Uh, nope, never been kicked out. Have seen a few guys get dragged out. All of them were drunk and made unwelcome advances (groping) on the girls. In Phoenix, when that happens, the club HAS TO call the cops. In the time between the call and the cops arrival, the customer, who is now outside surrounded by bouncers, will attempt to assualt the bouncers with his face and nuts. This usually results in self inflicted injury and a prone position on the sidewalk. The girls hanging around outside smoking seem particularly amused.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Been ordered to leave Platinum Plus in Memphis one evening last year. I was in their VIP room with a hot young college student (dancer-8.5) with my cock out and her grinding on me in a backward position (non-insertion). We were both into the dance and forgot to watch out for the roving security guy. Suddenly a flashlight shined on us and the dancer was told to go to the office. I was told that I had to leave the club and never to come back. I never saw the dancer again, as I, of course, would return and return and return back to the club. I was a good source of money for the club and dancers, so they weren't going to make my outting perminent.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    I've never been "kicked out of, escorted out of, or asked to leave a strip club". However, I have been forced out by fuglies, poor service, and over pricing.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I myself have not been kicked out, but I was in a party where one of us got kicked out, for fighting over a pool game. Then again, he was always getting into fights for no good reason. Of course, one guy has to ruin it for everyone.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I've never been kicked out of a club, and doubt that I ever will. I guess there's always the possibility that some hottie will want to get too carried away and we could be caught doing something very fun (and illicit). I know when it comes to those situations, even though I may half-heartedly be saying "no, I can't do that here", with my heart working double time to inflate a certain part of my anatomy, that part of my anatomy may play a HUGE role in talking me into doing something that I know I shouldn't be doing. Two instances come to mind (one very recent) where I was able to postpone that activity until we were able to hookup OTC later that night. A MUCH better time was had, than what would've been experienced ITC.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I DO have a friend that was kicked out of a club - and I mean physically lifted up and thrown out the door. He was at a club and was getting a LD when the dancer pushed her g-string to the side. He took that as an open invitation and proceeded to bury his face, tongue first into her muff. As one might imagine, this didn't go over very well.
  • Raincoat
    17 years ago
    I was kicked out of the Bear Chest in Beloit, WI. One of the dancers was sitting in my lap. We were having drinks and generally having a great time. Late she was sitting in someone else's lap, order a drink and told the waitress that I would pay for it. When I refused the bouncer kicked me out.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I've seen a number of dancers get fired for something they did when I was around. However I haven't been kicked out. Knocking on wood now. It wasn't my fault, it was something they wanted to do every time.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    To explain the above, on 3 different occasions in topless clubs, dancers showed me everything on stage to me and 2 or 3 other tippers and everyone watching. Out the door they went shortly afterwards. It wasn't like a dancer was giving me a BBBJ or anything like that.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    I have not been 86'd from a club, but I have seen many, many other people bounced, mainly for fighting. A couple of times I have witnessed bloodied dancers (holding fists full of each others hair) being dragged out of the club, still cussing and throwing punches at each other. *Sigh* I need to find classier places to hang out in.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    casualguy: I need to start hanging around the clubs you do. In all my years of clubbing (far too many to count) I have never seen a dancer get fired - that is until my last SC visit 5 weeks ago. I was in a VIP room with a dancer when all of a sudden we both hear the manager start screaming at the girl in the next room "You're Fired"....my girl peeked out the door to see what all the commotion was about and she caught a glimpse of the guy coming out of the room with his belt undone and his zipper down...so not too hard to figure out why she got fired. (cameras in the VIP in case you were wondering) We never heard the manager tell the guy to get out though.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I like lopaw's term "86d", which some people don't know what it means. Of course, it means kicked-out. We use that terms in the casinos when a cheat, drunk, or thief gets caught. DougS - I'm not sure about that anatomy part on your body you spoke of, but if I am correct in my assumption, I call that part of me a COCK-COCK-COCK! Say it like it is son! LOL :-) Man.... it's hard to believe with all these threads that only two of us TUSCLers either got kicked out or ask to leave. Is everyone else a WIMP???? Just kiddin'. I'm very eyeful and alert when getting great mileage or extras in a club, but occassionally will arouse suspicion with club staff. Unlike DougS... when my ANATOMY/COCK (inflates?) my guard drops quickly, usually along with something else!! Licks
