
Comments by DougS (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Feel like an idiot
    Scott: I think you answered your own question. I would NOT stop in the club just to chat with that dancer. You are right on. Wait until you have plenty of cash to finance an adequate amount of playtime, then drop in and see her. Your line sounds just right, too. When she appears on stage, I'd wait until she's at least top-less, then when her back's turned, I'd take my spot at the tip rail. When she comes over, give her your sexiest wink, and when you tuck the buck, whisper in her ear "come see me when you get off stage - we have some business to finish" (of course providing that she remembers you)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Here comes a big surprise... I'd say BBF is the best VIP deal. Hands down (though I won't say where those hands are down)! Bones: You mentioned a few downsides to BBF's VIP. You should also mention stage appearance calls as another problem. BUT, all three problems are easily solved. You pay the house mom upfront, you order your drinks when you enter (and tell them you aren't interested in any more) and you tip the DJ to get your get removed from the rotation. Take it from me, who's spent several 8+ straight hours in the VIP at BBF - UNINTERRUPTED.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Risk of reviews?
    Scott: Good question (at least since you've just recently registered). In actuality, we've pondered that question in great length in many message threads. The general consensus is that if you mention specifics about a club, but more specifically a particular dancer, it COULD produce some negative results. For instance, if you were to say "dancerX gave me a BJ in the clubY". If DancerX catches wind of what you wrote, she will probably be less likely to perform that service in the future for ANY body. If clubY mgmt hears about it, DancerX might be fired. If LE sees the posting (and we believe they MIGHT monitor this site from time to time), the club could be the subject of a raid in the future. Also, at least one TUSCLer has had issues due to what was said in a review (I believe the dancer got miffed), and temporarily had to change his screen name, etc. With that said, it's probably best that you don't get too graphic or too specific in your reviews. On the other hand, there are some sick dawgs on here (like ME for instance) that love to hear the steamy details. In those cases, a few of us might email those details back and forth for enjoying vicariously.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Feel like an idiot
    Scott: Good job! You DID learn your lesson and also problem-solved by figuring out a way to prevent such an event in the future. If you are also in the same situation where it's difficult to get away and need to devise an alibi, etc., then before you go to all that trouble, you might try and contact that club to see when your dancer is working so that you can plan accordingly. That is, of course, if you hope to hookup with the same hottie, which I'm assuming you do (I know I would). Good luck with it all, and we look forward to hearing the details!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Clubs Do You Have On Your ToDo List, and why?
    I meant to add another club to my ToDo list. It should have been on my original ToDo list, but was interrupted and forgot before I posted the message. Bugsy's Speakeasy - Elyria, OH | I HAVE to meet and spend some time with EvilCyn, even if it's not 2-way contact.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Feel like an idiot
    Scott: You said something earlier (that you were going to try to "grab some undetected cash"...), led me to believe that you are in a similar situation to mine. I'm assuming that you are married and the wife has a very close eye on spending, making it difficult to take a lot of cash along with you on your clubbing adventures. If that's the case, here's another nugget of advice. Create an entertainment fund. Either find a place to stash cash (your desk at work, for example) or open a bank account. Stuff what ever extra cash you find - winnings from office pools, a few bucks here and there, travel reimbursements, etc. Even if you just stash $10 a week, it will eventually add up to give you some additional spending money. In my response above, I learned a very valuable lesson. From that point on, I established my entertainment fund and started saving. (after first paying back my friend for the money I'd borrowed) My fund just continues to grow, and now when I have an opportunity to go clubbing, or OTCing, I always have plenty to spend.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strippers with kids
    Are there ANY strippers that do NOT have kids?! I am always surprised (why, I don't know) when I hear her say that she has kids, because usually they look way too young, and in too good of shape to have had kids. I damn near fell off my chair when my ATF informed me that not only was she a mother, but she was the mother of THREE, the youngest was a mere three months old when she was telling me this. Holy Crap! Personally, I'd much rather there weren't kids. Things would be much less complicated if my ATF had no kids. But her kids mean the world to her. That is another common thread. Not only do most (if not all) strippers have a kid or two, they always say that their kids are the most important people in their life and they would do anything to keep them happy, safe and healthy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Clubs Do You Have On Your ToDo List, and why?
