
Comments by DougS (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tracking Down Vanished Strippers
    I have attempted to locate a vanished dancer on several occasions. So far, I have located them twice, and was able to re-hookup with one of them. SUCCESS My prev-ATF (see recent discussion thread about sexual abuse among dancers) was fired from my "home club" because she kind'a went off on the deep end and became a heavy drinker after certain things happened. Once she was fired, I helped her find another club to dance at (used TUSCL to find and recommend - kind'a felt like a pimp [grin]). She went from club to club, and it got harder and harder keep in contact (had her cell phone disconnected, etc., due to financial woes). Eventually, I totally lost track of her. How'd I find her? I posted on that club's STRIPCLUBLIST.COM page, asking if anyone knew her whereabouts. I asked a TUSCLer to be on the lookout for Prev-ATF's sister that still worked at the club. Finally, heard word from my TUSCL buddy that he had talked to Prev-ATF's sister and got the name of the club where she was supposedly dancing. I then posted on THAT club's page on STRIPCLUBLIST.COM's page, and someone replied to that confirming that she was there, and gave me her new stage name. With that info, the next time I was in Indy, I went to that club, and as luck would have it, I found her. She seemed genuinely happy to see me, and we chatted for some time. I arranged an OTC for later that week, and left. As luck would have it, that same night I met my ATF (miss current). After spending a few nights at the club with ATF, I decided that I'd rather spend the time with her, than to OTC with Prev-ATF - that's saying A LOT because it would've definitely meant prev-ATF and I would be "listening to Frank Sinatra". Interestingly, I was chatting with Chitown at the club (ATF was deliberately not there), and received a call from Prev-ATF - she wanted me to come see her at her new club. When I got there we did some VIP together and it just wasn't the same - I told her that I couldn't keep our OTC appt., and left. FAILURE A dancer that I recently met and wanted to get to know better left the club unexpectantly (rumor has it that she got fired ... others say she just left). Either way, I again tried to use the same technique. So far, no luck. Bones and a few others here can attest to the fact that it's a huge loss. Still looking, though...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Know anyone with a stripper pole in their house?
    I don't know of any personally, but I've seen several houses on MTV Cribs that have them. Clinton Portis, is one that I remember.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers and Childhood Abuse
    Of course most dancers/escorts don't go around telling me about the skeletons in their closet, but those that I've developed a rapport with have confided their secrets and dirty laundry of their pasts. The vast majority of those girls have told me of sexual abuse. One girl - my prev-ATF, had a particularly sorrowful tale. I believe it might be the dancer to whom Chandler is referring. (it's at least very similar) She was regularly sexually abused (raped) by her step-father. Her mother supposedly knew it, but chose not to believe. Two of her other sisters were also abused, though if I remember correctly they weren't actually penetrated like she was. Prev-ATF decided to press charges because the lowlife was making sexual advances toward her youngest sister, and she wanted to make sure that he didn't do that to anyone again. She had her younger sister move in with her. The case came to trial about two years ago, and was held in GA because that's where the assaults had taken place. I actually gave $1k to her for traveling expenses and to live on during the trial, which lasted a week. When it came down to it, none of the sisters would testify against him, and because of that his attorney was able to leverage that fact and turn it against her ("surely, she must be lying") and the creep was found innocent. She was left totally devastated and wasn't the same girl that I'd known during our time together. I believe that played a big part in us growing apart. Anyhow, presumably as a result of the abuse, my prev-ATF and two of her sisters became dancers and all danced at the same club (one of Chandler's haunts).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    Fondl: Wow... I finally took a look at Tara (www.exhilaratingtouch.com). She is awful close to perfect in those pics. Even without FS, I'd definitely be interested. I LIKE!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Old ATF's...
    Shadowcat: Today was my first day back to work after vacationing last week, and definitely needed a laugh. While reading it, I thought you were being quite harsh on yourself with your description of how you'd aged poorly. Kept thinking to myself, "damn, even if it were true, I'd never be telling that to a potential playmate". Then when I read that last line, I actually laughed out loud. Good one! Thanks for the laugh.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cougars You Would Do
    DennySpade: Yep... I was MOST definitely a fan of Valerie Bertinelli during my HS years. I loved her hair, and thought she was uber hot.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Selective Dancers
    David120: I personally like that selectivity. I don't like the idea of being with a dancer that has just been pawed by some scum bucket, lowlife guy. Again, another reason why I like to hit the club early and monopolize a girl before she's been with anyone else. That's made me the "whale" that I am.
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    17 years ago
    Drunk Dancers
    David120: One other thing I forgot to mention. The type of dancers that might get that drunk usually are the type of dancers that do not appeal to me. So I s'pose that's another reason why I've only really experienced one drunk dancer. Now, OTC is different. My prev-ATF used to drink quite heavily during our hookups, but so did I, thus we were on that level playing field. And yes, I am too much the gentleman to take advantage of the situation with a girl that I liked.
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    17 years ago
    Cougars You Would Do
    She doesn't qualify as a cougar, but she IS older than what I normally am interested in... MILF-ish, but can't say that she has any kids. Anyhow, after seeing her in the Showtime series Weeds, I think Mary Louise Parker is quite f^ckable. http://www.celebrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/mary-louise-parker-weeds-2-8-07.jpg
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    17 years ago
    Drunk Dancers
    David120: I've had dancers that were drunk, or stoned, but not to the point that they were oblivious to what was going on... just flyin' enough to get less inhibited. However, only one that was pretty-much fall-down drunk (the girl that I mentioned). Even then, she wasn't totally out of it and knew what she was doing. Had I tried to pull down her g-string or tied to insert a finger into an orifice, for instance, she wouldn't have allowed that. I haven't been to HH in a LONG time, but when I was frequenting the place, there were never any fall-down drunk girls dancing. Chandler: I agree.. if she's incapacitated, it just wouldn't be fun - unless I'm as far gone as she is so that we are on a level playing field [wink].
