
Comments by DougS (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Something Going On In Kokomo
    Update: In addition to the ban on stage diving, for whatever reason, private dances are no longer allowed in the "new" section of HH. For those of you that haven't been going to HH long enough to know, the new section is the side of the club with the pool tables and the second bar. Typically, that's not an area where high mileage could be found, so I don't understand that. But, during the busier times, the "new" section would catch the private dance overflow that couldn't be squeezed in on the other side of the club. Now, during busier times, a line actually forms of people waiting their turn for a seat on "the wall". They've even removed the tables along the wall and added chairs, but still, there isn't enough room for all of the private dances. Dancers are pissed because it's lowering their income and patrons are pissed because they have to wait to play. It can be a mood breaker to get primed to play with a dancer, only to have to stand there and wait for a seat. Crazy!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot TV Anchors
    By the way... I was 10 for 10, and I don't watch THAT much of FoxNews... guess I know my porn!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    Someone earlier mentioned that there wasn't any history of a club being shutdown or mileage seriously impacted. Though I don't think there's any chance that you can attribute any instance to what has been posted on the internet, I think I can cite a few recent reductions in mileage where what has been posted most likely at least played a part. There are also many factors that influence this, and I think probably the biggest contributer is the fact that this is an election year. With that said, two clubs come to mind. Divas in Kokomo... was pretty well known to be providing mega-services. That is until about a month ago when "for some reason" all of the private cubicles were removed, thus putting a serious hurt on the "goings on". Baby Dolls - Dallas... another well noted club... nationally known. All of the high backed chairs used for creating privacy "forts" have been removed. Bouncer patrols increased. Very little happening there any more. Is it possible that information on TUSCL and other internet sites played a part in this? Who knows, but if you look at reviews over the last six months for both of these clubs (prior to the ugliness), there are some pretty graphic reviews and postings to be read.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TUSCLers gathering in Detroit
    I've not ventured into FC, but it would be a good choice. Especially since there are several other clubs nearby for further play and research. Some clubs that I've had very good experiences at, which are nearby, include Henry VIII and Bogarts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    In the past, I know that I've said more than I should in reviews and posts, and still it was a lot less than what others have posted. I believe that we should be very careful what is said. I'm not convinced that the LE and/or police have any interest in what is posted, but why take a chance? I also don't want to open up any girls, clubs - or myself, for potential problems. If you happen to receive very high mileage, extras or even a GFE and the dancer happens to read it or hear about it... well, you can probably kiss that treatment goodbye. I've suggested it before when this topic was discussed before, and I see someone else mentioned it above; If you have some juicy details that you want to share with others for whatever reason, how about sharing it via email, rather than on here. As JimmyBlong suggested (and it's a good idea), if we report air dances and terrible mileage, it will still help of the fellow TUSCLers. Further, we can use the ratings, too... Though not everyone will follow it - since most people probably don't venture into the discussion area, if we score a visit appropriately, one can read between the lines. If extras/happy endings/etc. are available, then a score of 10 would be indicative of that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat: I thought you were going to tell us about the trick where you take a 7" rod and make it disappear... Most girls really enjoy that trick as much as the guy performing it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TUSCLers gathering in Detroit
    Having an office in Livonia, there's definitely a better chance for me to get up to the Detroit area than the site of the recent TUSCL meet (or is that meat?).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Listen up, Detroit!
    Hopefully that badge policy remains in effect for a while. I'm not a UAW member, but I DO carry a badge that signifies I work in the auto industry.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Something Going On In Kokomo
    I saw where there was a review over the weekend for HH... a very favorable review, in fact. BUT, reading between the lines, it's fairly apparent that the review was talking about some previous Sat, especially since the reviewer also reviewed Diva's we know things have changed there, too. It's frustrating when reviews are "open ended" like that, without no specific date of reference. It's further frustrating to think that those reviews are usually posted in order to receive additional "VIP" time on TUSCL. It shouldn't be allowed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Recap of the TUSCL convention.