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I haven't seen a dancer get fired in several years. It was clubs I used to visit in NC many years ago. Maybe the dancers weren't fired but suspended, I just know they were immediately in street clothes after doing something no other dancer did. I have only seen two dancers so far show their pussy to me and everyone else on stage in a topless club. Maybe the manager thought they were asking for it. Maybe ALE was there and the manager wanted to be strict. Maybe the dancer decided to quit. Same result. A third dancer didn't get fired so to speak, she quit. That was a dancer that mysteriously wanted me to stay into the late hours on a weeknight and she wanted to leave with me. I had already been hanging out with her on the weekends. The manager told her if she left early, that was it, she was fired. She got mad and left 30 minutes before closing at 1:30AM. I heard her say she's worked there for 2 years and this is how she gets treated. I had probably told her every hour for the last 4 hours that I wanted to leave. She kept talking me into staying longer. Once again a dancer had made plans that involved me but didn't tell me what she had in mind. I was a little bit tired at work the next morning.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I'm getting clumsy, was going to delete part of my post, oh well. I remember I used to be told "don't do anything I wouldn't do, and if you do, don't get caught."
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Another dancer didn't get fired, she quit a club I routinely visited for 2 or 3 months because she was ticked off at me. She wanted me to buy her something totally unrelated to getting dances. Maybe she was confused and mistook me being quiet when she said something about sugardaddy as accepting whatever she said. I was only quiet because I didn't have any clue what she was talking about. She was young and I was new to strip clubs so misunderstandings were bound to happen.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    Casualguy, we need to start a new thread about greedy strippers that confuse us with their requests. I remember the really attractive Jamaican girl that was on track to be a regular of mine; took her to dinner a few times; then she mentioned the beautiful Tiffany necklace she had her eye on. I though it was just casual conversation. A week later I had not produced, and my favored staus evaporated! Looking back, I am happy about that. The necklace was just the beginning of a long and difficult road, I'm sure.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Bones: I'm not sure about what you meant by "something else drops", but if I am correct in my assumption, I call that PANTS-PANTS-PANTS! Say it like it is dad! LOL :-) Sorry, I couldn't resist.. HarryDave: I haven't been following the discussion board real closely lately - was on vac a week or so ago, and jury duty, but I don't recall seeing your screen name until lately, though I see you've been a longtime member. Not to be nosy, but did you just recently discover the discussion board, or have you been reincarnated from another screen name? (writing style seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I was just talking to one of my favorites about this topic two days ago. I mentioned that my son had gotten kicked out of Mr. J's in Santa Ana CA about 2 years ago. She asked what he did because you really have to be out of line to get kicked out of a strip club? He called me on his cell phone during his taxi ride back to his hotel. He told about how badly he had been treated there and that I should submit a review on TUSCL complaining about their service. I told him that I couldn't write a phony review. 2 days later after he had returned home, he admitted that he was drunk and obnoxious.
  • ArtCollege
    17 years ago
    Sure. Closing time. Many times.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    DougS, the reason you have not see me before is I didn't think much of the discussion feature for individual clubs, and I just discovered this. There is a thread about "why the change in the discussion feature". I thought there was too much uninteresting banter, and a lot of the writing was semi literate, or so my foggy memory tells me. As for my screen name, it's always been harrydave. A poor rearrangement of my real name, doing nothing to describe my strip club persona. My screen name should be squareontheoutsidemiddleagedwhiteguywholovestohangwithnakedgirlsandgethisdickrubbed. Oh, I too have never been kicked out of a club, except when they turn up the lights at closing time and I look around and say, "Jeez, this place is a shithole."