    JimmyB/DandyD: There IS no other reason to visit Kokomo! Just wanted to add an interesting side note... HarryDave might be especially interested in this... I've heard from my sources that there is an outbreak of high mileage at HH. Not sure how long it will last, but as you all know it comes (err, no pun intended) in cycles. Several girls are really pissed because the high mileage girls are taking all the business from them. "The corners are smelling of sex", was a quite my buddy used.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip clubs vs whore houses. Witch would be the winner?
    I don't think there would be any change in the SC patronage. Even though prostitution is illegal in most places, it still exists and is pretty easy to find. My reasoning is if that is what a guy wants, he will go out and get it. If he's in a strip club, he must not want the hooker experience. Of course there IS a fine line, there, as most guys in a strip club will pay for takeout, if its offered.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is it a new trend for dancers to tell you their real names?
    David: Yeah, Chandler's rule of thumb is probably the best suggestion. I usually just follow the girl's lead on it myself. If she calls me on the phone and says, "this is [insert name]", then I will use that name OTC. The stage name ITC, is a must, though, unless you are talking in hushed tones that no one else can possibly hear. There's a reason she uses her stage name ITC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Indianapolis - Sun+Mon Night - Advice?
    Chandler: I guess I should clarify. It's almost exactly 45 min to HH from the hotel that I stay in when I'm in Indy; I know 'cause I've made that trip many, MANY times, before BBF became my favorite club over HH. The hotel is the Courtyard Marriott on Allisonville, Rd., just off 465. The trip between my hotel and BBF is about 15 min.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's your top 5 favorite clubs of all time?
    (sidenote: I spent about an hour one night, mapquest map in hand, looking for the Landing Strip in Detroit. Either I was blind, stupid, or the adress/street scheme was mucked up. After wasting all of that time, I found Henry the VIIIs was a pretty fun alternative)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Worst Strip Club Still in Business
    Chandler: in my experiences at Little Daddy's, I only stayed long enough to have a partial beer on two occasions. During the last visit, I never even ordered a beer. Of course the fact that Hip Hugger was soo close made the decision to leave that much easier. Crazy to waste even 10 min at a place like that! Another club comes to mind, but I don't even remember the name. It was near the corner of Manheim and Lake St. in Chicago, near what is now Scores (at that time it was called Diamond's, if I remember right). Anyhow, the club that I can't remember the name of was within a block of Diamond's, and was a real dive (inside and out). A bevy of old, ugly women were dancing. Dances were just $5, which I had no interest in partaking of. Nasty, nasty nasty!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Indianapolis - Sun+Mon Night - Advice?
    I can vouch for Sunday's at BBF, both day and night shifts. I have had excellent times on those days. I might my ATF at BBF on a Sunday night, just an hour or so before closing time. I don't think you will be disappointed. Personally, I'd recommend BBF on Sun night, and if you enjoyed yourself (can't imagine that you wouldn't) go back Mon night, too. On Monday night, if you find yourself sitting at BBF and not having a good time, hop in your car, drive 45 min north and take in Hip Hugger in Kokomo. (I doubt you'd have to take that drastic step, however)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Feel like an idiot
    Scott: Sounds like a rookie mistake. Have you been clubbing long? (I see you just recently registered on TUSCL, so perhaps you are a newbie) Anyhow, a few thoughts come to mind. First, there's that kind of mileage to be had in Rhode Island?!! I'd have never thought!! Don't worry about leaving her hanging... I'm sure if she was as horny as it sounds, that she was able to find relief from the next guy, though it probably didn't leave a great impression on her. It DOES sound like you might've really missed out on a good thing. I know that's not what you want to hear, nor will it make you feel any better. Best thing to do is take away from the experience, a lesson learned. Like Minnow said, "always be prepared!". I had an experience remotely similar to yours, many years ago. (I've recently written about it in another thread or two) Anyhow, this chick had me so incredibly horny that I lost all track of