    I ditto Book Guy's sentiments!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    My prev-ATF used to get "reports" about what was being written on TUSCL from someone that she knew - I assume another dancer. She knew that I was DougS, and she always liked the way she was mentioned in my reviews a few years back. That was prior to my discovery of the discussion board. She always wanted me to let her read what I'd posted, but even though I told her that I'd let her read it, I'd conveniently forget about it when we had the opportunity (in the hotel or whatever).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    Bobbyl: You pay $50 to get your dick sucked? Good thing you have that paper route!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The First Ever TUSCL Southern Convention
    For those of us poor saps that were unable to make the convention... we need DETAILs! The more details the better... at least I can maybe enjoy the festivities vicariously! If there are (and I DO hope there ARE) details that are better left unpublished, I think most of you know my email address - PLEASE! (oh, and Bones, you could send a pic of your masseuse to me, too!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who dances for you?
    During my entire "career", I don't think my tastes have changed much at all. There is one "look" that will always catch my eye, and anything less than that I will pretty much rule out. The look is the younger dancers, thin, but not too skinny, long straight, silky/shiny hair, pretty face. Also, like Clubber, I don't like tats and piercings, so the fewer there are the better. Do I make exceptions? If a girl is very close to the above, I will consider - she will get more consideration if I'm running out of time to find someone to spend some time with. A great example of an exception that I've made is ironically my ATF, though she was so close to the type I go for, I don't really think I made much of an exception. She had everything but the long hair... her hair was shoulder length, and she had a tat on her stomach - and seemingly completely out of her character. I should note here, that a few months after meeting her, Miss ATF got her hair cut SHORTER (about jawline length) ... I damn near cried! There are, and always will be several "deal breakers" that if a dancer possesses lead to automatic rejection. At the top of the list is probably fat... if she's too thick, forget about it! Another is the really short, "boy cut" hairdos. No thanks! (though, I have seen ONE girl in my lifetime that was so absolutely smokin' hot that I could overlook that) Another is a large collection of tats, or worse yet one of those "sleeve tats". Strange piercings (nipple, eyebrow, earplug, big nose ring, lip ring). Again, I've seen ONE girl that had a lip ring that I SOOO wanted to feel what it was like to kiss... or have it rubbing up and down against my rod.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Time to reflect
    JaBlake: As you implied, the other aspect at work here is interpretation. What makes perfect sense in the mind of the poster, may not be conveyed that way once typed. We all have our own writing styles and ways of thinking, and unless you are talking to someone face-to-face, it is very easy to have the meaning get lost in the translation. Even when talking, that can happen, though it is much more likely to occur when writing. Here's a good example... In my line of work, I must communicate with the written language as much - or even more - than I do verbally. One of my habits that I still have a hard time with is my usage of capitalizing a whole word for emphasis. As I type and proof read something that I've written like that, it makes all the sense in the world and my point comes across beautifully. However, I have heard from others that my use of caps comes across as if I were yelling and / or being hostile. You just never know how your audience is going to interpret what you've written.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    JimmyB: Very profound and great advice! ZuluZ: It's probably better that I don't email you my perspective based upon my experiences. JimmyBlong made a lot of sense, unless you have more reasons to be suspicious than you indicated, I think I would take JBs advice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Time to reflect
    Prof: I wasn't at all bothered by the "dougs marriage" message thread. In fact, I kind'a chuckled when I saw it. I don't think I've ever taken offense with what has been posted. I see this site as a great source of information, and sometimes I receive some excellent advice. I've also learned a lot, and have "grown" from reading other poster's perspectives. I've "met" some very interesting people, and strangely enough even consider some of them to be "friends" (though I don't know if that's possible if we've never even met). Most of all, I feel that this discussion board is therapeutic. I've got MANY issues that I am trying to sort out in my mind; everything from a potentially failing marriage to falling in love with a dancer... Yeah, the term "issues" doesn't even come close.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    DJ with a personal touch and a sense of humor.
