I was talking to a dancer and we started talking about OTC. It was more a theoretical discussion as neither of us per-se was interested in each other for OTC. So we were just talking about the concept, when she mentioned something a bit troublesome. Namely, she said that some dancers can flip out during OTC. I don't know if she knows this for sure or was just making it up, but she said dancers could try to rob you, could have their boyfriend come over to help, or may threaten to out you. This bothered me as I have never thought about this as a possible outcome. Have other mongers experience this ever? What do others do to minimize this risk?
joe, surprised you've never considered this -- some article about a stripper & boyfriend/pimp robbing or killing the PL during an OTC makes the papers a few times a year. That said, typically one look at the girl's picture and I'm not surprised, they're typically lowest-end ghetto or white trash girls doing these things. In addition, this has literally never happened to anyone on any forum I've been on, and it seems like there are reasonable precautions you can take.
1. Don't do it at your house, dummy. (unless you know her really well) 2. Don't go to her house, dummy. (unless you know her really well) 3. When feasible, get the hotel room "live" (that is, she doesn't know what hotel or room you're in, until as late as possible). 4. Stay aware that this is a possibility
A several years ago I agreed to a "private show" (aka OTC) with a day shift stripper in a NOLA club who was living in a Red Roof not far from the club. She was hot, lean and stacked with natural Ds - she was also a redhead and I didn't know ('till later) she was high most of the time (she actually seemed very normal in the club). As I started to pull into the Red Roof parking lot that evening the flashing red lights discouraged me and I immediately turned around and parked in a 24 hour dinner lot nearby. I watched as NOLA police struggled to carry a kicking and screaming redhead stripper in cutoffs and a tank top to a patrol car and try to get her to sit in the back seat. I drove off - carefully.
The next day - at a different club - a dancer commented on a friend who was arrested the night before, "just because she was being loud in the motel parking lot." I started asking questions and she acknowledged that it was at the Red Roof and finally admitted the cops found several baggies of pills, coke and meth in the room. Just as bad as a stripper flipping out OTC, is being in the room when the cops decide to visit for the drugs! I was lucky that the cops got there BEFORE I did. Be careful out there.
@Subraman: "In addition, this has literally never happened to anyone on any forum I've been on"
Well, you can't say that anymore, dude. It happened to me, only once, thank the gods. I think I've related this story on here before.
THis was before texting became ubiquitous, but cell phones were still a thing. She'd gone into the bathroom to "freshen up," and then come out, acting somewhat nervous. Just about that time, there was a bang on the door, and before I could stop her, she'd opened it up to reveal what I assume was her boyfriend/pimp/accomplice with a baseball bat threatening to fuck me up for fucking with his wife.
Fortunately, Mr. 9mm Jacketed Hollow Point convinced them both that a hasty retreat was a better course of action than trying to extort the money I would have given her.
That incident scared the shit out of me, and it's one of the reasons for some hard and fast rules: no payment until I'm done, don't get undressed before *she* does, and don't tell her about the pistol. :)
Interesting! Well, at least it had a happy ending, even though there was no happy ending :) Ya, my rule #4 was meant to cover things such as "consider arming yourself, if you're that type", "don't let her near that locked hotel room door, if you can help it (although often, you can't)", etc.
Subraman's list is good. I would add that I usually don't OTC with girls I've only just met (more difficult for guys on a business trip). I try to visit with them a few times before broaching the subject of OTC. This provides me (and them) with greater peace of mind.
Also, some dancers who never want to do OTC will bring up these horror stories as a way to coax customers away from it.
That said, it's still a minor risk and something to consider. Most OTC strippers, though, just want the money and not the drama.
I gotta believe being robbed is rare, especially if the dancer sees the monger as a good financial source of ongoing revenue. What about the lady potentially outing you? Have any of you had this situation and how did you handle.
I haven't dealt with that or know anyone (in person or online) who has. Not yet, at least.
Be aware that a lot of strippers are not up front about their "other job" with their family, "civilian" friends, and/or coworkers (if they have a regular job), etc. In those instances, the potential for mutually-assured destruction is pretty high.
> "don't let her near that locked hotel room door, if you can help it (although often, you can't)"
Yeah, you're probably screwed once it gets to the point of some thugs banging on the door to be let in. Trying to keep her away from the door could be construed as false imprisonment, Charlie Sheen style.
The last time this came up, someone suggested getting a room that was only accessible by going through the lobby rather than directly from the parking lot.
FWIW, a stripper recently told me how a customer was trying to get her to same-night OTC, but she didn't want to because, among other reasons, she didn't have her knife with her that day.
The knife thing. Keep in mind that while we're here worrying about a stripper flipping out during OTC, strippers have their own long list of concerns with regards to us flipping out on them. If we're being honest, their worries are probably more justified than ours.
Nothing. They don't care. And, their employers generally don't want them to care.
Even if it's an old ugly guy with a smoking hot young sex pot, they can't assume definitively that it's P4P, an affair, true love, or some completely non-sexual encounter. If they hassle you under the wrong assumption, that could be pretty bad for them.