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I did have a bouncer warn me. I didn't understand the warning or thought it was not true or something a dancer said to a bouncer because I didn't get out of my chair, walk up to the stage and tip a particular dancer so she made up something and told a bouncer that. I got warned by a bouncer while I was sitting at the very back of a club. Talk about saying something at the wrong time. It only ticked me off and I left the club to complain about it. I did return after 4 to 6 months. It was bullshit a bouncer made up to make him feel like a big man at my expense. Claimed I was leaning over the stage and he would have kicked me out for that. Meanwhile one dancer almost put her legs up over my shoulders and he wanted to complain about me leaning. I had enough and left. I thought maybe for good but I did return.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    harry, it was mainly with one dancer and perhaps the first one I saw outside the club that I had all the misunderstandings with. Well I did eventually have some issues with other strippers but at least I didn't have as many issues. I guess her boyfriend had issues with her too. He got her pregnant and then left her. I was curious about the time frame when she got pregnant. I think she called me up and suddenly wanted me to go visit her and maybe see a movie with her with no strings attached about the same time she must have gotten pregnant. I declined her invitation that night. She lived two hours away and that didn't work for me on a week night. She was wondering why I was saying no thanks. hmmm, someone better with math, 2 hours there, 2 hour movie, 2hrs back, already 8 PM and I have to get up at 7AM, doesn't count time spent talking to her. I didn't bother trying to explain if she didn't have enough sense to figure it out already. I was wondering if she had something else in mind but for some reason, I believed her when she asked if I wanted to go see one of the Batman movies. hmmm, maybe she had just broken up with her boyfriend. She never told me she had a boyfriend until later when she decided to tell me she was pregnant and that he left her. Sounds the life of a stripper doesn't it? I got a new job and left for another state before she was due. I had been job hunting long before.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I've seen many customers kicked out for being too drunk and/or for fighting. Never for sexual rule breaking, although I've heard of it happening. I thought I was sure to get kicked out one time when I got into an angry screaming match with the manager, but nothing happened. I wasn't drunk, just foolish.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    No, I've never gotten kicked out of a strip club, although I've done things to merit it, largely involving exposure issues. HarryC, I avoid getting kicked out at closing time by following Grandmother's advice: "Never be the first or last person at a party." (Grandmother never told me not to let a dancer give me a handjob in a strip club.) The exposure question reminds me of something a dancer told me at an ESL club that Chandler introduced me to. The dancers were under orders to avoid, or minimize sexual acts that exposed the penis. The dancer claimed that a manager chastised a dancer for giving a patron a handjob while her body was positioned in a way to let passersby see the patron's penis. The dancer was not told to stop doing hand jobs; she was told to adjust the position of her body by 45 degrees, to obsure visibility of the penis. Under these standards, a blowjob was considered less troublesome than a handjob, and straight f**cking, in which the penis largely stays in the vagina, was considered the least problematic.
  • nj_pete
    17 years ago
    Yes once, dive of a strip club in Bound Brook NJ thats now closed, bu had the stunningly georgous 21 year old brazillia stripper, used to go there after working late and drink too many beers. they had a no touching rule and I was in the lap dance area which was watched over by the DJ, music was so load that I could not hear hom warning me to keep my hads to my sides (was just touching her waist) and he shut the music off and said he told me 3 tomes to put my hands on my sides. Bartender/Manager (who actually was an older, like someones grandma woman) came over and asked me to leave. Althought, it was funny 'cause she told me to come back when I could "behave". I was back next week, did not spend any more $$$ on LDs thought. They closed a few months later.
  • Dain
    17 years ago
    Told to leave by the floor manager four times because I was showing my appreciation a little too obviously and vigorously. Twice he saw me, once a dancer told, and once a stupid waitress told. Then, once told to leave because I gave a contestant my "business" card--with a self-portrait (which worked well at least six times).
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