
Pet peeve

Avatar for mayberrywell
mayberrywellNorth Carolina

I know it has been said many times, many way, but I strongly dislike lazy strippers! Recent trip during the day, 6-7 strippers working, when not on stage they all sat together at the bar and drank. While 5 guys sat alone watching the stage show. One by one each guy( me included) took bills to the stage, each girl left the stage and joined the gaggle at the bar. As I left I asked the manager how the club was doing, " slow" was his answer. Why? Lazy strippers!


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Avatar for chessmaster

They obviously make enough money w/o having to engage customers would be my guess.

Avatar for chessmaster

Also I've been invited to go find them after they get off stage and go over to the bar or where ever but I can see why you would want them to come to you.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

It could be b/c of any various reasons:

  • there are lazy people in all kinds of jobs – why not strippers?

  • in some clubs – mainly dives IME – dancers get way more No’s than Yes’s for dance requests – this can have an effect on their motivation?

  • some dancers may only hustle when it’s busy (e.g. weekend nights; etc.) and may feel it’s not worth to hustle on slow times?

Makes one think why they are there if they are not going to be trying to make $$$? – maybe b/c the club forces them to be there a certain # of hours/shifts?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I think there are clubs – probably the more corporate or upscale ones – that seem not to allow dancers to just hang out.

I was a mid-tier club a while back down here in Miami (Showgirls) – the DJ announced a 2-for-1 and then told the dancers over the mic they would be fined if they were not circulating asking custies if they wanted the 2-for-1.

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

Papi, The situation you described could be similar to what happens here in Seattle. All of the Deja Vu clubs have hourly specials, once the club is busy. That's usually by the 10 p.m. hour. But, on the specials, the club takes a cut of the dancers' money. I think it's $10, out of a 3/$40. special. Many dancers avoid the specials because of that.

In the situation you mentioned, that's really tacky for the d.j. to announce over the PA system that the dancers will be fined for not circulating. A discreet note posted in the dressing room should suffice. Another good reason to do away with deejays.

Avatar for lopaw

I see this all the time. It can be really bad during slow dayshifts. What I do is wait for one that I think looks good to go onstage (or I ask the DJ to put her on stage) and then I'll sit stageside and chat her up for dances. So far that is the only way that I've found to get any lovin' when the strippers all shut down and refuse to circulate.

Avatar for rickdugan

I used to feel the same bafflement, but long ago I ended up throwing this in the "Who the fuck knows?" bin. I'm in clubs a lot, so I don't feel a lot of pressure to accomplish anything on any particular visit. If the girls want to hide out in the DR and sit in a group at a table or the bar, then so be it. I will not chase them, ever, period. Instead, I'll just down a few adult beverages and start planning my next stop.

Not much bothers me in clubs anymore. One of my few remaining pet peeves is when girls don't do a proper stage set. If they refuse to take off what they are supposed to, or decide to mail it in by just standing around or waggling their asses, then they are dead to me. There are a few clubs I visit every so often where it is exactly like that with almost every dancer. I walk out with almost all the money I walked in with and, if I am approached by one of these rocket scientists, I send her away fast.

Avatar for chessmaster

^ "I will not chase them, ever, period." Lol. Me either. Why should I chase a bitch to give her my money?

Avatar for shadowcat

I see it quite often on the day shift at Platinum Plus in Columbia. The bitches only come in to take care of their regulars. You're lucky if they will get off their asses to do their stage rotation. I know who they are and won't bother tipping them on stage.

Avatar for Clubber

Sometimes I wish a club would be that way. There are a couple of clubs I visit if in the area. Mostly just to have a beer and relax. They are usually staffed by a few fuglies. And EVERYONE of them asks!

Why I visit you may ask. Every once in a while you find the gem and then rarely have any competition to land her. Usually a $5 on stage will do the trick. Or for her, I make the exception and ask the dancer or "chase" her down.

Avatar for rockstar666

When my ATF has lots of regulars in the house, she hangs with the girls at the bar, or if I'm there she hangs with me since I'm her ATF-PL. She paces her sets with the regulars, and me, so she'll do a good dance and have the mental energy and focus. She doesn't feel the need to work the floor when there's sure things in the club. I'm sure most dancers hate working the floor and only do so when they're behind on their quota. That's just the way it is.

Avatar for dallas702

Clubber, I know your pain. There is a So. GA club I visit when in that area, just for the cheap beer (before 7p domestic $2.00 and no cover before 7p). A few cuties but lots of fuglies, and the fuglies really hustle. My only solution has been to "hire" one of the dancers to cock-block. It usually takes a drink, sometimes a Jefferson, but certain days it is worth it. Doesn't stop me from tipping that "gem," either.