Also, they *really* don't care. You won't be the first PL fucking out of his league that they'll have seen, and you won't be the last.
Now, if you walk into the lobby with a comatose woman thrown over your shoulder, a broken hypodermic hanging out of her arm, and the butt of a .45 poking out of your belt, then I predict that they will suddenly care very much.
I got my concealed carry permit to protect me from these kind of things. My state also has legal open carry. Never have needed it but I am carrying a Kimber 45 with hollow points when out of town. Don't do OTC much but carry it there also.
There are points in favor of and against bringing a handgun to an OTC appointment. Some guys do, and that's fine. It was a good decision for GMD, apparently.
But a lot of guys don't (like me), and I've never had a problem. To each their own.
The only OTC that works for me is with someone that you are relatively familiar with. Even with a perfectly safe gal (been lucky that way I guess), keep in mind what she does for a living and she has certain types of needs and wants and they generally all cost money. (Even if it isn't drugs. I've had a gal wanting me to buy her high-end webcam equipment, massage tables, etc. I've avoided her since.)
I strongly recommend staying in a hotel that does not have direct parking lot access to your room door. It costs a bit more, but it's a huge security plus if the room doors are accessed only through the lobby, or through an exterior door opened only by a room key.
I'm in agreement with ButterMan. Dealing with a borderline personality simply because she'll say yes is a great way to have to deal with outside hostilities. Additionally, as I neither drink alcohol, nor smoke pot nor offer cocaine to a stripper to get her to "like" me, the ones who meet up with me are usually sober themselves, and simply choose to fuck a *safe* middle aged guy for money. I've OTC'd hundreds of times and never had even a whiff of an issue with a dancer, aside from being late.
I'm with CP. By the time I do OTC with a honey, I have a good history of ITC visits and, most likely, at least one non-sex OTC date. I don't mind the extra expense or time as I prefer quality over quantity at this point in my debauchery timeline.
I'll say this though, the second I make an OTC offer, I consider the money spent. I pay at the beginning of all OTC dates. I do not worry about grab and dash. I, most likely, would not try to stop a grab and dash if it ever happened.
The emotional cost and negative vibes worrying about that risk is not worth the actual cost of losing OTC money.
Years ago, as a newbie PL, I did have a couple of OTC dates where the honey under-delivered to promises but I just let it ride. In hindsight, knowing what I know now, I should have known better than to be dealing with these hustlers. The education is expensive.
L_W we are such kindred spirits. I'm the same way - consider it spent as soon as the date is made (guess I've worked in/for too many companies using accrual based accounting).
Also, this has let me be at peace with girls who want to "borrow" against our next date. I'll advance up to one date's worth of money, and the girl knows if the date never happens there's never anything more.
I've only been applying this to strippers the last couple of years, but it worked just the same with my befriended escorts during my 15 years in the escort scene.
I always chuckle when strippers want to talk bad about escorts, cause IME escorts had their shit together way better than the strippers I've met.
I remember how scared I was the first time I ever had an escort come to my hotel room. Nothing ever happened. Matter of fact, my only two scary incidents with women were both with civvies and an ex-husband or ex-BF who were unhappy that their ex was getting on with her life.
I had a CF once who looked like a supermodel and as far as I could tell, an upper middle class upbringing. She told me that she set up a guy to be robbed by some of her thug friends when he proposed OTC and she quoted him something over $1000. She seemed to have utter contempt for the fact that he went through with it at > $1000 price, as though he should have known she was quoting a high figure because she didn't want to do it.
I'm not into guns, but precautions are necessary in the OTC game. I've experienced the grab and dash, and bat-shit crazy type. In response, I've slowed my roll with OTC, taking more time to get to know a playmate. Working out a lot better for me.
@ppwh... A story like that would pretty instantly turn a CF into a FF (former favorite).
@joc13... I've said before that the primary difference between an OTC stripper and an escort is that escorts are generally better with money, marketing, and customer service. We might debate quality of the experience, but a well-reviewed escort is far less risky than a stripper (especially in the beginning).
> A story like that would pretty instantly turn a CF into a FF (former favorite). A story like that would pretty instantly turn a CF into a FF (former favorite).
For obvious reasons ;) It quashed any inclination I might have had to seek OTC. I mainly wanted to point out that not being obviously raised in a rough environment isn't any substitute for all of the other security measures. She didn't say exactly how it went down, but I wouldn't be surprised if the guy went to "her place" and was robbed in the parking lot.
Despite that revelation, she is still in the top 5 of dancers I remember the most fondly, though. Beautiful, great dances, not demanding financially, and was great to sit with and talk to.
If I was only interested in the sex, I'd probably be back in the escort scene.
But, for various reasons, I need the greater overall attention from a SB or friendly OTC girl, so I'm playing that field. Results are overall positive so far.
last comment1. Don't do it at your house, dummy. (unless you know her really well)
2. Don't go to her house, dummy. (unless you know her really well)
3. When feasible, get the hotel room "live" (that is, she doesn't know what hotel or room you're in, until as late as possible).