time, etc. The only thing that mattered was where she was touching me and where she was letting me touch her. When the effects of my dumbass attack slightly subsided and I realized that I should check my wallet before getting any more dances, I found that I'd already received more dances than what I had money for. Damn, money goes fast when you are paying $20 per dance! I explained my "situation" to Savanah and she had no problem with it, before the "ew" of my "whew" finished leaving my lips, I found I had no reason at all to feel relief. She was simply planning on marching my ass to the ATM. This is bad, very bad, as it would hit my bank account that my wife would see... very bad indeed. Just as we were standing up to walk over to the ATM, I felt in my pocket and found that I had a few $20s in my pocket. JUST enough to keep her happpy and to keep the ATM entry from my bank statement. She really wasn't nasty about the problem, but had I either been more prepared (had more money)or had been watching my expenditures more closely, I would've probably been able to time things where Savanah would've been able to give me the "relief" that I really needed, and everyone would've been left with a smile. Instead, my wallet was empty on the first night of my five-day-long business trip, and I was forced to beg money from my friend and associate to cover my spending for the rest of the week. It was terrible then, but shortly after - even before the end of my trip, I was reflecting fondly on the pleasure that I experienced with Savanah.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Worst Strip Club Still in Business
    It's tough to narrow the list to THE worst club, but unless I'm overlooking a club that's not coming to mind, I think MY worst club is... Little Daddy's - Kokomo, IN I've given it three chances, and each time there are very few dancers and they are nothing that I'd want to touch, even if I was totally blitzed. A lot of tats, snagly / missing teeth, heavy, old... eeeesh, no thanks!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What's your top 5 favorite clubs of all time?
    HarryDave: I see NO reason to limit the list to 5. I only threw out that number because there were 5 clear-cut favorites that I had in mind. Heck, lets all really live on the wild side, push the limits and list as many as 10 - or as many as you care to go! I've been limited geographically, so I've not been to as many different clubs as I would've liked, thus 10 might be pushing it for me. Thanks for the interesting lists! Alas, while reading the responses, I wish that I'd also asked why the clubs were on your lists, and perhaps even an idea of their current status. Many of you saw through my shortsighted question and provided that info already. In keeping with the new rules, here's my revised list; 1. Baby Dolls - Dallas | incredibly beautiful girls (highest ratio I've ever seen), extremely high mileage | still THE best! 2. Brad's Brass Flamingo - Indianapolis | hot girls, high mileage, comfortable atmosphere, cheap dances ($10 private, $50/30 min in VIP) | still top-notch and going strong 3. Hip Hugger - Kokomo, IN | decent talent, high mileage, cheap prices ($10/dance) | still has to rank up there 4. Solid Gold - London, Ontario | very pretty girls (2nd best ratio), good mileage | no idea what it's like currently... it's been 5 years 5. Cheerleaders - Philladelphia | great talent, great mileage even for a bikini club, and it's where my addiction started | it's been close to 10 years, no idea what it's like now 6. Henry the VIII - Romulus, MI | decent looking girls, high mileage, seemed to be high ratio of DFKers here | haven't heard much about this place... it's been about 3 years since my last visit 7. Babe's East - Indianapolis | decent looking girls, decent mileage | nothing's changed 8. Bogart's - Romulus, MI | talent is lower than my preference, but will do in a ping, can be phenomenal mileage | haven't heard much about this place... it's been about 3 years since my last visit 9. The ClubHouse - Dallas | very fun club, hot girls, mileage slightly lacking, but party atmosphere makes up for it | haven't heard much about this place for a while
