South Asian Strippers

avatar for chitownlawyer
are there any? Indians, Pakistanis, Bengalis? This is an unsatisfied craving of mine, and probably the logical progression of my interest in Latina. The closest I ever got was a beautiful 18 year old Persian stripper at Oasis Goodtime Emporium in Atlanta, Georgia (an interesting place, by the way. I had one of my best strip club experiences ever in this club, but people seem to like it or hate it, judging by the reviews. Rarely does the club ever get a 5, but it gets lots of 1/2s and 8/9s).

The culturess are apparently fairly insular. I spent seven years on the campus of a Major Big Ten State University that had strong engineering and pre-med programs, and was a feeder for a lot of suburban Chicago high schools (geez, I wonder which school he's talking about...), so there were lots of Indian girls, but despite an active dating life, I never got closer to an Indian girl than a heavy make out period of a couple of hours. I suppose all those cultural reasons militate against girls from those cultures getting involved in dancing. Maybe in the Midwest we only see the "upper crust", and life on the coasts is more diverse, with a greater possibility that a girl from one of these cultures might slip/trip/descend into stripping.

Has anyone seen any of these dark beauties stripping?


last comment
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
I also have a weakness for Persian girls. Let me know if you find one.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Well, as of May, 2006, there was an 18 year old example at Oasis Goodtime Emporium....I believe she danced under the name "Trinity."
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I think that Indian women are very underrated as far as beauty goes. I love their skin tone and most seem to have nice bodies. (eating the right diet). I don't know any strippers of that persuasion but have entertained one college student in my house that was absoutley lovely.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Chitown, I think I've told you before about the first-generation Indian stripper who was my good strip club buddy about 10 years ago. She wasn't much of a dancer, but a lot of fun to hang out with and very pretty, almost 6 foot tall and thin. She had modeled for fashion ads in local magazines. She had been raised in suburban Chicago and was majoring in business at Michigan State, stripping basically for recreational drug money. She looked 100% ethnically Indian but talked and acted 100% American, like a bohemian hipster chick. We had so much fun together, cracking up at all kinds of stuff nobody else got, and not caring whether they did or not. I like to imagine that she straightened out and turned into a business hotshot after graduation. Probably not.
avatar for lopaw
17 years ago
I know of one Indian girl who is quite beautiful, but she has strict NFZ rules that make her undesireable for private laps. At another club, there is a gal from Afghanistan (!), one from Tibet, and one from some arabic nation that I can't remember. The Arabic girl is also very beautiful, but she always smells like curry. Makes me hungry when she dances for me.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
I would think Los Angeles is the place to find Iranian strippers. Detroit has a fair number of Arab and, especially, mixed Middle Eastern girls working in the clubs, although not nearly as many as their proportion of the clientele.
avatar for robofan
17 years ago
The Detroit metro area contains the largest Arabic population outside the middle east. The auto companies also employee a large number of contractors which are comprised mostly of Indians these days. As a result you will find some lovely young ladies from those heritages working in the local strip clubs from time to time. A surprising small number thought when you consider how large of a minority they are in the area. However not so surprising when you consider what kind of background they come from. As far as Persians which are Iranian they are quite rare but you can find one on occasion.

I have noticed that the men from these backgrounds who frequent the clubs tend to go for the blonde blue eyed all American types. I guess the grass is always greener.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I have only seen two Indian dancers in my life, but both were damn hot. One of them could have ended up a favorite, as she was the kindest dancer ever, but I only seen her twice before she moved on. The other had really long hair and made it difficult to see her pussy and tits through the hair. I just think they have the most natural beauty of all.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
There was one dancer at HH a few years back that LOOKED like she could have been of middle eastern heritage, but having never danced her, I can't say for sure. She was attractive, but was thicker than my preference.

One thing about middle eastern women is that they usually have the long silky hair that I like, so it'd be a plus to see more of them dancing.

I think due to their modest and religious upbringing that the majority of them have experienced, they are less likely to become dancers. I've noticed that there is an extremely small number of these women in the porn industry, too. I can recall seeing MAYBE a half dozen such women in videos EVER.
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
I've come across a very small no. (oops, no pun intended). I can personally vouch for lopaws BE example- arguably best looker in club,but definite "nfz's". (Richard Gere kissing incident ring a bell-aversion to physical contact). OTOH, in SF club, Indian dancer had no such hangups-best dance I had that night, not quite up to BE India, but not hard on eyes either. I encountered a "Persian"- Irani, that was fair skinned (many are Aryan), she too was himi. From small sample, 2/3.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Minnow, although we've conflated them in this conversation, Persians are ethnically different from South Asians. By definitions Persians are Aryans (indeed, were the first Aryans, from which sprang later European stock), and therefore European, whereas the Indians/Pakistanis/Bengalis are Asians.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Okay... I'm feeling like I am a frequent short bus rider here... NFZ? HIMI?

I'm guessing that NFZ is something like "no fondle zone"... not even an idea of what HIMI is...

avatar for minnow
17 years ago
himi= high mileage, hifi=high fidelity, comprende??
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