4. Stay aware that this is a possibility
The next day - at a different club - a dancer commented on a friend who was arrested the night before, "just because she was being loud in the motel parking lot." I started asking questions and she acknowledged that it was at the Red Roof and finally admitted the cops found several baggies of pills, coke and meth in the room. Just as bad as a stripper flipping out OTC, is being in the room when the cops decide to visit for the drugs! I was lucky that the cops got there BEFORE I did. Be careful out there.
Well, you can't say that anymore, dude. It happened to me, only once, thank the gods. I think I've related this story on here before.
THis was before texting became ubiquitous, but cell phones were still a thing. She'd gone into the bathroom to "freshen up," and then come out, acting somewhat nervous. Just about that time, there was a bang on the door, and before I could stop her, she'd opened it up to reveal what I assume was her boyfriend/pimp/accomplice with a baseball bat threatening to fuck me up for fucking with his wife.
Fortunately, Mr. 9mm Jacketed Hollow Point convinced them both that a hasty retreat was a better course of action than trying to extort the money I would have given her.
That incident scared the shit out of me, and it's one of the reasons for some hard and fast rules: no payment until I'm done, don't get undressed before *she* does, and don't tell her about the pistol. :)
Also, some dancers who never want to do OTC will bring up these horror stories as a way to coax customers away from it.
That said, it's still a minor risk and something to consider. Most OTC strippers, though, just want the money and not the drama.
Be aware that a lot of strippers are not up front about their "other job" with their family, "civilian" friends, and/or coworkers (if they have a regular job), etc. In those instances, the potential for mutually-assured destruction is pretty high.
Yeah, you're probably screwed once it gets to the point of some thugs banging on the door to be let in. Trying to keep her away from the door could be construed as false imprisonment, Charlie Sheen style.
The last time this came up, someone suggested getting a room that was only accessible by going through the lobby rather than directly from the parking lot.
FWIW, a stripper recently told me how a customer was trying to get her to same-night OTC, but she didn't want to because, among other reasons, she didn't have her knife with her that day.
The knife thing. Keep in mind that while we're here worrying about a stripper flipping out during OTC, strippers have their own long list of concerns with regards to us flipping out on them. If we're being honest, their worries are probably more justified than ours.
I don't blame them for taking precautions.
Even if it's an old ugly guy with a smoking hot young sex pot, they can't assume definitively that it's P4P, an affair, true love, or some completely non-sexual encounter. If they hassle you under the wrong assumption, that could be pretty bad for them.
Also, they *really* don't care. You won't be the first PL fucking out of his league that they'll have seen, and you won't be the last.
Now, if you walk into the lobby with a comatose woman thrown over your shoulder, a broken hypodermic hanging out of her arm, and the butt of a .45 poking out of your belt, then I predict that they will suddenly care very much.
So... don't do that.
But a lot of guys don't (like me), and I've never had a problem. To each their own.
I'll say this though, the second I make an OTC offer, I consider the money spent. I pay at the beginning of all OTC dates. I do not worry about grab and dash. I, most likely, would not try to stop a grab and dash if it ever happened.
The emotional cost and negative vibes worrying about that risk is not worth the actual cost of losing OTC money.
Years ago, as a newbie PL, I did have a couple of OTC dates where the honey under-delivered to promises but I just let it ride. In hindsight, knowing what I know now, I should have known better than to be dealing with these hustlers. The education is expensive.
Also, this has let me be at peace with girls who want to "borrow" against our next date. I'll advance up to one date's worth of money, and the girl knows if the date never happens there's never anything more.
I've only been applying this to strippers the last couple of years, but it worked just the same with my befriended escorts during my 15 years in the escort scene.
I always chuckle when strippers want to talk bad about escorts, cause IME escorts had their shit together way better than the strippers I've met.
I remember how scared I was the first time I ever had an escort come to my hotel room. Nothing ever happened. Matter of fact, my only two scary incidents with women were both with civvies and an ex-husband or ex-BF who were unhappy that their ex was getting on with her life.
@joc13... I've said before that the primary difference between an OTC stripper and an escort is that escorts are generally better with money, marketing, and customer service. We might debate quality of the experience, but a well-reviewed escort is far less risky than a stripper (especially in the beginning).
For obvious reasons ;) It quashed any inclination I might have had to seek OTC. I mainly wanted to point out that not being obviously raised in a rough environment isn't any substitute for all of the other security measures. She didn't say exactly how it went down, but I wouldn't be surprised if the guy went to "her place" and was robbed in the parking lot.
Despite that revelation, she is still in the top 5 of dancers I remember the most fondly, though. Beautiful, great dances, not demanding financially, and was great to sit with and talk to.
If I was only interested in the sex, I'd probably be back in the escort scene.
But, for various reasons, I need the greater overall attention from a SB or friendly OTC girl, so I'm playing that field. Results are overall positive so far.