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    There are far too many variables involved when it comes to OTC, so there's not an easy answer to the question. Personally, I've found that the biggest factor that determines if a dancer will meet for OTC activities, is what her and your expectations are. If a guy tells her that he wants free sex, the chances of an OTC happening are close to nil. On the other hand, if a guy tells her that he just wants to spend time with her and get to know her better, and is not expecting her to put out, the OTC odds greatly increase. No matter what the approach, she has to trust and feel comfortable with the guy, or it's not happening. Here are some facts to give you an idea of the success rate that I have experienced; I've been clubbing for somewhere between 15 and 20 years, and during that time I've OTCed with 6 girls. That figure is a bit misleading because it's only been within the last 6 or 7 years that I ever tried to arrange such a thing. Never has it been offered to me without me first suggesting it, but I attribute that partially to the fact that my taste in dancers is the "classy", girl-next-door, pretty type (8's or higher) and NOT the ho-type. Had I been spending a lot of time with the hoe-type, dirty dancing girls, I think my success rate would have climbed much higher. Between those 6 girls, I've OTCed approx. 30 times. It's been a combination of one night stands, short term (6 months or less) and long term "relationships" (more than 6 months). Two of the girls were one-timers (one I hope to reconnect with); in both cases all parties concerned knew the goal - sex. I was involved with one short term, and three long term relationships (of which one still continues). One of the three long term relationships involved sex, though not the current one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Faves Who Change Their Look vs. Faves Who Never Change
    I have to agree with DandyDan's statement 100%. It's in their best interest not to drastically change their look. Two of my favs have changed their look. The first being my prev-prev-ATF, Brandy, who lost quite a bit of weight and cut her hair short. She was never big; she just had a few extra pounds that still looked great on her, but YOWZA the skinnier version was MUCH sexier. Before we became a regular thing, I had gone into HH looking to spend time with Brandy after a particularly hot dance session with her - it'd been several months since I'd last seen her. I didn't see her in the club, so as I was looking of potential playmates, I spotted a short haired girl that looked extremely sexy way across the room. She snuck up behind me and ran her fingernails down my back, purring "hey Sexy, ready to play?". I turned around and there was Brandy. With the "thing" I have for long, silky hair (which she previously had), I typically don't go for short haired girls, but she was smokin' hot, and her new 'do actually turned me on for some reason. The other fav changing her looks was Miss ATF (as in current). When I first met ATF, a few years before she became ATF, she had very long hair, down to about mid-back length. Close to perfect. You know, let me just say that ALL of my favs know what first attracted me to them in the first place (usually the long hair, right?). So I was caught totally off-guard by my ATF a few hookups ago, when she pulled up next to me in the parking lot, with a stocking cap on her head. She looked cute in it, but my heart sank when I didn't see any flowing locks sticking out of the hat. She knew what I was thinking and before we said anything to each other, she said "I knew you wouldn't like it if I got my hair cut, and I didn't want to tell you over the phone". So I say, "okay... take your hat off and let me see how short it is". She reluctantly, and slowly pulled her hat off. It was actually cute how she acted like a little school girl that knew she was in trouble (err... not THAT kind of trouble). As it turned out, her hair was much shorter than I prefer - about down to her jaw line. But she is pretty enough to pull off that look and she was still looking hot to me; very hot, in fact. She's promised to let her hair grow long this time, and when we were together last, it was down to almost to her shoulders.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is it a new trend for dancers to tell you their real names?
    I don't think it's a new trend at all. Throughout my entire "career", if I've spent more than, say 10 dances with them, they usually tell me their real name by then. I was just sitting here trying to remember if there were any known exceptions to that statement. Of course there might have (and probably were) many instances where a dancer gave me her stage name, then later confessed her real name to me that was also fake. But, how is one to tell? I DID come up with one exception - my prev-prev-ATF, where I spent a considerable amount of time with her, even did some OTC with her (complete with a photo session), but she STILL refused to give me ANY personal info. All that I ever got out of her (info-wise [wink] was the city she grew up in and lived in most of the time (South Bend), and of course her stage name (Brandy).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If your stocks drop a lot, does it affect your strip club spending?