Avatar for Clubber


I've tried the same, but that didn't work in the clubs I visit. They would come up and still annoy.

Avatar for dallas702

O' well, the hassles we must endure just play with naked women! ;-)

Avatar for Clackport

Completely unrelated, but my pet peeve on TUSCL is members who don't write reviews.

Avatar for Otto22

I have met a couple of girls in Florida who only come into the clubs to drum up business for their escorting. Some say that this is easier and cheaper than posting on BP.

Avatar for Clubber


Where in Florida was this? I had that happen in a club, but that was about 40 years ago. I was in a club and a woman was there. Unheard of back then. She sat by me and without much other than a hello, made her sales pitch. I figured LEO and just said not interested.

Avatar for CaraDevine

The problem doesn't just stem from laziness on an entertainer's part. It can start from the top. Management can easily affect every aspect of how the club operates. So if the person in charge of the floor and the girls doesn't see the value in motivating his staff and putting forth the expectation that the entertainers are there to entertain, interact, and promote the service provided by the club, the problem begins to escalate. If the entertainers are held to the standard of actually doing their job and entertaining the clients, the manager would never have to worry about customers asking why it was so slow. Business would flourish, then the girls wouldn't need to avoid dance specials or feel the need to complain about paying out what they feel are exorbitant house fees.

In my club I see the same issue with a select group of girls. But keep in mind, these are the same girls who complain at the end of their shift that they didn't make a dime, and they really need to go to another club. Strangely enough, I keep moving all night long, and rarely comes the time that I feel the need to complain. If there is a night that I feel I came up short, I can usually look back and place the blame right onto myself. We are in a service industry. It requires that we actually work, and not sit on our butts, at the end of the bar drinking. I don't know very many of my regular clients, out-of-town customers, or people just passing through that come to my club to watch the bright, pretty lights, the smoke machine, and a group of antisocial, half drunk females, sitting 100 feet away at the corner of the bar.

I'm at the club to provide a service. And that service is entertainment and experience. But maybe that's the difference… I'm a self-motivated individual, who takes pride in her work, and continues to build up regular clients, based not just on my body and my ability to do tricks on a brass pole, but because of my personality, dedication to my craft, and my ability to provide that experience that my customers expect. A little work ethic doesnt hurt either...

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I'm creepy, fat and ugly; they're not exactly lining up to bask in the warm glow of my adoration. Life is too short to wait for a stripper to get over those faults and come see me. If I see someone I want to talk to, and she's ignoring me, I'll go talk to her.

Avatar for Dolfan

I think I gotta agree w/ GMD here. There's a limit to the amount of effort I'll spend "chasing" a stripper, but if there's a couple strippers hanging out and I find one interesting I'll go over there and initiate contact. It certainly easier than sitting there getting annoyed with the situation.

Avatar for Clubber

I don't chase. Well, once and she became my ATF. Go figure!

Avatar for steve229

@GMD - don't be so hard on yourself - you're not that creepy

Avatar for rickdugan

I guess approaches and experiences will differ. When I am in a club, I sit in my seat like my ass has grown roots, except when I feel motivated enough to get up and tip at the stage.

I used to be more pro-active in the early days, but rarely did chasing or waiting for a girl yield a positive experience for me. More often than not, I ended up with girls who had feelings of entitlement, or who were shy and boring, all of which led to lower mileage and fewer opportunities. Hell no, no more.

I'll take a good looking hungry and motivated gal over the other option any day, regardless of how hot the lazy girls are. And if there isn't a motivated girl in the entire club, then they can all go home without my money in their pockets. There is always tomorrow. ;)

Avatar for sclvr5005

Sometimes I'll sit stage side like Lopaw mentioned but I won't chase them either. If they are that lazy and unwilling to do their job properly I'm not gonna reward them and make it easier for them by approaching them. I'll just take my $$$ elsewhere.

Avatar for Clubber

This might be a major point that defines a true PL.

Avatar for magicrat

I won't chase either. If I'm interested, I will try to make eye contact and smile, and of course stage tip. If they don't come over, then I move on or out.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I never noticed this. Maybe it's because dancers at the bar notice me when I buy beer. I don't ever see 5 or 6 dancers standing around anywhere by themselves though unless the club just opened in the evening and I got there early.

Is this during the day during slow times?

Avatar for sclvr5005

I don't club in the daytime now as much as I used to and yeah.....this type of thing is much more noticeable during slow times, usually dayshift. If the club is hopping chances are the dancers will be circulating more, tho there will always be some who won't for whatever reason.

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