    Only one of my fav clubs has a DJ. Typically, I despise DJs. They tend to be annoying - hell, you can't even understand what they are saying most of the time. I also, sometimes feel a little jealous of them, too. The girls are always gathered around them, and you always hear rumors that the DJs are getting "some" from several of the dancers. However, there's a DJ at BBF (Kenny) that I don't mind as much. He's helped me out with more than one dancer by taking them off the rotation for a while, or even for the remainder of the night. He's always been friendly with me and remembers who I am (and what girls I've been with). Of course he's gotten a few big tips from me in the beginning, which I'm sure went a long ways in solidifying how he treats me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    Bobbl: Nice... we don't need shit postings like that here on TUSCL. If we wanted to read juvenile postings like that, we can just go to STRIPCLUBLIST.COM. My ATF doesn't read anything here on TUSCL. I'd be surprised if she even knew what TUSCL is. However, if things continue down the path that I believe they are, I'm going to be sharing it with her... full disclosure, you know. If I've said or done something that would affect the way she feels about me, it's best to be up front and find out now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    ZuluZ: I had a long-winded, rambling response to your questions, but thought better of it. If you want the long answer, I could email it, but wouldn't risk sending an uninvited email to you. From your description (YOWZA!), and some of the things you've said (you have your own curiosities and would go to the clubs with him -YES!), he's a very lucky guy! So, the short (well, shortER) answer , from a guy's perspective. If you can answer "no" to all of these questions, you probably don't have too much to worry about; DO you think there is anything lacking in your marriage? Is he "on the road" a lot? Does he go to the strip clubs frequently? Does he go to the strip clubs by himself? Have you noticed large sums of money that are unaccounted for? Have you found one or more of the proverbial "signs" (makeup/lipstick stains on clothes, unexplained long hairs, perfume scent on clothes, "other stains" in underwear, hickies)?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    I've never heard ANY dancer claiming to make big bucks. If money is mentioned, it's always on the negative side. Actually, most dancers make some comment about money to me, but it's my fault. I have a bad habit as part of my "small talk" when we first start talking, of asking "how're you doin' tonight?" Of course, I don't intend to hear how she is doing financially... I'm looking for an answer to indicate what state their mood is in. Invariably, it's taken as a financial question. (I've got to work on my "small talk game"!) Anyhow, the last dancer answered that question by saying "terrible, I've only made $50 so far." Keep in mind, it was close to midnight, so she was over half-way through her shift. Also keep in mind, she was the hottest girl working, and that she's one of the dancers in higher demand. There is NO way that she'd only made that much. Did it deter me? Heck no... I still took her back to the VIP, and judging from the way she kept me entertained, it further proved that she was lying about how little she'd made up to that point.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I Miss The Little Goof Ball <sigh>
    JaBlake: what? you're going to leave us in suspence? What happened to her? Was she ok?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blackmail, can it happen?
    I haven't heard of it happening, but I'm positive that it does. If not, I think it's a whole area of income potential that the dancers are overlooking.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    Maybe in a dancer's mind, using that infamous Stripper Logic (no offense, EvilCyn, MIDancer.. and Bones [snicker]), they might think that to lie that they had kids when they didn't could improve their cash intake. I, on the other hand, think it's quite the opposite. When I hear that a dancer has a kid(s), it's almost a turn off. I do NOT want to hear that! So, if they were logical and lying that they don't have kids, when they do, then that percentage is probably MUCH higher than 85%. (did that make ANY sense?)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    I would say that 85% figure is just about right... maybe a shade low. It's rare to find a dancer that does NOT have at least one kid. Thinking back on my favs over the years... no that's too hard... how about using just my ATFs as an example. I'll stick with the number of five ATFs in my "career". Keep in mind, they have all been young (25 or less). All but one of my ATFs had at least one kid. One of them actually has THREE. So, 4 out of 5 - that's 80%.