    No, it doesn't matter one bit to me. Actually, my entertainment fund is fully financed by my bonus checks. Business has been VERY good the last few years - in fact last year, the bonus was 37%! This year, it's expected to be even better. Gotta like that (I'm sure my girls do!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Paying more than the advertised/posted Lap Dance fee
    I always like to give the dancers a "big tip". I usually give them a little extra money, too! [wink] Seriously, I was raised with the believe that people working "service oriented" jobs should be tipped if they do a good job. Since dancers are pretty much service based, when I have an enjoyable time with a dancer, I will tip her fairly well. It's hard to tell how much I tip, since I usually get a "block" of time with a dancer, rather than pay by the dance. I'd say my tips are at least 20%, more if I had a REALLY good time. Waitresses also receive decent tips from me. Usually, based upon the price of the drinks that she's just delivered, I will give her $2-$3 dollars, or just tell her to keep the amount, rounding up so that I don't get any coinage in change. Never have I tipped the door man. Even worse, I will just hand him the "free entry" coupon from the web and walk in, if the club has such a thing (most of the clubs that I frequent have printable coupons on their website). As much as I typically dislike DJs, I have tipped them a few times. At BBF, I've tipped Kenny many times for dropping my girl out of the stage rotation for me, in several cases for the entire night. I've also tipped DJs in order to let my dancer leave early so that we can hookup OTC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TUSCL Nicknames
    Like David120, of course my nickname is my real name. I've had second thoughts about that for a long time and have considered asking Founder to migrate my history to a new nickname, but as of yet haven't had enough of a push to do so. I WOULD like a bit more anonymity, though, and may still do that at some point - if Founder is willing. David120: I'd never have guessed! Sooo... is 120 your middle or last name? Lowpaw: I always got the image of in my mind that you were left handed or something... you know low paw... south paw.. I don't know, my mind just made that connection for some strange reason. My mind always goes off on it's own tangents. Now that I know the true meaning, I like the name much more. As our "favorite celeb whore" (Paris) would say, "That's hot!" FONDL: I always thought your name had something to do with the word "fondle", which I'm sure was part of the reason you came up with that acronym. HarryDave: Yeah, you guessed it... my mind again made the wrong connection on your nickname and pictured you being a guy named Dave that was hairy. Imnumnutz: There's a pattern here, and once again, my mind jumped to the conclusion that your name was derived from "I am numb nuts", which made perfect sense 'cause it is similar to a pet name that a girlfriend in high school gave me, only she called me Nimble Nuts. It was a real pain trying to explain what she wrote in my year book, when my mother asked me about that... even more so when my wife many years later discovered the passage. SnowTime: uhhh... not related to the use of coke?! Bones: I thought it was related to boners.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    menage a trois? Yes or no?
    The score on that? OTC 0, ITC 1. The sole time that I took part in that, it was definitely enjoyable. The fact that it was twice the money really didn't matter; at $10 per dance - $20 for both, it was a bargain. There was a bit of logistical problem with three of us sitting in one chair (this was at the Hip Hugger, in one of those banquet hall-type chairs for which they are infamous), but the up close visual show, was well worth it. I agree with others, though, that the girls probably did 1/2 their usual performances, but I still received my share. I had a chance have the menage a trois treatment OTC with my prev-ATF, but I had to turn it down. I'd arranged a hookup with my pre-ATF, and while waiting for her at the hotel she called saying that her good friend (also a stripper at the same club) needed a ride to work, and wondered if she could just bring R#### along with her. Knowing what was on the menu for the night, she said that R#### could either join us, or would just sit there and watch us and/or TV. If she joined in, I'd have to pay her what she'd make in the club that night if she was working, if she just sat there, I'd have to give her half the money she would've made. Had I been attracted to R####, I would have jumped at the chance, but since she didn't do anything for me - in fact, it might have been a bigger turn off than turn on - I just couldn't agree to it. The thought of her watching us was definitely a turn on. I've had thoughts of how hot it might've been had R#### been sitting there watching us go at it and found herself so horny that she just had to join in because she could no longer contain herself..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    menage a trois? Yes or no?
    The score on that? OTC 0, ITC 1. The sole time that I took part in that, it was definitely enjoyable. The fact that it was twice the money really didn't matter; at $10 per dance - $20 for both, it was a bargain. There was a bit of logistical problem with three of us sitting in one chair (this was at the Hip Hugger, in one of those banquet hall-type chairs for which they are infamous), but the up close visual show, was well worth it. I agree with others, though, that the girls probably did 1/2 their usual performances, but I still received my share. I had a chance have the menage a trois treatment OTC with my prev-ATF, but I had to turn it down. I'd arranged a hookup with my pre-ATF, and while waiting for her at the hotel she called saying that her good friend (also a stripper at the same club) needed a ride to work, and wondered if she could just bring R#### along with her. Knowing what was on the menu for the night, she said that R#### could either join us, or would just sit there and watch us and/or TV. If she joined in, I'd have to pay her what she'd make in the club that night if she was working, if she just sat there, I'd have to give her half the money she would've made. Had I been attracted to R####, I would have jumped at the chance, but since she didn't do anything for me - in fact, it might have been a bigger turn off than turn on - I just couldn't agree to it. The thought of her watching us was definitely a turn on. I've had thoughts of how hot it might've been had R#### been sitting there watching us go at it and found herself so horny that she just had to join in because she could no longer contain herself..