
Comments by deogol (page 111)

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    15 years ago
    The crucifixion of Army Ranger Michael Behenna
    I don't know why anyone fights for this country anymore. Everything from shady enlistment contract terms to defending one's self in the field and in the court martial.
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    15 years ago
    Babes in Paradise Mystery
    A girl with her brother with a local friend who simply take care of themselves. Nah! Lesbian surgically altered high dollar escorts enjoying a buzz while planning their lives as trophy wives spending the breaking up midwesterner marriages on vacation with jealousy squabbles.
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    15 years ago
    Bethlehem woman finds eerie note, nude photos on her car
    Always entertains me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCsIyVn1hko
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    15 years ago
    Doctor charged after urging patient to go into prostitution
    They are both asshats. The legal system in the United States does favor women. The examples are all around us, and yet men continue to perpetrate this monstrosity upon ourselves.
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    15 years ago
    Married guys who secretly visit clubs
    Get her a pole and keep the money in the family! Role play can be fun.
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    15 years ago
    Concerns remain in EU over 'nude' airport scanners
    There is not a whole lot to think about. An "ex-hamburger flipper" TSA's cell phone pointed at the screen in the back room while someone calls in a celebrity. Perhaps a picture of someone with a particular deformity to go "ahhhhh!" with. Nekkid Kiddie Pics. Another means to humiliate passengers who might dare to squawk about bad service. "Gonna tell me how to do my job? Into the nudie scanner with you!" This is a bad idea all the way around. Put these into airports in the states, the airlines will go bankrupt. Guaranteed.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    She would be going after a fetish segment. They are willing to pay more, but she is making herself ugly and freakish to the general masses.
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    15 years ago
    should i do this?
    Do not loan her any money - especially in amounts like that!
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    15 years ago
    Columbia airport director resigns after arrest
    I think it is pretty stupid to be asleep in a running car. One kick or turn in the wrong way and off ya go. $20 and a taxi. (Pretty stupid to be that drunk to begin with!)
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    15 years ago
    Husband, wife accused of running prostitution ring in Pasadena, Irvine
    Bet this happens more often than one thinks... I lived in a place where down in the next building I had my suspicions. She had a lotta friends but no parties.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Need a new career?
    It's the continued pussification of men in this society. It's unnatural.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who's computer are you using to post on here?
    With smart phones all this blocking is going to amount to nothing and it should amount to nothing. Generally on the first websense warning, I generally am looking starting right at that moment. (And usually when I am searching programming blogs and sites!)
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    15 years ago
    Dallas prostitutes given alternative to jail--on public's dime
    If they are swiping "John's" property that is probably pretty well breaking even or better in the end. Store these people in jail at tax payer expense or bring them on the team and seize five or six cars and cash? That's called making crime pay - for the government. (Which seems to be doing it's best to criminalize as much as it can tax.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Julie Benz Goes from the Bathtub to the Strip Club on Desperate Housewives
    "I would want to see Kim Kardashian play the role of stripper!" Just watch her porn movie. (And oh how she was an obnoxious california princess then - so deserving of the humiliation.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prisoner Demands Penthouse Subscription
    Frivolous lawsuit or allow inmates to boss people and companies around? It is the courts themselves that make frivolous lawsuits so expensive and time consuming. If they said "Get this fuck outta my room" within 20 seconds that would be that. Anyhow, no one can make a person sell them something.
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    15 years ago
    PL's As Advisors to TSA
    Bringing the airliner down over a populated area would cause more damage - the fear would be in the air AND THE GROUND.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club staff to be sentenced for rival's fire
    Amazing they haven't figured out customer service might be a good differentiation.
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    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    "Standers" get no play
    Charged for sitting down? God damn why do people still go to those places? And I thought the bathroom monkey was bad enough!
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    15 years ago
    a little insight into the downside of strip clubs and former strippers
    I am sure you are doing your relationship and wife so well being so disgusted by her raising a thousand boners and all that. If I remember right, it takes two to dance.
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    15 years ago
    "Jennifer's Body"on DVD
    No nudity. Written by an ex-stripper. Nuff said.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip club busts.
    All it takes to put them gee-sus hollering fools in their place is a few the politicians can point at and say the community has a multitude of opinions that need representin.
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    15 years ago
    Exotic dancers arrested during raid at strip clubs
    Well, when the Repugnicans were in power, all them Jesus hollering fools where voting themselves into local government. It is gonna take some time to undo the damage.
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    15 years ago
    Do I have a strip club and/or sex addiction?
    Second draft is always easiest to write. More and more though, I am putting the finger on today's culture for loneliness. Just like the statistics, half my friends are now divorced and more then half poorer than before the divorce. Someone mentioned this attitude about women v money and when one sees the devastation to the one resource one needs to live in a capitalist economy - capital - you have to measure it. It is ridiculous not to. If there was a woman drinking up all the water - there wouldn't be one question about things. But that is going all the way to the marriage contract. One can certainly control costs in a regular or live-in arrangement. (If anything, the live in arrangement works out best financially - just have a wad tucked away for when it ends.) Just like we are bombarded with images of what we "should want" in a woman everyday - so are the women of our society regarding men. Both of them are extreme and very unlikely. Call it the 1%'ers I guess. They build unrealistic expectations in everyone. Masculinity in this culture is really becoming undefined. So a woman doesn't know a good man when she sees one I believe. We are portrayed as imbeciles in commercials, fools on TV, beasts in the news, gangsters and playboys in music. If one tries to be a provider, really one is just being taken advantage of by someone usually making the same amount of money these days. One might try to be the stable rock - but that is hard when jobs come and go, the society is becoming increasingly mobile, and frankly I think some of it's messages are driving women flat out crazy to contend with.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip club busts.
    Tyranny feeds on apathy. Get involved. I vote in every election local to federal. You also got to let them know where you stand on many issues - from strip clubs to gun control to church/state. Cuz let me tell ya, the moonbats and the fundies are out there in force doing their best to dictate their morals on you by the gun of the police.
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    15 years ago
    Nude in Miami voted most extreme NYE event
    Where is your sense of variety man! LOL