Tired stripper looks

Zorro's comments on the post by David120 about dancers that do not look like strippers made me think about a new topic. What stripper outits/looks are you tired of? I'll start out with a few:
1) School girl look
2) Biker pants
3) Anything overly frilly.
4) The fake goth or dominatrix look.
I usually don't dwell on trivialitities (yes, I know what it says)like this, but I'm killing time right now.
1) School girl look
2) Biker pants
3) Anything overly frilly.
4) The fake goth or dominatrix look.
I usually don't dwell on trivialitities (yes, I know what it says)like this, but I'm killing time right now.
I can't say I get tired of any particular look, but I get VERY tired of dancers trying a look that totally doesn't suit them - like some heavy chick trying to pull off the schoolgirl thing.
I can't say I like "lazy", either, by which I mean the stripper who just doesn't bother... I actually do like to see a stripper *try* to be a performer, whether it's by dancing well or having an eye-catching look. The bored stripper swaying around on stage wearing one of those stripper-modified breakaway bikinis is pretty tiresome, for example.
Largely, this is practical: I find I get along better with more creative girls - they're just sexier.
My favorite outfits are definitely those that are more "real". I was at Treasure's in Houston a few weeks ago, and a totally gorgeous girl who was wearing white shorts and a white zip-up top came up to me. It was an outfit she could have worn outside the club and she looked wholesome and fantastic in it. So, in general, I guess I'm tired of stripper outfits that look like stripper outfits.
I don't see it too often, but I hate the bustier or corset type of outfit. Hides too much. I know some girls are self consious and try to hide it if they don't have pefectly ribbed abs, but I would rather see the belly, even if they have a little baby fat.
That said, zorro, I can't agree with your statement that I may be, "...attracted to underage girls, including 25-year-old women trying to look like underage girls." If it were underage girls, I would like them no matter their dress. I don't.
When I lived in Bangkok I used to have breakfast at this cafe on Silom Rd, which was across from a girls secretarial college. Their uniform was a blue sarong and a white short-sleeve top, and there girls were all slim and elegant and stupidly beautiful and wearing this sort of sarongified version of the schoolgirl look... it was dead sexy.
That, I could go for!
I just hired a personal assistant - beautiful, well dressed 22 yo woman, Yale economics grad, very cool and intelligent... but with a pierced eyebrow. I just had to say "lose the eye ring, and you're hired" - so she doesn't wear it to work.
Ugh, just can't stand that one piercing; proximity to the eye creeps me out, I guess.