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    CT's Adult Superstore
    Have any of you see any of the videos from the Midnight Prowl series? It's basically a porn reality show. The premise is they hire a hot porn actress and take her to an adult bookstore where they offer her up to scumbag guys that are shopping for porn videos. The guys can do pretty much what they want with her. The chance that something anywhere near that happening at CTs is definitely reason enough to stop by this place, however, I don't think I could bring myself to checking it out. It'd be my luck that the place would get raided, or even more likely it's full of fuglies.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    Bones: I think that disclaimer is placed on a lot of ads in order to cover themselves from prosecution. Afterall, the ads can NOT say that they are a full service provider and get away with it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which would you prefer The High Mileage dancer, or the honest dancer
    The last several posts indicate that my idea of an honest dancer differs from some of the others here. When I say that I want her to be honest, I'm not saying that I want her to say whatever comes to mind as long as it's true. I'm NOT saying that I want her to tell me I need to lose weight, or she thinks I'm boring or whatever. I'm just saying that I don't want her being dishonest in a way that will lead me on, or in some way scam me. I want her to be honest with me if I ask her a direct question.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Drunk Dancers
    In all of my experience, I've only had one dancer that had way too much to drink. A few years back at Babes East in Indy, a very cute dancer ventured to my table and told me that she just turned 19 (she looked like she could've been that young, but it might've been stripper shit), was very horny and wanted to dance for me. Who was I to complain? We went back to the private area and she obviously was having troubles dancing - or standing for that matter. She wasn't giving me incredible mileage or anything, but what allocated a spot in my memory for her was that she finally gave up trying to dance and settled into my lap for some cuddling and what turned into a 20 min DFK session. She wanted me to come back and visit her later in the week (I was in Indy on business), but I had a better offer (OTC) from my Prev-ATF. Not only was she too drunk to dance, but she was too drunk to keep track of the dance count. It was the most enjoyable and most memorable "three" dance set that I've ever had! [grin]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    CT's Adult Superstore
    Could it be Pete himself?! I'd say a good chance. I'd also say that Pete is reading the discussion posts and is probably thinking that he's outsmarted us by posting TWO reviews with the most recent new member, instead of one. Gosh, if there are TWO reviews posted, there is NO way that it could be a fake review posted by a fake reviewer! With that said, CTs DOES sound intriguing. However, even if someone like Bones reviewed the place and said that the place was crawling with hot women doing GBs and taking facials, etc., because it's in Gary, I doubt that I'd check the place out. I've driven past Gary MANY times and each time I count my lucky stars that I don't live there or have any reason to stop there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    Bones: I'm still trying to track her down, but she appears to have flown the coop. I'll let you know if I find out anything.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Giving a dancer a Facial
    ShotDisc: I thought you might've been referring to that, though I would've expected something like BBFS.... Bones: I just might have to pay Diva's a visit in the future... my only concern is the lack of quality in the talent there. If they aren't at LEAST a 7, I don't want any part of 'em. Now, if she's a 7, not fat and has long, silky hair... I'm there!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Giving a dancer a Facial
    ShotDisc: uhh... BBInt? What's that? (sorry, I haven't heard that one before, but it still sounds good! [wink])
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lindsey, Britney, Paris. Talk about stripper shit.
    In her prime, Britney was smokin' hot, and I probably would've picked her over just about any woman - if given the chance. But she has REALLY gone down hill in the last few years, to the point that you couldn't PAY me to touch her. Now, her younger sister.... not sure how old she is now, but the last time I saw her, she was just as pretty as Britney was in her prime... but probably not as hot - at least she doesn't have the suggestive music videos like her hot sister did...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    favorite alcholic drink...In oreder from top to bottom
    I typically don't drink mixed drinks... I'm usually a shot guy, or beer... but here's a mixed drink that I spent many a drunk college night drinking... Also, when I'm in a club or OTCing, I try to keep my head clear, so I will usually drink very little alcohol - if at all. R & R (I coined the name)... it's rum and ROOT BEER. Try it! As for shots, my current ranking is; Patron (my ATF got me started on it - never heard of it before that) Crown (my prev-ATF got me started on it - hey, I see a pattern here...) Bacardi Rum (if I want to impress, I'll have the 151 variety) Other than that, I drink Coors Light. When staying sober, I'll have a SoBe if available, if not Red Bull... or Rockstar... or any energy drink.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which would you prefer The High Mileage dancer, or the honest dancer
    BOTH! It depends on what I am looking for. If I am at a strange club, or know that I will not be spending time with my ATF, I want a high mileage girl. However, with my ATF, I'm looking for (and I THINK getting) honesty along with just enough mileage to make things interesting. She is far from a "dirty dancer" and at least so far, when we are OTC, she is even further from dirty.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    CT's Adult Superstore
    Bones: Read my post on fake reviews. I mentioned the recent reviews of CTs. Incidentally, betrayedwoman is one of the reviewers... maybe the reviews weren't fake afterall? Betrayedwomen: your review of CTs, along with the other three recent ones make CTs sound too good to be true. Any chance it IS real?! What do the women look like?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good places to go in Portland, OR
    I'd drive north to Ricks in Seattle. I've never been there, but have been reading their reviews for years and it sounds like a VERY excellent place.